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Created December 31, 2010 08:54
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Hacking Padrino to store current "controller" and "action"
# Put this in lib/current_controller_and_action.rb
module Padrino
module Rendering
module InstanceMethods
# Override render to store the current template being rendered so we can refer to it in the view
# This works with Padrino >= 0.9.10
def render(engine, data=nil, options={}, locals={}, &block)
# If engine is a hash then render data converted to json
return engine.to_json if engine.is_a?(Hash)
# Data can actually be a hash of options in certain cases
options.merge!(data) && data = nil if data.is_a?(Hash)
# If an engine is a string then this is a likely a path to be resolved
data, engine = *resolve_template(engine, options) if data.nil?
# PATCH: Store the current template being rendered
# This method will also get executed for partials and stuff
# so we just need to store it the first time we're called
@_template ||= data
# Sinatra 1.0 requires an outvar for erb and erubis templates
options[:outvar] ||= '@_out_buf' if [:erb, :erubis] & [engine]
# Resolve layouts similar to in Rails
if (options[:layout].nil? || options[:layout] == true) && !settings.templates.has_key?(:layout)
options[:layout] = resolved_layout || false # We need to force layout false so sinatra don't try to render it
logger.debug "Resolving layout #{options[:layout]}" if defined?(logger) && options[:layout].present?
# Pass arguments to Sinatra render method
super(engine, data, options.dup, locals, &block)
# This is obviously one of your helper files
YourApp.helpers do
# see lib/current_controller_and_action.rb for more on why this works
# (and also why this is kind of a kludge)
def current_controller_and_action
@current_controller_and_action ||= begin
act, clr = @_template.to_s.sub(%r!^/!, "").split("/").reverse
clr ||= "app"
[clr, act]
def current_controller; current_controller_and_action[0]; end
def current_action; current_controller_and_action[1]; end
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