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Last active January 18, 2024 00:40
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  • Save mcknasty/9f49dfaad1c670e9fa67ffd04d8e248b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mcknasty/9f49dfaad1c670e9fa67ffd04d8e248b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Matrix Builds -- [ TimeStamp: 2024-01-17 19:40:48 660170203 ]
Now using node v14.21.3 (npm v9.8.1)
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* Installing latest `npm`; if this does not work on your node version, please report a bug!
npm ERR! engine Unsupported engine
npm ERR! engine Not compatible with your version of node/npm: npm@10.3.0
npm ERR! notsup Not compatible with your version of node/npm: npm@10.3.0
npm ERR! notsup Required: {"node":"^18.17.0 || >=20.5.0"}
npm ERR! notsup Actual: {"npm":"9.8.1","node":"v14.21.3"}
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /home/tmckeown/.npm/_logs/2024-01-18T00_27_12_334Z-debug-0.log
* npm upgraded to: v9.8.1
added 383 packages, and audited 384 packages in 1m
98 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> c8@9.0.0 test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> c8@9.0.0 test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=1000000 ./test/*.js
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (1075ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (1069ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (444ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (574ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (388ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (289ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (333ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (278ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (275ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (267ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (323ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (228ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (829ms)
✔ --100 (771ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (287ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (589ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (1305ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (351ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (285ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (250ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (274ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (259ms)
✔ remaps branches (301ms)
✔ remaps classes (287ms)
✔ remaps branches (283ms)
✔ remaps classes (272ms)
✔ remaps branches (291ms)
✔ remaps classes (308ms)
✔ remaps branches (371ms)
✔ remaps classes (629ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (4973ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (875ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (962ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (3596ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (1031ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (2226ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (245ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (218ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (5464ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (961ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (1161ms)
c8 mergeAsync
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (790ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (729ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (423ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (464ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (674ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (259ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (287ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (264ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (275ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (219ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (229ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (222ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (790ms)
✔ --100 (778ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (218ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (239ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (245ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (294ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (341ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (350ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (429ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (501ms)
✔ remaps branches (458ms)
✔ remaps classes (476ms)
✔ remaps branches (464ms)
✔ remaps classes (491ms)
✔ remaps branches (485ms)
✔ remaps classes (470ms)
✔ remaps branches (491ms)
✔ remaps classes (554ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (4127ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (1567ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (1244ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (3307ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (946ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1720ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (194ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (185ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (371ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (907ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (1057ms)
✔ hides arguments passed to instrumented app
✔ hides arguments passed to c8 bin (45ms)
with NODE_V8_COVERAGE already set
✔ should not override it
✔ should resolve to .nycrc at cwd
✔ should use config file specified in --config
✔ should have -c as an alias
✔ should respect options on the command line over config file
✔ should allow config files to extend each other
✔ should default to false
✔ should set to true when flag exists
Help Message
1) ensure the help message is correct
2) ensure 'not enough non-option arguments' warning message
Print derived configuration CLI option
3) should not demand any arguments: --print-config=true
4) should not demand any arguments: --print-config
✔ should demand arguments: --print-config=false (239ms)
✔ should not demand arguments: --print-config=false (917ms)
5) ensure valid json
- ensure comma delimited values transform into an array
6) ensure default project configuration file is loaded
text format option
7) ensure loads config file from cli
8) ensure loads reporter option from cli
json format option
9) ensure loads config file from cli
10) ensure loads reporter option from cli
✔ should parse source maps from compiled targets
✔ should handle extra whitespace characters
✔ should support base64 encoded inline source maps
97 passing (1m)
1 pending
10 failing
1) Help Message
ensure the help message is correct:
TypeError: runSpawn(...).replaceAll is not a function
at Context.<anonymous> (test/print-config.js:34:49)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:464:21)
2) Help Message
ensure 'not enough non-option arguments' warning message:
TypeError: runSpawn(...).replaceAll is not a function
at Context.<anonymous> (test/print-config.js:46:39)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:464:21)
3) Print derived configuration CLI option
should not demand any arguments: --print-config=true:
TypeError: runSpawn(...).replaceAll is not a function
at Context.<anonymous> (test/print-config.js:62:59)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:464:21)
4) Print derived configuration CLI option
should not demand any arguments: --print-config:
TypeError: runSpawn(...).replaceAll is not a function
at Context.<anonymous> (test/print-config.js:76:54)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:464:21)
5) Print derived configuration CLI option
ensure valid json:
TypeError: runSpawn(...).replaceAll is not a function
at Context.<anonymous> (test/print-config.js:124:84)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:464:21)
6) Print derived configuration CLI option
ensure default project configuration file is loaded:
TypeError: runSpawn(...).replaceAll is not a function
at Context.<anonymous> (test/print-config.js:165:84)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:464:21)
7) Print derived configuration CLI option
text format option
ensure loads config file from cli:
TypeError: runSpawn(...).replaceAll is not a function
at Context.<anonymous> (test/print-config.js:187:12)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:464:21)
8) Print derived configuration CLI option
text format option
ensure loads reporter option from cli:
TypeError: runSpawn(...).replaceAll is not a function
at Context.<anonymous> (test/print-config.js:216:12)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:464:21)
9) Print derived configuration CLI option
json format option
ensure loads config file from cli:
TypeError: runSpawn(...).replaceAll is not a function
at Context.<anonymous> (test/print-config.js:187:12)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:464:21)
10) Print derived configuration CLI option
json format option
ensure loads reporter option from cli:
TypeError: runSpawn(...).replaceAll is not a function
at Context.<anonymous> (test/print-config.js:216:12)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:464:21)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 97 | 90.85 | 100 | 97 |
bin | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 |
c8.js | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 | 41-42
lib | 96.7 | 89.55 | 100 | 96.7 |
parse-args.js | 97.87 | 92 | 100 | 97.87 | ...175,242-243,276-277,364-365
report.js | 97.01 | 91.42 | 100 | 97.01 | ...234,317-318,345-346,352-354
source-map-from-file.js | 91 | 71.42 | 100 | 91 | 74-76,91-93,95-97
lib/commands | 100 | 95.45 | 100 | 100 |
check-coverage.js | 100 | 92.85 | 100 | 100 | 26
report.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Now using node v16.20.2 (npm v8.19.4)
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* Installing latest `npm`; if this does not work on your node version, please report a bug!
npm ERR! engine Unsupported engine
npm ERR! engine Not compatible with your version of node/npm: npm@10.3.0
npm ERR! notsup Not compatible with your version of node/npm: npm@10.3.0
npm ERR! notsup Required: {"node":"^18.17.0 || >=20.5.0"}
npm ERR! notsup Actual: {"npm":"8.19.4","node":"v16.20.2"}
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /home/tmckeown/.npm/_logs/2024-01-18T00_31_40_975Z-debug-0.log
* npm upgraded to: v8.19.4
added 383 packages, and audited 384 packages in 10s
98 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> c8@9.0.0 test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> c8@9.0.0 test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=1000000 ./test/*.js
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (9103ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (1471ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (392ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (453ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (328ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (239ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (268ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (241ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (241ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (247ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (209ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (222ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (751ms)
✔ --100 (747ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (210ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (216ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (221ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (287ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (236ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (248ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (240ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (243ms)
✔ remaps branches (243ms)
✔ remaps classes (248ms)
✔ remaps branches (268ms)
✔ remaps classes (245ms)
✔ remaps branches (265ms)
✔ remaps classes (263ms)
✔ remaps branches (251ms)
✔ remaps classes (246ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (4078ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (982ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (1284ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (5170ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (848ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (2027ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (199ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (186ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (419ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (869ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (1378ms)
c8 mergeAsync
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (4041ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (737ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (388ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (433ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (572ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (238ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (259ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (242ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (247ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (204ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (214ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (220ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (747ms)
✔ --100 (746ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (204ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (222ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (248ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (324ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (345ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (378ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (367ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (371ms)
✔ remaps branches (406ms)
✔ remaps classes (484ms)
✔ remaps branches (432ms)
✔ remaps classes (409ms)
✔ remaps branches (403ms)
✔ remaps classes (380ms)
✔ remaps branches (388ms)
✔ remaps classes (394ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (2900ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (879ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (815ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (3347ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (875ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1769ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (211ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (186ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (349ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (825ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (1022ms)
✔ hides arguments passed to instrumented app
✔ hides arguments passed to c8 bin (39ms)
with NODE_V8_COVERAGE already set
✔ should not override it
✔ should resolve to .nycrc at cwd
✔ should use config file specified in --config
✔ should have -c as an alias
✔ should respect options on the command line over config file
✔ should allow config files to extend each other
✔ should default to false
✔ should set to true when flag exists
Help Message
✔ ensure the help message is correct (181ms)
✔ ensure 'not enough non-option arguments' warning message (194ms)
Print derived configuration CLI option
✔ should not demand any arguments: --print-config=true (184ms)
✔ should not demand any arguments: --print-config (185ms)
✔ should demand arguments: --print-config=false (215ms)
✔ should not demand arguments: --print-config=false (840ms)
✔ ensure valid json (208ms)
- ensure comma delimited values transform into an array
✔ ensure default project configuration file is loaded (199ms)
text format option
✔ ensure loads config file from cli (200ms)
✔ ensure loads reporter option from cli (205ms)
json format option
✔ ensure loads config file from cli (202ms)
✔ ensure loads reporter option from cli (218ms)
✔ should parse source maps from compiled targets
✔ should handle extra whitespace characters
✔ should support base64 encoded inline source maps
107 passing (1m)
1 pending
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 97.38 | 92.07 | 100 | 97.38 |
bin | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 |
c8.js | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 | 41-42
lib | 97.15 | 91.04 | 100 | 97.15 |
parse-args.js | 98.4 | 94 | 100 | 98.4 | 174-175,242-243,276-277
report.js | 97.51 | 92.85 | 100 | 97.51 | ...121,233-234,317-318,352-354
source-map-from-file.js | 91 | 71.42 | 100 | 91 | 74-76,91-93,95-97
lib/commands | 100 | 95.45 | 100 | 100 |
check-coverage.js | 100 | 92.85 | 100 | 100 | 26
report.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
> c8@9.0.0 posttest
> standard
Now using node v18.19.0 (npm v10.3.0)
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* Installing latest `npm`; if this does not work on your node version, please report a bug!
changed 14 packages in 25s
24 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
* npm upgraded to: v10.3.0
added 383 packages, and audited 384 packages in 19s
98 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> c8@9.0.0 test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> c8@9.0.0 test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=1000000 ./test/*.js
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (810ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (905ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (10169ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (427ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (355ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (232ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (303ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (276ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (245ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (217ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (553ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (215ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (753ms)
✔ --100 (737ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (207ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (226ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (232ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (253ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (232ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (304ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (326ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (230ms)
✔ remaps branches (284ms)
✔ remaps classes (239ms)
✔ remaps branches (243ms)
✔ remaps classes (278ms)
✔ remaps branches (351ms)
✔ remaps classes (407ms)
✔ remaps branches (388ms)
✔ remaps classes (416ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (2841ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (936ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (888ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (3301ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (1165ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (2012ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (187ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (184ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (343ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (811ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (1010ms)
c8 mergeAsync
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (776ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (5741ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (489ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (413ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (554ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (246ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (265ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (234ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (242ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (209ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (214ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (219ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (750ms)
✔ --100 (742ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (221ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (265ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (303ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (267ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (241ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (216ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (277ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (268ms)
✔ remaps branches (339ms)
✔ remaps classes (379ms)
✔ remaps branches (404ms)
✔ remaps classes (400ms)
✔ remaps branches (422ms)
✔ remaps classes (419ms)
✔ remaps branches (419ms)
✔ remaps classes (525ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (2758ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (991ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (916ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (3274ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (908ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1721ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (180ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (173ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (331ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (806ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (997ms)
✔ hides arguments passed to instrumented app
✔ hides arguments passed to c8 bin (38ms)
with NODE_V8_COVERAGE already set
✔ should not override it
✔ should resolve to .nycrc at cwd
✔ should use config file specified in --config
✔ should have -c as an alias
✔ should respect options on the command line over config file
✔ should allow config files to extend each other
✔ should default to false
✔ should set to true when flag exists
Help Message
✔ ensure the help message is correct (189ms)
✔ ensure 'not enough non-option arguments' warning message (196ms)
Print derived configuration CLI option
✔ should not demand any arguments: --print-config=true (185ms)
✔ should not demand any arguments: --print-config (190ms)
✔ should demand arguments: --print-config=false (222ms)
✔ should not demand arguments: --print-config=false (846ms)
✔ ensure valid json (256ms)
- ensure comma delimited values transform into an array
✔ ensure default project configuration file is loaded (198ms)
text format option
✔ ensure loads config file from cli (201ms)
✔ ensure loads reporter option from cli (205ms)
json format option
✔ ensure loads config file from cli (199ms)
✔ ensure loads reporter option from cli (205ms)
✔ should parse source maps from compiled targets
✔ should handle extra whitespace characters
✔ should support base64 encoded inline source maps
107 passing (1m)
1 pending
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 97.38 | 91.35 | 100 | 97.38 |
bin | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 |
c8.js | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 | 41-42
lib | 97.15 | 90.15 | 100 | 97.15 |
parse-args.js | 98.4 | 94 | 100 | 98.4 | 174-175,242-243,276-277
report.js | 97.51 | 91.17 | 100 | 97.51 | ...121,233-234,317-318,352-354
source-map-from-file.js | 91 | 71.42 | 100 | 91 | 74-76,91-93,95-97
lib/commands | 100 | 95.45 | 100 | 100 |
check-coverage.js | 100 | 92.85 | 100 | 100 | 26
report.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
> c8@9.0.0 posttest
> standard
Now using node v20.11.0 (npm v10.3.0)
Attempting to upgrade to the latest working version of npm...
* Installing latest `npm`; if this does not work on your node version, please report a bug!
changed 14 packages in 6s
24 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
* npm upgraded to: v10.3.0
added 383 packages, and audited 384 packages in 39s
98 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> c8@9.0.0 test:snap
> cross-env CHAI_JEST_SNAPSHOT_UPDATE_ALL=true npm test
> c8@9.0.0 test
> cross-env TS_NODE_SKIP_PROJECT=true node ./bin/c8.js mocha --timeout=1000000 ./test/*.js
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (3173ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (1002ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (457ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (440ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (903ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (242ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (248ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (223ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (233ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (208ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (203ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (200ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (732ms)
✔ --100 (739ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (200ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (202ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (209ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (313ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (227ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (202ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (262ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (213ms)
✔ remaps branches (262ms)
✔ remaps classes (249ms)
✔ remaps branches (238ms)
✔ remaps classes (258ms)
✔ remaps branches (238ms)
✔ remaps classes (234ms)
✔ remaps branches (229ms)
✔ remaps classes (234ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (3777ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (612ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (575ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (2301ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (878ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (2261ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (195ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (188ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (370ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (817ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (984ms)
c8 mergeAsync
✔ reports coverage for script that exits normally (813ms)
✔ supports externally set NODE_V8_COVERAGE (729ms)
✔ merges reports from subprocesses together (376ms)
✔ allows relative files to be included (494ms)
✔ exits with 1 when report output fails (842ms)
✔ should allow for files outside of cwd (356ms)
✔ should allow for multiple overrides of src location for --all (362ms)
✔ cobertura report escapes special characters (328ms)
✔ collects coverage for script with shebang (338ms)
✔ exits with 0 if coverage within threshold (246ms)
✔ exits with 1 if coverage is below threshold (314ms)
✔ allows threshold to be applied on per-file basis (309ms)
✔ allows --check-coverage when executing script (827ms)
✔ --100 (742ms)
✔ check-coverage command with --100 (209ms)
✔ generates report from existing temporary files (209ms)
✔ supports --check-coverage, when generating reports (237ms)
ESM Modules
✔ collects coverage for ESM modules (308ms)
/* c8 ignore next */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (316ms)
✔ does not incorrectly mark previous branch as uncovered (see #254) (294ms)
/* c8 ignore start/stop */
✔ ignores lines with special comment (339ms)
✔ does not attempt to load source map URLs that aren't (303ms)
✔ remaps branches (353ms)
✔ remaps classes (383ms)
✔ remaps branches (363ms)
✔ remaps classes (383ms)
✔ remaps branches (397ms)
✔ remaps classes (388ms)
✔ remaps branches (380ms)
✔ remaps classes (372ms)
✔ reads source-map from cache, and applies to coverage (3022ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded js files as 0 for line, branch and function (1255ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded transpiled ts files as 0 for line, branch and function (748ms)
✔ reports coverage for unloaded ts files as 0 for line, branch and function when using ts-node (3010ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used in conjunction with --check-coverage (1060ms)
✔ should allow for --all to be used with the check-coverage command (2 invocations) (1805ms)
✔ supports reporting on directories outside cwd (186ms)
✔ supports reporting on single directories outside cwd (180ms)
✔ applies exclude rules after source-maps are applied (342ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified (813ms)
✔ includes coverage when extensions specified with --all (1351ms)
✔ hides arguments passed to instrumented app
✔ hides arguments passed to c8 bin
with NODE_V8_COVERAGE already set
✔ should not override it
✔ should resolve to .nycrc at cwd
✔ should use config file specified in --config
✔ should have -c as an alias
✔ should respect options on the command line over config file
✔ should allow config files to extend each other
✔ should default to false
✔ should set to true when flag exists
Help Message
✔ ensure the help message is correct (173ms)
✔ ensure 'not enough non-option arguments' warning message (536ms)
Print derived configuration CLI option
✔ should not demand any arguments: --print-config=true (142ms)
✔ should not demand any arguments: --print-config (168ms)
✔ should demand arguments: --print-config=false (201ms)
✔ should not demand arguments: --print-config=false (847ms)
✔ ensure valid json (213ms)
- ensure comma delimited values transform into an array
✔ ensure default project configuration file is loaded (209ms)
text format option
✔ ensure loads config file from cli (204ms)
✔ ensure loads reporter option from cli (200ms)
json format option
✔ ensure loads config file from cli (204ms)
✔ ensure loads reporter option from cli (198ms)
✔ should parse source maps from compiled targets
✔ should handle extra whitespace characters
✔ should support base64 encoded inline source maps
107 passing (1m)
1 pending
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 97.38 | 91.35 | 100 | 97.38 |
bin | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 |
c8.js | 95.34 | 100 | 100 | 95.34 | 41-42
lib | 97.15 | 90.15 | 100 | 97.15 |
parse-args.js | 98.4 | 94 | 100 | 98.4 | 174-175,242-243,276-277
report.js | 97.51 | 91.17 | 100 | 97.51 | ...121,233-234,317-318,352-354
source-map-from-file.js | 91 | 71.42 | 100 | 91 | 74-76,91-93,95-97
lib/commands | 100 | 95.45 | 100 | 100 |
check-coverage.js | 100 | 92.85 | 100 | 100 | 26
report.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
> c8@9.0.0 posttest
> standard
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