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Last active June 7, 2019 09:19
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Save mckelvey/8605069 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a fail2ban filter to protect against malicious use of an injection/vulnerability scanner (that might also be slamming your server with useless requests).
# Fail2Ban configuration file
# Intended to assist in protecting LiveWhale from malicious use
# of injection and vulnerabilty scanners such as:
# Acunetix Web Vulnerabilty Scanner
# Unknown Scanner (dubbed KIDC below)
# Unknown Scanner (dubbed RIPE below)
# Note: if you use penetration software for testing, add the server ip
# to your whitelist to freely use it, but prevent others.
# Author: David W. McKelvey, White Whale Web Services, Inc.
# $Revision$
# Read common prefixes. If any customizations available -- read them from
# common.local
before = common.conf
acunetix = response\.write\(\d+\*\d+\)|now\(\)|sysdate\(\)|sleep\(\d*\)|waitfor delay|pg_sleep\(\d*\)|';|' AND|" AND|set\|set\&set|SomeCustomInjectedHeader|;select
acunetix_invalid = /etc/|/invalid
kidc = GetSimple_2\.01|Factux|Madirish_Webmail|idioma|jevoncms|facil-cms|phpunity\.newsmanager|dloadstplates|phpdirectorgameedition|tendersystem|mariecms|microcms|micro_cms_files|vtigercrm|dnet_admin|FunGamez|kipper20|skysilver
ripe = ACGVnews|AdaptCMS_Lite_1\.4_2|BetaBlockModules|Contenido_4\.8\.4|DFF_PHP_FrameworkAPI-latest|Dir_phNNTP|DynaTracker_v151|Easysite-2\.0_path|FormTools1_5_0|Mamblog|NuclearBB|OpenSiteAdmin|PHPDJ_v05|SPIP-v1-7-2|SQuery|SazCart|WordPress_Files|advanced_comment_system|modx-0\.9\.6\.2|mxBB|olbookmarks-0\.7\.4|ossigeno-suite-2\.2_pre1|phpAdsNew-2\.0\.7|phpBB2|phpMyConferences_8\.0\.2|phpQLAdmin-2\.2\.7|phpSiteBackup-0\.1|plume-1\.1\.3|pmapper-3\.2-beta3|pmi_v28|podcastgen1\.0beta2|post_static_0-11|qsgen_0\.7\.2c
ripe_nostat = 123flashchat|BE_config|CoupleDB|MOD_forum_fields_parse|addvip|admin\.loudmouth|anzagien|auth\.sessions\.inc|b2verifauth|bb_admin|ch_readalso|cls_fast_template|ezusermanager_pwd_forgott|fcring|fonctions_racine|hioxBannerRotate|functions_user_viewed_posts|pafiledb_constants|themen_portal_mitte|usercp_register|migrateNE2toNE3|naboard_pnr|nukebrowser|php-include-robotsservices
# Option: failregex
# Notes.: Regexp to catch vulnerability scanners.
# Values: TEXT
failregex = ^\[[^\]]+\] \[error\] \[client <HOST>\].*File does not exist: .*(%(acunetix)s).*$
^\[[^\]]+\] \[error\] \[client <HOST>\].*Invalid URI in request .*(%(acunetix_invalid)s).*$
^\[[^\]]+\] \[error\] \[client <HOST>\].*File does not exist: .*/(%(kidc)s)$
^\[[^\]]+\] \[error\] \[client <HOST>\].*File does not exist: .*/(%(ripe)s)$
^\[[^\]]+\] \[error\] \[client <HOST>\].*script .*/(%(ripe_nostat)s)\.php.* unable to stat$
# Option: ignoreregex
# Notes.: regex to ignore. If this regex matches, the line is ignored.
# Values: TEXT
ignoreregex =
enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = apache-livewhale
logpath = /var/log/apache*/*error.log
maxretry = 2
bantime = ###
findtime = ###
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  1. Drop the apache-livewhale.conf into your fail2ban filters folder, typically: /etc/fail2ban/filters.d on Ubuntu.
  2. Modify your jail.local fail2ban configuration file to include the snippet above.
  3. Optionally set the bantime and findtime values (in seconds) if you wish them to be different than your [DEFAULT] values set atop jail.local.
  4. Reminder: be sure that you include any server on the whitelist that you wish never to be banned.
  5. If you wish to use penetration testing software, be sure to add its ip to the whitelist.

Have fun blocking!

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