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Last active September 9, 2017 19:49
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Save mckern/743df4643718d402034c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is my .bash_profile. Please consider it a useful reference. Not guaranteed to be completely current or completely quick. I use long-lived shell sessions, so a 2-second load time doesn't bother me.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Set up handy aliases, simple environment tweaks, and other pleasantries.
# While shooting yourself in the foot is always a possibility, you may as well
# do it in comfort and occasionally style.
# Owner: Ryan McKern
# Start counting how long it takes to source this profile
__begin="$(date +"%s")"
# Keep so, so, so much history
export HISTSIZE=''
# Don't keep duplicates in history; keep more history!
export HISTCONTROL="ignorespace:erasedups"
# Ignore backgrounding, mutt, quitting, and clearing
export HISTIGNORE="&:mutt:[bf]g:exit:clear"
# Append every command to history
PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r; ${PROMPT_COMMAND}"
# Avoid overwriting history
shopt -s histappend
# Smart handling of multi-line commands
shopt -s cmdhist
# check the window size after each command and, if necessary,
# update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.
shopt -s checkwinsize
# Set the default umask to group-writable
umask 0022
# This is the minimum viable Bash version.
# Anything older than this will be used as the cut-off point.
# Don't do anything for non-interactive shells
[[ -z "${PS1}" ]] && return
# Set the old Gentoo default prompt if this isn't a dumb terminal
if [ "${TERM}" != 'dumb' ] && [ -n "${BASH}" ]; then
if [ "${UID}" -eq "0" ] ; then
# Privileged prompt, ending in #
export PS1='\[\033[01;31m\]\h \[\033[01;34m\]\W # \[\033[00m\]'
# Unprivileged prompt, ending in $
export PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h \[\033[01;34m\]\W \$ \[\033[00m\]'
# Are we using something greater than bash 2?
if (( ! "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" > "${__minimum_viable}" )); then
echo "You're using an old version of Bash (${BASH_VERSION}). Sourcing .bash_profile will now halt." >&2
# define pathmunge, and use that for $PATH manipulation.
# pathmunge is normally provided in RHEL environments,
# and this is copied almost wholesale from their implementation.
if ! echo "${PATH}" | grep -q "(^|:)${1}(\$|:)"; then
[[ -d ${1} ]] || return
if [ "${2}" = "after" ] ; then
# Use this as short-hand to determine if a function
# is already implemented
if [[ ${1:-UNDEFINED} == 'UNDEFINED' ]]; then
echo 'no function name specified' >&2
return 2
type "${1}" | head -n1 | grep -q 'is a function'
if [[ ${retval} == 0 ]]; then
echo "true"
echo 'false'
return 1
# At least try to make a good faith effort to determine if
# core utilities are their GNU or BSD variants
# false if utility doesn't exist
if ! which "${1}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "false"
return 1
# true if utility exists and says it's GNU
if "${1}" --version 2>&1 | grep -qi 'gnu'; then
echo "true"
return 0
# false otherwise
echo "false"
return 1
# Source system-wide bash completion if it exists
[ -f '/etc/bash_completion' ] && source '/etc/bash_completion'
# This is an OS Specific switchyard: figure out what
# environment this is being run in, and configure it
# accordingly. Currently supports Solaris, OS X & Linux.
case "$(uname -s)" in
# All linux configuration goes here
## Have we got local bin paths? Prepend them.
pathmunge /usr/local/sbin before
pathmunge /usr/local/bin before
# If we're using a RHEL-based distro, let's make looking for packages easier
[ -f /etc/redhat-release ] && {
rpm -qa | grep -i "${1}" | sort
# This is for the 3 or 4 solaris machines you might encounter
# Seriously. I want to know.
echo -e "\n\nWhere did you find a Solaris machine?\n\n"
# Don't even bother with whatever path we've inherited. Build a new one.
# Make sure that pathmunge is a function, not some weird whoknowswhat
if type pathmunge | grep -q function; then
pathmunge /bin before
pathmunge /usr/bin before
pathmunge /sbin after
pathmunge /usr/sbin after
pathmunge /usr/xpg4/bin before
pathmunge /usr/local/bin before
pathmunge /usr/local/sbin before
pathmunge /opt/SUNWspro/bin before
pathmunge /usr/ccs/bin before
pathmunge /hub/SunOS/5.8/sun4u/apps/openssh-3.0p1/bin before
# Again, let's at least look for bash completion
[ -f '/usr/local/etc/bash_completion' ] && source '/usr/local/etc/bash_completion'
# If the TERM isn't something sane, lie
[[ ${TERM} =~ xterm-color ]] && export TERM=xterm
# Make sure that CC points to a GCC if possible. That'll matter.
command -v gcc >/dev/null 2>&1 && export CC=gcc
# This is for OS X. It's old, but it supports Homebrew
# and old Developer Tools installations. It also understands
# where Oracle installed MySQL by default.
# Here's some paths that might exist. If they do, we wants them so badly!
pathmunge /opt/local/sbin before
pathmunge /opt/local/bin before
pathmunge /usr/local/sbin before
pathmunge /usr/local/bin before
pathmunge /Developer/Tools after
pathmunge /usr/local/mysql/bin after
# Gotta clear that DNS cache somehow, right?
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
return $?
# View man pages as PDF files
command man -t "${@}" | open -g -f -a /Applications/
return $?
# Don't bother with `locate` or any findutils nonsense. Just use Spotlight.
alias locate='mdfind -name'
###### Aliases & Functions: make your life easier ######
# find dead symlinks in the current directory or $1
local __path="${1:-./}"
find -L "${__path}" -type l -print
# sorted list of the contents of PWD or $1
alias howbig='du -Lh --max-depth=1'
# General aliases
alias ..='cd ..'
alias mkdir='mkdir -p'
alias du='du -h'
alias df='df -Th'
# generic psgrep
alias psgrep="ps auxww | grep -i"
# generic history grep
alias hgrep="history | grep -i"
# Rehash the path using the principle of least surprise
alias rehash="hash -r"
# Load everything in ~/.profile.d if it exists
if [ -d "${__profiles}" ]; then
shopt -s nullglob
# Pre files
for __file in "${__profiles}"/pre_*.sh; do
source "${__file}"
__counter=$((__counter + 1))
# Anything not tagged pre or post
for __file in "${__profiles}"/*.sh; do
[[ "$(basename "${__file}")" =~ ^pre_|post_ ]] && continue
source "${__file}"
__counter=$((__counter + 1))
# Post files
for __file in "${__profiles}"/post_*.sh; do
source "${__file}"
__counter=$((__counter + 1))
shopt -u nullglob
# Wrap up counting the seconds since this started
__end="$(date +"%s")"
# Dump to screen and let me get on with my life!
printf "%bProfile loaded in %s seconds%b\n" "${__dim}" "$((__end-__begin))" "${__normal}"
printf "%b> Loaded %s sub-profiles from %s%b\n" "${__dim}" "${__counter}" "${__profiles}" "${__normal}"
unset __counter __profiles
Last login: Sat Sep 9 02:18:21 on ttys000
Profile loaded in 3 seconds
> Loaded 19 sub-profiles from /Users/ryan/.profile.d
ryan@bender ~ $
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