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mczerniawski mczerniawski

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$userOUs = @('OU=Leavers,OU=Site1,OU=Contoso Users,DC=Contoso,DC=com','OU=Leavers,OU=Site2,OU=Contoso Users,DC=Contoso,DC=com')
$disabledUsers = foreach ($ou in $userOUs) {
get-aduser -filter {Enabled -eq $false} -SearchBase $ou
$disabledUsers | Export-Csv -Path C:\AdminTools\disabled_users.csv -NoTypeInformation
function Get-EmptyFolder {
Returns if there are empty folders in given path.
Will check for empty folders in given path. If ComputerName is provided will connect to remote computer. Credential parameter works in combination with ComputerName only
Path to check for empty folders
function Set-ClusterVMAntiAffinity {
Will configure Preferred Owners for Virtual Machine running on Failover Cluster
Uses Invoke-Command to allow for PSCredential
If Preferred Owner is provided will verify if it matches cluster Owner Nodes.
If yes - will set Preferred Owners for given VMs.
If no - will abort.
foreach ($VM in $VMName) {
Write-Verbose -Message "Processing VM {$VM}"
$ClusterVM = Invoke-Command -Session $ClusterSession -ScriptBlock {
Get-ClusterGroup -Name $USING:VM -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object *
if (-not $ClusterVM) {
Write-Error -Message "VM {$VM} not found on cluster {$Cluster}"
else {
$currentPreferredOwners = Invoke-Command -Session $ClusterSession -ScriptBlock {
#region Validate Preferred Owner
$nodesInCluster = Invoke-Command -Session $ClusterSession -ScriptBlock {
Get-ClusterNode | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
#null or empty string - reset to defaults
if (-not $PreferredOwner) {
Write-Verbose -Message "Provided no Preferred Owner. Will reset to default setting"
$PreferredOwner = ''
#check if given hosts given in $PreferredOwner are members of $Cluster
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = 'Provide Cluster Name',
ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Provide Credentials for Cluster',
ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
function Set-ClusterVMPossibleOwner {
Will configure Possible Owners for Virtual Machine running on Failover Cluster
Uses Invoke-Command to allow for PSCredential.
If PossibleOwner is provided first will verify if it matches cluster Owner Nodes.
If yes - will set PossibleOwner for given VMs.
If no - will abort.
function Set-ClusterVMPreferredOwner {
Will configure Preferred Owners for Virtual Machine running on Failover Cluster
Uses Invoke-Command to allow for PSCredential
If Preferred Owner is provided will verify if it matches cluster Owner Nodes.
If yes - will set Preferred Owners for given VMs.
If no - will abort.
switch (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject @($nodesInCluster) -DifferenceObject @($PreferredOwner) -IncludeEqual ) {
{$PSItem.SideIndicator -eq '=>'} {
Write-Error -Message "Given preferred owner {$($PSItem.InputObject)} not found in nodes of cluster {$Cluster}. Aborting" -ErrorAction Stop
{$PSItem.SideIndicator -eq '=='} {
Write-Verbose -Message "Given preferred owner {$($PSItem.InputObject)} was found in nodes of cluster {$Cluster}"
$HyperVHosts = @('Cluster1','Node1','Node2')
$VMs = Get-VM -ComputerName $HyperVHosts | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Procesing VM {$($PSItem.VMName)}"
Write-Host "Getting VM {$($PSItem.VMName)} disk information"
$disks = Get-VHD -VMId $PSItem.VMId -ComputerName $PSItem.ComputerName
$diskCount = $disks | Measure | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
$diskCurrentSize = $disks | Measure-Object -Sum -Property FileSize | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum
$diskMaximumSize = $disks | Measure-Object -Sum -Property Size | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum