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Created September 7, 2016 16:10
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NixOS configuration files for Stanchion
[{stanchion, []}].
{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, unzip, erlangR16_basho, git, wget, which, pam, coreutils, riak }:
srcs = {
stanchion = fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "1443arwgg7qvlx3msyg99qvvhck7qxphdjslcp494i60fhr2g8ja";
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "stanchion-2.1.1";
buildInputs = [
which unzip erlangR16_basho pam git wget
src = srcs.stanchion;
postPatch = ''
sed -i deps/node_package/priv/base/ \
-e 's@{{platform_data_dir}}@''${RIAK_DATA_DIR:-/var/db/stanchion}@' \
-e 's@^RUNNER_SCRIPT_DIR=.*@RUNNER_SCRIPT_DIR='$out'/bin@' \
-e 's@^RUNNER_BASE_DIR=.*@RUNNER_BASE_DIR='$out'@' \
-e 's@^RUNNER_ETC_DIR=.*@RUNNER_ETC_DIR=''${RIAK_ETC_DIR:-/etc/stanchion}@' \
-e 's@^RUNNER_LOG_DIR=.*@RUNNER_LOG_DIR=''${RIAK_LOG_DIR:-/var/log}@'
preBuild = ''
patchShebangs .
buildPhase = ''
runHook preBuild
make rel
runHook postBuild
doCheck = false;
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir $out
mv rel/stanchion/etc rel/stanchion/riak-etc
mkdir -p rel/stanchion/etc
mv rel/stanchion/riak-etc rel/stanchion/etc/stanchion
mv rel/stanchion/* $out
for prog in $out/bin/*; do
substituteInPlace $prog \
--replace '. "`cd \`dirname $0\` && /bin/pwd`/../lib/"' \
". $out/lib/"
runHook postInstall
meta = with lib; {
maintainers = with maintainers; [ mdaiter ];
description = "Manager for Riak CS";
platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
###### interface
options = {
services.stanchion = {
enable = mkEnableOption "stanchion";
nodeName = mkOption {
type = types.string;
default = "stanchion@";
description = ''
Name of the Erlang node.
adminKey = mkOption {
type = types.string;
default = "";
description = ''
Name of admin user.
adminSecret = mkOption {
type = types.string;
default = "";
description = ''
Name of admin secret
riakHost = mkOption {
type = types.string;
default = "";
description = ''
Name of riak hosting service.
listener = mkOption {
type = types.string;
default = "";
description = ''
Name of Riak CS listening service.
stanchionHost = mkOption {
type = types.string;
default = "";
description = ''
Name of stanchion hosting service.
stanchionSsl = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = true;
description = ''
Tell stanchion to use SSL.
distributedCookie = mkOption {
type = types.string;
default = "riak";
description = ''
Cookie for distributed node communication. All nodes in the
same cluster should use the same cookie or they will not be able to
dataDir = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "/var/db/stanchion";
description = ''
Data directory for Stanchion.
logDir = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "/var/log/stanchion";
description = ''
Log directory for Stanchino.
extraConfig = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
description = ''
Additional text to be appended to <filename>stanchion.conf</filename>.
###### implementation
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.stanchion ];
environment.etc."stanchion/advanced.config".text = ''
[{stanchion, []}].
environment.etc."stanchion/stanchion.conf".text = ''
## listen port and IP address
## Default:
## Acceptable values:
## - an IP/port pair, e.g.
listener = ${cfg.listener}
## Default cert location for https can be overridden
## with the ssl config variable, for example:
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a file
## ssl.certfile = $(platform_etc_dir)/cert.pem
## Default key location for https can be overridden with the ssl
## config variable, for example:
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a file
## ssl.keyfile = $(platform_etc_dir)/key.pem
## Riak IP address and port number where Stanchion connects
## Default:
## Acceptable values:
## - an IP/port pair, e.g.
riak_host = ${cfg.riakHost}
## Admin user credentials. The credentials specified here must
## match the admin credentials specified in the riak-cs.conf for the
## system to function properly.
## Default: admin-key
## Acceptable values:
## - text
${ if cfg.adminKey != "" then "" else "#" } admin.key=${ if cfg.adminKey != "" then cfg.adminKey else "" }
${ if cfg.adminSecret != "" then "" else "#" } admin.secret=${if cfg. adminSecret != "" then cfg.adminSecret else "" }
## Platform-specific installation paths
## Default: /usr/sbin
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a directory
platform_bin_dir = ${pkgs.stanchion}/bin
## Default: /var/lib/stanchion
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a directory
platform_data_dir = ${cfg.dataDir}
## Default: /etc/stanchion
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a directory
platform_etc_dir = /etc/stanchion
## Default: /usr/lib/stanchion/lib
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a directory
platform_lib_dir = ${pkgs.stanchion}/lib
## Default: /var/log/stanchion
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a directory
platform_log_dir = ${cfg.logDir}
## Where to emit the default log messages (typically at 'info'
## severity):
## off: disabled
## file: the file specified by log.console.file
## console: to standard output (seen when using `riak attach-direct`)
## both: log.console.file and standard out.
## Default: file
## Acceptable values:
## - one of: off, file, console, both
log.console = file
## The severity level of the console log, default is 'info'.
## Default: info
## Acceptable values:
## - one of: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency, none
log.console.level = info
## When 'log.console' is set to 'file' or 'both', the file where
## console messages will be logged.
## Default: $(platform_log_dir)/console.log
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a file
log.console.file = $(platform_log_dir)/console.log
## Maximum size of the console log in bytes, before it is rotated
## Default: 10MB
## Acceptable values:
## - a byte size with units, e.g. 10GB
log.console.size = 10MB
## The schedule on which to rotate the console log. For more
## information see:
## Default: $D0
## Acceptable values:
## - text
log.console.rotation = $D0
## The number of rotated console logs to keep. When set to
## 'current', only the current open log file is kept.
## Default: 5
## Acceptable values:
## - an integer
## - the text "current"
log.console.rotation.keep = 5
## The file where error messages will be logged.
## Default: $(platform_log_dir)/error.log
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a file
log.error.file = $(platform_log_dir)/error.log
## Maximum size of the error log in bytes, before it is rotated
## Default: 10MB
## Acceptable values:
## - a byte size with units, e.g. 10GB
log.error.size = 10MB
## The schedule on which to rotate the error log. For more
## information see:
## Default: $D0
## Acceptable values:
## - text
log.error.rotation = $D0
## The number of rotated error logs to keep. When set to
## 'current', only the current open log file is kept.
## Default: 5
## Acceptable values:
## - an integer
## - the text "current"
log.error.rotation.keep = 5
## When set to 'on', enables log output to syslog.
## Default: off
## Acceptable values:
## - on or off
log.syslog = off
## Whether to enable the crash log.
## Default: on
## Acceptable values:
## - on or off
log.crash = on
## If the crash log is enabled, the file where its messages will
## be written.
## Default: $(platform_log_dir)/crash.log
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a file
log.crash.file = $(platform_log_dir)/crash.log
## Maximum size in bytes of individual messages in the crash log
## Default: 64KB
## Acceptable values:
## - a byte size with units, e.g. 10GB
log.crash.maximum_message_size = 64KB
## Maximum size of the crash log in bytes, before it is rotated
## Default: 10MB
## Acceptable values:
## - a byte size with units, e.g. 10GB
log.crash.size = 10MB
## The schedule on which to rotate the crash log. For more
## information see:
## Default: $D0
## Acceptable values:
## - text
log.crash.rotation = $D0
## The number of rotated crash logs to keep. When set to
## 'current', only the current open log file is kept.
## Default: 5
## Acceptable values:
## - an integer
## - the text "current"
log.crash.rotation.keep = 5
## Name of the Erlang node
## Default: stanchion@
## Acceptable values:
## - text
nodename = ${cfg.nodeName}
## Cookie for distributed node communication. All nodes in the
## same cluster should use the same cookie or they will not be able to
## communicate.
## Default: riak
## Acceptable values:
## - text
distributed_cookie = ${cfg.distributedCookie}
## Sets the number of threads in async thread pool, valid range
## is 0-1024. If thread support is available, the default is 64.
## More information at:
## Default: 64
## Acceptable values:
## - an integer
erlang.async_threads = 64
## The number of concurrent ports/sockets
## Valid range is 1024-134217727
## Default: 65536
## Acceptable values:
## - an integer
erlang.max_ports = 65536
## Set scheduler forced wakeup interval. All run queues will be
## scanned each Interval milliseconds. While there are sleeping
## schedulers in the system, one scheduler will be woken for each
## non-empty run queue found. An Interval of zero disables this
## feature, which also is the default.
## This feature is a workaround for lengthy executing native code, and
## native code that do not bump reductions properly.
## More information:
## Default: 500
## Acceptable values:
## - an integer
## erlang.schedulers.force_wakeup_interval = 500
## Enable or disable scheduler compaction of load. By default
## scheduler compaction of load is enabled. When enabled, load
## balancing will strive for a load distribution which causes as many
## scheduler threads as possible to be fully loaded (i.e., not run out
## of work). This is accomplished by migrating load (e.g. runnable
## processes) into a smaller set of schedulers when schedulers
## frequently run out of work. When disabled, the frequency with which
## schedulers run out of work will not be taken into account by the
## load balancing logic.
## More information:
## Default: false
## Acceptable values:
## - one of: true, false
## erlang.schedulers.compaction_of_load = false
## Enable or disable scheduler utilization balancing of load. By
## default scheduler utilization balancing is disabled and instead
## scheduler compaction of load is enabled which will strive for a
## load distribution which causes as many scheduler threads as
## possible to be fully loaded (i.e., not run out of work). When
## scheduler utilization balancing is enabled the system will instead
## try to balance scheduler utilization between schedulers. That is,
## strive for equal scheduler utilization on all schedulers.
## More information:
## Acceptable values:
## - one of: true, false
## erlang.schedulers.utilization_balancing = true
##stanchion_ssl=${if cfg.stanchionSsl then "on" else "off"}
users.extraUsers.stanchion = {
name = "stanchion";
uid = config.ids.uids.stanchion;
group = "riak";
description = "Stanchion server user";
## listen port and IP address
## Default:
## Acceptable values:
## - an IP/port pair, e.g.
listener =
## Default cert location for https can be overridden
## with the ssl config variable, for example:
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a file
## ssl.certfile = $(platform_etc_dir)/cert.pem
## Default key location for https can be overridden with the ssl
## config variable, for example:
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a file
## ssl.keyfile = $(platform_etc_dir)/key.pem
## Riak IP address and port number where Stanchion connects
## Default:
## Acceptable values:
## - an IP/port pair, e.g.
riak_host =
## Admin user credentials. The credentials specified here must
## match the admin credentials specified in the riak-cs.conf for the
## system to function properly.
## Default: admin-key
## Acceptable values:
## - text
# admin.key=
# admin.secret=
## Platform-specific installation paths
## Default: /usr/sbin
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a directory
platform_bin_dir = /nix/store/7wq2ilxygi225k2qk0li4dcc0vlcdpx8-stanchion-2.1.1/bin
## Default: /var/lib/stanchion
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a directory
platform_data_dir = /var/db/stanchion
## Default: /etc/stanchion
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a directory
platform_etc_dir = /etc/stanchion
## Default: /usr/lib/stanchion/lib
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a directory
platform_lib_dir = /nix/store/7wq2ilxygi225k2qk0li4dcc0vlcdpx8-stanchion-2.1.1/lib
## Default: /var/log/stanchion
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a directory
platform_log_dir = /var/log/stanchion
## Where to emit the default log messages (typically at 'info'
## severity):
## off: disabled
## file: the file specified by log.console.file
## console: to standard output (seen when using `riak attach-direct`)
## both: log.console.file and standard out.
## Default: file
## Acceptable values:
## - one of: off, file, console, both
log.console = file
## The severity level of the console log, default is 'info'.
## Default: info
## Acceptable values:
## - one of: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency, none
log.console.level = info
## When 'log.console' is set to 'file' or 'both', the file where
## console messages will be logged.
## Default: $(platform_log_dir)/console.log
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a file
log.console.file = $(platform_log_dir)/console.log
## Maximum size of the console log in bytes, before it is rotated
## Default: 10MB
## Acceptable values:
## - a byte size with units, e.g. 10GB
log.console.size = 10MB
## The schedule on which to rotate the console log. For more
## information see:
## Default: $D0
## Acceptable values:
## - text
log.console.rotation = $D0
## The number of rotated console logs to keep. When set to
## 'current', only the current open log file is kept.
## Default: 5
## Acceptable values:
## - an integer
## - the text "current"
log.console.rotation.keep = 5
## The file where error messages will be logged.
## Default: $(platform_log_dir)/error.log
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a file
log.error.file = $(platform_log_dir)/error.log
## Maximum size of the error log in bytes, before it is rotated
## Default: 10MB
## Acceptable values:
## - a byte size with units, e.g. 10GB
log.error.size = 10MB
## The schedule on which to rotate the error log. For more
## information see:
## Default: $D0
## Acceptable values:
## - text
log.error.rotation = $D0
## The number of rotated error logs to keep. When set to
## 'current', only the current open log file is kept.
## Default: 5
## Acceptable values:
## - an integer
## - the text "current"
log.error.rotation.keep = 5
## When set to 'on', enables log output to syslog.
## Default: off
## Acceptable values:
## - on or off
log.syslog = off
## Whether to enable the crash log.
## Default: on
## Acceptable values:
## - on or off
log.crash = on
## If the crash log is enabled, the file where its messages will
## be written.
## Default: $(platform_log_dir)/crash.log
## Acceptable values:
## - the path to a file
log.crash.file = $(platform_log_dir)/crash.log
## Maximum size in bytes of individual messages in the crash log
## Default: 64KB
## Acceptable values:
## - a byte size with units, e.g. 10GB
log.crash.maximum_message_size = 64KB
## Maximum size of the crash log in bytes, before it is rotated
## Default: 10MB
## Acceptable values:
## - a byte size with units, e.g. 10GB
log.crash.size = 10MB
## The schedule on which to rotate the crash log. For more
## information see:
## Default: $D0
## Acceptable values:
## - text
log.crash.rotation = $D0
## The number of rotated crash logs to keep. When set to
## 'current', only the current open log file is kept.
## Default: 5
## Acceptable values:
## - an integer
## - the text "current"
log.crash.rotation.keep = 5
## Name of the Erlang node
## Default: stanchion@
## Acceptable values:
## - text
nodename = stanchion@nomokoslave2.nomoko.lan
## Cookie for distributed node communication. All nodes in the
## same cluster should use the same cookie or they will not be able to
## communicate.
## Default: riak
## Acceptable values:
## - text
distributed_cookie = riak
## Sets the number of threads in async thread pool, valid range
## is 0-1024. If thread support is available, the default is 64.
## More information at:
## Default: 64
## Acceptable values:
## - an integer
erlang.async_threads = 64
## The number of concurrent ports/sockets
## Valid range is 1024-134217727
## Default: 65536
## Acceptable values:
## - an integer
erlang.max_ports = 65536
## Set scheduler forced wakeup interval. All run queues will be
## scanned each Interval milliseconds. While there are sleeping
## schedulers in the system, one scheduler will be woken for each
## non-empty run queue found. An Interval of zero disables this
## feature, which also is the default.
## This feature is a workaround for lengthy executing native code, and
## native code that do not bump reductions properly.
## More information:
## Default: 500
## Acceptable values:
## - an integer
## erlang.schedulers.force_wakeup_interval = 500
## Enable or disable scheduler compaction of load. By default
## scheduler compaction of load is enabled. When enabled, load
## balancing will strive for a load distribution which causes as many
## scheduler threads as possible to be fully loaded (i.e., not run out
## of work). This is accomplished by migrating load (e.g. runnable
## processes) into a smaller set of schedulers when schedulers
## frequently run out of work. When disabled, the frequency with which
## schedulers run out of work will not be taken into account by the
## load balancing logic.
## More information:
## Default: false
## Acceptable values:
## - one of: true, false
## erlang.schedulers.compaction_of_load = false
## Enable or disable scheduler utilization balancing of load. By
## default scheduler utilization balancing is disabled and instead
## scheduler compaction of load is enabled which will strive for a
## load distribution which causes as many scheduler threads as
## possible to be fully loaded (i.e., not run out of work). When
## scheduler utilization balancing is enabled the system will instead
## try to balance scheduler utilization between schedulers. That is,
## strive for equal scheduler utilization on all schedulers.
## More information:
## Acceptable values:
## - one of: true, false
## erlang.schedulers.utilization_balancing = true
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