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Last active July 13, 2021 14:56
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Code reviews checklist

1 - Tests are written for the changes

2 - Covers annotation

3 - Naming

  1. Classes
  2. Methods
  3. Properties
  4. Variables
  5. Constants
  6. Namespaces

4 - Constants are available instead of magic values

5 - Read the ticket to see what is required, verify the changes are doing that

6 - Logic issues

7 - Unoptimized code

8 - Clean code and smells

  1. Repeated code / things that can be split into a different method
  2. Things that can be split into a new class
  3. Mixing layers (domain/presentation, domain/persistence, etc)
  4. SOLID principles are being used

Etiquette as a reviewer

  1. Ask, don't tell
  2. Use links to enforce arguments when available
  3. Remember that we are all proud about our code, don't hurt feelings
  4. Code reviews are also about praising thinks well done
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