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Last active April 4, 2018 13:14
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React Router 4 prefix support (Draw)
type PrefixParser = (prefix?: string) => string;
interface RoutePrefixSettings {
parse: PrefixParser;
defaultPrefix: string;
interface RoutePrefixConsumerProps {
routePath: (path: string) => string;
linkPath: (path: string) => string;
prefix: string;
function createRoutePrefix(settings: RoutePrefixSettings) {
const { parse, defaultPrefix } = settings;
let currentPrefix = defaultPrefix;
const Provider = (props: { children: React.ReactNode }) => {
const render = ({ match }: RouteComponentProps<{ prefix?: string }>) => {
currentPrefix = parse(match.params.prefix) || defaultPrefix;
return props.children;
return <Route path="/:prefix?" render={render} />;
const Consumer = (props: {
children: (childProps: RoutePrefixConsumerProps) => JSX.Element;
}) =>
routePath: path => `/(${currentPrefix})?${path}`,
linkPath: path =>
currentPrefix === defaultPrefix
? `${path}`
: `/${currentPrefix}${path}`,
prefix: currentPrefix,
return { Provider, Consumer };
const defaultLocale = 'en';
const supportedLocales = ['en', 'ru'];
const RoutePrefix = createRoutePrefix({
parse: prefix =>
prefix && supportedLocales.includes(prefix) ? prefix : defaultLocale,
defaultPrefix: defaultLocale,
const Application = () => (
{({ routePath, linkPath, prefix }) => (
render={() => `${prefix} about`}
render={() => `${prefix} index`}
<Route render={() => `${prefix} not found`} />
<Link to={linkPath('/')}>Index</Link>
<Link to={linkPath('/about')}>About</Link>
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