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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Like DecentExposure, but less magical
# This is a module that provides two methods, `expose` and `let`, which
# allow you to cleanly and clearly define lazily-evaluated, memoized
# values that you can use anywhere in your controllers and views. It's
# very similar to the decent_exposure[1] gem, but it works more simply
# (and doesn't have a default action when you don't pass a block to
# #expose, to keep things very very simple).
# You will want to mix this into ApplicationController.
# == Rationale
# Oftentimes you will need to share some value between controller actions,
# or set the value in the controller and propagate it to the view so you
# can use it there. The conventional way to solve this is by setting an
# instance variable in a before filter. However this has some problems:
# * Rails is magical when it comes to controllers. Instance variables
# propagate to views? They propagate to partials too? Really? How does
# that work?
# * Rendering a template that relies on an instance variable whose name
# does not match the action name (for instance, rendering 'new' from the
# create action) is a pain because you have to remember to include
# :create in the before_filter, or call the before_filter manually.
# * Partials that rely on instance variables are a pain to share between
# different controllers because you have to remember to copy over the
# before_filters.
# * If an instance variable set in before_filter A depends on the instance
# variable set in before_filter B, you must remember to place
# before_filter A *before* B, otherwise your app will break. If you
# have a lot of dependencies then this gets pretty hairy.
# The `expose` method this module provides solves these problems:
# * `expose` simply makes a (memoized) helper method which the view has
# access to. There's no magic involved -- you can figure out how it
# works very easily.
# * Because the value returned by your `expose` is not evaluated until you
# request it, you are free to refer to other `expose`d values -- there
# is no need for certain `expose`s to be defined before others.
# * Sharing `expose`d values between controllers is easy -- just stuff
# the `expose`s in a module and share it.
# * Sharing these values between actions is easy too -- you've already
# defined them in your controller, so it's dead simple to use them in
# any view, including partials -- they're already available.
# * Having a list of `expose`d values makes your controller more OO -- it
# says, "here is a list of values that I as a controller am exposing"
# and it lets other developers know what values they are free to use in
# views.
# [1]:
module LimitedExposure
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module ClassMethods
# Public: Declare a controller variable which will also be available in
# views.
# The variable is implemented as a memoized controller method, and may
# have an optional value (evaluated at call time). A writer method is
# also created so the value can be overridden at runtime. A helper
# method is also created.
# name - The Symbol name of the method.
# block - Should return the initial value of the variable. When the
# method is called, the block will be evaluated and its return
# value will be cached. If the block is omitted, the method
# and variable return nothing.
# Example
# # === Controller ===
# expose(:posts) { Post.all }
# expose(:post)
# def new
# =
# end
# def edit
# = Post.find(params[:id])
# end
# # === View ('new' action) ===
# <%= posts.inspect %> <%# "[<Post id: 1, ...>, <Post id: 2, ...>]" %%>
# <%= post.persisted? %> <%# false %>
# # === View ('edit' action) ===
# <%= posts.inspect %> <%# "[<Post id: 1, ...>, <Post id: 2, ...>]" %>
# <%= post.persisted? %> <%# true %>
def expose(name, options={}, &block)
let(name, &block)
helper_method name
# Public: Declare a memoized controller variable.
# The variable is implemented as a memoized controller method, and may
# have an optional value (evaluated at call time). A writer method is
# also created so the value can be overridden at runtime. No helper
# method is created.
# name - The Symbol name of the method.
# block - Should return the initial value of the variable. When the
# method is called, the block will be evaluated and its
# return value will be cached. If the block is omitted, the
# method and variable return nothing.
# Examples
# # 1. Declare a memoized variable with a value
# let(:foo) { some_expensive_operation }
# def some_action
# foo #=> (result of some_expensive_operation)
# foo #=> (result from the last call)
# end
# # 2. Declare a memoized variable with a value, then override it
# let(:foo) { some_expensive_operation }
# def some_action
# = "bar"
# foo #=> "bar"
# end
# # 3. Declare an undefined variable set in the action
# let(:foo)
# def some_action
# foo #=> nil
# = "bar"
# foo #=> "bar"
# end
# Inspiration
# * <>
# * <>
def let(name, options={}, &block)
name = name.to_sym
define_method(name) do
__memoized[name] ||= (instance_eval(&block) if block)
define_method("#{name}=") do |value|
__memoized[name] = value
# Don't make this protected so that we can easily refer to this
# method in tests
hide_action name, "#{name}=" if respond_to?(:hide_action)
def __memoized
@__memoized ||= {}
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