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Last active March 31, 2020 15:36
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allowHardwareStreams=1 ; DirectSound: try to use hardware streams if available
channelMaskToStereo=1 ; Promote mono sounds to stereo when particular speaker is selected
devLFEAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devMicrophoneAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSPCCAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSPCCDefault=0 ; 0 = use specified device, 1 = use default device
devSPCCId={6C4401C9-7D55-467D-A1BD-3B88E7859C06} ; Identifier for the selected sound device
devSPCCName=Headphones (High Definition Audio Device) ; Name of the sound device
devSpeakerAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
devSpeakerDefault=0 ; 0 = use specified device, 1 = use default device
devSpeakerId={6C4401C9-7D55-467D-A1BD-3B88E7859C06} ; Identifier for the selected sound device
devSpeakerName=Headphones (High Definition Audio Device) ; Name of the sound device
devVoiceChatAPI=1 ; 0 = None, 1 = DirectSound
dimensions=3 ; 1 = mono, 2 = stereo, 3 = surround
forceStreamToSurround=1 ; DirectSound: force voice chat and spotter to surround if enabled
loudnessAmbient=-5.500000 ; Volume adjustment for ambient noise in dB
loudnessCrash=-1.800000 ; Volume adjustment for scrapes and crashes in dB
loudnessEngine=-7.500000 ; Volume adjustment for engines in dB
loudnessLFE=-15.000000 ; Volume adjustment for LFE noise in dB
loudnessReplay=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for overall replay volume versus driving volume in dB
loudnessSPCC=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for spotter noise in dB
loudnessTires=0.000000 ; Volume adjustment for tires in dB
loudnessVoiceChat=-7.099998 ; Volume adjustment for voice chat noise in dB
loudnessWind=-3.000000 ; Volume adjustment for wind in dB
masterVolumedB=0.000000 ; Master volume adjustment in dB, range is -120 dB to 0 dB
micAlwaysActive=1 ; Set this to 0 if your graphics stutter when a microphone is configured, but doing so may cause worse stutters while recording for voice chat
mute_WhenFocusLost=0 ; set this to 0 to hear sim sounds when another program has the keyboard focus
numSoundStreams=-1 ; Maximum number of audible sounds
overrideSpccRate=0 ; If set to 1, the spotter sounds will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
overrideVoiceChatRate=0 ; If set to 1, void chat will be resampled to play back at the general sample rate. This is a compatibility fix for sound cards with limited playback rates and is not recommended for general use.
rotateWithHeadset=1 ; 0 = no, 1 = rotate microphone with VR headset movement
sampleRate=22050 ; sample rate to run sound system at
stereoStreamInSurroundBalance=1.000000 ; DirectSound: stereo streams (the engine) in surround mode need a system specific adjustment to match volume with surround streams
voiceChatEnabled=0 ; Enable or Disable Voice Chat.
voiceChatEnabledWhileDriving=0 ; Enable voice chat while driving.
voiceChatMuted=0 ; Mute voice chat - overrides voiceChatVolume.
voiceChatNotificationStyle=2 ; Voice chat notification style.
voiceChatSaveToReplay=2 ; 0=All channels, 1=All but user-created channels, 2=All but user-created and @TEAM, 3=None
[Autochat Messages]
AutoChatStr1=Pitting In$ ; Auto chat message, use $ at the end to auto transmit without hitting enter
AutoChatStr10=Shut up, crazy fool!$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr11=#lf rf lr rr ws fuel 500g$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr12=#rf rr$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr13=#lf rf lr rr$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr14=#fuel 2g$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr15=#fuel 10g$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr2=Pitting Out$ ; Auto chat message,
AutoChatStr3=Pass Left$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr4=Pass Right$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr5=Sorry!$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr6=Thanks!$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr7=What was that!$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr8=Ok$ ; Auto chat message
AutoChatStr9=Quit yo Jibber-jabber!$ ; Auto chat message
enableGameEffects=1 ; Enable game audio based vibrations for bass shakers
enablePysEffects=1 ; Enable physics based vibrations for bass shakers
LFEEnabled=0 ; Enable or Disable LFE bass shaker effect.
LFESpeakerID=0 ; ID of the current speaker channel for LFE sound output
volGameMaster_dB=-5.000000 ; How much to duck or raise volume of the game audio bass shaker effect, in Decibels
volPhysCarBodyAccel_dB=0.000000 ; How much to duck or raise volume of the car body acceleration bass shaker effects, in Decibels
volPhysEngineRPM_dB=-20.000000 ; How much to duck or raise volume of the engine rpm bass shaker effects, in Decibels
volPhysGearChange_dB=0.000000 ; How much to duck or raise volume of the gear change bass shaker effects, in Decibels
volPhysMaster_dB=0.000000 ; How much to duck or raise volume of all physics based bass shaker effects, in Decibels
volPhysRevLimit_dB=-3.000000 ; How much to duck or raise volume of the rev limit bass shaker effects, in Decibels
volPhysRumbleStrip_dB=-6.000000 ; How much to duck or raise volume of the rumble strip bass shaker effects, in Decibels
volPhysWheelSlip_dB=-2.000000 ; How much to duck or raise volume of the wheel slip bass shaker effects, in Decibels
autoShotSelection=1 ; Automatically switch cameras based on shot quality
camTempEdit=0 ; don't save edits to cameras, useful for 'live' edits
ctrlIncAccel=1 ; use acceleration when adjusting cameras
ctrlIncScalar=10.000000 ; scalar to use when selecting fast move mode
ctrlIncScalarAll=0 ; Apply fast move mode (10x) to all adjustments, or just movements
ctrlIncScalarApply=0 ; enable fast move mode (10x)
ctrlIncVal=1.000000 ; step size when adjusting cameras
focusIncALin=6.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog focus controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
focusIncAScalar=10.000000 ; adjust focus adjustment speed for analog controls
fovIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog FOV controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
fovIncAScalar=20.000000 ; adjust FOV adjustment speed for analog controls
linearPanBlend=0.000000 ; 0.0 - pan slows down with increased zoom, 1.0 - pan remains constant
rotIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog rotation (yaw,pitch,roll) controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
rotIncAScalar=4.000000 ; adjust rotation (yaw,pitch,roll) adjustment speed for analog controls
showCamMode=0 ; display cameras in world, 0-Live, 1-Wide, 2-Front, 3-Side, 4-Top
transIncALin=4.000000 ; adjust linearity of analog translation (x,y,z) controls, 1 == linear, 6 == very nonlinear
transIncAScalar=4.000000 ; adjust translation (x,y,z) adjustment speed for analog controls
SkipInvalidResults=0 ; In looping qualify, skip over results display if no valid lap time
[Drive Screen]
blackBox=0 ; Which black box to display
blackBoxPitStop=4 ; Which pit stop black box to display
resetCanExitCar=1 ; Does pressing <reset> exit the car while in the pit stall?
showRadioControls=0 ; Display the radio channel control while driving?
showSpeedGearControls=1 ; Display the Speed / Gear / Pedals / Wheel black box?
showVideoTimer=0 ; Display a clock on the screen that can be used to syncronize live video with a replay
UIOffsetBottomPct=0 ; Shift bottom of UI up by specified percent
arxDisplayPack=ir_hud ; What display to show on the Logitech ARX client.
colorLEDHotKeysByType=1 ; Set to 0 to color all hotkey indicators the same color
enableLEDFlags=1 ; Set to 0 to turn off the flag animations
enableLEDHotKeys=1 ; Set to 0 to turn off the keyboard hotkey indicators
enableLEDShiftLights=1 ; Set to 0 to turn off the rpm shift indicator animations
enableLogitechARX=1 ; Enable Logitech ARX client to create a digital dash on your smartphone
enableLogitechLED=1 ; Animate the backlights on RGB gaming keyboards
phoneCanSteer=1 ; Allow phone device to act as a steering wheel
[Force Feedback]
allowXBoxOneOnWindows10=1 ; Set to 1 to talk to xbox one game pads on windows 10, warning the driver is buggy
alwaysRestartFX=0 ; Always restart force when updating it, set to true if wheel goes limp after a while
calibUsingRawData=0 ; Use raw joystick position over windows calibration data when detecting new joysticks
centerSpringPct=-1 ; Percent (0-100) of static centering spring force to apply, -1 is off. Not reccomended for use.
damperMode=0 ; Set damper effect type 0 = Damper 1 = Inertia 2 = Friction
damperSaturation=10000 ; Set damper saturation from 0 to 10000
dampingSliderSetsFriction=1 ; True if damping slider adjust friction effect, false to adjust wheels built in damping effect
debounceSeq_Ms=80 ; Add delay in Milliseconds to sequential shifter to reduce double shifts
disableAutoCenter=1 ; Turn auto center off on all force feedback devices
displayLinearInNm=0 ; Display the force level in peak Nm when using the linear mode
enableHotPlug=1 ; Set to 0 to turn off usb hot plugging in case you have usb disconnect issues
enableWheelDisplay=1 ; Enable the use of steering wheel displays
enableWheelDisplayBlink=1 ; Enable the display lights to blink when at the rev limit
FFBUseSimpleMinForce=0 ; 0 - Use smoothed min force, 1 - use old sharp min force
forceNoiseSuppression=0 ; Remove noisy joystick axis, even if they are calibrated by hand
forceResetBeforeStartup=0 ; Force a reset of the whole FFB system every time we create or destroy a FFB effect
initOnlyNewDevices=1 ; Set to 0 to force all devices to reinitialize when a device change is detected
invertFFBForce=0 ; Reverse the force feedback effects, if your wheel is spinning the wrong way
joyEnableVibrateAllXInputWithPedal=0 ; Vibrate all XInput devies when pedals vibrate, or just the one used to steer
joyEnableVibratePedal=1 ; Enable physics based vibrations in some pedals
joyEnableVibratePedalBinary=0 ; Use a digital on/off mode when vibrating pedals, default is to continuously change vibration based on grip
joyEnableVibrateWheelWithPedal=1 ; Enables wheel vibration when pedals vibrate
joyEnableVibrateXInputWithPedal=1 ; Enables XInput controller vibration when pedals vibrate
reinitFanatecWheelDisplay=0 ; reinitialize the fanatec wheel display when reconnecting devices this may cause issues
seperateXBox360Triggers=1 ; Set to 1 to seperate the XBox 360 joystick triggers into there own axes
steerAverageSteeringTorque=0 ; True averages 360 Hz data down to 60 Hz, false uses last sample
steeringBumpStop_Deg=45.000000 ; degrees into bump stop before max force
steeringDampingFactor=0.050000 ; Damping factor adjust down if damping becomes unstable, defautlt to 0.05
steeringDampingMaxPercent=0.000000 ; Maximum amount of damping to apply, adjust this to set damping level, values between 0.05 and 0.2 are best, overriden by damping slider
steeringDampingParkedMaxPercent=0.200000 ; Maximum amount of damping to apply when parked, adjust this to reduce wheel oscilation when parked, values between 0.05 and 0.30 are best
steeringFFBSmooth=1.000000 ; Percent of current FFB force to use vs average force, 1.0 = no average 0.001 = max average
steeringForceParkedPct=0.330000 ; Reduce FFB force by percent when parked, to help reduce oscilations
TrueForceVibeEnable=1 ; Enable vibrations in Logitech TrueForce wheels
trueForceVibeGain_dB=10.000000 ; Adjust volume of true force vibration effects
trueForceVibePhysics=0 ; 1 - use physics to generate vibrations, 0 - use game audio with Logitech TrueForce wheels
DriveUIFullScreen=1 ; Let triple headed driving UI expand to fill full display
DriveUITransparency=1.000000 ; Adjust driving UI transparency up or down
forceCrowdVisible=0 ; Force the crowd in the grandstand to show up on practice and qualify sessions.
forceVisibleWhenMove=1 ; Force all movable controls to become visible when moving UI elements
hideCarNum=0 ; Hide car numbers and other decals in test sessions, so you can paint your own versions.
KeepUIHiddenOnFocus=0 ; If set to 1 then the UI can only be enabled with the space bar and not a mouse click
maxParticleThreads=6 ; #workers (0 to 6)
NotifyOfDirtRequirements=1 ; Should the Session screen notify about too-low graphics settings?
particleThreadPriorityAdjust=0 ; belowNormal=-1 normal=0 aboveNormal=1
reduceFramerate_WhenFocusLost=0 ; set this to 0 to maintain full framerate when another program has the keyboard focus
serverTransmitMaxCars=20 ; Limit number of cars transmitted to client (values from 10 to 64)
SessionUIFullScreen=1 ; Let triple headed session UI expand to fill full display
SessionUITransparency=1.000000 ; Adjust session UI transparency up or down
[Graphics DX11]
border=0 ; window border?
browserForceWindowedMode=1 ; force the browser windowed (if sim sessions are full-screen)
browserIsMaximized=0 ; browser Window is maximized in windowed mode
browserScale=-1.000000 ; browser UI Scale value (0.5 to 2.0)
browserWindowedHeight=864 ; Browser windowed mode height
browserWindowedWidth=1536 ; Browser windowed mode width
browserWindowedXPos=192 ; Browser Window top left corner in windowed mode
browserWindowedYPos=108 ; Browser Window top left corner in windowed mode
deviceIdx=0 ; which adapter
displayRotateMode=1 ; 0-auto, 1-landscale, 2-landscape inv, 3-portrait, 4-portrait inv
fullScreen=0 ; fullscreen?
fullScreenDepth=32 ; Color depth
fullScreenHeight=1080 ; full screen Window's height
fullScreenWidth=3840 ; full screen Window's width
HDRFormat=0 ; 0=8 bit color (SDR) 1=HDR10 or HDR16F (depends on fullScreenDepth 32/64 bit)
ModeScaling=0 ; 0=unspecified 1=centered 2=stretched
pixelRatio=1.000000 ; Full screen mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
pixelRatioWindowed=1.000000 ; Windowed mode - Adjust for displays with non-square pixels
RefreshRate=143.998993 ; Refresh Rate
UseCoherentUI=0 ; Use Coherent UI?
windowedAlignment=0 ; windowed mode alignment: 0 - none, 1 - center, 2 - top left
windowedHeight=1080 ; windowed mode height
windowedMaximized=0 ; Window is maximized in windowed mode
windowedWidth=3840 ; windowed mode width
windowedXPos=0 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
windowedYPos=0 ; Window top left corner in windowed mode
dateFormat=0 ; Ordering of month, day, year
systemOfMeasurement=0 ; System of measurement used
[Main Screen]
blackBox=-1 ; Which black box to display
excludeIPv6OnFarms= ; Comma-separated list of 0 or more of farms to not race using IPv6: (bosrace,sydrace,amstrace)
garageAutoApply=1 ; automatically hit the apply button after five seconds of inactivity.
irsdkAutoLogDisk=0 ; Automatically log disk telemetry when you enter your car, this can fill up your disk!
irsdkEnableDisk=1 ; enable disk based telemetry
irsdkEnableMem=1 ; enable memory based telemetry
irsdkLog360Hz=0 ; Log some telemetry at 360 Hz rather than at 60 Hz
irsdkLogSetup=1 ; Log the current setup to telemetry
showIncidentMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show Incident messages while driving
showJoinLeave=1 ; Show player join/leave messages
showSysMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show system messages while driving
showUserMessagesWhileDriving=1 ; Show user chat messages while driving
EnableTicker=0 ; set to 1 to turn on ticker when session UI is disabled
[Pit Service]
autoResetFastRepair=1 ; Automatically request fast repair service once your vehicle exits pit road
autoResetPitBox=0 ; Automatically request full pit service once your vehicle exits pit road
askToSaveOnQuit=1 ; Ask to save the replay before quitting via the [Quit] button??
CPUUsageAtWhichToReducePlaybackRate=95 ; Realtime thread CPU usage at/above which to reduce play speed (0 disables)
CPUVsPlaySpeedCheckPeriod=2 ; Number of seconds between checks to see if play speed is chewing up too much CPU
maxFramesToSearchPerUpdate=2048 ; Maximum # of frames to search per update
noRpyCtrlsOnNumpad=0 ; Remove all default replay controls mapped to number pad
pauseReplayOnExit=0 ; Pause replay when exiting your car.
playSecondsFromReplayEndOnCarExitNonTeam=20 ; Number of seconds to back up from the end when exiting the car in a non-team session (0=min,60=max)
playSecondsFromReplayEndOnCarExitTeamEvt=20 ; Number of seconds to back up from the end when exiting the car in a team session (0=min,60=max)
repeatedSearchDelay=400 ; Min milliseconds betweeen successful long-search completions
replayPatchRemoteCars=1 ; update remote car positions in replay based on server data
spoolingEnabled=1 ; enable replay spooling?
spoolOnlyIfDiskFreeMB=1024 ; 0=don't check, otherwise must have this many MB free disk or spooling won't enable
spoolRecordingToDiry= ; If spooling recording, write tmp file into this directory
spoolTapeSizePct=25 ; % of allowed memory to use for the spool buffer (0=min,100=max)
spoolTmpFilesNamed=0 ; use different file names for each spooled .tmp file?
carLowHiAtStart=0 ; If true enable car low_high calls as soon as green flag is out
carLowHiPadding=0.250000 ; How much clearance, front and back in meters, to give a car before reporting it as clear
enabled=1 ; Is the spotter enabled at all?
muteSpotterIfLive=1 ; Mute your spotter if you have a live spotter already spotting for you
reduceVerbosityIfLive=1 ; Reduce the spotters chattiness if you have a live spotter already spotting for you
reportLapsEnabled=0 ; Enable spotter calls out lap times
reportLapsMinute=1 ; Call out the minute when calling the time
reportLapsMode_n=0 ; Spotter calls out lap times, 0 - time, 1 - avg speed
reportLapsPrecision=3 ; How much precision to display lap times with
text=1 ; Does the spotter display text messages?
verbosity=2 ; How chatty is the spotter?
voice=1 ; Does the spotter talk to you?
voicePack=jj ; Voice pack for spotter, leave blank for default spotter
defaultShotMode=3 ; default target to focus on when spectating
comparisonLapFileName= ; User specified split delta file used for comparison
deltaBarDisplayDeltabar=1 ; Show the delta bar when displaying split time or ghost car
deltaBarDisplayLaps=3 ; Reference lap to compare against while driving, 0 disables the reference lap.
deltaBarDisplayLapsTA=1 ; Reference lap to compare against while driving in Time Attack, 0 disables the reference lap.
deltaBarDisplayRefCar=0 ; If 1 display a reference car on track that you can race against. This may not be enabled in all sessions.
deltaBarRangeOval=0.500000 ; delta bar range as +/- N seconds when at an oval
deltaBarRangeRoad=2.000000 ; delta bar range as +/- N seconds when at a road course
disableAtRaceStart=1 ; If 1 disable the split time at start of race, you can manually enable it again later.
fadeGhostCarWhenClose=1 ; If 1 then increase the ghost car transparency as you drive near it.
ghostCarOffsetSec=0.000000 ; How many seconds to offset the ghost car by.
ghostCarTransp=0.350000 ; Set level of transparency for ghost car (reference lap car).
[System Meters]
meterTypeGraphics=1 ; If FPS is displayed, include the Graphics Performance meters (0=hidden, 1=graphics, 2=text)
meterTypeNetwork=1 ; If FPS is displayed, include the Network meters (0=hidden, 1=graphics, 2=text)
meterTypeSteering=1 ; If FPS is displayed, include the Force Feedback meter (0=hidden, 1=graphics, 2=text)
meterTypeSystem=0 ; If FPS is displayed, include the System Performance meters (0=hidden, 1=graphics, 2=text)
showFPSAndOtherMeters=1 ; Display the FPS indicator, along with whichever of network/system/graphics/force-feedback meters are enabled?
tiltInvertX=0 ; Invert the tilt steering axis
tiltInvertY=0 ; Invert the tilt gas/brake axis
tiltMaxAngleX=90.000000 ; changes tilt sensitivity for the steering axis
tiltMaxAngleY=30.000000 ; changes tilt sensitivity for the gas/brake axis
tiltSensorEnable=1 ; Set to false to stop detection of tilt sensors
useOrientationSensor=1 ; Choose between the orientation sensor or the accelerometer
enableMouseWhileDriving=1 ; Enable the mouse controls in the driving screen
touchCenterOnFirstTouchX=0 ; Center x of control set by first touch
touchCenterOnFirstTouchY=1 ; Center y of control set by first touch
touchComboHeight=0.150000 ; Height, as a percent of screen width, of the center combination touch drive input
touchComboUseSingleCursor=1 ; use a single cursor on the x/y combo control
touchComboWidth=0.400000 ; Width, as a percent of screen width, of the center combination touch drive input
touchFalloff=0.016000 ; How fast the touch control will return to its neutral setting once released
touchLockMouseOnClick=1 ; click once to activate mouse driving control, click again to release it
touchSideEdgeOffset=0.020000 ; How close to the edge of the display are the left/right touch driving input, when using a horizontal orientation
touchSideGasIsVertical=1 ; Orient the (right) gas/brake input zone vertically or horizontally
touchSideHeight=0.150000 ; Height, as a percent of screen width, of the left/right touch drive inputs, when using vert orientation
touchSideHideOnMouse=1 ; hide the side controls when touch not active
touchSideSteeringIsVertical=0 ; Orient the (left) steering input zone vertically or horizontally
touchSideWidth=0.200000 ; Width, as a percent of screen width, of the left/right touch drive inputs, when using a horizontal orientation
touchUseMouseRelativeMode=1 ; If true, then use a relative mouse mode, otherwise use absolute
screenshotFileFormat=0 ; Screenshot file format, 0 = png, 1 = jpg, 2 = bmp
vidCaptureEnable=0 ; Set to 0 to disable loading of video capture module
videoCaptureMic=0 ; Set to 1 to capture audio from your microphone
videoFileFrmt=0 ; Video encoder container, 0 = mp4, 1 = wmv, 2 = avi2, 3 = avi
videoFramerate=1 ; Video framerate, 0 = 60 fps, 1 = 30 fps
videoImgSize=2 ; Video max dimensions, 0 = auto, 1=1920x1080, 2=1280x720, 3=854x480
cockpitLookAngle=65.000000 ; Angle in degrees to rotate head when looking left/right
cockpitLookDeadZone=0.050000 ; 0-1 value for deadzone. 0 is no deadzone.
cockpitLookDownAngle=20.000000 ; Angle in degrees to tilt head when looking down
cockpitLookInstant=0 ; does digital look left/right/up/down switch instantly, or transition smoothly?
cockpitLookSmoothingTime=0.055556 ; Time value (secs) used in joystick smoothing
cockpitLookUpAngle=15.000000 ; Angle in degrees to tilt head when looking up
DriverHeadHorizon=0.000000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to stay level with the horizon when the car tilts.
DriverHeadNoPitch=0.000000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to stay level with the horizon when the car pitches.
DriverHeadWobble=1.000000 ; Percent to allow the drivers head to wobble when going over bumps.
driverHeightAdj=0.005000 ; Range -0.050m to 0.050m (approx. +/- 2 in.)
DriverRotateHead=0.000000 ; Percent to rotate drivers head with slip angle. 0 to 1 with 1 being 100%
drivingCamFOV=93.000000 ; driving camera field of view
DrivingVanishY=0.000000 ; Shift the driving view up/down to make it easier to see the dash.
virtualMirrorFOV=140.000000 ; virtual mirror field of view
[XXX Dev Use Only]
AutoCPUMeter=1 ; Force the system performance meters on if it seems like Skew is being induced by an overtaxed BG?
dbgTextBG= ; r,g,b[,a]
dbgTextFG= ; r,g,b[,a]
ForceCrashForFPUExceptionBG=0 ; 1=Kill sim w/crash log (realtime)
ForceCrashForFPUExceptionFG=0 ; 1=Kill sim w/crash log (graphics)
MaskFPUExceptionsBG=0 ; 1=mask floating point errors (realtime)
MaskFPUExceptionsFG=0 ; 1=mask floating point errors (graphics)
maxAllowedHangTimeSecondsBG=0 ; 0=disable (realtime)
maxAllowedHangTimeSecondsFG=0 ; 0=disable (renderering)
xHeight=1600 ;
xTilesAcross=1 ; mosaic
xWidth=2048 ; must be multiple of 4*xTilesAcross!
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