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Last active February 5, 2021 00:06
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Save mcummins/600fa8852b4741fb2bb1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fetch a set of keys directly from App Engine memcache, instead of using ndb. Almost 3x faster if everything is in memcache.
# This Gist is an alternative to ndb.get_multi which is a lot faster in some circumstances.
# For example, fetching 500 small entities with 90% hit rate is 3x faster than ndb,
# based on my tests in App Engine production environment (F1).
# In general it is worthwhile when fetching a large number of small entities, with >50% memcache hit rate.
# For any keys not in memcache, it falls back on a normal ndb.get_multi
# The code is based on the original ndb.context code, but avoids the task queue overhead.
import logging
from google.appengine.api import memcache
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from google.appengine.ext.ndb.google_imports import entity_pb
from google.appengine.ext.ndb.google_imports import ProtocolBuffer
from google.appengine.ext.ndb import model
def get_multi(keys):
""" A drop-in replacement of ndb.get_multi.
This version is much faster when fetching many small objects which are mostly in memcache.
The two functional differences from ndb are:
--all keys must belong to the same namespace
--Doesn't interact with ndb autobatcher.
Speedup depends on the memcache hit rate:
100%: 3x faster.
80%: 1.7x faster.
50%: about parity.
<10%: about 20% slower.
The code is closely based on ndb's own code, but avoids a lot of overhead (seemingly in their task queue code).
@param keys: list of Keys
@type keys: ndb.Key
@return: list of entities
@rtype: list
if not keys:
ctx = ndb.get_context()
ns = keys[0].namespace()
# Check single namespace assumption.
for k in keys:
if k.namespace() != ns:
raise ValueError("All keys must belong to a single namespace.")
# First check the context cache.
results_from_context_cache = _get_from_context_cache(keys)
keys_from_context_cache = set([entity.key for entity in results_from_context_cache])
# Manually get from memcache anything not in context cache.
mkey_to_key = {key.urlsafe() : key for key in keys if key not in keys_from_context_cache}
# Strangely memcache.get_multi isn't instant even when key set is empty, so check explicitly.
if mkey_to_key:
memcache_response = memcache.get_multi(keys=mkey_to_key.keys(), key_prefix=ctx._memcache_prefix, namespace=ns)
memcache_response = {}
# Any keys that are missing, use ndb to get them from the datastore.
# Potentially could be faster by also skipping ndb here and doing a lower-level get_multi to the datastore, but too much work.
keys_to_fetch_from_datastore = [key for mkey, key in mkey_to_key.iteritems() if mkey not in memcache_response and key not in keys_from_context_cache]
datastore_fetch_futures = ndb.get_multi_async(keys_to_fetch_from_datastore, use_memcache=False)
# Check if any results appeared in the context cache while memcache RPC was running.
late_results_from_context_cache = _get_from_context_cache(mkey_to_key.values())
if late_results_from_context_cache:
# Drop the corresponding memcache results, no need to deserialize twice.
for entity in late_results_from_context_cache:
memcache_response.pop(entity.key.urlsafe(), None)
# Deserialize the memcache results.
deserialized_memcache_entities = []
for mkey, mvalue in memcache_response.iteritems():
key = mkey_to_key[mkey]
if mvalue not in (ndb.context._LOCKED, None):
cls = model.Model._lookup_model(key.kind(), ctx._conn.adapter.default_model)
pb = entity_pb.EntityProto()
except ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolBufferDecodeError:
logging.warning('Corrupt memcache entry found '
'with key %s and namespace %s' % (mkey, ns))
entity = cls._from_pb(pb)
# Store the key on the entity since it wasn't written to memcache.
entity._key = key
if ctx._use_cache(key):
# Update in-memory cache.
ctx._cache[key] = entity
# Wait for datastore fetch of entities which were not in memcache.
entities_from_datastore = map(lambda r : r.get_result(), datastore_fetch_futures)
# For any keys which were not in memcache, write them to memcache.
# For a little extra speed, you could make this last call asynchronous and rely on caller to set @ndb.toplevel
entities_to_write_to_memcache = [e for e in entities_from_datastore if e]
ndb.put_multi(entities_to_write_to_memcache, use_datastore=False, use_cache=False)
all_results = (results_from_context_cache + late_results_from_context_cache +
deserialized_memcache_entities + entities_from_datastore)
# Order results to match keys requested.
key_to_entity = {entity.key : entity for entity in all_results if entity}
return [key_to_entity.get(k) for k in keys]
def _get_from_context_cache(keys):
"""Get from ndb context cache"""
ctx = ndb.get_context()
results = []
for key in keys:
if ctx._use_cache(key) and key in ctx._cache:
entity = ctx._cache[key]
if entity and entity._key == key:
return results
def test_get_multi(keys):
"""Check get_multi is identical to ndb get_multi"""
entities = get_multi(keys)
ndb_entities = ndb.get_multi(keys)
returned_entity_keys = set([ for e in entities])
ndb_returned_entity_keys = set([ for e in ndb_entities])
assert(returned_entity_keys == ndb_returned_entity_keys)
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