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Created November 26, 2009 16:01
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effectsplot = function(formula, data=NULL, main=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL) {
# author: Matthias C. M. Troffaes
# date: 26 Nov 2009
# license: GPLv3
# usage:
# effectsplot(y ~ x, data=..., main=..., xlab=..., ylab=...)
# where the last three arguments are optional, and you should mind that xlab
# is a *vector* of two strings (first for group effect label, second for
# residual label).
# extract data frame from formula and data
ep.frame = model.frame(formula, data=data)
# set up labels
if (is.null(main)) {
main = "Effects Plot"
if (is.null(xlab)) {
xlab = c(sprintf("Group Effect (%s)", names(ep.frame)[2]), "Residuals")
if (is.null(ylab)) {
ylab = names(ep.frame)[1]
# get groups
ep.groups = levels(as.factor(ep.frame[,2]))
ep.num.groups = length(ep.groups)
# get global effect = mean(ep.frame[,1])
# get group effects = rep(0, length(ep.groups))
for (i in 1:ep.num.groups) {[i] = mean(ep.frame[,1][ep.frame[,2] == ep.groups[i]]) -
# get residuals: we do this by copying data, substracting global
# effect, and substracting group effects
ep.residuals = ep.frame[,1] -
for (i in 1:ep.num.groups) {
ep.residuals = ep.residuals -[i] * (ep.frame[,2] == ep.groups[i])
# get plot y limits
ymin = min(ep.residuals,
ymax = max(ep.residuals,
# plot group effects at x=1
plot(rep(1, ep.num.groups),, xlim=c(0.5,2.5), ylim=c(ymin, ymax), xaxp=c(1, 2, 1), main=main, xlab="", ylab=ylab, xaxt="n")
# plot residuals at x=2
boxplot(ep.residuals, add=TRUE, at=2)
# annotate the x axis
axis(1, at=c(1, 2), labels=xlab)
# annotate group effects
for (i in 1:ep.num.groups) {
text(1,[i], ep.groups[i], pos=2)
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