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Last active January 3, 2020 17:52
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AutoCfgCompleted=1 ; 0=need to run 3D autocfg at startup
Version=1 ; Version of this file
[Graphics Options]
AllowTSOSelfShadows=0 ; 0=off, 1=more self-shadowing objects when shadow mapping
DNSMFilter=2 ; 0= none 1= Fetch4 2= PCF4 3= PCF4P 4= PCF8P 5= PCF16P
DNSMShadowFade=25 ; 0 to # = time to fade in night shadows in 100ths of a sec (25 default)
DNSMNumLights=3 ; 0 to 128 = Max number of shadow mapped lights at night
DNSMHeadlightsCastShadows=0 ; 0=off 1=car headlights cast shadows
DNSMWallsCastShadows=0 ; 0= off 1=track walls cast shadows
DNSMTSOsCastShadows=0 ; 0= off 1=track objects cast shadows
DNSMDownsampleFirst=0 ; 0=per-AA-sample shadows 1=per-pixel shadow
DNSMEnable=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic night shadow maps
TwoPassTrees=1 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
NumFixedCubemaps=0 ; number of fixed cubemaps to render per frame(100 = 1/frame)
NumDynamicCubemaps=0 ; number of dynamic cubemaps to render per frame(100 = 1/frame)
ReplayRenderModes=0 ; 0=off, 1=Replay Render Modes enabled
Distortion=0 ; 0=off, 1=Distortion enabled
SharpeningClamp=9 ; sharpening clamp (0=min, 10=default, 100=max)
SharpeningAmount=125 ; sharpening strength (10=min, 125=default, 300=max)
FXAAQualityEdgeThreshold=166 ; 333=too little(fast),250=lowqual,166=default,125=highqual,63=overkill(slow)
FXAAQualitySubPix=75 ; aliasing amt (100=soft,75=default,50=sharp,25=low,0=0ff)
FXAA=0 ; 0=off, 1=FXAA enabled
Sharpening=1 ; 0=off, 1=sharpening enabled
MotionBlurBroadcastCams=1 ; 0=disabled, 1=enabled
MotionBlurDrivingCams=1 ; 0=disabled, 1=enabled
MotionBlurStrength=0 ; motion blur strength: 0=off, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high
HeatHaze=0 ; 0=off, 1=heat haze enabled
DepthOfField=0 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=3 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=track\cars, 3=track\cars\tso
DynamicShadowFilters=7 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=1 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=0 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=0 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=0 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=1 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticleDetail=2 ; particle detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
WeekendDetail=2 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=2 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=1 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=1 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high
PitObjectDetail=1 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high
CarDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
SkyDetail=1 ; 0=low update rate, 1=med update rate, 2=high update rate
Trilinear=1 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
DynamicLODSpacing=4 ; 0=off, 10=max - Helps reduce car/crew LOD when too many are high LOD
MaxAniso=8 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=1 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes
EnableSPS=1 ; 0=off 1=Use Single Pass Stereo VR (nvidia Pascal/Turing)
EnableTireMarks=1 ; 0=Disable Tire marks 1=Enable tire marks
DynamicCubemapType=0 ; 0=RGB8, 1=RGBE, 2=RGB16
EnableHDR=0 ; 0=LDR rendering, 1=HDR rendering
BrightnessAdjust=0 ; Adjusts scene intensity: -6 to +6 (ONLY HDR MODES)
GammaAdjust=0 ; Adjusts gamma encoding: -6 to +6 (ONLY HDR MODES)
EnableSwayTrees=1 ; 0=normal trees, 1=trees sway with wind
TrackDisplacementEnable=1 ; 0=render without displacement, 1=render using track displacement shaders
DNSMMaxLightsPerPass=3 ; 0- 6 = Shadowing lights per-fullscreen pass
DynamicShadowRes=1 ; (For 3 maps! So, x3) 0 = 512x512 1 = 1024x1024 2 = 2048x2048 3 = 4096x4096
DynamicTireRendering=1 ; 0=render without dynamic tires, 1=render with dynamic tires
DynamicTrackTextureUpdateRate=2 ; 0=min, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high frequency of dynamic track texture updates
DynamicTrackDataRendering=1 ; 0=render without dynamic track data, 1=render with Dynamic Track Data
ShaderQuality=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high, 3=max
HeadlightLevel=1 ; 0=low quality, 1=medium, 2=high quality. *** -1=disabled ***
ParallelSorting=1 ; 0=disabled 1=multithreaded scene sort
MonochromeHeadlights=0 ; 0=color headlights 1=all white (less blotches/banding)
HeadlightsInMirrors=1 ; 0=off 1= headlights illuminate track surface in mirrors
LoadTexturesWhenDriving=1 ; 0=only load when out of car
NumMultiGPUs=1 ; Number of GPUs in Crossfire/SLI (1=off to 4). Set low as works.
CompressTexturesSuits=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesHelmets=1 ; 0=uncompressed 1=block compress (recommended)
CompressTexturesCars=1 ; 0=uncompressed (warning! no!!) 1=block compress (highly recommended)
CompressedVertices=1 ; 0=off 1=Use compressed vertices
ReduceCockpitFlicker=1 ; 0=off 1=enabled
CarPaint2048x2048=1 ; 0=1024x1024 car textures res, 1=2048x2048 car texture res (max)
CacheSwap3HighResCars=1 ; 0=shrink to fit 1=cache swap higher res for nearest cars
WorldNearPlaneDistance=10 ; In 1/10 meters, min=1(0.1m) max=30(3m), helps z-fighting but may clip track.
VisibilityFrameDelay=5 ; Number of frames to wait before re-testing object visibility. 0 = no delay
AAQuality=0 ; 0=low - 0=max (GPU & AASamples specific)
AASamples=4 ; 1=off, 2, or 4 - num samples
MipLODBias=0 ; % bias texture lookup 100 is a mip level, positive is blurry, negative sharp
LODPct=100 ; % to scale dist before choosing level-of-detail
OcclusionCull=1 ; 0=disable occlusion culling, 1=enabled (usually best)
LimitFrameRate=1 ; 0=no limit, 1=use DesiredFPSLimit
DesiredFPSLimitBatt=60 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on battery
DesiredFPSLimit=140 ; Enabled when LimitFrameRate=1 and on ext. power
MaxPreRenderedFrames=1 ; 1=normal 0=disabled/multi-gpu
VerticalSync=0 ; 0=allow tearing, 1=lock FPS to refresh rate
TwoBackBuffers=0 ; 0=1 back buffer, 1=try to create 2 back buffers
MaxWorkingSetMB_64Bit=16384 ; (64-bit) 1024 to 8192 MB - Lower to reduce page faults!
VidMemMB=6043 ; Maximum GPU video memory to consume (MB)
UIScalePct=200 ; User Interface Size
BezelProtectionPct=7 ; 0-10: % of screen width to keep UI elements away from bezels
Min3ViewZoomDistortion=1 ; 0=off 1=when cameras zoom in alot, relax screen angles
NumMonitors=1 ; 1 or 3
EnableSMPSurround=0 ; 0=off 1=Enable Simultaneous Multi-Projection via GPU
RenderViewPerMonitor=0 ; 0=off 1=separate view on each monitor (less distortion)
MonitorWidth=656 ; (mm) total width of each monitor (screen + bezels)
ScreenWidth=624 ; (mm) usable width of each screen (no bezels)
ScreenAngles=0 ; (deg) side monitor angle, 10=slight, 65=max
Renderer=? ; Driver DLL - Don't Edit This!
Version=0 ; Driver Version - Don't Edit This!
Vendor=? ; Driver Vender - Don't Edit This!
[Laser Scan]
PointSizeMM=80 ; desired physical point size width (mm): 1 to 120
PointSizeMin=1 ; min point size in screen pixels (1 to 256)
PointSizeMax=1 ; max point size in screen pixels (1 to 256)
MaxLaserScanVidMem=192 ; Max scan density to load into vidmem 128-768 (MB)
[Oculus Rift]
MirrorViewVerticalShiftPct=0 ; -30 to +30 percent - shifts the mirror image up/down (if clipped)
RiftEnabled=1 ; Enable Oculus Rift Support
PixelsPerDisplayPixel=100 ; (50% to 300%): 125%=1.25, over 100% may hurt performance!
FullyWaitForSync=0 ; Improves timing/lag below refresh rate, but costs a little all of the time
AutoSelect=0 ; Use Rift, if detected, without prompting
AutoCenter=0 ; Re-center the HMD pose when health/safety warning disappears
PrevVirtualMirrorWidth=1112 ; System use only -> do not edit...
PrevVirtualMirrorHeight=212 ; System use only -> do not edit...
OpenVREnabled=1 ; Enable OpenVR Support
AlignmentFix=1 ; 0=off, 1=simple (SPS), 2=simple (always), 3=advanced (SPS)
MirrorViewVerticalShiftPct=0 ; -30 to +30 percent - shifts the mirror image up/down (if clipped)
PredictionMode=1 ; 0=off, 1=dynamic, 2=fixed
FullyWaitForSync=0 ; Improves timing/lag below refresh rate, but costs a little all of the time
AutoSelect=0 ; Use OpenVR without prompting (note: Oculus has priority if enabled)
AutoCenter=0 ; Re-center the HMD pose when health/safety warning disappears
[Replay Graphics]
AllowTSOSelfShadows=1 ; 0=off, 1=more self-shadowing objects when shadow mapping
DNSMFilter=2 ; 0= none 1= Fetch4 2= PCF4 3= PCF4P 4= PCF8P 5= PCF16P
DNSMShadowFade=25 ; 0 to # = time to fade in night shadows in 100ths of a sec (25 default)
DNSMNumLights=3 ; 0 to 128 = Max number of shadow mapped lights at night
DNSMHeadlightsCastShadows=0 ; 0=off 1=car headlights cast shadows
DNSMWallsCastShadows=0 ; 0= off 1=track walls cast shadows
DNSMTSOsCastShadows=0 ; 0= off 1=track objects cast shadows
DNSMDownsampleFirst=0 ; 0=per-AA-sample shadows 1=per-pixel shadow
DNSMEnable=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic night shadow maps
TwoPassTrees=1 ; 0=off, 1=render trees with higher quality in two passes
NumFixedCubemaps=0 ; number of fixed cubemaps to render per frame(100 = 1/frame)
NumDynamicCubemaps=0 ; number of dynamic cubemaps to render per frame(100 = 1/frame)
ReplayRenderModes=0 ; 0=off, 1=Replay Render Modes enabled
Distortion=0 ; 0=off, 1=Distortion enabled
SharpeningClamp=9 ; sharpening clamp (0=min, 10=default, 100=max)
SharpeningAmount=125 ; sharpening strength (10=min, 125=default, 300=max)
FXAAQualityEdgeThreshold=166 ; 333=too little(fast),250=lowqual,166=default,125=highqual,63=overkill(slow)
FXAAQualitySubPix=75 ; aliasing amt (100=soft,75=default,50=sharp,25=low,0=0ff)
FXAA=0 ; 0=off, 1=FXAA enabled
Sharpening=0 ; 0=off, 1=sharpening enabled
MotionBlurBroadcastCams=1 ; 0=disabled, 1=enabled
MotionBlurDrivingCams=1 ; 0=disabled, 1=enabled
MotionBlurStrength=0 ; motion blur strength: 0=off, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high
HeatHaze=0 ; 0=off, 1=heat haze enabled
DepthOfField=0 ; 0=off, 1=depth of field blurs enabled
ShadowMapType=3 ; map onto: 0=off, 1=track, 2=track\cars, 3=track\cars\tso
DynamicShadowFilters=7 ; 1=cockpit only, 7=all)
DynamicShadowMaps=1 ; 0=off 1=dynamic shadow maps for cars, etc. (Day only!)
ShadowDetail=0 ; 0=fewer shadows, 1=maximum shadows
VirtualMirrors=1 ; 0=off, 1=virtual mirrors enabled
MaxCockpitMirrors=0 ; Maximum number of cockpit mirrors to enable (0 to 4)
MirrorDetail=0 ; 0=low detail, 1=high detail in mirrors
ParticlesSoft=0 ; soft particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticlesFullRes=1 ; full resolution particles: 0=off, 1=on
ParticleDetail=2 ; particle detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
WeekendDetail=2 ; event detail: 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
ObjectDetail=2 ; object population 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
GrandstandDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
CrowdDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high
PitObjectDetail=2 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=med, 3=high
CarDetail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
SkyDetail=2 ; 0=low update rate, 1=med update rate, 2=high update rate
Trilinear=1 ; 0=off, 1=improved texture quality
DynamicLODSpacing=4 ; 0=off, 10=max - Helps reduce car/crew LOD when too many are high LOD
MaxAniso=8 ; 1=off, or 2, 4, 8, 16 - improved edge-on textures
FarTerrain=1 ; 0=no far terrain, 1=far terrain in separate pass
DriverHands=1 ; Show driver hands? 0=no, 1=yes
SteeringWheel=1 ; Show steering wheel? 0=no, 1=yes
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