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Created December 7, 2009 19:47
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JavaScript Namespace
/* Namespace.js
Version 1.0, June 2009
by Mike Koss - released into the public domain.
Support for building modular namespaces in javascript.
window.global_namespace (Namespace) - The top of the namespace heirarchy. Child namespaces
are stored as properties in each namespace object.
*** Class Namespace ***
ns.Define(sPath, fnCallback(ns)) - Define a new Namespace object and call
the provided function with the new namespace as a parameter.
sPath - Path of the form ('unique.module.sub_module'). Pat
Returns the newly defined namespace.
ns.Extend(oDest, oSource) - Copy the (own) properties of the source object
into the destination object. Returns oDest. Note: This method is a convenience
function - it has no effect on the Namespace object itself.
ns.Import(sPath) - Return the namespace object with the given (absolute) path.
Usage example:
global_namespace.Define('startpad.base', function(ns) {
var Other = ns.Import('startpad.other');
ns.Extend(ns, {
var1: value1,
var2: value2,
MyFunc: function(args)
ns.ClassName = function(args)
ns.ClassName.prototype = {
constructor: ns.ClassName,
var1: value1,
Method1: function(args)
// Define stubs for FireBug objects if not present
// This is here because this will often be the very first javascript file loaded
if (!window.console)
(function ()
var names = ["log", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "assert", "dir", "dirxml",
"group", "groupEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "count", "trace", "profile", "profileEnd"];
window.console = {};
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
window.console[names[i]] = function() {};
var sGlobal = 'global_namespace';
// Don't run this function more than once.
if (window[sGlobal])
/** @constructor **/
function Namespace(nsParent, sName)
if (sName)
sName = sName.replace(/-/g, '_');
this._nsParent = nsParent;
if (this._nsParent)
this._nsParent[sName] = this;
this._sPath = this._nsParent._sPath;
if (this._sPath != '')
this._sPath += '.';
this._sPath += sName;
this._sPath = '';
Namespace.prototype['Extend'] = function(oDest, var_args)
if (oDest == undefined)
oDest = {};
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
var oSource = arguments[i];
for (var prop in oSource)
if (oSource.hasOwnProperty(prop))
oDest[prop] = oSource[prop];
return oDest;
var ns = window[sGlobal] = new Namespace(null);
ns['Extend'](Namespace.prototype, {
'Define': function (sPath, fnCallback)
sPath = sPath.replace(/-/g, '_');
var aPath = sPath.split('.');
var nsCur = this;
for (var i = 0; i < aPath.length; i++)
var sName = aPath[i];
if (nsCur[sName] == undefined)
new Namespace(nsCur, sName);
nsCur = nsCur[sName];
// In case a namespace is multiply loaded - we ignore the definition function
// for all but the first call.
if (fnCallback)
if (!nsCur._fDefined)
nsCur._fDefined = true;
fnCallback(nsCur);"Namespace '" + nsCur._sPath + "' defined.");
console.warn("WARNING: Namespace '" + nsCur._sPath + "' redefinition.");
else if (!nsCur._fDefined)
console.warn("Namespace '" + nsCur._sPath + "' forward reference.");
return nsCur;
'Import': function(sPath)
return window[sGlobal]['Define'](sPath);
'SGlobalName': function(sInNamespace)
sInNamespace = sInNamespace.replace(/-/g, '_');
return sGlobal + '.' + this._sPath + '.' + sInNamespace;
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