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mclavan / gist:535eec7e988a473307a684d3cefbf3c5
Created August 26, 2024 18:27
Control Icon - Thicken Curve
import maya.cmds as cmds
icon =
iconShape = cmds.listRelatives(icon, s=True)[0]
cmds.setAttr( '{0}.lineWidth'.format(iconShape), 4, cb=True)
Renaming systems with muliptle pads
# Getting Selected
# Determin if you want to work on selected or hierarchy.
mclavan /
Created July 3, 2022 14:00
Loops - Using the range command
Renaming Padding Systems
Loops - using the range command
print('Using Range.')
# for loop using range
for i in range(10):
# Joint Naming
# - This one is a bit harder because the last name will change from 'bind' to 'waste'
# Naming Convention
# orientation, name, count, suffix
# ct_back_01_bind -> ct_back_02_waste
Gist Link:
Renaming Part 2 - selection and loops
- Provided Scene (
# Cluster Naming Convention
# SystemName_clusterName_count_suffix
# ctBack_crvClust_01_clust
# Cluster Naming Convention
# SystemName_clusterName_count_suffix
# ctBack_crvClust_01_clust
system_name = 'ctBack'
cluster_name = 'crvClust'
count = 1
suffix = 'clust'
#new_name = system_name + '_' + cluster_name
mclavan /
Created June 13, 2021 00:36
coding session 6/12/21 part 2
import pymel.core as pm
ori = ['lt', 'rt']
name = ['index', 'ring', 'middle', 'pinky']
finger_name = 'lt_index_01_bind'
hand_icon = 'lt_hand_icon'
mclavan /
Created June 13, 2021 00:35
coding session 6/12/21
import pymel.core as pm
# pm.Callback(get_hand_icon, min, max, dv)
win_width = 200
hand_icon = ''
finger_joint = ''
finger_attr = 'index_curl'
def gui():
mclavan /
Last active September 17, 2021 18:58
import pymel.core as pm
class Hair_System:
This is where helpfull info goes.
def __init__(self):
mclavan /
Last active October 18, 2020 00:13
Coding Session 10/17/2020
# Creating an world FK Control system
# Create 4 World FK Controls
# Get Target Joint(s)
#current_joint = 'joint9'
# Get Selection