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Created April 6, 2014 11:40
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Parse booking confirmation emails from Cinema and add Calendar event.
-- Parse booking confirmation emails from Cinema and add Calendar event
-- Author: Matt Swain <>, Version 1.0, License: MIT
-- Triggered by Mail rule.
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages msgs for rule theRule
tell application "Mail"
repeat with msg in msgs
set msgcontent to content of msg
set msgid to message id of msg
set {movie, runtime, cert, bref, starttime, addr, screen} to my parseMsg(msgcontent)
my createEvent(movie, runtime, cert, bref, starttime, addr, screen, msgid)
end try
end repeat
end tell
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
-- Parse the email content to extract movie details.
on parseMsg(msgcontent)
set movie to extractBetween(msgcontent, "You are going to see: ", "Cert: ")
set cert to extractBetween(msgcontent, "Cert: ", "Running Time: ")
set runtime to extractBetween(msgcontent, "Running Time: ", " minutes")
set bref to extractBetween(msgcontent, "Booking Reference: ", "Date: ")
set datestring to extractBetween(msgcontent, "Date: ", "Cinema: ")
set addr to extractBetween(msgcontent, "Cinema: ", "Screen: ")
set screen to extractBetween(msgcontent, "Screen: ", "Number of people going: ")
set starttime to parseDateString(datestring)
return {movie, runtime, cert, bref, starttime, addr, screen}
end parseMsg
-- Create a calendar event for the specified movie.
on createEvent(movie, mins, cert, bref, starttime, addr, screen, msgid)
set endtime to starttime + mins * minutes
tell application "Calendar" to tell calendar "Home"
set theEvent to make new event with properties {start date:starttime, end date:endtime, summary:"Cinema: " & movie}
set location of theEvent to screen & ", Cineword " & addr
set description of theEvent to "Booking Reference: " & bref & return & "Run Time: " & mins & " minutes" & return & "Certificate: " & cert
set url of theEvent to "message://" & "%3c" & msgid & "%3e"
end tell
end createEvent
-- Extract the substring from between two strings
to extractBetween(theString, startText, endText)
set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to startText
set startComps to text items of theString
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to endText
set endComps to text items of second item of startComps
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
return trim(first item of endComps)
end extractBetween
-- Trim all whitespace from start and end of a string
on trim(theString)
set theChars to {" ", tab, character id 10, return, character id 0, character id 8232}
repeat until first character of theString is not in theChars
set theString to text 2 thru -1 of theString
end repeat
repeat until last character of theString is not in theChars
set theString to text 1 thru -2 of theString
end repeat
return theString
end trim
-- Parse date and time from the string given in the email.
on parseDateString(datestring)
set theDate to current date
set dateWords to words of datestring
set day of theDate to text 1 thru -3 of item 2 of dateWords
set time of theDate to (item 5 of dateWords) * hours + (item 6 of dateWords) * minutes
set monthList to {January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December}
repeat with i from 1 to 12
if item 3 of dateWords = ((item i of monthList) as string) then
set monthNumber to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & i))
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
set month of theDate to monthNumber
return theDate
end parseDateString
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