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Created September 10, 2019 16:54
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import math
def intersec(vx,vy,vz,px,py,pz):
lightSpeed = 29979245800;
#Intersection with cylinder with following radius and length (in cm as vertex)
radius = 130;
length = 300;
energy = math.sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz);
#First work out intersection with cylinder (barrel)
a = (px*px + py*py)*lightSpeed*lightSpeed/(energy*energy);
b = 2*(vx*px + vy*py)*lightSpeed/energy;
c = (vx*vx + vy*vy) - radius*radius;
sqrt_disc = math.sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c);
tCircle1 = (-b + sqrt_disc)/(2*a);
tCircle2 = (-b - sqrt_disc)/(2*a);
#If intersection in the past it doesn't count
if tCircle1 < 0: tCircle1 = 1E9;
if tCircle2 < 0: tCircle2 = 1E9;
#If the intsersection occurs outside the barrel length it doesn't count
zPosCircle1 = tCircle1*(pz/energy)*lightSpeed + vz;
zPosCircle2 = tCircle2*(pz/energy)*lightSpeed + vz;
if zPosCircle1 > length:
tCircle1 = 1E9;
if zPosCircle2 > length:
tCircle2 = 1E9;
#Now work out if it intersects the endcap
tPlane1 = (length-vz)*energy/(pz*lightSpeed);
tPlane2 = (-length-vz)*energy/(pz*lightSpeed);
#If intersection in the past it doesn't count
if tPlane1 < 0: tPlane1 = 1E9;
if tPlane2 < 0: tPlane2 = 1E9;
xPosPlane1 = tPlane1*(px/energy)*lightSpeed + vx;
yPosPlane1 = tPlane1*(py/energy)*lightSpeed + vy;
xPosPlane2 = tPlane2*(px/energy)*lightSpeed + vx;
yPosPlane2 = tPlane2*(py/energy)*lightSpeed + vy;
#If the intsersection occurs outside the endcap radius it doesn't count
if math.sqrt(xPosPlane1*xPosPlane1+yPosPlane1*yPosPlane1) > radius:
tPlane1 = 1E9;
if math.sqrt(xPosPlane2*xPosPlane2+yPosPlane2*yPosPlane2) > radius:
tPlane2 = 1E9;
#Find the first intersection
tInter = min([tCircle1,tCircle2,tPlane1,tPlane2])
#Return 1000,1000 if not intersection with barrel or endcap
if tInter > 1E6:
return [1000,1000];
#Find position of intersection
xPos = tInter*(px/energy)*lightSpeed + vx;
yPos = tInter*(py/energy)*lightSpeed + vy;
zPos = tInter*(pz/energy)*lightSpeed + vz;
#Find eta/phi of intersection
phi = math.atan2(yPos,xPos);
theta = math.acos(zPos/math.sqrt(xPos*xPos+yPos*yPos+zPos*zPos));
eta = -math.log(math.tan(theta/2.));
return (eta,phi);
print (intersec(0,100,280,0.5,0.5,1))
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