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Created March 23, 2015 17:00
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require "spec_helper" |
require "benchmark" |
describe Api::V1::ProductsController do |
it "should be fairly performant", :performance => true, :js => true do |
@buyer = FactoryGirl.create :buyer, :complete |
login_as @buyer.user |
@seller = FactoryGirl.create :seller, :manhattan |
@products = FactoryGirl.create_list :product, |
10, |
:five_inventories, |
:seller => @seller |
results = [] |
#100.times do |
#result = Benchmark.realtime do |
visit api_v1_products_path( { :format => :json, :search => true } ) |
expect( page ).to have_content "long_name" |
#end |
#results.push result |<
#end |
=begin |
average = results.inject(&:+) / results.size |
if defined? Oj |
puts "USING OJ" |
else |
puts "NOT USING OJ" |
end |
puts "AVERAGE SPEED #{average*1000}ms" |
puts "MAX: #{results.max*1000}ms" |
puts "MIN: #{results.min*1000}ms" |
=end |
end |
Feature Test:
Rendered api/v1/products/index.rabl (538.8ms)
Completed 200 OK in 651.0ms (Views: 485.7ms | ActiveRecord: 110.8ms)
Development Server ( with test options, such as cache classes: true ):
Rendered api/v1/products/index.rabl (1749.8ms)
Completed 200 OK in 2053.0ms (Views: 1644.6ms | ActiveRecord: 271.5ms)
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