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Created May 25, 2016 10:22
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import urllib2, json, sys, os.path, os
query = sys.argv[1]
wdata = os.environ['alfred_workflow_cache']
if not os.path.exists(wdata):
weather = "60"
def get_sug(query, weather=weather):
url = '' + weather + '&query=' + query
hdr = {'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'}
results = {}
req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=hdr)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
the_page =
results = the_page.decode('unicode_escape')
return results
def recent():
if os.path.exists(wdata + "/city"):
f = open(wdata + "/city")
lines = f.readlines()
city = lines[0][:-1]
url = lines[1]
ostatnie = '{"title":"Ostatnia miejscowość: ' + city + '", "subtitle":"' + action + '", "arg":"' + url.replace("84", weather) + ';' + city + '", "mods": {"cmd": {"subtitle":"' + cmdaction + '", "arg":"' + url.replace(weather, "84") + ';' + city + '"}}},'
return ostatnie
def loop(item, num):
if number == 0:
dane = '{"title":"Nie znaleziono takiej miejscowości"}'
dane = ''
for i in range(0,num):
if ":pow:" in item[i]['data']:
data = item[i]['data'].replace(":pow:", "/" + weather + "/")
data = item[i]['data'] + "/" + weather
dane = dane + '{"autocomplete":"' + item[i]['value'].encode() + '", "title":"' + item[i]['value'].encode() + '", "subtitle":"' + action + '", "arg":"' + data + ';' + item[i]['value'].encode() + '", "mods": {"cmd": {"subtitle":"' + cmdaction + '", "arg":"' + data.replace(weather, "84") + ';' + item[i]['value'].encode() + '"}}},'
dane = recent() + dane
return dane
action = "Prognoza 60h. Wciśnij Cmd dla prognozy 84h."
cmdaction = "Prognoza 84h."
lista = json.loads(get_sug(query))
number = len(lista['suggestions'])
if number == 0:
item = ""
item = lista['suggestions']
print '{"items": [' + loop(item, number) + ']}'
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