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Created March 25, 2014 17:51
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Blades Winter Playoff Scenarios
import itertools
import operator
team_to_check = 'Blades'
current_team_standings = {'Niagara Hitmen': 14.0,
'Icy Red South': 10.0,
'Highlanders': 9.5,
'Blades': 9.0,
'Crashers': 8.5,
'Puckheads': 6.5,
'Growlers': 5.0,
'Wolverines': 2.0,
'Cyclones': 0.5, }
games_left = [
{'home': 'Crashers', 'away': 'Icy Red South'},
{'home': 'Cyclones', 'away': 'Niagara Hitmen'},
{'home': 'Growlers', 'away': 'Highlanders'},
{'home': 'Crashers', 'away': 'Cyclones'},
{'home': 'Blades', 'away': 'Wolverines'},
def get_game_result_combinations(home, away):
return [{home: 5.0, away: 0.0},
{home: 4.5, away: 0.5},
{home: 4.0, away: 1.0},
{home: 3.5, away: 1.5},
{home: 3.0, away: 2.0},
{home: 2.5, away: 2.5},
{home: 2.0, away: 3.0},
{home: 1.5, away: 3.5},
{home: 1.0, away: 4.0},
{home: 0.5, away: 4.5},
{home: 0.0, away: 5.0}]
def format_game_results(results):
games = []
for game in results:
home_team, away_team = set(game)
if game[home_team] == game[away_team]:
games.append('{0} ({1}pts) tie {2} ({3}pts)'.format(
home_team, game[home_team], away_team, game[away_team]))
elif game[home_team] > game[away_team]:
games.append('{0} ({1}pts) beat {2} ({3}pts)'.format(
home_team, game[home_team], away_team, game[away_team]))
elif game[home_team] < game[away_team]:
games.append('{0} ({1}pts) beat {2} ({3}pts)'.format(
away_team, game[away_team], home_team, game[home_team]))
return ' and '.join(games)
game_results = [get_game_result_combinations(games_left[i]['home'], games_left[i]['away']) for i in range(0, len(games_left))]
selection_product = list(itertools.product(range(0, 11), repeat=len(games_left)))
win_scenarios = 0
for result_selection in selection_product:
final_team_standings = current_team_standings.copy()
results = [game_results[game_number][result_selection[game_number]] for game_number in range(0, len(games_left))]
for game in results:
for team_name, points_earned in game.iteritems():
final_team_standings[team_name] += points_earned
sorted_standings = sorted(final_team_standings.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
first_place_team = sorted_standings[0][0]
second_place_team = sorted_standings[1][0]
if first_place_team == team_to_check or second_place_team == team_to_check:
win_scenarios += 1
print "1. {team1} ({team1_pts}) / 2. {team2} ({team2_pts}) if {results}".format(
team1=first_place_team, team1_pts=final_team_standings[first_place_team],
team2=second_place_team, team2_pts=final_team_standings[second_place_team],
print "There are {win_scenarios} scenarios for the {team} to make the championship (out of {total} total scenarios)".format(win_scenarios=win_scenarios, team=team_to_check, total=len(selection_product))
print "That is a {:.2%} chance".format(float(win_scenarios) / float(len(selection_product)))
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