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Created March 15, 2016 00:12
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Userscript for /r/osugame
// ==UserScript==
// @name osugame_func+
// @namespace /r/osugame
// @author /u/N3G4
// @description Adds osu! related functionality to /r/osugame
// @include **
// @version 1.2.2
// @run-at document-end
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
// ~ ~~ Features ~~ ~
// * Turns URLs in user flairs to clickable links
// * Displays player name and pp/rank on flair hover
// ~ ~~~~ ~
// take sum of offsets up the node tree
function getXYPos(element) {
var leftval = 0;
var topval = 0;
while(element) {
leftval += element.offsetLeft;
topval += element.offsetTop;
element = element.offsetParent;
return {
x: leftval,
y: topval
function Flairbox() {
var waiting = false;
var clickify = function(flair) {
var flairtext = flair.innerHTML;
flair.innerHTML =;
flair.firstChild.title = ""; // prevent tooltip getting in the way
// Create DOM from string by inserting into new element, then append to html body
var createInfoBox = function() {
var pophtml = "<div id='ofp-infobox' " +
"style='display:none; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; " +
"padding: 2px 5px; background-color:#A9A9FF; opacity:0.9; " +
"color: #FFF; font-size: 11px;'></div>";
var popelement = document.createElement("div");
popelement.innerHTML = pophtml;
var setHover = function(flair) {
var box = document.getElementById("ofp-infobox");
flair.firstChild.onmouseover = function(){ showInfoBox(box, flair); };
flair.firstChild.onmouseout = function(){ hideInfoBox(box, flair); };
var showInfoBox = function(box, flair) {
if("^https?://osu\.ppy\.sh/u/") !== -1 ) {
waiting = true;
method: "GET",
url: flair.firstChild.innerHTML,
onload: function(response){ onUserpageLoad(response, box, flair); },
onerror: function(){ console.error("Error on HTTP GET request."); }
reposInfoBox(box, flair);
var hideInfoBox = function(box) {
waiting = false; = "none"; // hide info box
var onUserpageLoad = function(response, box, flair) {
var resdom = document.createElement("html");
resdom.innerHTML = response.responseText;
var playername = resdom.getElementsByClassName("profile-username")[0]
var userid = flair.firstChild.innerHTML.split("/").pop();
// need userId to grab rank data
if("[a-z]") !== -1) {
// grab from friend button
userid = resdom.getElementsByClassName("centrep")[1]
// The following routes are left from previous versions,
// if the first route fails the script will probably break
if("[a-z]") !== -1) {
// grab from avatar filename
var avatar = resdom.getElementsByClassName("avatar-holder")[0];
if(avatar) {
userid = avatar.firstChild.src.split("_")[0].split("/").pop();
// try third route
if(!avatar ||"[a-z]") !== -1) {
// grab from javascript variable
userid = resdom.children[1].getElementsByTagName("script")[0]
.innerHTML.split(";\n")[0].split("= ")[1];
var statsurl = "" +
userid + "&m=0";
if(waiting) {
method: "GET",
url: statsurl,
onload: function(response){ onStatsLoad(response, box, playername); },
onerror: function(){ console.error("Error on HTTP GET request"); }
var onStatsLoad = function(response, box, infostring) {
if(waiting) {
var resdom = document.createElement("html");
resdom.innerHTML = response.responseText;
var playerrank = resdom.getElementsByClassName("profileStatLine")[0]
.firstElementChild.innerHTML.split(": ")[1];
infostring = infostring + " | " + playerrank;
setInfoBoxContent(box, infostring); = "block"; // display info box
var reposInfoBox = function(box, element) {
const { x, y } = getXYPos(element); = x+"px"; = y+20+"px";
var setInfoBoxContent = function(box, data) {
box.innerHTML = data;
var allflairs = document.getElementsByClassName("flair");
console.log("Found " + allflairs.length + " flairs.");
var flairs = [];
for(let i=allflairs.length-1; i>0; i--) {
var flairtext = allflairs[i].innerHTML;
// select only flairs with valid URLs
if("^https?://") !== -1 ) {
console.log("Found URL: " + flairtext);
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