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Created April 28, 2020 03:11
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Deploy to Staging
/** *********************************
* GIT Deploy to Pivotal Staging
* 1. Ensure this file exists in the root directory of your website
* on the staging server
* 2. Update the $config variables below
* 3. Browse to this file in your browser to "clone" the repo
* 4. Setup a Webhook to auto-deploy:
* URL: http://nbm:nbm@{{site_domain_name}}/stage.php
* Status: Active
* Triggers: Repo push
* Everytime you push to the branch specified below, it'll
* auto deploy to the Pivotal Staging server.
* ********************************* */
putenv('NVM_DIR=' . getenv('HOME') . '/.nvm');
$config = array();
// GIT Repo URL eg.
$config['repo_url'] = 'git_repo_url';
// GIT Remote you're using eg. origin
$config['remote'] = 'origin';
// Git Branch you'd like to deploy from eg. master
$config['branch'] = 'develop';
// Posthook commands
$config['posthooks'] = array(
// # WORDPRESS (with Bedrock) ======
'composer install --ignore-platform-reqs',
// '( cd web/app/themes/pvtl ; npm install )',
// '( cd web/app/themes/pvtl ; npm run build )',
// # WORDPRESS ======
// 'git submodule update --init --remote --recursive',
// '[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" && npm install',
// '[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" && npm run compile-sass',
// # SITEHQ ======
# Clear Cache
// 'rm -rf cache/page_blocks',
// 'rm -rf cache/img_resize'
// ======
// # MAGENTO 2 ======
// 'composer update',
// 'php bin/magento setup:upgrade',
// 'php bin/magento setup:di:compile',
// 'php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy',
// ======
// ==============================================
// If the Envionment is set, meaning this is currently the PVTL staging server
// Error checking
if (empty($config['repo_url'])) die('Please provide the \'Path to Repo\' (i.e. the URL to the Git repo)');
if (empty($config['remote'])) die('Please provide the \'Remote\' to use (eg. origin)');
if (empty($config['branch'])) die('Please provide the \'Branch\' to use (eg. master)');
// Step 1. Setup ========================================
if (!file_exists('.git')) :
// We can't 'git clone' because the dir isn't empty (this file exists in it)
$clone_commands = array(
"git init",
"git remote add origin {$config['repo_url']}",
"git fetch",
"git checkout -t {$config['remote']}/{$config['branch']}",
respondAndContinue('Beginning setup of stage');
foreach ($clone_commands as $str_command) {
$output = shell_exec("{$str_command}");
if (!empty($output)) {
echo "# {$output} (#$str_command)<br />";
echo "<br /><strong><em>Cool cool cool. We just cloned the repo.</em></strong> <br /><br />";
echo "Next step, is to setup a Webhook in Bitbucket:<br />";
echo " &nbsp; &nbsp; - <strong>URL:</strong> http://nbm:nbm@{$this_url}<br />";
echo " &nbsp; &nbsp; - <strong>Status:</strong> Active<br />";
echo " &nbsp; &nbsp; - <strong>Triggers:</strong> Repo push<br />";
// Step 2. Handle Deploy ===============================
else :
// Standard Commands
$arr_commands = array(
"git fetch {$config['remote']} {$config['branch']}",
"git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD",
respondAndContinue('Beginning deploy of branch');
// Posthooks
if (!empty($config['posthooks'])) {
foreach ((array)$config['posthooks'] as $posthook) {
$arr_commands[] = "{$posthook}";
foreach ($arr_commands as $str_command) {
$output = shell_exec("{$str_command}");
echo "# ===> {$str_command} <br />";
if (!empty($output)) {
echo "# {$output} <br /><br />";
else :
// Otherwise fail
header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
echo 'Permission denied.';
// Immediately send a HTTP response and close the connection
// Allow this script to continue running in the background
function respondAndContinue($msg)
// Pad with spaces to force output buffers to flush
$msg .= str_repeat(' ', 4096);
// Buffer all upcoming output
// Send response
echo $msg;
// Disable compression (in case content length is compressed)
header('Content-Encoding: none');
// Set the content length of the response
header('Content-Length: ' . ob_get_length());
// Close the connection
header('Connection: close');
// Flush all output
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