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Created September 21, 2017 18:11
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# logs
# short form, with colors and branch/tag annotations
ls = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate
# changed files per commit
ll = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --numstat
# no color
lnc = log --pretty=format:"%h\\ %s\\ [%cn]"
# one line commits
lds = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h\\ %ad%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --date=short # git lds -1 (long standup)
# one line commits with relative dates (standup: git ld -1)
ld = log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h\\ %ad%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]" --decorate --date=relative
# simple one line commits
le = log --oneline --decorate # short log
filelog = log -u
fl = log -u
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