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Python script for adjusting the settings of my monitor, by using DDC/CI
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Show and adjust display parameters on a Dell U2713HM monitor
- mentioned monitor (27' should also work) with DDC/CI setting on
- Windows Vista+ (dxva2.dll)
- Python 3
Copyright (C) 2015 Diego Fernández Gosende <>
Copyright (C) 2016
Copyright (C) 2016 for Dell monitor
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program. If not, see <>.
version = '0.1.0'
import ctypes
import ctypes.wintypes as wintypes
"""Capabilities string
cmds(01 02 03 07 0C E3 F3)
vcp(02 04 05 06 08 10 12 14(01 04 05 06 08 09 0B 0C) 16 18 1A 52
60(01 03 04 0F) AC AE B2 B6 C6 C8 C9 D6(01 04 05) DC(00 02 03 05 )
F0(00 01) DF FD E0 E1 E2(00 01 02 04 06 0B 0C 0D 0F 10 11 13 14) F1 F2)
# Reference: VESA Monitor Control Command Set (MCCS)
# Standard PDF available after free registration
# at:
vcp_codes = {
# ignore for scripting
'New Control Value': 0x02,
# pass a non-zero value
'Restore Factory Defaults': 0x04,
# pass a non-zero value
'Restore Factory Luminance/ Contrast Defaults': 0x05,
# pass a non-zero value
'Restore Factory Geometry Defaults': 0x06,
# pass a non-zero value, resets also luminance
'Restore Factory Color Defaults': 0x08,
# 0-100, called 'brightness' on the OSD
'Luminance': 0x10,
# 0-100
'Contrast': 0x12,
# 0x01: sRGB
# 0x04: 5000k
# 0x05: 6500k
# 0x06: 7500k
# 0x08: 9300k
# 0x09: 10000k
# 0x0B: 5700k
# 0x0C: user (Custom Color)
'Select Color Preset': 0x14,
# 0-100, it also changes the preset to 'user'
'Video Gain (Drive): Red': 0x16,
# 0-100, it also changes the preset to 'user'
'Video Gain (Drive): Green': 0x18,
# 0-100, it also changes the preset to 'user'
'Video Gain (Drive): Blue': 0x1A,
# ignore for scripting
'Active Control': 0x52,
# 0x01: VGA, 0x03: DVI, 0x04: HDMI, 0x0F: DisplayPort
'Input Source': 0x60,
# 0-100 (unexposed command)
'Video Black Level: Red': 0x16,
# 0-100 (unexposed command)
'Video Black Level: Green': 0x18,
# 0-100 (unexposed command)
'Video Black Level: Blue': 0x1A,
# read-only, Hz
'Horizontal Frequency': 0xAC,
# read-only, 0.01 Hz
'Vertical Frequency': 0xAE,
# read-only, 0x01 -> Red / Green / Blue vertical stripe
'Flat Panel Sub-Pixel Layout': 0xB2,
# read-only, 0x03 -> LCD (active matrix)
'Display Technology Type': 0xB6,
# read-only, 0x6f, some id
'Application Enable Key': 0xC6,
# read-only, 0x5605 -> Mstar Semiconductor
'Display Controller Type': 0xC8,
# read-only, 0x0101
'Display Firmware Level': 0xC9,
# 01 or 02 (unexposed command)
'OSD': 0xCA,
# 0x01: power on, 0x04: standby (screenoff + blinking led), 0x05: power off
'Power Mode': 0xD6,
# presets (manufacturer-defined):
# no Text preset?
# 00: Standard
# 02: Mixed (Multimedia)
# 03: Movie
# 05: Games
'Display Application': 0xDC,
# read-only, 0x0201 -> MCCS v2.1
'VCP Version': 0xDF,
# Codes 0xE0 to 0xFF are manufacturer-specific
# ignore for scripting, 00 or 01 (Energy Smart?)
'Dell-E0': 0xE0,
# ignore for scripting
# power control
# 01: off
# 00: on
'Dell-E1': 0xE1,
# ignore for scripting, 00 01 02 04 06 0B 0C 0D 0F 10 11 13 14
'Dell-E2': 0xE2,
# ignore for scripting, 00 or 01 (magicbright?)
'Dell-F0': 0xF0,
# ignore for scripting, read
'Dell-F1': 0xF1,
# ignore for scripting, read-only, (Energy Smart?)
'Dell-F2': 0xF2,
# ignore for scripting
'Dell-FD': 0xFD,
# Reference:
class _PHYSICAL_MONITOR(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [('hPhysicalMonitor', wintypes.HANDLE),
def get_displays():
"""Get a list of the available displays"""
def MonitorEnumProc_callback(hmonitor, hdc, lprect, lparam):
return True
monitors = []
displays = []
# get display monitors
if not ctypes.windll.user32.EnumDisplayMonitors(None, None,
_MONITORENUMPROC(MonitorEnumProc_callback), None):
raise ctypes.WinError()
# get physical monitors for each display monitor
for monitor in monitors:
monitor_number = wintypes.DWORD()
if not ctypes.windll.dxva2.GetNumberOfPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR(
monitor, ctypes.byref(monitor_number)):
raise ctypes.WinError()
physical_monitor_array = (_PHYSICAL_MONITOR * monitor_number.value)()
if not ctypes.windll.dxva2.GetPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR(
monitor, monitor_number, physical_monitor_array):
raise WinError()
for physical_monitor in physical_monitor_array:
return displays
class Display():
def __init__(self, handle):
self._handle = handle
self._capabilities = None
def capabilities(self):
if self._capabilities is None:
return self._capabilities
def capabilities_raw(self):
if self._capabilities_raw is None:
return self._capabilities_raw
def _get_capabilities(self):
# this is slow
length = wintypes.DWORD()
if not ctypes.windll.dxva2.GetCapabilitiesStringLength(
self._handle, ctypes.byref(length)):
raise ctypes.WinError()
capabilities_string = (ctypes.c_char * length.value)()
if not ctypes.windll.dxva2.CapabilitiesRequestAndCapabilitiesReply(
self._handle, capabilities_string, length):
raise ctypes.WinError()
self._capabilities_raw = capabilities_string.value.decode('ascii')
self._capabilities = self.parse_capabilities_string(
def parse_capabilities_string(cls, capabilities_string):
level = 0
capabilities = {}
open_p = {}
close_p = {0: 0}
id = {}
for i, chr in enumerate(capabilities_string):
if chr == '(':
if i == 0:
close_p[0] = 1
open_p[level] = i
if level == 0:
id[0] = capabilities_string[close_p[0] + 1:i]
level += 1
elif chr == ')':
level -= 1
close_p[level] = i
if level == 0:
values = capabilities_string[open_p[0] + 1:i]
if id[0] == 'cmds':
values = values.split()
elif id[0] == 'vcp':
values = cls._parse_vcp_list(values)
capabilities[id[0]] = values
return capabilities
def _parse_vcp_list(vcp_list):
vcp_dict = {}
open_p = 0
for i, chr in enumerate(vcp_list):
if chr == '(':
open_p = i
code = vcp_list[i-2:i]
elif chr == ')':
vcp_dict[code] = vcp_list[open_p + 1:i].split()
elif chr.isspace() and vcp_list[i-1] != ')':
vcp_dict[vcp_list[i-2:i]] = None
return vcp_dict
def _get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(self, code):
"""Get current and maximun values for continuous VCP codes"""
current_value = wintypes.DWORD()
maximum_value = wintypes.DWORD()
if not ctypes.windll.dxva2.GetVCPFeatureAndVCPFeatureReply(
self._handle, wintypes.BYTE(code), None,
raise ctypes.WinError()
return current_value.value, maximum_value.value
def _set_vcp_feature(self, code, value):
"""Set 'code' to 'value'"""
if not ctypes.windll.dxva2.SetVCPFeature(self._handle,
wintypes.BYTE(code), wintypes.DWORD(value)):
raise ctypes.WinError()
def model(self):
return self.capabilities['model']
_display_technology_types = {
0x01: 'CRT (shadow mask)',
0x02: 'CRT (aperture grill)',
0x03: 'LCD (active matrix)',
0x04: 'LCoS',
0x05: 'Plasma',
0x06: 'OLED',
0x07: 'EL',
0x08: 'Dynamic MEM e.g. DLP',
0x09: 'Static MEM e.g. iMOD', }
def display_technology_type(self):
return self._display_technology_types.get(
vcp_codes['Display Technology Type'])[0])
_flat_panel_sub_pixel_layouts = {
0x00: 'Sub-pixel layout is not defined',
0x01: 'Red / Green / Blue vertical stripe',
0x02: 'Red / Green / Blue horizontal stripe',
0x03: 'Blue / Green / Red vertical stripe',
0x04: 'Blue/ Green / Red horizontal stripe',
0x05: 'Quad-pixel, a 2 x 2 sub-pixel structure with red at top left, '
'blue at bottom right and green at top right and bottom left',
0x06: 'Quad-pixel, a 2 x 2 sub-pixel structure with red at bottom '
'left, blue at top right and green at top left and bottom right',
0x07: 'Delta (triad)',
0x08: 'Mosaic with interleaved sub-pixels of different colors', }
def flat_panel_sub_pixel_layout(self):
return self._flat_panel_sub_pixel_layouts.get(
vcp_codes['Flat Panel Sub-Pixel Layout'])[0])
_display_controller_type_lsb = {
0x01: 'Conexant',
0x02: 'Genesis Microchip',
0x03: 'Macronix',
0x04: 'MRT (Media Reality Technologies)',
0x05: 'Mstar Semiconductor',
0x06: 'Myson',
0x07: 'Philips',
0x08: 'PixelWorks',
0x09: 'RealTek Semiconductor',
0x0A: 'Sage',
0x0B: 'Silicon Image',
0x0C: 'SmartASIC',
0x0D: 'STMicroelectronics',
0x0E: 'Topro',
0x0F: 'Trumpion',
0x10: 'Welltrend',
0x11: 'Samsung',
0x12: 'Novatek Microelectronics',
0x13: 'STK',
0xFF: 'Manufacturer designed controller', }
def display_controller_type(self):
value = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Display Controller Type'])[0]
return self._display_controller_type_lsb.get(value & 0xff)
def display_firmware_level(self):
value = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Display Firmware Level'])[0]
return '{}.{}'.format(value >> 8, value & 0x1f)
def application_enable_key(self):
return self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Application Enable Key'])[0]
def vcp_version(self):
value = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['VCP Version'])[0]
return '{}.{}'.format(value >> 8, value & 0xff)
def vertical_frequency(self):
return self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Vertical Frequency'])[0] / 100
def horizontal_frequency(self):
value = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Horizontal Frequency'])[0]
if value < 50000: # MSB is missing, should be 0 or 1
value |= 0x10000
return value / 1000
def brightness(self):
return self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
def brightness(self, value):
current, max = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
if value == current:
if value > max:
value = max
elif value < 0:
value = 0
self._set_vcp_feature(vcp_codes['Luminance'], value)
def max_brightness(self):
return self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
def contrast(self):
return self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
def contrast(self, value):
current, max = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
if value == current:
if value > max:
value = max
elif value < 0:
value = 0
self._set_vcp_feature(vcp_codes['Contrast'], value)
def max_contrast(self):
return self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
def color_temperature(self):
value = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Color Temperature Request'])[0]
increment = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Color Temperature Increment'])[0]
return 3000 + increment * value
def color_temperature(self, value):
current, max = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Color Temperature Request'])
increment = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Color Temperature Increment'])[0]
value = (value - 3000) // increment
if value == current:
if value > max:
value = max
elif value < 0:
value = 0
self._set_vcp_feature(vcp_codes['Color Temperature Request'], value)
def max_color_temperature(self):
value = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Color Temperature Request'])[1]
increment = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Color Temperature Increment'])[0]
return 3000 + increment * value
_color_presets = {0x01: 'srgb', 0x04: '5000k', 0x05: '6500k',
0x06: '7500k', 0x08: '9300k', 0x09: '10000k',
0x0B: '5700k', 0x0C: 'user' }
_color_presets_i = {'srgb': 0x01, '5000k': 0x04, '6500k': 0x05,
'7500k': 0x06, '9300k': 0x08, '10000k': 0x09,
'5700k': 0x0B, 'user': 0x0C}
def color_preset(self):
value = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Select Color Preset'])[0]
return self._color_presets[value]
def color_preset(self, value):
value = self._color_presets_i[value]
if value == self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Select Color Preset'])[0]:
self._set_vcp_feature(vcp_codes['Select Color Preset'], value)
def rgb(self):
return [self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Video Gain (Drive): {}'.format(color)])[0]
for color in ['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']]
def rgb(self, values):
color = ['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']
template = 'Video Gain (Drive): {}'
for i, value in enumerate(values):
vcp_name = template.format(color[i])
current, max = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
if value in (-1, current):
if value > max:
value = max
elif value < 0:
value = 0
self._set_vcp_feature(vcp_codes[vcp_name], value)
def max_rgb(self):
return [self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Video Gain (Drive): {}'.format(color)])[1]
for color in ['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']]
_input_sources = {0x01: 'vga', 0x03: 'dvi', 0x04: 'hdmi', 0x0F: 'dp'}
_input_sources_i = {'vga': 0x01, 'dvi': 0x03, 'hdmi': 0x04, 'dp': 0x0F}
def input_source(self):
value = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Input Source'])[0]
return self._input_sources[value]
def input_source(self, value):
value = self._input_sources_i[value]
if value == self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Input Source'])[0]:
self._set_vcp_feature(vcp_codes['Input Source'], value)
_display_applications = {0x00: 'std', 0x02: 'mix', 0x03: 'mov', 0x05: 'gam'}
_display_applications_i = {'std': 0x00, 'mix': 0x02, 'mov': 0x03, 'gam': 0x05}
def display_application(self):
value = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Display Application'])[0]
return self._display_applications[value]
def display_application(self, value):
value = self._display_applications_i[value]
if value == self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Display Application'])[0]:
self._set_vcp_feature(vcp_codes['Display Application'], value)
_power_mode = {0x01: 'on', 0x05: 'off'}
_power_mode_i = {'on': 0x01, 'off': 0x05}
def power_mode(self):
value = self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Power Mode'])[0]
return self._power_mode[value]
def power_mode(self, value):
value = self._power_mode_i[value]
if value == self._get_vcf_feature_and_vcf_feature_reply(
vcp_codes['Power Mode'])[0]:
self._set_vcp_feature(vcp_codes['Power Mode'], value)
_restore_options = {
'all': 'Restore Factory Defaults',
'luminance': 'Restore Factory Luminance/ Contrast Defaults',
'color': 'Restore Factory Color Defaults'}
def restore(self, option):
"""Restore factory defaults ('all' / 'luminance' / 'colors')"""
self._set_vcp_feature(vcp_codes[self._restore_options[option]], 1)
def close(self):
if not ctypes.windll.dxva2.DestroyPhysicalMonitor(self._handle):
raise ctypes.WinError()
def __del__(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
import os
import argparse
import textwrap
# Custom Action for argparse
# The accepted number of arguments can be specified with '_nargs' (list)
# 'nargs' must be '*'
# Added also 'default_str' and 'const_str', formatted with 'default' and
# 'const' respectively, that can be used on the 'help' string
class VariableNArgsAction(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, **kwargs):
self._nargs = kwargs.pop('_nargs', None)
self.const_str = kwargs.pop('const_str', None)
self.default_str = kwargs.pop('default_str', None)
argparse.Action.__init__(self, option_strings, dest, **kwargs)
if self.const_str is not None:
self.const_str = self.const_str.format(*self.const)
if self.default_str is not None:
self.default_str = self.default_str.format(*self.default)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
if len(values) not in self._nargs:
parser.error('argument {}: invalid number of arguments'
if not values and self.const is not None:
values = self.const
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
# For VariableNArgsAction, use 'metavar' as the displayed args string
# XXX: not part of the public API
class RawDescriptionHelpFormatter2(argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter):
def _format_args(self, action, *args, **kwargs):
if action.metavar is not None and isinstance(action,
return action.metavar
return argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter._format_args(
self, action, *args, **kwargs)
# Parse command line
name = os.path.basename(__file__)
description, license1, license2 = __doc__.rpartition('\nCopyright')
license = license1 + license2
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=name, description=description,
epilog=license, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter2,
parser_o = parser.add_argument_group('optional arguments',
'if not argument is passed, all available display info is printed')
parser_o.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help',
help='show this help message and exit')
parser_o.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version',
version='{} v{}\n{}'.format(name, version, license))
parser_o.add_argument('-b', '--brightness', nargs='?', type=int,
const=-1, metavar='NEW_BRIGHTNESS',
help='retrieve or set brightness (0-100)')
parser_o.add_argument('-c', '--contrast', type=int, nargs='?',
const=-1, metavar='NEW_CONTRAST',
help='retrieve or set contrast (0-100)')
parser_o.add_argument('-cp', '--color_preset', type = str.lower, nargs='?',
const=-1, help='retrieve or set the color preset')
parser_o.add_argument('-u', '--rgb', nargs='*', action=VariableNArgsAction,
_nargs=(0, 3), type=int, const=-1,
help='retrieve or set red, green and blue gains '
parser_o.add_argument('-i', '--input_source', type = str.lower, nargs='?',
const=-1, help='retrieve or set the input source')
parser_o.add_argument('-p', '--power_mode', type = str.lower, nargs='?',
const=-1, help='retrieve or set the power mode')
parser_o.add_argument('-app', '--display_application', type = str.lower, nargs='?',
const=-1, help='retrieve or set the display application')
parser_o.add_argument('-r', '--restore', type = str.lower,
help='restore factory defaults')
settings = vars(parser.parse_args())
# Set / show display parameters
for display in get_displays():
model = display.capabilities['model']
if model in ('U2713HM'):
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
model: {model}
display technology type: {display.display_technology_type}
flat panel sub-pixel layout: {display.flat_panel_sub_pixel_layout}
display controller type: {display.display_controller_type}
display firmware level: v{display.display_firmware_level}
application enable key: {display.application_enable_key}
vcp version: v{display.vcp_version}
vertical frequency: {display.vertical_frequency} Hz
horizontal frequency: {display.horizontal_frequency} kHz
brightness: {display.brightness}
contrast {display.contrast}
color preset: {display.color_preset}
rgb gains: {display.rgb}
input source: {display.input_source}
power mode: {display.power_mode}
'''.format(model=model, display=display)))
restore = settings.pop('restore')
if restore:
for key, value in settings.items():
if value is not None:
if value == -1:
print(getattr(display, key))
setattr(display, key, value)
print('model not supported:', model, file=sys.stderr)
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