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Last active December 19, 2016 14:50
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  • Save mdahlke/131a220746a1100eec752db7e3a75917 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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@function px2em($px, $unit: 'em'){
@return #{$px / $baseFontSize}#{$unit};
@function first($list) {
@if type-of($list) == 'list' {
@return nth($list, 1);
} @else {
@return $list;
@function last($list) {
@if type-of($list) == 'list' {
@return nth($list, length($list));
} @else {
@return $list;
$baseSizes: (
'h1': (70, 30),
'h2': 45,
'h3': 40,
'h4': 30,
'h5': 20,
'h6': 20,
$attributes: (
'h1': (
'h2': (
'h3': (
'h4': (
'h5': (
'h6': (
$screenBreakpoints: (
'xs': 1.65,
'sm': 1.45,
'md': 1.15,
'lg': 1,
$screen-size-map: (
'xs': 0px,
'sm': 768px,
'md': 992px,
'lg': 1200px,
@each $heading, $sizes in $baseSizes {
.#{$heading} {
@each $size, $divideby in $screenBreakpoints {
@media (min-width: map-get($screen-size-map, $size)) {
$fontsize: (first($sizes) / $divideby);
$lineheight: 1;
@if type-of($sizes) == 'list' {
$lineheight: (last($sizes) / $divideby);
font-size: px2em($fontsize);
line-height: px2em($lineheight, '');
} @else {
font-size: px2em($fontsize);
.source & {
&::after {
content: " (#{px2em($fontsize)}/#{px2em($lineheight, '')})";
font-size: 16px;
$headingAttributes: map-get($attributes, $heading);
@each $property, $value in $headingAttributes {
#{$property}: #{$value};
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