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Created October 3, 2018 06:12
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Citations in RMarkdown tables
# This snippets allows quick change from markdown citation syntax (i.e. @smith2018) to LaTeX syntax.
# It is particularly useful when you need to use both html and LaTeX output and don't want to use
# two separate tables for each output. In this case you can use simple conditional that changes RMarkdown
# syntax to LaTeX when needed.
df <- data.frame(book = c('Book one', 'Book two'), reference = c('@smith2005', '@foo2006')
dfR <- df$reference
dfR %>%
gsub('@', '', .) %>%
strsplit('; ') %>%
lapply(formatingCite) %>%
lapply(paste, collapse = '; ') %>%
unlist %>%
data.frame(references = .) %>%
bind_cols(df, .) %>%
dfR$references[dfR$references == '\\citeauthor{}, \\hyperlink{ref-}{\\citeyear{}}'] <- NA
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mczyzj commented Oct 3, 2018

For real life example please check templates in pestrPRA package

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