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Created March 7, 2015 08:47
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Grim Patron + Bouncing Blade
from __future__ import division, print_function # Python 3 backwards compatible (and I'm lazy/hacky)
outcomes = 0
# zip mult sum
# returns [a[0] * amult + b[0] * bmult, a[1] * amult + b[1] * bmult, ...]
def zms(a, b, amult=1, bmult=1):
return list(map(lambda x, y: x * amult + y * bmult, a, b))
# cache decorator
def cache(f):
return lambda*x:c.setdefault(x,x in c or f(*x))
# returns (possibilities of 0 minions, 1, 2, ..., 6)
def minion_count(three, two, one):
global outcomes
outcomes += 1
num_minions = three + two + one
out = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
if three:
out = zms(minion_count(three - (num_minions == 7), two + 1, one), out, three / num_minions) # abusing boolean logic for Don't Repeat Yourself
if two:
out = zms(minion_count(three + (num_minions != 7), two - 1, one + 1), out, two / num_minions)
if one:
out[num_minions - 1] += one / num_minions # subtract one for the dead one
return tuple(out)
# speaking of Don't Repeat Yourself, 90% of this code is repeated from above
# returns attack/health
def stats(three, two, one):
num_minions = three + two + one
out = [0, 0]
if three:
out = zms(stats(three - (num_minions == 7), two + 1, one), out, three / num_minions)
if two:
out = zms(stats(three + (num_minions != 7), two - 1, one + 1), out, two / num_minions)
if one:
out = zms([3 * (num_minions - 1), 3 * three + 2 * two + one - 1], out, one / num_minions)
return tuple(out)
minion_count_results = minion_count(1,0,0)
stats_results = stats(1,0,0)
print("evaluated", outcomes, "outcomes")
print(*["%d minions %.2f%% chance" % (i, odds*100) for i, odds in enumerate(minion_count_results)], sep="\n")
print("average stats:", "/".join("%.4f" % x for x in stats_results))
evaluated 36 outcomes
0 minions 0.00% chance
1 minions 0.00% chance
2 minions 16.67% chance
3 minions 16.67% chance
4 minions 15.83% chance
5 minions 13.06% chance
6 minions 37.78% chance
average stats: 13.1583/10.0951
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