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v:TEA|h:{know some u:code poetry?}|g!:_*\0/*_

Nemesis Fixx Da JWL mcnemesis

v:TEA|h:{know some u:code poetry?}|g!:_*\0/*_
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mcnemesis / TTTT.Default.EXAMPLE.TEAS.json
Last active June 7, 2024 09:28
TEA Text Transformer Terminal (TTTT) standard starter TEAS (TExt Alternator Scripts) --- from Nuchwezi Research
"The TATA Transform|t:\na:\nt:\na:",
"TAATA Pure Transform|t:\naa:\nt:\na:",
"The MAD MAAT Transform|m:\naa:\nt:\nd:[a-z]\\.[a-z]\ns:",
"The MATRiC Transform|m:\naa:\nt:\nr:00: \nr:81:9\ns:",
"The y-NuMATRiC Transform|m:\naa:\nt:\nr:00: \nr:81:9\nr:21:3\nr:25:Y\ns:",
"The sad-RNG Transformer|s:\naa:\nd:[ ]+[0-9 ]*$",
"The SAT Transform|s:\na:\nt:",
"The DIA RNG Transform|i:123456789 0\naa:\nd: [0-9]+\n",
"The DIA RNG Generator|i:123456789 0\naa:\nd: [0-9]+\n",
mcnemesis / index.html
Created September 11, 2023 08:09
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
mcnemesis / django_apps.conf
Last active July 12, 2023 11:06
Sample Mod-Macro spec for a single Django App running with Apache on a local subnet (useful to run apache behind nginx)
NameVirtualHost $IP:$PORT
Listen $IP:$PORT
<VirtualHost $IP:$PORT>
ServerName $DOMAIN
ServerAlias www.$DOMAIN *.$DOMAIN
ServerAdmin $ADMIN_EMAIL
# to allow each django project to use its own nginx daemon and thus prevent sharing settings
mcnemesis / nginx_default
Created July 12, 2023 10:46
Sample Nginx Server Config for Serving Django App running on hidden/local network Apache instance with/without SSL
server {
listen 80;
return 301$request_uri;
server {
mcnemesis / HIDAc_default_knowledgebase.json
Created May 24, 2023 08:22
Default AI Knowledge Model Config for the HIDAC robot
"published":"20 Apr, 2023",
"name":"HIDA: Maternal Healthcare QA",
"q":"Why do I feel tired and weak",
package com.nuchwezi.nulabs;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import com.nuchwezi.xlitedatabase.DBAdapter; // <-- get the DAL
mcnemesis / write_endings
Created July 19, 2013 12:50
[Stolen] Interesting Ways to End Letters and Email, until you die.
Normal, Funny, Unique, and Loving ways to end your letters, notes, e-mails, conversations, tweets, posts....
I love lists.....
Best/Warm wishes,
Confidently yours,
Kind regards,
Respectfully Yours,
With anticipation,
mcnemesis / vosac_default_knowledgebase.json
Last active August 17, 2022 11:05
Default AI Knowledge Model Config for the VOSAC robot
"qa": [
"aq": [
"Who is your father?",
"Who is your dad?",
"Who are your parents?"
"id": 25,
"a": "Joseph Willrich Lutalo, he fathered me.",
mcnemesis /
Created June 10, 2022 10:48
Have Fun in Bash Shell
# place the following into somewhere like /etc/bash.bashrc.local
# then import into your bash terminals via ~/.bashrc with:
# source /etc/bash.bashrc.local
function fun {
R=$(($RANDOM % 4))
if [[ $R -eq 1 ]]
elif [[ $R -eq 2 ]]
mcnemesis / code_poem--the-table-craftsman--JWL.js
Created January 28, 2022 11:43
Tale of The Table Maker --- a code poem by JWL (nemesisfixx)
/*********************** Tale of The Table Maker **********************
* CODE POET: nemesisfixx
* Once, when presented with a box of obscure things,
* and a style of table desired,
* the craftsman had to do his magic on them, then
* hand back a brand-new table, ready to be used!