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Created April 30, 2013 07:32
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# -*- coding: utf-8-1 -*-
import random, math
size = 1000
numOfStations = 10
minStationDistance = 5
minPointDistance = 200
def dist(x1, y1, x2, y2):
d = math.sqrt(math.pow(x2-x1,2) + math.pow(y2-y1,2))
return d
def getStations():
stations = dict()
while len(stations) < numOfStations:
x = random.randint(1, size)
y = random.randint(1, size)
isValid = True
for s in stations.keys():
if (dist(x, y, stations[s][0], stations[s][1])) < minStationDistance:
isValid = False
if isValid:
stations[len(stations)] = [x,y]
return stations
def main(argv=None):
stations = getStations()
a = [random.randint(1, size), random.randint(1,size)]
b = [random.randint(1, size), random.randint(1,size)]
while dist(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1]) < minPointDistance:
print b
b = [random.randint(1, size), random.randint(1,size)]
# El primer número debe ser menor siempre
if (a[0] <= b[0]):
X = random.randint(a[0], b[0])
X = random.randint(b[0], a[0])
if (a[1] <= b[1]):
Y = random.randint(a[1], b[1])
Y = random.randint(b[1], a[1])
currDist = size * math.sqrt(2) # max. distancia posible
for s in stations.keys():
if (dist(X, Y, stations[s][0], stations[s][1])) < currDist:
nearest = s
currDist = dist(X, Y, stations[s][0], stations[s][1])
print "Estoy en %0d, %0d" % (X, Y)
print "La gasolinera más cercana está en %0d, %0d a una distancia de %0d" % (stations[nearest][0], stations[nearest][1], dist(X, Y, stations[nearest][0], stations[nearest][1]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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