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Last active December 2, 2016 22:35
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  • Save mckern/91ffb14d427e4d910b9c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mckern/91ffb14d427e4d910b9c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is my gitconfig; please consider it a useful reference. May be slightly out of date but generally current.
name = Ryan McKern
email =
diff = auto
status = auto
branch = auto
ui = auto
quotepath = false
excludesfile = /Users/mckern/.gitignore_global
pager =
default = simple
amend = commit --amend
authors = !git log --format='%aN' | sort -u
branches = branch --all
branchname = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
ci = commit
co = checkout
files = show --pretty="format:" --name-only
fix-email-puppet = commit --amend --author=\"Ryan McKern <>\"
fix-orangefort-address = commit --amend --author=\"Ryan McKern <>\"
force = push --force
lastlog = log -n1
oneline = log --pretty=oneline
orangefort = config \"\"
origin = remote add origin
pop = stash pop
puppetlabs = config \"\"
puppet = config \"\"
remotes = remote -v
rename = mv
sync = "!git fetch; git checkout master; git pull"
unstage = reset HEAD
upstream = remote add upstream
whoami = config
ffs = clean -ffdx
tool = ksdiff
[mergetool "ksdiff"]
cmd = ksdiff --merge --output \"${MERGED}\" --base \"${BASE}\" -- \"${LOCAL}\" --snapshot \"${REMOTE}\" --snapshot
trustExitCode = true
prompt = false
tool = ksdiff
prompt = false
[difftool "ksdiff"]
cmd = ksdiff --partial-changeset --relative-path \"${MERGED}\" -- \"${LOCAL}\" \"${REMOTE}\"
helper = osxkeychain
[filter "lfs"]
clean = git-lfs clean %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge %f
required = true
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