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Created May 1, 2013 17:06
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Script to produce my first two dissertation papers, in STATA.
/* .Do file to run the ATUS to look at Parental Time Use by income */
clear matrix;
version 11;
set mem 400m;
set mat 1600;
set more off;
cd "/Users/michaelcorey/Dropbox/School Work/Diss Paper 1 -- weekend work over time/";
*do "/Users/michaelcorey/Dropbox/School Work/Diss Paper 1 -- weekend work over time/Diss Paper 1 Data/";
* compress;
* save "diss paper 1 atusx.dta", replace;
do "/Users/michaelcorey/Dropbox/School Work/Diss Paper 1 -- weekend work over time/Diss Paper 1 Data/";
save "diss paper 1 extra vars.dta", replace;
do "/Users/michaelcorey/Dropbox/School Work/Diss Paper 1 -- weekend work over time/Diss Paper 1 Data/";
save "pressershiftextract.dta", replace;
use "diss paper 1 atusx.dta";
merge 1:1 caseid lineno using "diss paper 1 extra vars.dta", gen(mextra);
merge 1:1 caseid lineno using "pressershiftextract.dta", gen(mshift);
merge 1:1 caseid lineno using "diss paper 1 evening time vars.dta", gen(evars);
gen dayshift = work8am4pm;
label variable dayshift "Minutes of Work 8am to 4pm";
gen eveshift = work4pm12am;
label variable eveshift "Minutes of Work 4pm to Midnight";
gen nightshift = work12am4am + work4to8am;
label variable nightshift "Minutes of Work Midnight to 4am + 4am to 8am)";
gen _dayshift = (dayshift >= eveshift) & (dayshift >= nightshift) & dayshift != 0;
gen _eveshift = (eveshift > nightshift) & (eveshift > dayshift) & eveshift != 0;
gen _nightshift = (nightshift > dayshift) & (nightshift >= eveshift) & nightshift !=0;
gen shift = .;
replace shift= 2 if _eveshift == 1;
replace shift= 3 if _nightshift == 1;
replace shift= 1 if _dayshift == 1;
label define lblshift 1 "Day Shift" 2 "Evening Shift" 3 "Night Shift";
label values shift lblshift;
label variable shift "Shift Where Most Minutes Are Worked";
*Make short, med, and long hour variables;
gen work25q = work_hours <= 7.016667 ;
gen work50q = work_hours > 7.016667 & work_hours < 9.36667 ;
gen work75q = work_hours >= 9.36667 ;
summ work25q work50q work75q ;
//make some variables for P.England
keep caseid shift;
save corey_atus_shift_vars.dta, replace;
gen work_hours = working/60; //convert work minutes to hours
gen work10 = work_hours >= 10 & work_hours != .; //create flag for 10+ hours working on day
label variable work10 "Working 10+ hours"; //label 10+ hours variable
label define work10lbl
0 "Work <10 hrs" 1 "Work 10+ Hrs"; //define 10+ hours label
label values work10 work10lbl; //apply 10+ hours label
recode sex (1=1 "Male") (2=0 "Female"), gen(male); //Create male
recode work_hours (2/24 = 1 "2+ hours")
(0/2 = 0 "<2 hours") , gen(work2); //create flag for 2 work hours
label variable work2 "Working 2+ hours"; //label 2+ hours variable
recode work_hours (0 = 0 "No Work") //Create banded work10 hours
(10/24 = 2 "10+ hours")
(else = 1 "Work <10 hours"), gen(work10band);
label variable work10band "10+ Hours Banded";
recode famincome (996/998=.); //set missing values for family income
recode famincome (1/6=1 "<$20k") (7/10=2 "$20k-$39k")
(11/14=3 "$40k-$99k") (15/16 = 4 "$100k+")
(.=.), gen(faminc4band); //Recode family income into 3 bands
label variable faminc4band "Family Income, 4 bands";
tab famincome faminc4band, miss; //Check family income variables
recode day (1= 1 "Weekend") (7= 1 "Weekend")
(2/6 = 0 "Weekday"), gen(weekend); //Create weekend variable
label variable weekend "Weekend";
tab day weekend; //Check weekend variable
recode race (100=1 "White") //Create a 4-cat race variable
(200=2 "Black") (501=2) (505/507=2 ) (510=2) (514=2)
(401=3 "Asian") (503=3 )
(else = 4 "Other"), gen(race4);
label variable race4 "4-cat Race";
recode race4 (1=1 "White") (.=2 Hispanic) (2=3 "Black") (3=4 "Asian") (4=5 "Other"), gen(race4h);
replace race4h = 2 if hispan > 100 & race4 != 2;
label variable race4h "Race + Hispanic";
tab race race4; //Check 4-cat race variable\
tab race4 race4h;
recode fullpart (2=1 "Part Time") (1=0 "Full Time") (else = .),
label variable parttime "Part Time";
tab parttime fullpart, miss;
recode marst (1=1 "Married") (else=0 "Single"),
gen(married); //Generate Married
label variable married "Married";
recode marst (1=0 "Married") (else=1 "Single"),
gen(single); //Generate Single
label variable single "Not Married";
recode educ (10/20 = 1 "lths") (21 = 2 "HS") //Generate Smaller Education Codes
(30/32 = 3 "some coll") (40/43 = 4 "College +")
, gen(educ4);
label variable educ4 "4-Cat Education";
tab educ educ4;
recode fullpart(1=1 "Full Time") (2=2 "Part Time") (99=3 "Out of Labor Force"), gen(wfstat);
label variable wfstat "Work Force Status";
gen evework = work6to7pm + work7to8pm;
label variable evework "Mins work between 6pm and 8pm";
gen evework_h = evework/60;
label variable evework_h "Hours of work between 6pm and 8pm";
gen evework_10 = evework>=10;
label variable evework_10 "At least 10min of work 6-8pm";
gen evework_15 = evework>=15;
label variable evework_15 "At least 15min of work 6-8pm";
gen evework_120 = evework==120;
label variable evework_120 "Works from 6pm-8pm";
gen fulltime = fullpart == 1;
label variable fulltime "Works Fulltime";
gen _evewrkall = evewrkall >0 & evewrkall != .;
label variable _evewrkall "Does ANY work 6-9pm";
#delimit; //Make dummies for race5 (with hispanic)
tab race4h , gen(r);
label variable r1 "White";
label variable r2 "Hispanic";
label variable r3 "Black";
label variable r4 "Asian";
label variable r5 "Other";
#delimit; //Make Dummies for ed
gen lths = educ4 == 1;
gen hs = educ4 == 2;
gen somecol = educ4 == 3;
gen college = educ4 == 4;
gen noworkday = work_hours == 0;
label variable noworkday "No Work on Day";
//Mean Center Age
egen agemean = mean(age);
gen agemc = age - agemean;
corr agemc age;
drop rbwt* rehwt* rwt* ;
save "/Users/michaelcorey/Dropbox/R Private/diss paper 1 for R.dta", replace;
keep if ageychild < 18; //Keep only if child under 13 in HH
keep if age>18 & age<60;
keep if schlcoll<= 1 | schlcoll >= 99;
drop if noworkday == 1;
//Descriptive Table for education and evening work
table educ4 male fullpart [aw=wt06] if weekend == 0,
c(mean work6to7pm mean work7to8pm mean evework_10 n evework);
table faminc4band male fullpart [aw=wt06] if weekend == 0,
c(mean work6to7pm mean work7to8pm mean evework_10 n evework);
table educ4 male fullpart [aw=wt06] if weekend == 0,
c(mean work10 n work10);
table faminc4band male fullpart [aw=wt06] if weekend == 0,
c(mean work10 n work10);
keep if weekend == 0; //Select in only weekdays!
drop if fullpart == 99; //Drop those reporting themselves not in the labor force
tobit evework ib2.educ4 [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(120);
tobit evework ib2.educ4 male [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(120);
tobit evework ib2.educ4 male agemc [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(120);
tobit evework ib2.educ4 male agemc [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(120);
tobit evework ib2.educ4 male agemc ageychild hh_numkids [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(120);
tobit evework ib2.educ4 male agemc hh_numkids work_hours [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(120);
tobit evework ib2.educ4 male agemc fullpart ageychild hh_numkids work_hours [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(120);
tobit evework ib2.educ4 male agemc ageychild hh_numkids work_hours work10 [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(120);
margins educ4;
margins educ4, predict(ystar(0,120));
margins educ4, predict(pr(0,120));
tobit evework ib2.faminc4band male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours work10 [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(120);
margins faminc4band;
margins faminc4band, predict(ystar(0,120));
margins faminc4band, predict(pr(0,120));
/* logistic evework_15 ib3.educ4##male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours [pw=wt06];
test 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test LTHS Educated Males by Male Ref
test 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test HS Educated Males by Males Ref
test 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test College Educated Males by Male Ref
test 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male == 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male; //Test LTHS and HS
test 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male == 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Test LTHS and Coll
test 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male == 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Test HS and Coll
lincom 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male; //Calculate Male Joint Effects
lincom 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male; //Calculate Male Joint Effects
lincom 1.male + 3.educ4 + 3.educ4#1.male; //Calculate Male Joint Effects
lincom 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Calculate Male Joint Effects */
tobit evework ib3.educ4##male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours noworkday [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(120) ;
test 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test LTHS Educated Males by Some College Educated Males
test 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test HS Educated Males by Some College Educated Males
test 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test College Educated Males by Some College Educated Males
test 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male == 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male; //Test LTHS and HS
test 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male == 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Test LTHS and Coll
test 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male == 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Test HS and Coll
lincom 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male; //Test and Calculate Male Joint Effects
lincom 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male; //Test and Calculate Male Joint Effects
lincom 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Test and Calculate Male Joint Effects
margins educ4#male; //xb marginal effect
margins educ4#male, predict(ystar(0,121)); //ystar marginal effect
margins educ4#male, predict(pr(0,121)); //within range marginal effect
tobit evewrkall ib3.educ4##male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours noworkday [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(180) ;
test 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test LTHS Educated Males by Some College Educated Males
test 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test HS Educated Males by Some College Educated Males
test 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test College Educated Males by Some College Educated Males
test 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male == 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male; //Test LTHS and HS
test 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male == 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Test LTHS and Coll
test 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male == 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Test HS and Coll
lincom 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male; //Test and Calculate Male Joint Effects
lincom 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male; //Test and Calculate Male Joint Effects
lincom 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Test and Calculate Male Joint Effects
margins educ4#male; //xb marginal effect
margins educ4#male, predict(ystar(0,180)); //ystar marginal effect
margins educ4#male, predict(pr(0,180)); //within range marginal effect
tobit evewrkhome ib3.educ4##male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours noworkday [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(180) ;
test 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test LTHS Educated Males by Some College Educated Males
test 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test HS Educated Males by Some College Educated Males
test 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test College Educated Males by Some College Educated Males
test 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male == 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male; //Test LTHS and HS
test 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male == 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Test LTHS and Coll
test 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male == 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Test HS and Coll
lincom 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male; //Test and Calculate Male Joint Effects
lincom 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male; //Test and Calculate Male Joint Effects
lincom 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Test and Calculate Male Joint Effects
margins educ4#male; //xb marginal effect
margins educ4#male, predict(ystar(0,180)); //ystar marginal effect
margins educ4#male, predict(pr(0,180)); //within range marginal effect
tobit evewrknothome ib3.educ4##male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours noworkday [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(180) ;
test 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test LTHS Educated Males by Some College Educated Males
test 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test HS Educated Males by Some College Educated Males
test 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test College Educated Males by Some College Educated Males
test 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male == 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male; //Test LTHS and HS
test 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male == 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Test LTHS and Coll
test 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male == 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Test HS and Coll
lincom 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male; //Test and Calculate Male Joint Effects
lincom 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male; //Test and Calculate Male Joint Effects
lincom 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Test and Calculate Male Joint Effects
margins educ4#male; //xb marginal effect
margins educ4#male, predict(ystar(0,180)); //ystar marginal effect
margins educ4#male, predict(pr(0,180)); //within range marginal effect
/* logistic work10 ib3.educ4##male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours noworkday [pw=wt06];
lincom 1.male + 1.educ4 + 1.educ4#1.male; //Calculate Male Joint Effects
lincom 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male; //Calculate Male Joint Effects
lincom 1.male + 3.educ4 + 3.educ4#1.male; //Calculate Male Joint Effects
lincom 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male; //Calculate Male Joint Effects
test 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test LTHS Educated Males by Male Ref
test 1.male + 2.educ4 + 2.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test HS Educated Males by Males Ref
test 1.male + 4.educ4 + 4.educ4#1.male = 1.male; //Test College Educated Males by Male Ref
regress evework ib2.educ4##male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours work10 [aw=wt06] if evework != 0;
tobit evework ib2.educ4##male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours
[aw=wt06] if evework != 0, ll(0) ul(120);
eststo eveall: quietly tobit evewrkall ib3.educ4##male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(180) ;
eststo eveout: quietly tobit evewrknothome ib3.educ4##male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(180) ;
eststo evehome: quietly tobit evewrkhome ib3.educ4##male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours [aw=wt06], ll(0) ul(180) ;
estout eveall eveout evehome using "evework_tobits.txt", cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f)) se(par(`"="("' `")""')))
keep(1.male 1.educ4 2.educ4 4.educ4 1.educ4#1.male
2.educ4#1.male 4.educ4#1.male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours _cons)
order(1.male 1.educ4 2.educ4 4.educ4 1.educ4#1.male
2.educ4#1.male 4.educ4#1.male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours _cons)
stats(N N_unc ll) replace;
/*--- Compare tobit, OLS and poisson-gamma for my eveall measure ---*/
eststo eveallOLS: quietly regress evewrkall ib3.educ4##male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours [aw=wt06];
eststo eveallPG: quietly glm evewrkall ib3.educ4##male agemc ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours [aw=wt06];
#delimit; //Descriptive Tables Start Here
/*-- Table to show the number of workers on different shifts-- */
tab shift [aw=wt06]; //Table of breakdown by shift classification
tab shift [aw=wt06] if evewrkall != 0; //Table of shift if evewrkall != 0
tab shift [aw=wt06] if evewrkall == 0; //Table of shift if evewrkall == 0
/*--- Table to show avg amount of eve work (6-9pm) done by workers on different shifts-- */
table shift [aw=wt06],
contents(mean evewrkall ) ; //Table of avg minutes of eve work per shift
table shift _evewrkall [aw=wt06] ,
contents(mean evewrkall ) ; //Avg minutes if total evewrk != 0
table shift [aw=wt06],
contents(p20 evewrkall p40 evewrkall mean evewrkall p60 evewrkall p80 evewrkall ) ; //Table of avg minutes of eve work per shift
table shift _evewrkall [aw=wt06] ,
contents(p20 evewrkall p40 evewrkall mean evewrkall p60 evewrkall p80 evewrkall ) ; //Avg minutes if total evewrk != 0
/*--- Show Composition of eveining workers or shift workforces-- */
* table shift [aw=wt06], contents (mean age mean educ4 mean hh_numkids mean single mean work_hours mean r1 mean r2 mean r3 mean r4 mean r5);
* table _evewrk [aw=wt06], contents (mean age mean educ4 mean hh_numkids mean single mean work_hours mean i.race4h);
regress evewrkall ib2.shift; //Regress to see how much of eve work is explained by shift, does it go away with other covariates?
regress evewrkall ib2.shift male agemc ib3.educ4 [aw=wt06]; //Regress to see how much of evening work is explained with covariates
mlogit shift male agemc ib3.educ4 hh_numkids single work_hours ib1.race4 [aw=wt06], b(2); //regresses same covariates on shift.
/*--- Show the descriptive means by shift/evening work---*/
mean male age lths hs somecol college hh_numkids single work_hours r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 [aw=wt06] if shift == 1;
mean male age lths hs somecol college hh_numkids single work_hours r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 [aw=wt06] if shift == 2;
mean male age lths hs somecol college hh_numkids single work_hours r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 [aw=wt06] if shift == 3;
mean male age lths hs somecol college hh_numkids single work_hours r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 [aw=wt06] if evewrkall > 0;
mean male age lths hs somecol college hh_numkids single work_hours r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 [aw=wt06] if evewrkall == 0;
mean male age lths hs somecol college hh_numkids single work_hours r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 ;
/*----- Minutes of "day" or "evening" work by shift -----*/
table shift, c(mean work8am4pm mean work4pm12am);
/* Hypothesis 4: Time in Childcare */
summ evewrknothome if evewrknothome != 0, d ; //Only about 20% of sample does eve wrk away from home
summ evewrkhome if evewrkhome != 0, d; //Only about 10% of sample does eve wrk at home
corr evewrkhome evewrknothome; //Not correlated (duh); 109 cases are >0 for both
bysort male: tobit twkids_all ib3.educ4, ll(0) ul(1440); //regress time in childcare
bysort male: tobit twkids_all evewrkhome evewrknothome ib3.educ4, ll(0) ul(1440); //regress time in childcare
bysort male: tobit twkids_all evewrkhome evewrknothome ib3.educ4 agemc
ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours parttime
if year <=2009, ll(0) ul(1440); //Full Model: home eve work increases time (only for 2010/11)
bysort male: tobit twkids_all evewrkhome evewrknothome ib3.educ4 agemc
ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours parttime
if year >2009, ll(0) ul(1440); //Full Model: home eve work increases time (only for 2010/11)
bysort male: tobit twkids_6to9 ib3.educ4, ll(0) ul(1440); //regress time in childcare
bysort male: tobit twkids_6to9 evewrkhome evewrknothome ib3.educ4, ll(0) ul(180); //regress time in childcare
bysort male: tobit twkids_6to9 evewrkhome evewrknothome ib3.educ4 agemc
ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours parttime, ll(0) ul(180); //Full Model:
bysort male: tobit twkids_6to9 c.evewrkhome##ib3.educ4 c.evewrknothome##ib3.educ4 agemc
ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours parttime, ll(0) ul(180); //Full Model w. interactions, doesn't do much
#delimit; //Table 3, model 1
tobit twkids_6to9 evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc ageychild hh_numkids
single work25q work75q [aw=wt06] , ll(0) ul(180); //Reduced model 3.1
mfx, predict(ys(0,180)) varlist(evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc
ageychild hh_numkids single work25q work75q); //Table 3, model 1-- dy/dx for y*)
regress twkids_6to9 evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc ageychild hh_numkids
single work25q work75q [aw=wt06]; //OLS model for a simple sanity check (appx 3.1)
#delimit; //Tabe 3, model 2
tobit twkids_all evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc ageychild hh_numkids
single work_hours [aw=wt06] , ll(0) ul(1440); //Reduced model
mfx, predict(ys(0,1440)) varlist(evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc
ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours); //Table 3, model 2-- dy/dx for y*)
regress twkids_all evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc ageychild hh_numkids
single work_hours [aw=wt06]; //OLS model for a simple sanity check (appx 4.2)\
/*--- Strange, the effect of evening work at home is opposite what is expected. But...*/
tobit twkids_all evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc ageychild hh_numkids
single parttime [aw=wt06] , ll(0) ul(1440); //changing 3.2 to part time flips effect
*Need sensitivity test, since part-time flips effect. Put in Short, Reg (ref), and Long Hours
tobit twkids_all evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc ageychild hh_numkids
single work25q work75q [aw=wt06] , ll(0) ul(1440); //Reduced model
mfx, predict(ys(0,1440)) varlist(evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc
ageychild hh_numkids single work25q work75); //Table 3, model 2-- dy/dx for y*)
regress twkids_all evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc ageychild hh_numkids
single work25q work75q [aw=wt06]; //OLS model for a simple sanity check (appx 3.2)\
#delimit; //Table 3, model 3 --- Make to include time in work at home???
#delimit; //Table 5, model 1
tobit twkids_all evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc ageychild hh_numkids
single work_hours ib3.educ4 [aw=wt06] , ll(0) ul(1440); //Model 5.1: WITH ED, to test odd eve work at home positive coef.
mfx, predict(ys(0,1440)) varlist(evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc
ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours ib3.educ4); //Table 5, model 1, model 1-- dy/dx for y*)
regress twkids_all evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc ageychild hh_numkids
single work_hours ib3.educ4 [aw=wt06]; //OLS model for a simple sanity check (appx 5.1)
#delimit; //Table 5, model 2
tobit twkids_all evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc ageychild hh_numkids
single work_hours ib3.educ4##c.evewrkhome ib3.educ4##c.evewrknothome
[aw=wt06] , ll(0) ul(1440); //Model 2: with ed AND INTS, to test odd eve work at home positive coef.
* mfx, predict(ys(0,1440)) varlist(evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc
* ageychild hh_numkids single work_hours ib3.educ4##evewrkhome
* ib3.educ4##evewrknothome); //Table 5, model 2, -- dy/dx for y*)
regress twkids_all evewrkhome evewrknothome male agemc ageychild hh_numkids
single work_hours ib3.educ4##c.evewrkhome ib3.educ4##c.evewrknothome
[aw=wt06]; //OLS model for a simple sanity check (appx 5.2)
* save "/Users/michaelcorey/Dropbox/R Private/atus4rPars.dta", replace;
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