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Created July 21, 2012 11:25
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import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
public class DiamondDig implements Runnable {
public static int oldPlayerX;
public static int oldPlayerY;
public static int oldPlayerZ;
public static int stuckCount = 0;
public boolean noY = false;
public boolean noZ = false;
public static boolean noX = false;
public boolean wasEast = false;
public boolean wasWest = false;
public boolean wasNorth = false;
public boolean wasSouth = false;
public boolean isNorth = false;
public boolean isSouth = false;
public boolean isEast = false;
public boolean isWest = false;
public static boolean isAbove = false;
public boolean isBelow = false;
public static boolean jiggle = false;
public static int PlayerX;
public static int PlayerY;
public static int PlayerZ;
public static boolean isDigging = false;
public int diamondX;
public int diamondY;
public int diamondZ;
public int oldInv = 0;
public static boolean jump;
public Minecraft mc = Minecraft.theMinecraft;
public PlayerControllerMP pc = new PlayerControllerMP(mc, mc.getSendQueue());
public void run() {
jump = false;
isDigging = true;
isDigging = false;
while (GuiIngame.diamonddig) {
try {
if (mc.thePlayer.handleLavaMovement()) {
GuiIngame.diamonddig = false;
if (ifStuck()) {
oldPlayerX = PlayerX;
oldPlayerY = PlayerY;
oldPlayerZ = PlayerZ;
PlayerX = (int) mc.thePlayer.posX;
PlayerY = ((int) Math.rint(mc.thePlayer.posY));
PlayerZ = (int) mc.thePlayer.posZ;
updateVals(diamondX, diamondY, diamondZ);
if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(diamondX, diamondY, diamondZ) != 56) {
isDigging = true;
isDigging = false;
catch (Exception e) {
public void find() { //Cuboids around the player looking for diamonds FINISHED
int posx = (int)mc.thePlayer.posX;
int posy = (int)mc.thePlayer.posY;
int posz = (int)mc.thePlayer.posZ;
for (int count = 0; count >= 0; count++)
int item = 0;
try { item = 56; }
catch(Exception e) { mc.thePlayer.addChatMessage("Please enter a valid integer"); return; }
Block check;
try { check = Block.blocksList[item]; }
catch(Exception e) { mc.thePlayer.addChatMessage("Block id does not exist"); return; }
//code below borrowed from mcforge source for cuboids. I just modified it slightly
int x = posx + count; int y = posy + count; int z = posz + count;
int cposx = posx - count; int cposy = posy - count; int cposz = posz - count;
int xx = 0; int yy = 0; int zz = 0;
for (xx = Math.min(cposx, x); xx <= Math.max(cposx, x); ++xx)
for (yy = Math.min(cposy, y); yy <= Math.max(cposy, y); ++yy)
for (zz = Math.min(cposz, z); zz <= Math.max(cposz, z); ++zz)
if (count <= 125) {
if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(xx, yy, zz) == item)
if (setDPos(xx, yy, zz))
mc.thePlayer.addChatMessage("\247bFound diamonds at X=" + xx + " Y=" + yy + " Z=" + zz);
updateVals(xx, yy, zz);
mc.thePlayer.addChatMessage("\247cNo Diamonds found :(");
GuiIngame.diamonddig = false;
public void point(double posX, int y, double d){ //Points to a set block FINISHED
double d2 = 0.0D;
double d5 = 0;
double d6 = 0;
double d7 = 0;
try {
d5 = (posX - mc.thePlayer.posX) + 0.5D;
d6 = (d - mc.thePlayer.posZ) + 0.5D;
d7 = (y - (mc.thePlayer.posY - 1.6D)) - 1.1D;
catch (Exception e) { }
if(d6 > 0.0D && d5 > 0.0D)
d2 = Math.toDegrees(-Math.atan(d5 / d6));
} else
if(d6 > 0.0D && d5 < 0.0D)
d2 = Math.toDegrees(-Math.atan(d5 / d6));
} else
if(d6 < 0.0D && d5 > 0.0D)
d2 = -90D + Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(d6 / d5));
} else
if(d6 < 0.0D && d5 < 0.0D)
d2 = 90D + Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(d6 / d5));
try {
mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw = (float)d2;
catch (Exception e) { }
double d8 = Math.sqrt(d6 * d6 + d5 * d5);
double d9 = -Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(d7 / d8));
try {
mc.thePlayer.rotationPitch = (float)d9;
catch (Exception e) {
public void checkSurround() {
try {
PlayerX = (int) mc.thePlayer.posX;
PlayerY = ((int) Math.rint(mc.thePlayer.posY));
PlayerZ = (int) mc.thePlayer.posZ;
int xx = PlayerX;
int yy = PlayerY - 1;
int zz = PlayerZ;
if (wasNorth && wasSouth) {
noZ = true;
if (wasEast && wasWest) {
noX = true;
if (isNorth && !noZ) {
wasNorth = true;
if (mc.thePlayer.posZ > 0) {
point(xx, yy, zz + 1);
dig(xx, yy, zz + 1);
dig(xx, yy - 1, zz + 1);
else {
point(xx - 1, yy, zz);
dig(xx - 1, yy, zz);
dig(xx - 1, yy - 1, zz);
if (isSouth && !noZ) {
wasSouth = true;
if (mc.thePlayer.posZ > 0) {
point(xx, yy, zz - 1);
dig(xx, yy, zz - 1);
dig(xx, yy - 1, zz - 1);
else {
point(mc.thePlayer.posX - 0.5001D, yy, mc.thePlayer.posZ - 1);
dig((int)Math.round(mc.thePlayer.posX - 0.5001D), yy, (int)Math.round(mc.thePlayer.posZ - 1));
dig((int)Math.round(mc.thePlayer.posX - 0.5001D), yy - 1, (int)Math.round(mc.thePlayer.posZ - 1));
if (isWest && !noX && wasNorth && wasSouth) {
wasWest = true;
if (mc.thePlayer.posX > 0) {
point(xx + 1, yy, zz);
dig(xx + 1, yy, zz);
dig(xx + 1, yy - 1, zz);
else {
point(xx, yy, zz - 1);
dig(xx, yy, zz - 1);
dig(xx, yy - 1, zz - 1);
if (isEast && !noX && wasNorth && wasSouth) {
wasEast = true;
if (mc.thePlayer.posX > 0) {
point(xx - 1, yy, zz);
dig(xx - 1, yy, zz);
dig(xx - 1, yy - 1, zz);
else {
point(mc.thePlayer.posX - 1, yy, mc.thePlayer.posZ - 0.5001D);
dig((int)Math.round(mc.thePlayer.posX - 1), yy, (int)Math.round(mc.thePlayer.posZ - 0.5001D));
dig((int)Math.round(mc.thePlayer.posX - 1), yy - 1, (int)Math.round(mc.thePlayer.posZ - 0.5001D));
isDigging = true;
if (isBelow && diamondY < yy) {
dig(xx, yy - 2, zz);
else {
if (!isAbove && diamondY == yy) {
if (isAbove && diamondY > yy) {
if (!blockAir(xx, yy + 1, zz))
removeBlock(xx, yy + 1, zz);
else {
point(xx, yy - 2, zz);
jump = true;
jump = false;
while (blockAir(xx, yy - 2, zz)) {
isDigging = true;
int inventoryNum = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) {
float resistance = 0.0f;
ItemStack itemstack = mc.thePlayer.inventory.getStackInSlot(i); //FIX ME
try {
Block block = Block.blocksList[itemstack.itemID];
if (block.isCollidable()) {
resistance = block.blockResistance;
inventoryNum = i;
catch (Exception e){
if (inventoryNum == -1) {
GuiIngame.diamonddig = false;
mc.thePlayer.addChatMessage("No solid blocks found in your hotbar so diamond dig was turned off");
while (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(xx, yy - 2, zz) != 0) {
int j = mc.objectMouseOver.blockX;
int k = mc.objectMouseOver.blockY;
int l = mc.objectMouseOver.blockZ;
int i1 = mc.objectMouseOver.sideHit;
ItemStack itemstack = mc.thePlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem();
mc.playerController.onPlayerRightClick(mc.thePlayer, mc.theWorld, itemstack, j, k, l, i1);
isDigging = false;
else {
if (!isBelow && diamondY == yy) {
} catch (Exception e) { mc.thePlayer.addChatMessage(e.toString()); }
public void dig(int x, int y, int z){ //Digs at a given block
try {
if (!EntityClientPlayerMP.instant)
EntityClientPlayerMP.instant = true;
if (!blockAir(x, y, z))
removeBlock(x, y, z);
catch (Exception e) {
public void removeBlock(int x, int y, int z) {
isDigging = true;
while (!blockAir(x, y, z) && GuiIngame.diamonddig && mc.thePlayer.getDistance(x, y, z) < 4.5)
try {
point(x, y, z);
PlayerControllerMP pcm = new PlayerControllerMP(mc, mc.getSendQueue());
int j = x;
int k = y;
int l = z;
int i1 = 2;
try {
i1 = mc.objectMouseOver.sideHit;
catch (Exception e) { }
pcm.AutoTool(j, k, l);
pcm.clickBlock(j, k, l, i1);
pcm.onPlayerDamageBlock(j, k, l, i1);
catch (Exception e) {
isDigging = false;
public boolean blockAir(int x, int y, int z){ //Checks if blocks is air FINISHED
try {
int l2 = mc.theWorld.getBlockId(x, y, z);
Block block = Block.blocksList[l2];
if(block == null)
return true;
if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(x, y, z) == 8)
return true;
else if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(x, y, z) == 9)
return true;
else if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(x, y, z) == 10)
else if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(x, y, z) == 11)
return true;
else if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(x, y, z) == 7)
return true;
return false;
catch (Exception e) { return true; }
public boolean setDPos(int x, int y, int z) { //Checks if diamond position is suitable
if (y >= 7) {
for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++) {
if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(x, y + i, z) == 11) {
return false;
if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(x + 1, y + i, z) == 11) {
return false;
if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(x + 1, y + i, z + 1) == 11) {
return false;
if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(x - 1, y + i, z) == 11) {
return false;
if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(x - 1, y + i, z - 1) == 11) {
return false;
if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(x, y + i, z - 1) == 11) {
return false;
if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(x, y + i, z + 1) == 11) {
return false;
if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(x - 1, y + i, z + 1) == 11) {
return false;
if (mc.theWorld.getBlockId(x + 1, y + i, z - 1) == 11) {
return false;
diamondX = x;
diamondY = y;
diamondZ = z;
return true;
else {
return false;
public void SyncItem(int x) {
int i = x;
if(i != mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem)
mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem = i;
mc.getSendQueue().addToSendQueue(new Packet16BlockItemSwitch(mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem));
public void updateVals(int x, int y, int z) {
if (z > mc.thePlayer.posZ) {
isNorth = true;
else {
isNorth = false;
if (z < mc.thePlayer.posZ) {
isSouth = true;
else {
isSouth = false;
if (x > mc.thePlayer.posX) {
isWest = true;
else {
isWest = false;
if (x < mc.thePlayer.posX) {
isEast = true;
else {
isEast = false;
if (y > mc.thePlayer.posY) {
isAbove = true;
else {
isAbove = false;
if (y < mc.thePlayer.posY) {
isBelow = true;
else {
isBelow = false;
public void resetVals() {
stuckCount = 0;
isDigging = false;
noZ = false;
noX = false;
noY = false;
wasNorth = false;
wasSouth = false;
wasWest = false;
wasEast = false;
private float updateRotation(float f, float f1, float f2)
float f3;
for (f3 = f1 - f; f3 < -180F; f3 += 360F) { }
for (; f3 >= 180F; f3 -= 360F) { }
if (f3 > f2)
f3 = f2;
if (f3 < -f2)
f3 = -f2;
return f + f3;
public boolean ifStuck(){
if (oldPlayerZ == PlayerZ && oldPlayerX == PlayerX && oldPlayerY == PlayerY) {
stuckCount += 1;
else {
stuckCount = 0;
if (stuckCount >= 50) {
mc.thePlayer.addChatMessage("\247cYou got stuck. Trying to reset values");
return true;
else {
return false;
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