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Last active July 6, 2020 08:18
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Sample DRAMON Configuration
{"DRINK":["Soda","Water","Something Hot","Tea","Some Wine","Milk","Yorghurt","Beer","Spirit","Porridge","A Herb.","some Fresh Juice","Bushera","Warm Water"],"CALL":["A Girlfriend","A Relative","Your Friend","someone you miss."],"EAT":["A Fruit","Leafy Vegetables","Fish","Nuts","Something Starchy","No meat","Chicken","some Seeds"],"GO TO":["Entebbe","A Forest","The Lake","Kampala","Home","School","a dance floor.","Bed.","work. "],"Summon":["God","Guardian Angel","Allself","Certain","your muse."],"LISTEN TO":["Some Nu Music","A Podcast","Old Hip Hop","Ragga!","Jazz","Some music.","Something you can play yourself, using things around you.","Traffic"],"WATCH":["A Music Video","A Science Video","Some News","A Cartoon","A Movie","A Comedy","Nature","Your Inner World","Something Erotic","The Skies."],"READ":["from SHRINES, by JWL.","a Holy Scripture.","One of your old documents.","Poetry","A Novel","the News","the Clouds","that book. "],"RITE":["Alone","With Someone else. (No more than 5).","With Someone else. (No more than 50).","inside your Astral Shrine","with others."],"WRITE":["A Note","A Short Story.","a pending assignment.","A business proposal. ","A paper.","a business idea."],"HAVE":["Nothing to do with them.","That, what you have found.","you eaten anything dear?"],"BE":["Abstract.","Silent. ","Active.","Observant.","at ease please."],"DRAW":["A sketch of something around.","Something imagined, and unreal.","Calligraphy.","A Symbol.","a Doodling","your wildest fantasy"],"LOOK":["Behind you.","to your Right","to your Left","Ahead","Above you","Under","Through them","For what's missing if any."],"IT IS":["True","False","Uncertain","Certain"],"DO":["your Accounts","some Exercise","nothing more.","something new.","not hesitate.","nothing","some more learning"],"WEAR":["a Hot T-shirt","A watch, if you want.","Flat shoes","a Cap.","Nothing!","No T-shirt","Decently","no cap","something light","something serious!"],"DRIVE":["In 30 min.","Slow, and be observant","If it rains, but go after.","Far from town today.","carefully, but keep time."],"JUDGE":["if Change is Justified","if Enough has been done already","if the Truth is being told"],"":["Am not feeling fine... 😔","That is exciting!!","Thinking...","Been waiting to tell you this!","Yes, I say, do this.","Oh dear, you need to rest. I love you so much!","Am not here.","No, disregard that recommendation pal."],"MEDITATE":["By gazing and listening to water","Using the sun","On birds and their singing","By taking a long walk in a natural environment","By fire gazing","By listening to the wind","By walking in circles","Using breath control","By chanting or humming a mantra","Using visualization","Using a single asana","Using rhythmic dance","With the rain","with God."],"GO":["Running.","Walking","On","Insane!"],"VISUALIZE":["A change in weather.","Floating in air.","Being invisible.","Sitting on a cloud.","Having the sweetest love making.","Getting paid.","Being the other right now.","Existing outside of time.","Tomorrow."],"ANALYZE":["That number.","That name.","That work.","That app.","Your current state of mind.","Yesterday."],"THE":["Food is ready.","Time is now.","Path is clear.","Moment isn't right.","world is ours"],"TAKE":["That with you.","A nap.","Them with you.","No one else please."],"MAKE":["up a story.","them annoyed.","it stop raining please.","some money right now.","them feel sorry.","yourself invisible.","love","something happen"],"REST":["a bit."," "]}
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