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Forked from kylefarris/CI_Date.php
Created August 11, 2017 15:59
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Codeigniter Date Library
class CI_Date {
public $sec_in_min, $min_in_hour, $hr_in_day, $day_in_wk, $sec_in_wk, $sec_in_day, $min_in_wk, $min_in_day, $hr_in_wk;
public function __construct() {
$this->sec_in_min = 60;
$this->min_in_hr = 60;
$this->hr_in_day = 24;
$this->day_in_wk = 7;
$this->day_in_yr = 365;
$this->sec_in_hr = $this->sec_in_min * $this->min_in_hr;
$this->sec_in_wk = $this->sec_in_min * $this->min_in_hr * $this->hr_in_day * $this->day_in_wk;
$this->sec_in_day = $this->sec_in_min * $this->min_in_hr * $this->hr_in_day;
$this->sec_in_yr = $this->sec_in_day * $this->day_in_yr;
$this->sec_in_mo = $this->sec_in_yr / 12;
$this->min_in_wk = $this->min_in_hr * $this->hr_in_day * $this->day_in_wk;
$this->min_in_day = $this->min_in_hr * $this->hr_in_day;
$this->hr_in_wk = $this->hr_in_day * $this->day_in_wk;
// *****************************************************************************
// convert_datetime_to_epoch( $datetime )
// -- takes datetime and converts it to seconds since epoch
// *****************************************************************************
public function convert_datetime_to_epoch( $datetime = '1971-01-01 12:00:00' ) {
list( $date, $time ) = explode( ' ', $datetime );
list( $year, $month, $day) = explode( '-', $date );
list( $hour, $min, $sec) = explode( ':', $time );
return mktime( $hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year );
// *****************************************************************************
// Takes time in seconds since epoch and converts it to a datetime (Y-m-d h:i:s)
// If not time is given, the current time is used.
// -----
// @param Integer $epoch The number of seconds since Jan 1 1971 @ 00:00:00.
// @return String Datetime formatted from epoch time.
// *****************************************************************************
public function convert_epoch_to_datetime($epoch=false) {
if(!$epoch) { $epoch = time(); }
return date('Y-m-d h:i:s',$epoch);
// *****************************************************************************
// Takes one of those wierd time values from AD/LDAP found in pwdLastSet and
// stuff like that and converts it to a unix epoch timestamp.
// -----
// @param Integer $ldap_date Crazy time like this: 129095083680625000
// @return Integer Unix seconds since epoch.
// *****************************************************************************
public function convert_ldap_to_epoch($ldap_date=false) {
if(empty($ldap_date)) return 0;
$years_from_1601_to_1970 = 1970 - 1601;
$days_from_1601_to_1970 = $years_from_1601_to_1970 * 365;
$days_from_1601_to_1970 += ($years_from_1601_to_1970 / 4); // leap years
$days_from_1601_to_1970 -= 3; // non-leap centuries (1700,1800,1900). 2000 is a leap century
$seconds_from_1601_to_1970 = $days_from_1601_to_1970 * 24 * 60 * 60;
$total_seconds_since_1601 = ($ldap_date / 10000000);
$total_seconds_since_1970 = $total_seconds_since_1601 - $seconds_from_1601_to_1970;
return $total_seconds_since_1970;
// *****************************************************************************
// Converts a given date/time string and converts it to the ISO 8601 datetime
// standard. The format is as such: 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00.
// If `$datetime` is empty, the current time is used.
// -----
// @param String $datetime The date/time in some 'valid' format to convert.
// @return String ISO 8601 date/time string.
// *****************************************************************************
public function convert_to_iso_8601($datetime) {
$datetime = time();
$datetime = strtotime($datetime);
return date('c',$datetime);
return date('c',0);
// *****************************************************************************
// convert_google_to_epoch( $google_time )
// -- Converts google date/time format (2009-04-28T10:00:00.000-04:00) to unix time
// *****************************************************************************
public function convert_google_to_epoch($google_time='1971-01-01T12:00:00.000-05:00') {
if(strpos($google_time,'T') === false) {
// Assume only date is given (yyyy-mm-dd)
list( $year, $month, $day) = explode( '-', $google_time );
return mktime( 0,0,0, $month, $day, $year );
list($date,$time) = explode('T',$google_time);
list($time,$timezone) = explode('.',$time);
list( $year, $month, $day) = explode( '-', $date );
list( $hour, $min, $sec) = explode( ':', $time );
return mktime( $hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year );
// *****************************************************************************
// convert_to_time_ago( $datefrom, $dateto )
// -- Tells how long ago a time (in seconds since epoch) occured.
// *****************************************************************************
public function convert_to_time_ago( $datefrom, $dateto=-1 ) {
return $this->convert_to_easy_time( $datefrom, $dateto );
public function convert_to_easy_time( $datefrom, $dateto=-1,$easy_measure='ago' ) {
if( $datefrom<=0 ) return "before the 70's... wow...!";
if( $dateto==-1 ) $dateto = time();
$difference = $dateto - $datefrom;
// If difference is less than 60 seconds, seconds is a good interval of choice
if($difference < 60) {
$interval = "s";
// If difference is between 60 seconds and 60 minutes, minutes is a good interval
elseif($difference >= 60 && $difference<60*60) {
$interval = "n";
// If difference is between 1 hour and 24 hours hours is a good interval
elseif($difference >= 60*60 && $difference<60*60*24) {
$interval = "h";
// If difference is between 1 day and 7 days days is a good interval
elseif($difference >= 60*60*24 && $difference<60*60*24*7) {
$interval = "d";
// If difference is between 1 week and 30 days weeks is a good interval
elseif($difference >= 60*60*24*7 && $difference < 60*60*24*30) {
$interval = "ww";
// If difference is between 30 days and 365 days months is a good interval, again, the same thing
// applies, if the 29th February happens to exist between your 2 dates, the function will return
// the 'incorrect' value for a day
elseif($difference >= 60*60*24*30 && $difference < 60*60*24*365) {
$interval = "m";
// If difference is greater than or equal to 365days, return year. This will be incorrect if
// for example, you call the function on the 28th April 2008 passing in 29th April 2007. It will return
// 1 year ago when in actual fact (yawn!) not quite a year has gone by
elseif($difference >= 60*60*24*365) {
$interval = "y";
// Based on the interval, determine the number of units between the two dates
// From this point on, you would be hard pushed telling the difference between
// this function and DateDiff. If the $datediff returned is 1, be sure to return the singular
// of the unit, e.g. 'day' rather 'days'
switch($interval) {
case "m":
$months_difference = floor($difference / 60 / 60 / 24 /
while (mktime(date("H", $datefrom), date("i", $datefrom),
date("s", $datefrom), date("n", $datefrom)+($months_difference),
date("j", $dateto), date("Y", $datefrom)) < $dateto) {
$datediff = $months_difference;
// We need this in here because it is possible
// to have an 'm' interval and a months
// difference of 12 because we are using 29 days
// in a month
if($datediff==12) {
$res = ($datediff==1) ? "$datediff month $easy_measure" : "$datediff months $easy_measure";
case "y":
$datediff = floor($difference / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365);
$res = ($datediff==1) ? "$datediff year $easy_measure" : "$datediff years $easy_measure";
case "d":
$datediff = floor($difference / 60 / 60 / 24);
$res = ($datediff==1) ? "$datediff day $easy_measure" : "$datediff days $easy_measure";
case "ww":
$datediff = floor($difference / 60 / 60 / 24 / 7);
$res = ($datediff==1) ? "$datediff week $easy_measure" : "$datediff weeks $easy_measure";
case "h":
$datediff = floor($difference / 60 / 60);
$res = ($datediff==1) ? "$datediff hour $easy_measure" : "$datediff hours $easy_measure";
case "n":
$datediff = floor($difference / 60);
$res = ($datediff==1) ? "$datediff minute $easy_measure" : "$datediff minutes $easy_measure";
case "s":
$datediff = $difference;
$res = ($datediff==1) ? "$datediff second $easy_measure" : "$datediff seconds $easy_measure";
return $res;
// *****************************************************************************
// Deducts the given number of seconds from a given datetime and returns the modified
// MySQL datetime string.
// -----
// @param String $datetime - the valid MySQL datetime to be modified
// @param Integer $seconds - the number of seconds to be deducted from datetime
// @hint - use this format for seconds: 2*60*60 (2 hrs * 60 mins * 60 secs), for instance.
// @Return String - the new datetime with deducted seconds
// *****************************************************************************
public function deduct_time_from_datetime($datetime,$seconds) {
if(is_valid_datetime($datetime)) {
$time = (int)$this->convert_datetime_to_epoch($datetime)-(int)$seconds;
$time = $this->convert_epoch_to_datetime($time);
return $time;
return false;
// ***************************************************************************************
// Establishes a date range from the most recent previous Sunday to the next-most Saturday.
// -----
// @return Array - an array containin the start date and end date described above.
// ***************************************************************************************
public function get_current_week_range($current_date=false) {
if($current_date === false) { $current_date = time(); }
// figure out date range info
$one_day = 24*60*60;
$today = getdate($current_date);
// Use 1 am so DST spring forward doesn't mess up our date calculation below
$ts = mktime(1, 0, 0, $today['mon'], $today['mday'], $today['year']);
// adjust the timestamp to Sunday
if($today['wday'] != 0) {
$ts -= $today['wday'] * $one_day;
$start_ts = $ts; // keep track of the starting timestamp
$start_date = date("Y-m-d", $ts);
$end_date = date("Y-m-d", ( $ts + (6 * $one_day)) );
$date_range = array('start_date'=>$start_date,'end_date'=>$end_date);
return $date_range;
// *****************************************************************************
// Formats a timestamp (seconds since epoch) to its wordy cousin:
// "Monday, the 27th of October 2008"
// -----
// @param Unix Timestamp $when Either 'now' or a valid unix timestamp.
// *****************************************************************************
public function get_formatted_date( $when = 'now' ) {
if( $when == 'now' ) {
return date( 'l, \t\h\e jS \of F Y' );
return date( 'l, \t\h\e jS \of F Y', $when );
// *****************************************************************************
// Takes two times (24-hour range, formatted HH:MM) and returns an array
// of half-hour increments within the two given times
// -----
// @param String $start_time The time to tart giving 30 minute increments
// @param String $end_time The time to stop creating 30 minute increments
// *****************************************************************************
public function get_half_hour_time_range( $start_time='8:00', $end_time='18:00' ) {
list( $sh,$sm ) = explode( ':', $start_time );
list( $eh,$em ) = explode( ':', $end_time );
$timeRangeArray = array();
//return ;
while((int)$sh.$sm < (int)$eh.$em) {
if($sm == "00") {
$sm = "30";
} else {
$sm = "00";
$sh = (int)($sh+1);
$fullTime = date("h:ia",mktime((int)$sh,(int)$sm,0));
if($sh < 10) {
$sh = "0"+$sh;
return $timeRangeArray;
// *****************************************************************************
// Returns the number of work days within the range of a provided start and end
// date. If no date is provided for either or both dates, defaults will be:
// -----
// @default Date $date1 today -1 week
// @default Date $date2 today
// -----
// @param Date $date1 - should be the start of the date range
// @param Date $date2 - should be the end of the date range.
// @return array
// *****************************************************************************
public function get_num_work_days($date1='',$date2='') {
if(empty($date1)) {
$date1 = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 week')) . " 00:00:00");
} else {
$date1 = strtotime($date1 . " 00:00:00");
if(empty($date2)) {
$date2 = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', time()) . " 23:59:59");
} else {
$date2 = strtotime($date2 . " 23:59:59");
if($date1 >= $date2) { $end_date = $date1; $start_date = $date2; }
if($date2 > $date1) { $end_date = $date2; $start_date = $date1; }
//echo "Start Date: {$start_date} (".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$start_date).") | End Date: {$end_date} (".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$end_date).")<br />";
$num_days = abs(($end_date - $start_date)) / $this->sec_in_day;
$num_weekdays = 0;
for($i=0;$i<=$num_days;$i++) {
$the_date = date('N',($start_date + ($this->sec_in_day * $i)));
if($the_date >= 1 && $the_date <= 5)
return $num_weekdays;
// ***************************************************************************************
// Returns the number of seconds in between two dates. Dates provided could be in any
// parsable date format. There is no inherent order in which the params need to be provided.
// -----
// @param String $t1 One of the two times in the span
// @param String $t2 One of the two times in the span
// @return Integer The number of seconds between the two times given.
// ***************************************************************************************
public function get_time_between($t1=0,$t2=0) {
$t1 = (preg_match('/^\d{6,}$/',$t1) ? $t1 : strtotime($t1));
$t2 = (preg_match('/^\d{6,}$/',$t2) ? $t2 : strtotime($t2));
if($t1 == 0 || $t2 == 0) {
$t1 = $this->nice_date($t1,'U');
$t2 = $this->nice_date($t2,'U');
//error_log("T1: $t1, T2: $t2");
if(empty($t2) || empty($t1) || $t2 == 'Unknown' || $t1 == 'Unknown')
return 'Unknown';
if($t2 >= $t1)
return ($t2 - $t1);
return ($t1 - $t2);
// *****************************************************************************
// Returns in a human-readable format, the amount of time left between the given
// time ($time) and now (time()). If time has already passed, let the user know.
// -----
// @param Integer $time - the timestamp that we will compare to now.
// @Return array
// *****************************************************************************
public function get_time_left($time,$day=true,$hr=true,$min=true,$sec=true,$week=false,$month=false,$year=false) {
$time = $time - time();
if($time > 0) {
$years = ($year ? floor($time/$this->sec_in_year) : 0);
$months = (($month || $year == 0) ? floor(($time-($years*$this->sec_in_mo))): 0);
$weeks = 0;
$days = ($day ? floor($time/$this->sec_in_day) : 0);
$hours = (($hr || $days == 0) ? floor(($time-($days*86400))/3600) : 0);
$mins = (($min || ($days == 0 && $hours == 0)) ? floor (($time-($days*86400)-($hours*3600))/60) : 0);
$secs = (($sec || ($days == 0 && $hours == 0 && $mins == 0)) ? floor ($time-($days*86400)-($hours*3600)-($mins*60)) : 0);
$expires_in = ($days > 0?"$days days, ":'').($hours > 0?"$hours hours, ":'').($mins > 0?"$mins mins, ":'').($secs > 0?"$secs secs. ":'');
$expires_in = rtrim($expires_in,',. ').'.';
return $expires_in;
} else {
return 'Time is up!';
// *****************************************************************************
// A more advanced/elaborate version of get_time_left method.
// -----
// @param Integer $future The timestamp that we will compare to now.
// @return String Legible amount of time until the $future date.
// *****************************************************************************
// $original should be the future date and time in unix format
public function time_to($future,$options=array(),$bad_wrap=array('<span class="error" style="display:inline">Your item is ',' old!</span>')) {
$defaults = array(
'year' => false,
'month' => false,
'week' => false,
'day' => false,
'hour' => false,
'min' => false,
'sec' => true,
$options = array_merge($defaults,$options);
if(!isset($this->time_left)) $this->time_left = '';
// Common time periods as an array of arrays
if(!isset($this->periods)) {
$this->periods = array(
($options['year'] ? array('year', $this->sec_in_yr) : false),
($options['month'] ? array('month', $this->sec_in_mo) : false),
($options['week'] ? array('week', $this->sec_in_wk) : false),
($options['day'] ? array('day', $this->sec_in_day): false),
($options['hour'] ? array('hour', $this->sec_in_hr) : false),
($options['min'] ? array('minute', $this->sec_in_min): false),
($options['sec'] ? array('second', 1): false),
$today = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',time()) . '00:00:00');
$since = $future - $today; // Find the difference of time between now and the future
if($since < 0) return $bad_wrap[0] . $this->convert_to_easy_time($future,-1,'') . $bad_wrap[1];
// Loop around the periods, starting with the biggest
if(count($this->periods) > 0) {
$chunk = array_shift($this->periods);
return $this->time_to($future,$options);
list($period,$seconds) = $chunk;
// Find the biggest whole period
$count = floor($since / $seconds);
if($count == 0) {
return $this->time_to($future,$options);
} else {
$this->time_left .= ($count == 1 ? "1 {$period}" : "{$count} {$period}s") . ', ';
return $this->time_to($future - ($count * $seconds),$options);
} else {
$time_left = $this->time_left;
return rtrim($time_left,' ,');
// ****************************************************************************
// Basic Description
// -----
// @param
// @return
// ****************************************************************************
public function get_weekdays_in_timerange($date1=false,$date2=false) {
if(!empty($date1) && !empty($date2)) {
$seconds = $this->get_time_between($date1,$date2);
} else {
$seconds = $date1;
if($this->sec_in_day >= $seconds) {
if($this->sec_in_hr > $seconds) {
return 'Less than one work hour';
} else {
return round($seconds / $this->sec_in_hr) . ' work hours';
} else {
$final = '';
$days = $seconds / $this->sec_in_day;
$work_days = $days - (2 * floor($days / 7));
$remainder = $seconds - (($work_days * $this->sec_in_day) + (2 * floor($days / 7)));
if($this->sec_in_hr > $remainder) {
$final = "{$work_days} work days and less than one work hour";
} else {
$hours = round($remainder / $this->sec_in_hr) . ' work hours';
$final = "{$work_days} work days and {$hours} work hours";
// ****************************************************************************
// Uses Regex to determine if a given string is a valid MySQL datetime stamp.
// @param String $datetime - the MySQL datetime to be verified
// @hint - it should be yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
// @Return Boolean - true if valid, false if not.
// *****************************************************************************
public function is_valid_datetime($datetime) {
if ( !isset($datetime) ) return false;
if ( strlen($datetime) != 19 ) return false;
$array = explode( ' ', $datetime );
if ( count($array) != 2 ) return false;
if ( preg_match( '/^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)$/', $array[0], $matches ) ) {
if ( !checkdate($matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[1]) ) return false;
else {
return false;
if ( !preg_match( '/^(?:0\d|1\d|2[0-4]):(?:0\d|[1-5]\d):(?:0\d|[1-5]\d)$/', $array[1] ) )
return false;
return true;
// *****************************************************************************
// Tests to see if a time is a valid time (and not the epoch).
// -----
// @param String $datetime the MySQL datetime to be verified
// @return Boolean true if valid, false if not.
// *****************************************************************************
public function is_valid_date($datetime) {
if(!isset($datetime)) return false;
if(!date('U', strtotime($datetime)) == '0')
return false;
return true;
// ***************************************************************************************
// Converts crappy, fake date formats into whatever format you want...
// ***************************************************************************************
function nice_date($bad_date='',$format='Y-m-d') {
return 'Unknown';
// Date like: YYYYMM
if(preg_match('/^\d{6}$/',$bad_date)) {
//echo $bad_date." ";
if(in_array(substr($bad_date,0,2),array('19','20'))) {
$year = substr($bad_date,0,4);
$month = substr($bad_date,4,2);
} else {
$month = substr($bad_date,0,2);
$year = substr($bad_date,2,4);
return date($format,strtotime($year . '-' . $month . '-01'));
// Date Like: YYYYMMDD
if(preg_match('/^\d{8}$/',$bad_date)) {
$month = substr($bad_date,0,2);
$day = substr($bad_date,2,2);
$year = substr($bad_date,4,4);
return date($format,strtotime($month . '/01/' . $year));
// Date Like: MM-DD-YYYY __or__ M-D-YYYY (or anything in between)
if(preg_match('/^\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}-\d{4}$/',$bad_date)) {
list($m,$d,$y) = explode('-',$bad_date);
return date($format,strtotime("{$y}-{$m}-{$d}"));
// Any other kind of string, when converted into UNIX time,
// produces "0 seconds after epoc..." is probably bad...
// return "Invalid Date".
if(!date('U', strtotime($bad_date)) == '0') {
return "Invalid Date"; //date($format,strtotime($bad_date));
// It's probably a valid-ish date format already
if($format != 'U')
return date($format,strtotime($bad_date));
return strtotime($bad_date);
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