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{"A Discriminative Latent Variable Model for Online Clustering":["Rajhans Samdani"],"Affinity Weighted Embedding":["Ron Weiss","Hector Yee"],"Applications of Maximum Entropy Rankers to Problems in Spoken Language Processing":["Richard Sproat","Keith Hall"],"Asynchronous Stochastic Optimization for Sequence Training of Deep Neural\n Networks":["Georg Heigold","Erik McDermott","Vincent Vanhoucke","Andrew Senior","Michiel Bacchiani"],"Autoregressive Product of Multi-frame Predictions Can Improve the Accuracy of\n Hybrid Models":["Vincent Vanhoucke"],"Bayesian Sampling Using Stochastic Gradient Thermostats":[],"Bridging Text and Knowledge with Frames":["Srini Narayanan"],"Cicada: Predictive Guarantees for Cloud Network Bandwidth":[],"Corporate learning at scale: Lessons from a large online course at Google":["Mehryar Mohri","Afshin Rostamizadeh","Umar Syed"],"DaMN – Discriminative and Mutually Nearest: Exploiting Pairwise Category\n Proximity for Video Action Recognition":["Rahul\n Sukthankar"],"Deep Convolutional Ranking for Multilabel Image Annotation":["Yangqing Jia","Alexander Toshev","Thomas Leung"],"Deep boosting":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri","Umar\n Syed"],"Enhanced Search with Wildcards and Morphological Inflections in the Google Books\n Ngram Viewer":["Dipanjan\n Das","Slav Petrov"],"Evolving QWOP gaits":[],"Frame-Semantic Parsing":["Dipanjan Das"],"Going Deeper with Convolutions":["Christian Szegedy","Yangqing Jia","Dumitru Erhan","Andrew Rabinovich"],"Insulin Resistance: Regression and Clustering":["Sangho Yoon"],"Intriguing properties of neural networks":["Christian Szegedy","Dumitru Erhan"],"Large-scale Video Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks":["George Toderici","Thomas Leung","Rahul Sukthankar"],"Learning Fine-grained Image Similarity with Deep Ranking":["Yang Song","Thomas Leung","Chuck\n Rosenberg"],"Machine Learning Applications for Data Center Optimization":["Jim Gao"],"Machine Learning in an Auction Environment":["Patrick Hummel","Preston McAfee"],"Projecting the Knowledge Graph to Syntactic Parsing":["Andrea Gesmundo","Keith Hall"],"Reducing the Sampling Complexity of Topic Models":["Amr Ahmed","Sujith Ravi"],"Revisiting Stein's Paradox: Multi-Task Averaging":["Maya R. Gupta"],"Scalable Hierarchical Multitask Learning Algorithms for Conversion Optimization\n in Display Advertising":["Amr Ahmed"],"Semantic Frame Identification with Distributed Word Representations":["Dipanjan Das","Kuzman Ganchev"],"Sequence Discriminative Distributed Training of Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent\n Neural Networks":["Oriol Vinyals","Georg Heigold","Erik McDermott","Rajat Monga"],"Small-Footprint Keyword Spotting using Deep Neural Networks":["Carolina Parada","Georg Heigold"],"Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis":["Heiga Zen"],"Taxonomy Discovery for Personalized Recommendation":["Amr Ahmed"],"Training Highly Multi-class Linear Classifiers":["Maya R. Gupta","Samy Bengio"],"Unconstrained Online Linear Learning in Hilbert Spaces: Minimax Algorithms and\n Normal Approximations":["H. Brendan McMahan"],"Video Object Discovery and Co-segmentation with Extremely Weak Supervision":["Rahul Sukthankar"],"Word Embeddings for Speech Recognition":["Samy Bengio","Georg Heigold"],"Zero-Shot Learning by Convex Combination of Semantic Embeddings":["Samy Bengio","Yoram Singer","Jonathon Shlens","Andrea Frome","Greg\n Corrado","Jeffrey Dean"],"Local Collaborative Ranking":["Samy Bengio","Yoram Singer"],"3DNN: Viewpoint Invariant 3D Geometry Matching for Scene Understanding":["Scott Satkin"],"A Generic Technique for Synthesizing Bounded Finite-State Controllers":[],"A Method for Measuring Online Audiences":["Jim Koehler","Wiesner Vos"],"A Semantic Matching Energy Function for Learning with Multi-relational Data":[],"Ad Click Prediction: a View from the Trenches":["H. Brendan McMahan","Gary Holt","D.\n Sculley","Daniel Golovin","Sharat Chikkerur","Jeremy\n Kubica"],"An Empirical study of learning rates in deep neural networks for speech\n recognition":["Andrew Senior","Georg Heigold","Ke Yang"],"Bayes and Big Data: The Consensus Monte Carlo Algorithm":["Steven L. Scott","Alexander W. Blocker","Fernando V. Bonassi"],"Breaking Out of Local Optima with Count Transforms and Model Recombination: A\n Study in Grammar Induction":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Classifying with Confidence From Incomplete Test Data":["Maya R.\n Gupta"],"Cluster forest":["Aiyou Chen"],"Comparative study of classifiers to mitigate intersymbol interference in diffuse\n indoor optical wireless communication links":["Joe Faith"],"Connecting Language and Knowledge Bases with Embedding Models for Relation\n Extraction":[],"Cross-Lingual Discriminative Learning of Sequence Models with Posterior\n Regularization":["Kuzman Ganchev","Dipanjan Das"],"Data Fusion: Resolving Conflicts from Multiple Sources":["Xin Luna Dong"],"DeViSE: A Deep Visual-Semantic Embedding Model":["Andrea Frome","Greg Corrado","Jonathon Shlens","Samy\n Bengio","Jeffrey Dean"],"Deep Learning in Speech Synthesis":["Heiga Zen"],"Deep Learning via Semi-Supervised Embedding":[],"Deep Neural Networks for Object Detection":["Christian Szegedy","Alexander Toshev","Dumitru Erhan"],"Discriminative Segment Annotation in Weakly Labeled Video":["Rahul Sukthankar","Jay Yagnik"],"Distributed Large-scale Natural Graph Factorization":["Amr Ahmed"],"Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space":["Greg S. Corrado","Jeffrey Dean"],"Efficient Learning of Sparse Ranking Functions":["Samy Bengio","Yoram Singer"],"Estimation, Optimization, and Parallelism when Data is Sparse":["H. Brendan\n McMahan"],"Fast, Accurate Detection of 100,000 Object Classes on a Single Machine":["Thomas Dean","Mark Segal","Jonathon Shlens","Jay Yagnik"],"Fastfood - Approximating Kernel Expansions in Loglinear Time":["Tamas Sarlos"],"Focused Marix Factorization for Audience Selection in Display Advertising":["Bhargav Kanagal","Amr Ahmed","Lluis Garcia-Pueyo"],"Guest editors' introduction: Special section on learning deep architectures":["Samy Bengio"],"Handbook of Human Computation":["Peng Dai"],"Hierarchical Geographical Modeling of User locations from Social Media Posts":["Amr Ahmed"],"Image Annotation in Presence of Noisy Labels":["Shailesh Kumar"],"KDD tutorial: The Dataminer Guide to Scalable Mixed-Membership and Nonparametric\n Bayesian Models":["Amr Ahmed"],"Label Partitioning for Sublinear Ranking":["Ameesh Makadia","Hector Yee"],"Language-Independent Discriminative Parsing of Temporal Expressions":["Jakob Uszkoreit"],"Large Scale Distributed Acoustic Modeling With Back-off N-grams":["Ciprian Chelba","Peng Xu","Fernando\n Pereira"],"Large Scale SVD and Manifold Learning":["Sanjiv Kumar","Mehryar Morhri","Henry A.\n Rowley"],"Large-Scale Learning with Less RAM via Randomization":["Daniel Golovin","D. Sculley","H.\n Brendan McMahan"],"Latent Factor Models with Additive Hierarchically-smoothed User Preferences":["Amr Ahmed","Bhargav Kanagal","Lluis Garcia-Pueyo"],"Learning Binary Codes for High Dimensional Data Using Bilinear Projections":["Sanjiv Kumar","Henry Rowley"],"Learning Multiple Non-Linear Sub-Spaces using K-RBMs":["Shailesh Kumar"],"Learning Prices for Repeated Auctions with Strategic Buyers":["Afshin Rostamizadeh","Umar Syed"],"Learning Semantic Representations Of Objects And Their Parts.":["Gal\n Chechik"],"Learning kernels using local rademacher complexity":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Learning to Rank Recommendations with the k-Order Statistic Loss":["Hector Yee","Ron Weiss"],"Making touchscreen keyboards adaptive to keys, hand postures, and individuals: a\n hierarchical spatial backoff model approach":["Tom Ouyang","Shumin Zhai"],"Measurement and modeling of eye-mouse behavior":["Vidhya Navalpakkam","Sujith Ravi","Amr Ahmed"],"Minimax Optimal Algorithms for Unconstrained Linear Optimization":["H. Brendan McMahan"],"Multi-Armed Recommendation Bandits for Selecting State Machine Policies for\n Robotic Systems":["Rahul\n Sukthankar"],"Multi-class classification with maximum margin multiple kernel":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri","Afshin\n Rostamizadeh"],"Multiframe Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling":["Vincent Vanhoucke","Georg Heigold"],"Multilingual acoustic models using distributed deep neural networks":["Georg Heigold","Vincent Vanhoucke","Andrew Senior","Jeff Dean"],"Neighborhood Preserving Codes for Assigning Point Labels: Applications to\n Stochastic Search":["Shumeet Baluja","Michele Covell"],"Nonlinear Latent Factorization by Embedding Multiple User Interests":["Ron Weiss","Hector Yee"],"On Rectified Linear Units For Speech Processing":["R. Monga","K. Yang","A. Senior","V.\n Vanhoucke","J. Dean"],"One Billion Word Benchmark for Measuring Progress in Statistical Language\n Modeling":["Ciprian Chelba","Mike Schuster"],"POMDP-Based Control of Workflows for Crowdsourcing":["Peng Dai"],"PRIME: Probabilistic Initial 3D Model Generation for Single-Particle\n Cryo-Electron Microscopy":["Samy Bengio"],"Parallel Boosting with Momentum":["Kevin Canini","Yoram Singer"],"Point Representation for Local Optimization: Towards Multi-Dimensional Gray Codes":["Shumeet Baluja","Michele Covell"],"ReFr: An Open-Source Reranker Framework":["Daniel M. Bikel","Keith B. Hall"],"Recurrent Neural Networks for Voice Activity Detection":["Thad Hughes"],"Restricted Transfer learning for Text Categorization":["Rajhans Samdani"],"Russian Stress Prediction using Maximum Entropy Ranking":["Keith Hall","Richard Sproat"],"Scalable Decipherment for Machine Translation via Hash Sampling":["Sujith Ravi"],"Scalable Dynamic Nonparametric Bayesian Models of Content and Users":["Amr Ahmed"],"Similarity-based Clustering by Left-Stochastic Matrix Factorization":["Maya R. Gupta"],"Spatiotemporal Deformable Part Models for Action Detection":["Rahul Sukthankar"],"The Nested Chinese Restaurant Franchise Process: User Tracking and Document\n Modeling":["Amr Ahmed"],"Transfer Learning In MIR: Sharing Learned Latent Representations For Music Audio\n Classification And Similarity":["Philippe Hamel"],"Translating Embeddings for Modeling Multi-relational Data.":[],"Using Web Co-occurrence Statistics for Improving Image Categorization":["Samy Bengio","Jeffrey\n Dean","Dumitru Erhan","Eugene Ie","Andrew Rabinovich","Jonathon Shlens","Yoram Singer"],"pSVM for Learning with Label Proportions":["S. Kumar"],"A Disambiguation Algorithm for Finite Automata and Functional Transducers":["Mehryar Mohri"],"Accuracy at the Top":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri","Ana\n Radovanovic"],"Algorithms for Learning Kernels Based on Centered Alignment":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri","Afshin\n Rostamizadeh"],"Angular Quantization-based Binary Codes for Fast Similarity Search":["Sanjiv Kumar"],"Application Of Pretrained Deep Neural Networks To Large Vocabulary Speech\n Recognition":["Andrew\n Senior","Vincent Vanhoucke"],"Building high-level features using large scale unsupervised learning":["Rajat Monga","Greg Corrado","Jeff Dean"],"Buildling adaptive dialogue systems via Bayes-adaptive POMDP":["Shaowei Png"],"Compact Hyperplane Hashing with Bilinear Functions":["Sanjiv Kumar"],"Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition":["Andrew Senior","Vincent Vanhoucke"],"Distributed Gibbs sampling for latent variable models":[],"FastEx: Hash Clustering with Exponential Families":["Amr Ahmed","Sujith Ravi"],"Hokusai | Sketching Streams in Real Time":["Amr Ahmed"],"Human Computation Must Be Reproducible":["Praveen Paritosh"],"Joint Image and Word Sense Discrimination For Image Retrieval":[],"Large Scale Distributed Deep Networks":["Jeffrey Dean","Greg\n S. Corrado","Rajat Monga","Andrew Senior","Ke Yang"],"Large Scale Visual Semantic Extraction":["Samy Bengio"],"Latent Collaborative Retrieval":["Ron Weiss"],"Latent Structured Ranking":["John Blitzer"],"Learning Hierarchical Bag of Words Using Naive Bayes Clustering":["Shailesh Kumar"],"Linear classifiers are nearly optimal when hidden variables have diverse effects":[],"Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective":["Kevin P Murphy"],"MedLDA: Maximum Margin Supervised Topic Models":["Amr Ahmed"],"Minimizing Uncertainty in Pipelines":[],"Model Recommendation for Action Recognition":["Rahul Sukthankar"],"New Analysis and Algorithm for Learning with Drifting Distributions":["Mehryar Mohri"],"No-Regret Algorithms for Unconstrained Online Convex Optimization":["Matthew Streeter","H. Brendan McMahan"],"On Using Nearly-Independent Feature Families for High Precision and Confidence":["Omid Madani","David Ross"],"On the Difficulty of Nearest Neighbor Search":["Sanjiv Kumar"],"Online-to-Confidence-Set Conversions and Application to Sparse Stochastic Bandits":["Dávid Pál"],"Open Problem: Better Bounds for Online Logistic Regression":["H. Brendan McMahan","Matthew Streeter"],"Reverse Iterative Deepening for Finite-Horizon MDPs with Large Branching Factors":["Peng Dai"],"Robust Local Search for Solving RCPSP/max with Durational Uncertainty":["Fei\n Xiao"],"Sampling Methods for the Nystrom Method":["Sanjiv Kumar","Mehryar Mohri"],"Scalable Active Learning for Multi-Class Image Classification":["Ajay J. Joshi"],"Spectral Intersections for Non-Stationary Signal Separation":["Thad Hughes"],"Spectral Learning of General Weighted Automata via Constrained Matrix Completion":["Mehryar Mohri"],"Student-t based Robust Spatio-Temporal Prediction":["Jing Dai"],"The Foundations of Machine Learning":["Mehryar Mohri","Afshin Rostamizadeh"],"The multi-iterative closest point tracker: An online algorithm for tracking\n multiple interacting targets":["Adam Feldman"],"The word-gesture keyboard: reimagining keyboard interaction (CACM Research\n Highlight)":["Shumin Zhai"],"Three Controversial Hypotheses Concerning Computation in the Primate Cortex":["Thomas Dean","Greg Corrado","Jonathon Shlens"],"Unsupervised Learning for Graph Matching":["Rahul Sukthankar"],"Weakly Supervised Learning of Object Segmentations from Web-Scale Video":["Matthias Grundmann","David Tsai","Vivek Kwatra","Omid\n Madani","Irfan\n Essa","Rahul Sukthankar"],"Web-Scale Multi-Task Feature Selection for Behavioral Targeting":["Amr Ahmed"],"A Dual Coordinate Descent Algorithm for SVMs Combined with Rational Kernels":["Cyril Allauzen","Corinna Cortes","Mehryar\n Mohri"],"Algorithms and hardness results for parallel large margin learning":[],"Artificial General Intelligence. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference":["Moshe\n Looks"],"Can matrix coherence be efficiently and accurately estimated?":["Mehryar Mohri"],"Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Sequence Processing (Dagstuhl Seminar\n 11081)":["Mehryar Mohri"],"Controlling Complexity in Part-of-Speech Induction":["Kuzman Ganchev","Fernando Pereira"],"Domain Adaptation with Coupled Subspaces":["John Blitzer"],"Domain adaptation in regression":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Ensemble Nystrom":["Sanjiv Kumar","Mehryar Mohri"],"Ensembles of Kernel Predictors":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri","Afshin\n Rostamizadeh"],"Feature Seeding for Action Recognition":["Rahul Sukthankar"],"Follow-the-Regularized-Leader and Mirror Descent: Equivalence Theorems and L1\n Regularization":["H. Brendan McMahan"],"Hashing with Graphs":["Sanjiv Kumar"],"History Dependent Domain Adaptation":["Matthew Eric Otey"],"Improved Time Series Prediction and Symbolic Regression with Affine Arithmetic":["Moshe Looks"],"L1 and L2 Regularization for Multiclass Hinge Loss Models":["John DeNero"],"Large-Scale Image Annotation using Visual Synset":["David Tsai","Henry Rowley","Yi\n Liu"],"Large-Scale Music Annotation and Retrieval: Learning to Rank in Joint Semantic\n Spaces.":["Samy Bengio","Philippe Hamel"],"Lateen EM: Unsupervised Training with Multiple Objectives, Applied to Dependency\n Grammar Induction":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Learning Highlights in Sports Videos Using a Semi-Supervised Approach: Cricket as\n a Test Case":["Vivek Kwatra","Mehmet Emre Sargin","Ullas Gargi"],"Learning Structured Embeddings of Knowledge Bases":[],"Learning large-margin halfspaces with more malicious noise":[],"Managing Crowdsourced Human Computation":["Praveen K.\n Paritosh"],"Models for Neural Spike Computation and Cognition":["Carl H. Staelin"],"On the necessity of irrelevant variables":[],"Online Learning in the Manifold of Low-Rank Matrices":["Gal Chechik"],"Posterior Sparsity in Dependency Grammar Induction":["Kuzman Ganchev","Fernando Pereira"],"Temporal pooling and multiscale learning for automatic annotation and ranking of\n music audio":["Philippe Hamel","Douglas Eck"],"Topological Value Iteration Algorithms":["Peng Dai"],"Wsabie: Scaling Up To Large Vocabulary Image Annotation":["Samy Bengio"],"A theory of learning from different domains":["John Blitzer","Fernando Pereira"],"Active Tuples-based Scheme for Bounding Posterior Beliefs":["Bozhena Bidyuk"],"Adaptive Bound Optimization for Online Convex Optimization":["H. Brendan McMahan","Matthew Streeter"],"Bayesian Robot System Identification with Input and Output Noise":["Aaron D'Souza"],"Beyond Heuristics: Learning to Classify Vulnerabilities and Predict Exploits":["Mehran Bozorgi"],"Compression Progress, Pseudorandomness, & Hyperbolic Discounting":["Moshe Looks"],"Distributed Training Strategies for the Structured Perceptron":["Ryan McDonald","Keith Hall"],"Efficient Learning and Feature Selection in High-Dimensional Regression":["Aaron D'Souza"],"Exploiting Feature Covariance in High-Dimensional Online Learning":["Fernando Pereira"],"Finding Meaning on YouTube: Tag Recommendation and Category Discovery":["George Toderici","Hrishikesh Aradhye","Marius Pasca","Jay Yagnik"],"Finding planted partitions in nearly linear time using arrested spectral\n clustering":[],"Generalization Bounds for Learning Kernels":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri","Afshin\n Rostamizadeh"],"Generalized Expectation Criteria for Semi-supervised Learning with Weakly Labeled\n Data":[],"Graphical Models of the Visual Cortex":["Thomas Dean"],"Half Transductive Ranking":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar\n Mohri"],"Hilbert Space Embeddings of Hidden Markov Models":["Sajid Siddiqi"],"Label Embedding Trees for Large Multi-Class Tasks":["Samy Bengio"],"Label Ranking under Ambiguous Supervision: An Application for Learning Semantic\n Correspondences":[],"Large Scale Image Annotation: Learning to Rank with Joint Word-Image Embeddings":["Samy Bengio"],"Large Scale Online Learning of Image Similarity Through Ranking":["Gal Chechik","Samy Bengio"],"Large scale image annotation: learning to rank with joint word-image embeddings":["Samy Bengio"],"Large-Scale Training of SVMs with Automata Kernels":["Cyril Allauzen","Corinna Cortes","Mehryar\n Mohri"],"Learning Bounds for Importance Weighting":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Learning with Global Cost in Stochastic Environments":[],"Mahout in Action":["Robin Anil"],"MapReduce/Bigtable for Distributed Optimization":["Keith B. Hall"],"Natural Language Processing (almost) from Scratch":[],"On the Estimation of Coherence":["Mehryar Mohri"],"On the Impact of Kernel Approximation on Learning Accuracy":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Parallel Spectral Clustering in Distributed Systems":["Hongjie Bai"],"Prediction of Advertiser Churn for Google AdWords":["Sangho Yoon","Jim Koehler"],"Preference-Based Learning to Rank":["Mehryar Mohri"],"Random classification noise defeats all convex potential boosters":[],"Regret Minimization with Concept Drift":[],"Restricted Boltzmann Machines are hard to approximately evaluate or simulate":[],"Robust Symbolic Regression with Affine Arithmetic":["Moshe Looks"],"SPEC Hashing: Similarity Preserving algorithm for Entropy-based Coding":["David A. Ross","Jay Yagnik"],"SVM Optimization for Lattice Kernels":["Cyril Allauzen","Corinna Cortes","Mehryar\n Mohri"],"Semi-Supervised Abstraction-Augmented String Kernel for Multi-Level Bio-Relation\n Extraction.":[],"Sequential Projection Learning for Hashing with Compact Codes":["Sanjiv Kumar"],"Showing Relevant Ads via Lipschitz Context Multi-Armed Bandits":["Martin Pál"],"Sparse Spatiotemporal Coding for Activity Recognition":["Thomas Dean","Greg Corrado","Rich Washington"],"Stability Bounds for Stationary $\\phi$-mixing and $\\beta$-mixing Processes":["Mehryar Mohri","Afshin Rostamizadeh"],"Star Quality: Aggregating Reviews to Rank Products and Merchants":[],"The Learning Behind Gmail Priority Inbox":["Douglas Aberdeen","Andrew Slater"],"The YouTube video recommendation system":["Ullas Gargi","Yu He"],"Theoretical Convergence Guarantees for Cooperative Coevolutionary Algorithms":["Liviu Panait"],"Towards Understanding Situated Natural Language":[],"Training and Testing Low-degree Polynomial Data Mappings via Linear SVM":["Michael Ringgaard"],"Two-Stage Learning Kernel Algorithms":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri","Afshin\n Rostamizadeh"],"Why does Unsupervised Pre-training Help Deep Learning?":["Dumitru Erhan","Samy Bengio"],"An Online Algorithm for Large Scale Image Similarity Learning":["Gal Chechik","Samy Bengio"],"Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach":["Peter Norvig"],"Automatic Speech and Speaker Recognition: Large Margin and Kernel Methods":["Samy Bengio"],"Baum's algorithm learns intersections of halfspaces with respect to log-concave\n distributions":[],"Boosting with structural sparsity":["Yoram Singer"],"Cooperative Coevolution and Univariate Estimation of Distribution Algorithms":["Liviu Panait"],"Des algorithmes d'apprentissage pour mieux classifier":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Discriminative Keyword Spotting":["Samy Bengio"],"Domain Adaptation with Multiple Sources":["Mehryar Mohri","Afshin Rostamizadeh"],"Domain Adaptation: Learning Bounds and Algorithms":["Mehryar Mohri","Afshin Rostamizadeh"],"Efficient Large-Scale Distributed Training of Conditional Maximum Entropy Models":["Ryan McDonald","Mehryar Mohri"],"Emotional Memory and Adaptive Personalities":["Anthony Francis"],"Ensemble Nystrom Method":["Sanjiv Kumar","Mehryar Mohri"],"Entropic Graph Regularization in Non-Parametric Semi-Supervised Classification":["Amarnag Subramanya"],"Finding Images and Line Drawings in Document-Scanning Systems":["Shumeet Baluja","Michele Covell"],"Gaussian Margin Machines":["Mehryar Mohri","Fernando Pereira"],"Group Sparse Coding":["Samy Bengio","Fernando Pereira","Yoram\n Singer"],"Introduction":["Samy Bengio"],"Invited talk: Can learning kernels help performance?":["Corinna Cortes"],"Kernel Based Text-Independnent Speaker Verification":["Samy Bengio"],"L2 Regularization for Learning Kernels":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri","Afshin\n Rostamizadeh"],"Large Scale Graph Transduction":["Amarnag Subramanya"],"Large Scale Learning to Rank":["D. Sculley"],"Large Scale Online Learning of Image Similarity Through Ranking: Extended\n Abstract":["Gal Chechik","Samy Bengio"],"Learning Halfspaces with Malicious Noise":[],"Learning non-linear combinations of kernels":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri","Afshin\n Rostamizadeh"],"Multiple Source Adaptation and the Renyi Divergence":["Mehryar Mohri","Afshin Rostamizadeh"],"On Sampling-Based Approximate Spectral Decomposition":["Sanjiv Kumar","Mehryar Mohri"],"Parallel Large Scale Feature Selection for Logistic Regression":["Jeremy Kubica"],"Polynomial semantic indexing":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Posterior vs. Parameter Sparsity in Latent Variable Models":["Kuzman Ganchev","Fernando Pereira"],"Probabilistic Models for Melodic Prediction":["Samy Bengio","Douglas Eck"],"Program Representation for General Intelligence":["Moshe Looks"],"Quantum Annealing for Clustering":[],"Quantum Annealing for Variational Bayes Inference":[],"Rademacher Complexity Bounds for Non-I.I.D. Processes":["Mehryar Mohri","Afshin Rostamizadeh"],"Recursive Sparse Spatiotemporal Coding":["Thomas Dean","Greg Corrado","Richard Washington"],"Sampling Techniques for the Nystrom Method":["Sanjiv Kumar","Mehryar Mohri"],"Semi-supervised Learning of Dependency Parsers using Generalized Expectation\n Criteria":[],"Simple Risk Bounds for Position-Sensitive Max-Margin Ranking Algorithms":[],"Sleeping Experts and Bandits with Stochastic Action Availability and Adversarial\n Rewards":["H. Brendan McMahan","Brent Bryan"],"Suggesting email view filters for triage and search":["Bill N. Schilit","Peter Norvig"],"Symmetric Splitting in the General Theory of Stable Models":[],"The Difficulty of Training Deep Architectures and the Effect of Unsupervised\n Pre-Training":["Dumitru Erhan","Samy Bengio"],"Tighter Bounds for Multi-Armed Bandits with Expert Advice":["H. Brendan McMahan","Matthew Streeter"],"Using the Doubling Dimension to Analyze the Generalization of Learning Algorithms":[],"YouTube Scale, Large Vocabulary Video Annotation":[],"A Bayesian Approach to Empirical Local Linearization for Robotics":["Aaron D'Souza"],"A Discriminative Kernel-based Approach to Retrieval Images from Text Queries":["Samy Bengio"],"A Distance Model for Rhythms":["Samy\n Bengio","Douglas Eck"],"A Generative Model for Rhythms":["Samy Bengio","Doug Eck"],"A Machine Learning Framework for Spoken-Dialog Classification":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Actively Learning Level-Sets of Composite Functions":["Brent Bryan"],"Adaptive Martingale Boosting":[],"An Efficient Reduction of Ranking to Classification":["Mehryar Mohri"],"Boosted Bayesian Network Classifier":[],"Confidence-Weighted Linear Classification":["Fernando Pereira"],"Delay Learning and Polychronization for Reservoir Computing":["Samy Bengio"],"Efficient projections onto the l1-ball for learning in high dimensions":["Yoram Singer","Tushar Chandra"],"Forecasting Web Page Views: Methods and Observations":["Andrew Moore"],"Generalized Expectation Criteria for Semi-Supervised Learning of Conditional\n Random Fields":[],"Intelligent Email: Reply and Attachment Prediction":["John Blitzer","Fernando Pereira"],"Kernel Methods for Learning Languages":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Large Scale Content-Based Audio Retrieval from Text Queries":["Gal Chechik","Eugene Ie","Samy Bengio","Richard F.\n Lyon"],"Learning Bounds for Domain Adaptation":["John Blitzer","Fernando Pereira"],"Learning Multiple Graphs for Document Recommendations":[],"Learning sequence kernels":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri","Afshin\n Rostamizadeh"],"Learning to hash: forgiving hash functions and applications Learning to hash:\n forgiving hash functions and applications":["Shumeet Baluja","Michele Covell"],"Learning with weighted transducers":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Online Learning of Complex Prediction Problems Using Simultaneous Projections":["Yoram Singer"],"Robust Submodular Observation Selection":["H. Brendan McMahan"],"Sample Selection Bias Correction Theory":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri","Michael\n Riley","Afshin Rostamizadeh"],"Sequence Kernels for Predicting Protein Essentiality":["Cyril Allauzen","Mehryar Mohri"],"Stability Bounds for Non-i.i.d. Processes":["Mehryar Mohri","Afshin Rostamizadeh"],"Stability of Transductive Regression Algorithms":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Structured Learning with Approximate Inference":["Fernando Pereira"],"Theoretical Advantages of Lenient Learners: An Evolutionary Game Theoretic\n Perspective":["Liviu Panait"],"Web Page Language Identification Based on URLs":[],"A General Regression Framework for Learning String-to-String Mappings":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"A Generative Model for Distance Patterns in Music":["Samy\n Bengio","Douglas Eck"],"A Primal-Dual Perspective of Online Learning Algorithms":["Yoram Singer"],"Automatic outlier detection: A Bayesian approach":["Aaron D'Souza"],"Biometric Person Authentication IS A Multiple Classifier Problem":["Samy Bengio"],"Boosting the area under the ROC curve":[],"Discriminative learning can succeed where generative learning fails":[],"Euclidean Embedding of Co-occurrence Data":["Gal Chechik","Fernando Pereira"],"Improving Embeddings by Flexible Exploitation of Side Information":["Finnegan Southey"],"Inferring Complex Agent Motions from Partial Trajectory Observations":["Finnegan Southey"],"Lp Distance and Equivalence of Probabilistic Automata":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Learning Forgiving Hash Functions: Algorithms and Large Scale Tests":["Shumeet Baluja","Michele Covell"],"Learning and Inferring Transportation Routines":["Lin Liao"],"Learning the Inter-frame Distance for Discriminative Template-based Keyword\n Detection":["Samy Bengio"],"Learning to verify branching time properties":[],"On the Prospects for Building a Working Model of the Visual Cortex":["Thomas Dean","Richard Washington"],"One-pass boosting":[],"Online learning of multiple tasks with a shared loss":["Yoram Singer"],"Recursive Attribute Factoring":["David Cohn"],"Selecting Observations Against Adversarial Objectives":["H. Brendan McMahan"],"Studies in Lower Bounding Probability of Evidence using the Markov Inequality":["Bozhena Bidyuk"],"Supervised Learning of Semantic Classes for Image Annotation and Retrieval":["Pedro J.\n Moreno"],"The Need for Open Source Software in Machine Learning":["Samy Bengio","Fernando Pereira"],"The War Against Spam: A report from the front line":["Douglas Aberdeen"],"Theoretical Advantages of Lenient Learners in Multiagent Systems":["Liviu Panait"],"Training Conditional Random Fields using Virtual Evidence Boosting":["Lin Liao"],"An Alternative Ranking Problem for Search Engines":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Learning Languages with Rational Kernels":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Magnitude-Preserving Ranking Algorithms":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"On Transductive Regression":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Attribute-efficient learning of linear threshold functions under unconcentrated\n distributions":[],"Bayesian Regression with Input Noise for High-Dimensional Data":["Aaron D'Souza"],"Building Personal Maps from GPS Data":["Lin Liao"],"Clustering graphs by weighted substructure mining":[],"Data Fusion and Multicue Data Matching by Diffusion Maps":["Stéphane Lafon"],"Dependency trees in sub-linear time and bounded memory":["Andrew W. Moore"],"Efficient Learning of Label Ranking by Soft Projections onto Polyhedra":["Y. Singer"],"Extracting Places and Activities from GPS Traces Using Hierarchical Conditional\n Random Fields":["Lin Liao"],"Learning Invariant Features Using Inertial Priors":["Thomas Dean"],"Online Learning meets Optimization in the Dual":["Y. Singer"],"Online Multiclass Learning by Interclass Hypothesis Sharing":["Michael Fink","Yoram Singer"],"Online Passive Aggressive Algorithms":["Y. Singer"],"PAC Learning Mixtures of Gaussians with No Separation Assumption":["Jon Feldman"],"Predicting Electricity Distribution Feeder Failures Using Machine Learning\n Susceptibility Analysis":[],"Reasoning about Partially Observed Actions":[],"Scalable Inference in Hierarchical Generative Models":["Thomas Dean"],"Learning Linearly Separable Languages":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"A Computational Model of the Cerebral Cortex":["Thomas Dean"],"A General Regression Technique for Learning Transductions":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"A New Perspective on an Old Perceptron Algorithm":["Y. Singer"],"Data-Driven Online to Batch Conversions":["Yoram Singer"],"Efficient discriminative learning of Bayesian network classifier":[],"Loss Bounds for Online Category Ranking":["Y. Singer"],"Margin-Based Ranking Meets Boosting in the Middle":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Online Multiclass Learning with k-Way Limited Feedback and an Application to\n Utterance Classification":[],"Online Ranking by Projecting":["Y. Singer"],"Phoneme Alignment Based on Discriminative Learning":["Y. Singer"],"Semi-Supervised Self-Training of Object Detection Models":["Chuck Rosenberg"],"Special Review Issue":["Peter Norvig"],"The Forgetron: A Kernel-Based Perceptron on a Fixed Budget":["Yoram Singer"],"A Comparison of Classifiers for Detecting Emotion from Speech":["Izhak Shafran","Mehryar Mohri"],"Confidence Intervals for the Area under the ROC Curve":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Moment Kernels for Regular Distributions":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithms and Empirical Evaluation":["Mehryar Mohri"],"Distribution Kernels Based on Moments of Counts":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Rational Kernels: Theory and Algorithms":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"A Retrospective on \"Paradigms of AI Programming\"":["Peter Norvig"],"Intelligent Help Systems for UNIX":["Peter\n Norvig"]}
{"2014 Recent Books and Journals in Public Opinion, Survey Methods, and Survey\n Statistics":["Mario Callegaro"],"A critical review of studies investigating the quality of data obtained with\n online panels based on probability and nonprobability samples":["Mario Callegaro"],"An efficient reconciliation algorithm for social networks.":["Nitish Korula","Silvio Lattanzi"],"Bayesian Sampling Using Stochastic Gradient Thermostats":[],"C/C++ Thread Safety Analysis":["DeLesley Hutchins"],"Circumlocution in Diagnostic Medical Queries":["Isabelle Stanton"],"Collaboration in the Cloud at Google":["Yunting Sun","Diane Lambert","Makoto Uchida"],"Concise Bid Optimization Strategies with Multiple Budget Constraints":["Mohammadhossein Bateni","Kshipra Bhawalkar","Vahab Mirrokni"],"Coupled and k-Sided Placements: Generalizing Generalized Assignment":["Madhukar Korupolu","Adam Meyerson"],"Data enrichment for incremental reach estimation":["Aiyou Chen","Jim Koehler","Minghui Shi"],"Definable functions continuous on curves in o-minimal structures":["Janak Ramakrishnan"],"Definably extending partial orders in totally ordered structures":["Janak Ramakrishnan"],"Inferring causal impact using Bayesian structural time-series models":["Kay H. Brodersen","Jim Koehler","Steven L. Scott"],"Insulin Resistance: Regression and Clustering":["Sangho Yoon"],"Internet and mobile ratings panels":["Mario\n Callegaro"],"Interpretable groups are definable":["Janak Ramakrishnan"],"Learning Entangled Single-Sample Gaussians":["Silvio Lattanzi"],"Multiplicative Bidding in Online Advertising":["Mohammadhossein Bateni","Jon Feldman","Vahab\n Mirrokni"],"Network Cournot Competition":["Mohammadhossein Bateni"],"On Estimating the Average Degree":["Tamas Sarlos"],"On Reconstructing a Hidden Permutation":["Silvio Lattanzi"],"Online Panel Research: A Data Quality Perspective":["Mario Callegaro"],"Online panel research: History, concepts, applications and a look at the future":["Mario Callegaro"],"Parallel Algorithms for Unsupervised Tagging":["Sujith Ravi","Sergei Vassilivitskii"],"Predicting the Present with Bayesian Structural Time Series":["Steven L. Scott"],"Price Competition in Online Combinatorial Markets":["Renato Paes Leme"],"Quantum Algorithms for Simulated Annealing":["Sergio Boixo"],"Reduce and aggregate: similarity ranking in multi-categorical bipartite graphs":["Jon Feldman","Silvio Lattanzi","Vahab Mirrokni"],"Reporting Neighbors in High-Dimensional Euclidean Space":["Dror Aiger"],"Revisiting Stein's Paradox: Multi-Task Averaging":["Maya R. Gupta"],"Social media in public opinion research":["Mario\n Callegaro"],"Streaming Balanced Graph Partitioning for Random Graphs":["Isabelle Stanton"],"Temporal Synchronization of Multiple Audio Signals":["Julius Kammerl","Neil Birkbeck","Anil Kokaram","Caroline Pantofaru"],"Topology-Driven Trajectory Synthesis with an Example on Retinal Cell Motions":["Chen Gu"],"Visualizing Statistical Mix Effects and Simpson's Paradox":[],"Web Surveys for the General Population: How, why and when?":["Mario Callegaro"],"2013 Recent Books and Journals in Public Opinion, Survey Methods, and Survey\n Statistics":["Mario Callegaro"],"A Butterfly Structured Design of The Hybrid Transform Coding Scheme":["Jingning Han","Yaowu Xu"],"A Local Algorithm for Finding Well-Connected Clusters":["Silvio Lattanzi","Vahab Mirrokni"],"Adversary Lower Bound for the k-sum Problem":["Robert Spalek"],"Applications and Extensions of Alloy: Past, Present, and Future":["Greg Dennis"],"Approximation Algorithms for the Directed k-Tour and k-Stroll Problems":["Mohammadhossein Bateni"],"Bayes and Big Data: The Consensus Monte Carlo Algorithm":["Steven L. Scott","Alexander W. Blocker","Fernando V. Bonassi"],"Behavioural reconfigurable and adaptive data reduction in body sensor networks":["Foad Dabiri","Hyduke Noshadi"],"Best-response dynamics out of sync: complexity and characterization":["Roee Engelberg","Alex Fabrikant"],"Classifying with Confidence From Incomplete Test Data":["Maya R.\n Gupta"],"Clinching Auctions with Online Supply":["Gagan Goel","Vahab Mirrokni","Renato Paes Leme"],"Cluster forest":["Aiyou Chen"],"Data Enriched Linear Regression":["Aiyou Chen","Minghui Shi"],"Design, Implementation and Verification of an eXtensible and Modular Hypervisor\n Framework":["Jonathan McCune"],"Differences in search engine evaluations between query owners and non-owners":["David Mease"],"Diversity maximization under matroid constraints":["Vahab Mirrokni"],"Efficient and Accurate Label Propagation on Dynamic Graphs and Label Sets":["Michele Covell","Shumeet Baluja"],"Efficient and Accurate Label Propagation on Large Graphs and Label Sets":["Michele Covell","Shumeet Baluja"],"Efficient controller synthesis for a fragment of MTL":[],"Fastfood - Approximating Kernel Expansions in Loglinear Time":["Tamas Sarlos"],"GOOGLE DISEASE TRENDS: AN UPDATE":["Patrick Copeland","Greg Hecht","Christian Stefansen"],"How to grow more pairs: suggesting review targets for comparison-friendly review\n ecosystems":["Alex Fabrikant"],"HyperLogLog in Practice: Algorithmic Engineering of a State of The Art\n Cardinality Estimation Algorithm":["Marc Nunkesser"],"Identifying Surrogate Geographic Research Regions with Advanced Exact Test\n Statistics":["Steven Ellis"],"Image Compression via Colorization Using Semi-Regular Color Samples":["Hui Fang"],"Improved Approximation Algorithms for (Budgeted) Node-weighted Steiner Problems":["Mohammadhossein Bateni"],"Large Scale SVD and Manifold Learning":["Sanjiv Kumar","Mehryar Morhri","Henry A.\n Rowley"],"Mechanism Design for Fair Division: Allocating Divisible Items without Payments":["Gagan Goel"],"Minimax Optimal Algorithms for Unconstrained Linear Optimization":["H. Brendan McMahan"],"Minimizing Weighted Flowtime on Capacitated Machines":["Madhukar Korupolu"],"Neighborhood Preserving Codes for Assigning Point Labels: Applications to\n Stochastic Search":["Shumeet Baluja","Michele Covell"],"On the k-atomicity-verification problem":["Jeremy Hurwitz","Xiaozhou Li"],"On the structure of weakly acyclic games":["Alex Fabrikant"],"Online Matching and Ad Allocation":["Aranyak Mehta"],"Optimal Hashing Schemes for Entity Matching":["Anish Das Sarma","Tamas Sarlos"],"Optimizing Budget Constrained Spend in Search Advertising":["Aranyak Mehta","Ramakrishnan Srikant"],"PASS Approximation: A Framework for Analyzing and Designing Heuristics.":["Vahab Mirrokni"],"Pay by the Bit: An Information-Theoretic Metric for Collective Human Judgment":["Tamsyn P. Waterhouse"],"Performance tournaments with crowdsourced judges":["Daryl Pregibon","Williiam D Heavlin"],"Permutation Indexing: Fast Approximate Retrieval from Large Corpora":["Maxim Gurevich","Tamas Sarlos"],"Point Representation for Local Optimization: Towards Multi-Dimensional Gray Codes":["Shumeet Baluja","Michele Covell"],"Positive Results for Mechanism Design without Money":["Gagan Goel"],"Pseudo-likelihood methods for community detection in large sparse networks":["Aiyou Chen"],"Revenue Maximization with Nonexcludable Goods":["Mohammadhossein Bateni"],"Scalable all-pairs similarity search in metric spaces":["Ahmed Metwally"],"Shortest paths avoiding forbidden subpaths":["Mustaq Ahmed"],"Similarity-based Clustering by Left-Stochastic Matrix Factorization":["Maya R. Gupta"],"Submodular secretary problems with extensions":["Mohammadhossein Bateni"],"Summarization Through Submodularity and Dispersion":["Sujith Ravi"],"System and method for determining active topics":["Michael Jeffrey Procopio"],"The Optimal Mix of TV and Online Ads to Maximize Reach":["Jim Koehler"],"The Structure, Efficacy, and Manipulation of Double-Elimination Tournaments":["Isabelle Stanton"],"The non-adaptive query complexity of testing k-parities":[],"Top-k Publish-Subscribe for Social Annotation of News":["Alexander Shraer","Maxim Gurevich","Marcus Fontoura"],"Two-stage Robust Network Design with Exponential Scenarios":["Vahab S.\n Mirrokni"],"Verified Boot on Chrome OS and How to do it yourself":["Simon Glass"],"Whole-page optimization and submodular welfare maximization with online bidders":["Nitish Korula","Vahab Mirrokni"],"2012: Recent Books and Journals in Public Opinion, Survey Methods, and Survey\n Statistics":["Mario Callegaro"],"A QCQP Approach to Triangulation":["Sameer Agarwal"],"A Theoretical Examination of Practical Game Playing: Lookahead Search":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"A polynomial-time approximation scheme for planar multiway cut":["Mohammadhossein Bateni"],"A practical comparison of the bivariate probit and linear IV estimators":["Richard C. Chiburis"],"Accuracy at the Top":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri","Ana\n Radovanovic"],"Ad auctions with data":["Mohammad\n Mahdian","Sergei Vassilvitskii"],"Algorithmic Thermodynamics":["Michael Stay"],"Beyond myopic best response (in Cournot competition)":[],"Budget-Constrained Auctions with Heterogeneous Items":["Gagan Goel"],"Cache me if you can: capacitated selfish replication games":[],"CloudRAMSort: fast and efficient large-scale distributed RAM sort on\n shared-nothing cluster":["Hongrae Lee"],"Computing Socially-Efficient Cake Divisions":[],"Convergence and approximation in potential games":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"De Bruijn Sequences Revisited":["Zhi Xu"],"Dynamic Covering for Recommendation Systems":["Anish Das Sarma"],"Empowering Online Advertisements by Empowering Viewers with the Right to Choose":["Max Pashkevich","Sundar Dorai-Raj","Dan Zigmond"],"End-to-end Verification of QoS Policies":["Adel El-Atawy"],"Energy and Cost Reduction in Localized Multisensory Systems through\n Application-Driven Compression":["Hyduke\n Noshadi"],"Finding Connected Components in Map-reduce in Logarithmic Rounds":["Anish Das Sarma"],"General and nested Wiberg minimization: L2 and maximum likelihood":[],"Gipfeli - High Speed Compression Algorithm":["Rastislav Lenhardt"],"Global alignment of molecular sequences via ancestral state reconstruction":[],"How to approximate optimal auctions":["Vahab S.\n Mirrokni"],"Human Computation Must Be Reproducible":["Praveen Paritosh"],"Impact Of Ranking Of Organic Search Results On The Incrementality Of Search Ads":["David Chan","Deepak Kumar","Jim Koehler"],"Italy":["Mario Callegaro"],"LIL: CLOS reaches higher-order, sheds identity, and has a transformative\n experience":["François-René Rideau"],"MEASURING NOISE CORRELATION FOR IMPROVED VIDEO DENOISING":["Anil Kokaram"],"Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective":["Kevin P Murphy"],"Matching with our Eyes Closed":["Gagan Goel","Pushkar Tripathi"],"Mathematics at Google":["Javier Tordable"],"Negotiation in Exploration-Based Environment":[],"On Big Data Algorithmics":["Yossi Matias"],"On Fixed-Price Marketing for Goods with Positive Network Externalities":["Vahab S. Mirrokni","Mukund Sundararajan"],"On multiway cut parameterized above lower bounds":["Jakub Onufry Wojtaszczyk"],"On the advantage of overlapping clusters for minimizing conductance":["Vahab Mirrokni"],"Online Graph Edge-Coloring in the Random-Order Arrival Model":["Aranyak Mehta"],"Online Matching with Stochastic Rewards":["Aranyak Mehta"],"Online allocation of display ads with smooth delivery":["Jon Feldman","Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Open Problem: Better Bounds for Online Logistic Regression":["H. Brendan McMahan","Matthew Streeter"],"Optimistic Scheduling with Geographically Replicated Services in the Cloud\n Environment (COLOR)":["Wenbo Zhu"],"PageRank on an evolving graph":["Mohammad\n Mahdian"],"Performance bounds and design criteria for estimating finite rate of innovation\n signals":["Zvika Ben-Haim"],"Polyhedral clinching auctions and the adwords polytope":["Gagan Goel","Vahab Mirrokni","Renato Paes Leme"],"Quantum Money":[],"Quantum money from knots":[],"Repeatedly Appending Any Digit to Generate Composite Numbers":[],"Routing multi-class traffic flows in the plane":[],"Simultaneous Approximations for Adversarial and Stochastic Online Budgeted\n Allocation":["Vahab Mirrokni"],"Smart Pricing Grows the Pie":["Guy Calvert"],"Solving the 2-disjoint connected subgraphs problem faster than 2n":["Jakub Onufry Wojtaszczyk"],"Span-program-based quantum algorithm for evaluating formulas":["Robert Spalek"],"Super-polynomial quantum speed-ups for boolean evaluation trees with hidden\n structure":[],"Systematic Software Testing: The Korat Approach":["Chandrasekhar Boyapati"],"The Incremental Reach and Cost Efficiency of Online Video Ads over TV Ads":["Jim Koehler"],"The maximum degree of random planar graphs":[],"Towards A Unified Modeling and Verification of Network and System Security\n Configuration":["Adel\n El-Atawy"],"Uncertainty in Aggregate Estimates from Sampled Distributed Traces":["Nate Coehlo","Arif Merchant","Murray Stokely"],"Upper and Lower Bounds on the Cost of a Map-Reduce Computation":["Anish Das Sarma"],"Video Description Length Guided Constant Quality Video Coding with Bitrate\n Constraint":["Lei Yang"],"2011 Recent Books and Journals in Public Opinion, Survey Methods, and Survey\n Statistics":["Mario Callegaro"],"A Filter-based Algorithm for Efficient Composition of Finite-State Transducers":["Cyril Allauzen","Michael Riley"],"A Perfect Price Discrimination Market Model with Production, and a Rational\n Convex Program for it.":["Gagan Goel"],"Adapting Online Advertising Techniques to Television":["Sundar Dorai-Raj","Yannet Interian","Igor Naverniouk","Dan Zigmond"],"Advertising and Traffic: Learning from online video data":["Sundar Dorai-Raj","Dan Zigmond"],"An Efficient Partitioning Oracle for Bounded-Treewidth Graphs":[],"Approximation Schemes for Capacitated Geometric Network Design":["Jakub Onufry Wojtaszczyk"],"Data Augmentation, Frequentist Estimation, and the Bayesian Analysis of\n Multinomial Logit Models":["Steven L. Scott"],"Data augmentation for support vector machines":["Steven L. Scott"],"Distinct counting with a self-learning bitmap":["Aiyou Chen"],"Distributed Verification and Hardness of Distributed Approximation":[],"Entire Relaxation Path for Maximum Entropy Problems":["Yoram Singer"],"Estimating PageRank on Graph Streams":[],"Extracting Patterns from Location History":["Jim\n Shuma"],"Filtering: a method for solving graph problems in MapReduce.":["Silvio Lattanzi","Sergei Vassilvitskii"],"Fuzzy Computing Applications for Anti-Money Laundering and Distributed Storage\n System Load Monitoring":["Johan Mathe"],"General Algorithms for Testing the Ambiguity of Finite Automata and the\n Double-Tape Ambiguity of Finite-State Transducers":["Cyril Allauzen","Mehryar Mohri"],"Hiring a secretary from a poset.":["Silvio Lattanzi","Sergei Vassilvitskii"],"How is it done? A multinational survey of YouTube user satisfaction":["Joshua Tabak"],"Incremental Clicks Impact Of Search Advertising":["David Chan","Jim Koehler","Deepak\n Kumar"],"Inner Product Spaces for MinSum Coordination Mechanisms":["Vahab Mirrokni"],"Large-Scale Parallel Statistical Forecasting Computations in R":["Murray Stokely"],"Leaky Pseudo-Entropy Functions":[],"Matching with couples revisited":[],"Measuring the Impact of Advertising on YouTube Traffic":["Sundar Dorai-Raj"],"Milgram-routing in social networks.":["Silvio Lattanzi","D. Sivakumar"],"Multicut in trees viewed through the eyes of vertex cover":[],"Near-oracle performance of greedy block-sparse estimation techniques from noisy\n measurements":["Zvika Ben-Haim"],"New Exact and Approximation Algorithms for the Star Packing Problem in Undirected\n Graphs":["Alexey Gusakov"],"On Multiway Cut paramterized above lower bounds":["Jakub Onufry Wojtaszczyk"],"On the number of shortest descending paths on the surface of a convex terrain":["Mustaq Ahmed"],"Online Stochastic Weighted Matching: Improved Approximation Algorithms":["Vahab Mirrokni"],"Online Vertex-Weighted Bipartite Matching and Single-bid Budgeted Allocations":["Gagan Aggarwal","Gagan Goel","Aranyak Mehta"],"Online bipartite matching with unknown distributions":["Aranyak Mehta","Pushkar Tripathi"],"Physics, Topology, Logic and Computation: A Rosetta Stone":["Michael Stay"],"Quantum algorithms for testing properties of distributions":[],"Quantum query complexity of state conversion":["Robert\n Spalek"],"Reducing the size of resolution proofs in linear time":[],"Scheduling partially ordered jobs faster than 2^n":["Jakub Onufry Wojtaszczyk"],"Sharing-aware algorithms for virtual machine colocation":[],"Shortest descending paths: Towards an exact algorithm":["Mustaq Ahmed"],"Simple Adaptive Cognition for PSO":[],"Simultaneous Technology Mapping and Placement for Delay Minimization":[],"Solving connectivity problems parameterized by treewidth in single exponential\n time":["Jakub Onufry Wojtaszczyk"],"Space-Filling Trees: A New Perspective on Incremental Search for Motion Planning":["James J. Kuffner"],"Subset Feedback Vertex Set is fixed parameter tractable":["Jakub Onufry Wojtaszczyk"],"Telling Two Distributions Apart: a Tight Characterization":["Mark Sandler"],"The Method of Moments and Degree Distributions for Network Models":["Aiyou Chen"],"The provably total search problems of bounded arithmetic":["Alan Skelley"],"Traffic Light Mapping and Detection":[],"Yield Optimization of Display Advertising with Ad Exchange":["Jon Feldman","Vahab Mirrokni"],"2010 Recent Books in Public Opinion, Survey Methods, and Survey Statistics":["Mario Callegaro"],"A 1.43-Competitive Online Graph Edge Coloring Algorithm in the Random Order\n Arrival Model.":["Aranyak Mehta"],"A modern Bayesian look at the multi-armed bandit":["Steven L. Scott"],"Achieving anonymity via clustering":["Gagan Aggarwal","An Zhu"],"Auctions with intermediaries: extended abstract":["Jon Feldman","Vahab\n S. Mirrokni"],"Beyond Position Bias: Examining Result Attractiveness as a Source of Presentation\n Bias in Clickthrough Data":["Rajan Patel"],"Bucketing coding and information theory for the statistical high-dimensional\n nearest-neighbor problem":[],"Equilibrium Pricing with Positive Externalities (Extended Abstract)":["Vahab Mirrokni"],"Evaluating Online Ad Campaigns in a Pipeline: Causal Models at Scale":["David Chan","Diane Lambert"],"Evaluating TV Ad Campaigns Using Set-Top Box Data":["Sundar Dorai-Raj","Yannet Interian","Dan\n Zigmond"],"Fast Routing in Very Large Public Transportation Networks Using Transfer Patterns":["Arno\n Eigenwillig","Robert Geisberger","Chris Harrelson","Fabien Viger"],"Filters for Efficient Composition of Weighted Finite-State Transducers":["Cyril Allauzen","Michael Riley"],"How Surfers Watch: Measuring audience response to video advertising online":["Sundar Dorai-Raj","Dan Zigmond"],"Inferring strings from runs":[],"Market Equilibrium with Transaction Costs":[],"Max-Cover in Map-Reduce":["Andrew\n Tomkins"],"Maximizing Nonmonotone Submodular Functions under Matroid or Knapsack Constraints":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Monitoring Algorithms for Negative Feedback Systems":["Mark Sandler"],"Online Stochastic Packing Applied to Display Ad Allocation":["Jon Feldman","Nitish Korula","Vahab\n S. Mirrokni"],"Quasi-Proportional Mechanisms: Prior-free Revenue Maximization":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Revenue Management of Reusable Resources - Provably Near-Optimal LP-Based\n Policies":["Ana Radovanovic"],"Revenue Maximization in Reservation-based Online Advertising Through Dynamic\n Inventory Management":["Ana Radovanovic"],"Robust self-assembly of graphs":["Stanislav Angelov"],"SemWebVid - Making Video a First Class Semantic Web Citizen and a First Class Web\n Bourgeois":["Thomas Steiner"],"Semantic Multimodal Compression for Wearable sensing Systems":["Hyduke Noshadi","Foad Dabiri"],"Statistical verification of probabilistic properties with unbounded until":["Håkan L. S. Younes"],"Trawling Traffic under Attack, Overcoming DDoS Attacks by Target-Controlled\n Traffic Filtering":[],"A Complete, Co-Inductive Syntactic Theory of Sequential Control and State":[],"A new family of Markov branching trees: the alpha-gamma model":[],"Adaptive Dynamic of Realistic Small World Networks":["Oskar Sandberg"],"Affiliation Networks":["Silvio Lattanzi","D. Sivakumar"],"Algorithms for Secretary Problems on Graphs and Hypergraphs":["Nitish Korula","Martin Pál"],"Approximating Submodular Functions Everywhere":["Vahab\n Mirrokni"],"Approximation Hardness of Deadline-TSP Reoptimization":["Joachim\n Kupke"],"Asymptotic Optimality of the Static Frequency Caching in the Presence of\n Correlated Requests":["Ana Radovanovic"],"Average Value of Sum of Exponents of Runs in a String":[],"Bid optimization for broad match ad auctions":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Competitive Routing over Time":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Competitive buffer management with packet dependencies":[],"Coordination mechanisms for selfish scheduling":["Vahab S.\n Mirrokni"],"Detecting The Origin Of Text Segments Efficiently":[],"Differential Synchronization":["Neil Fraser"],"Efficient Algorithms to Compute Compressed Longest Common Substrings and\n Compressed Palindromes":[],"General Auction Mechanism for Search Advertising":["Gagan Aggarwal","David Pal","Martin Pál"],"General Suffix Automaton Construction Algorithm and Space Bounds":["Mehryar Mohri","Pedro Moreno"],"Measuring Advertising Quality on Television: Deriving Meaningful Metrics from\n Audience Retention Data":["Dan Zigmond","Sundar Dorai-Raj","Yannet Interian","Igor Naverniouk"],"Metric Embeddings with Relaxed Guarantees":["Kedar Dhamdhere"],"N-Way Composition of Weighted Finite-State Transducers":["Cyril Allauzen","Mehryar Mohri"],"Non-monotone submodular maximization under matroid and knapsack":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"On the Convergence of Regret Minimization Dynamics in Concave Games":[],"On the Fourier spectrum of symmetric Boolean functions":["Aranyak Mehta"],"On the complexity of nash dynamics and sink equilibria":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Online Ad Assignment with Free Disposal":["Jon Feldman","Nitish Korula","Vahab\n S. Mirrokni","Martin Pál"],"Online Learning with Global Cost Functions":[],"Online Markov Decision Processes":[],"Online Stochastic Matching: Beating 1-1/e":["Jon Feldman","Aranyak Mehta","Vahab\n Mirrokni"],"PASS Approximation":["Vahab S.\n Mirrokni"],"Solving Maximum Flow Problems on Real World Bipartite Graphs":[],"Stochastic Data Streams":[],"The Price of Uncertainty":[],"Tutorial summary: Convergence of natural dynamics to equilibria":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Typicality Effects and the Logic of Reciprocity":[],"Weighted Automata Algorithms":["Mehryar Mohri"],"Why Locally-Fair Maximal Flows in Client-Server Networks Perform Well":["Chad Yoshikawa"],"3-Way Composition of Weighted Finite-State Transducers":["Cyril Allauzen","Mehryar Mohri"],"Algorithmen für dynamische geometrische Datenströme":[],"Algorithms for Distributed Functional Monitoring":[],"An approximate string matching approach for handling incorrectly typed urls":[],"Asymptotic Performance of the Non-Forced Idle Time Scheduling Policies in the\n Presence of Variable Demand for Resources":["Ana Radovanovic"],"Attack Resistant Collaborative Filtering":["Bhaskar Mehta"],"Best Effort and Priority Queuing Policies for Buffered Crossbar Switches":[],"Binary operations on automatic functions":["Joachim Kupke"],"Combinational Collaborative Filtering for Personalized Community Recommendation":[],"Competitive buffer management for shared-memory switches":[],"Corrigendum to Efficient Similarity Search and Classification via Rank\n Aggregation":["D. Sivakumar"],"Delaunay Graphs of Point Sets in the Plane with Respect to Axis-parallel\n Rectangles":[],"Dense fast random projections and Lean Walsh Transforms,":[],"Dimension Reduction Using Rademacher Series on Dual BCH Codes":[],"Edge Splitting and Edmonds' Arborescence Construction for Unweighted Graphs":[],"Estimation of Web Page Change Rates":["Carrie Grimes"],"General Algorithms for Testing the Ambiguity of Finite Automata":["Cyril Allauzen","Mehryar Mohri"],"Improved Algorithms for Orienteering and Related Problems":["Nitish Korula","Martin Pál"],"Improved Competitive Performance Bounds for CIOQ Switches":[],"It's Time To Retire the \"n >= 30\" rule.":[],"Keeping a Search Engine Fresh: Risk and Optimality in estimating refresh rates\n for web pages":["Carrie Grimes"],"Linear-Space Computation of the Edit-Distance between a String and a Finite\n Automaton":["Cyril Allauzen","Mehryar Mohri"],"Modularity-Maximizing Graph Communities via Mathematical Programming":[],"On Distributing Symmetric Streaming Computations":["Jon Feldman"],"On the Computation of the Relative Entropy of Probabilistic Automata":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri","Michael Riley"],"Online Effects of Offline Ads":["Diane Lambert","Daryl Pregibon"],"Packet mode and QoS algorithms for buffered crossbar switches with FIFO queuing":[],"Permutation betting markets: singleton betting with extra information":["Vahab S.\n Mirrokni"],"Potential-Driven Load Distribution for Distributed Data Stream Processing":[],"Robust Self-assembly of Graphs":["Stanislav Angelov"],"The One-Way Communication Complexity of Hamming Distance":["D. Sivakumar"],"The Persistent-Access-Caching Algorithm":["Ana Radovanovic"],"Theory research at Google":["Gagan Aggarwal","Jon Feldman","Martin Pál","Mark\n Sandler"],"Two-Stage Robust Network Design with Exponential Scenarios":["Vahab S.\n Mirrokni"],"Typed Normal Form Bisimulation for Parametric Polymorphism":[],"Using Mixture Models for Collaborative Filtering":["Mark Sandler"],"A Fast k-Means Implementation using Coresets":[],"A Heterogeneous High Dimensional Approximate Nearest Neighbor Algorithm":[],"A Statistical View of the Transient Signals that Support a Wireless Call":["Diane Lambert"],"A complete, co-inductive syntactic theory of sequential control and state":[],"AdWords and Generalized Online Matching":["Aranyak Mehta"],"Algorithms for Efficient Near-Perfect Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction in Theory\n and Practice":["Kedar Dhamdhere"],"An Algorithm for Fast, Model-Free Tracking Indoors":["Aiyou Chen","Diane Lambert"],"Approximation via Cost Sharing: Simpler and Better Approximation Algorithms for\n Network Design":["Martin Pál"],"Autonomous spectrum balancing for digital subscriber lines":["Raphael Cendrillon"],"Combinatorial algorithms for web search engines: three success stories":[],"Efficient Algorithms for Large-Scale Asteroid Discovery":["Jeremy Kubica","Andrew Moore"],"Efficient Pebbling for List Traversal Synopses with Application to Program\n Rollback":["Yossi Matias"],"Efficient kinetic data structures for MaxCut":[],"Efficiently Computing Minimax Expected-Size Confidence Regions":["Brent Bryan","H. Brendan McMahan"],"Estimating Clustering Indexes in Data Streams":[],"Factor Automata of Automata and Applications":["Mehryar Mohri","Pedro J. Moreno"],"Hierarchical Mixture Models: A probabilistic Analysis":["Mark Sandler"],"Integrity and its Applications":[],"Lp Distance and Equivalence of Probabilistic Automata":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Maximizing a Submodular Set Function subject to a Matroid Constraint":["Martin Pál"],"Minimizing Weighted Flow Time":["Kedar Dhamdhere"],"More Bang for Their Bucks: Assessing New Features for Online Advertisers":["Diane Lambert","Daryl Pregibon"],"On the (im)possibility of non-interactive correlation distillation":["Ke Yang"],"On the Approximability of TSP on Local Modifications of Optimally Solved\n Instances":["Joachim Kupke"],"OpenFst: a General and Efficient Weighted Finite-State Transducer Library":["Cyril Allauzen","Michael Riley","Mehryar Mohri"],"Optimal Suffix Selection":[],"RadixZip: Linear Time Compression of Token Streams":["Gurmeet Singh Manku"],"Robust Collaborative Filtering":["Bhaskar Mehta","Thomas Hofmann"],"Sharing the cost more efficiently: Improved approximation for multicommodity\n rent-or-buy":["Martin\n Pál"],"Skip Graphs":[],"Subtyping a la Church":["Healfdene Goguen"],"The Parameterized Approximability of TSP with Deadlines":["Joachim Kupke"],"The k-Traveling Repairmen Problem":["Chris Harrelson"],"Typed Normal Form Bisimulation":[],"L_p Distance and Equivalence of Probabilistic Automata":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Achieving Anonymity via Clustering":["Gagan Aggarwal","An Zhu"],"An Assertional Correctness Proof of a Self-Stabilizing l-Exclusion Algorithm":["Milos Besta"],"An O(log n) Approximation Ratio for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Path\n Problem":["Martin Pál"],"Approximate reasoning for real-time probabilistic processes":["Vineet Gupta"],"Eliminating Dependent Pattern Matching":["Healfdene Goguen"],"Head Normal Form Bisimulation for Pairs and the Lambda Mu-Calculus (Extended\n Abstract)":[],"Knapsack auctions":["Gagan Aggarwal"],"Linear work suffix array construction":[],"Monitoring Networked Applications with Incremental Quantile Estimation (with\n discussion)":["Diane\n Lambert"],"Normal Form Simulation for McCarthy's Amb":[],"On boundaries of highly visible spaces and applications":[],"On discretization methods for approximating optimal paths in regions with\n direction-dependent costs":[],"Parallel Assignments in Software Model Checking":["Murray Stokely"],"Programmable clustering":["D. Sivakumar"],"Quantum Algorithms for Some Hidden Shift Problems":["Lawrence Ip"],"Using Many Machines to Handle an Enormous Error-Correcting Code":["Jon Feldman"],"A Unified Construction of the Glushkov, Follow, and Antimirov Automata":["Cyril Allauzen","Mehryar Mohri"],"Efficient Computation of the Relative Entropy of Probabilistic Automata":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri","Michael Riley"],"On the Computation of Some Standard Distances between Probabilistic Automata":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"A Loopless Gray Code for Minimal Signed-Binary Representations":["Gurmeet Singh Manku"],"Eager Normal Form Bisimulation":[],"The design principles and algorithms of a weighted grammar library":["Cyril Allauzen","Mehryar Mohri","Brian\n Roark"],"Metrics for labelled Markov processes":["Vineet Gupta"],"On the Streaming Model Augmented with a Sorting Primitive":["Gagan Aggarwal","Mayur Datar","Matthias Ruhl"]}
{"A Language-Based Approach to Secure Quorum Replication":["Lantian Zheng"],"Dividing secrets to secure data outsourcing":["Ahmed Methwally"],"Enforcing Forward-Edge Control-Flow Integrity in GCC & LLVM":["Caroline Tice","Úlfar\n Erlingsson"],"Experimenting At Scale With Google Chrome's SSL Warning":["Adrienne Porter Felt","Robert W. Reeder","Sunny Consolvo"],"Macaroons: Cookies with Contextual Caveats for Decentralized Authorization in the\n Cloud":["Úlfar\n Erlingsson","Ankur Taly","Michael Vrable","Mark Lentczner"],"MiniBox: A Two-Way Sandbox for x86 Native Code":["Jonathan McCune","Will\n Drewry"],"RAPPOR: Randomized Aggregatable Privacy-Preserving Ordinal Response":["Úlfar Erlingsson"],"RFC7344 - Automating DNSSEC Delegation Trust Maintenance":[],"SSAC Advisory on Search List Processing":["Warren Kumari"],"Securing the Tangled Web":[],"Would a Privacy Fundamentalist Sell Their DNA for $1000...If Nothing Bad Happened\n as a Result? 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Reeder","Sunny Consolvo"],"Advisory on Internal Name Certificates":["Warren Kumari"],"Alice in Warningland: A Large-Scale Field Study of Browser Security Warning\n Effectiveness":["Adrienne Porter Felt"],"Anti-forensic resilient memory acquisition":["Michael Cohen"],"Authentication at Scale":[],"CAMP: Content-Agnostic Malware Protection":["Moheeb Abu Rajab","Lucas Ballard","Noe\n Lutz","Panayiotis Mavrommatis","Niels Provos"],"Cross Platform Network Access Control":["Paul (Tony) Watson"],"Crowd-Sourced Call Identification and Suppression":["Daniel V. Klein","Dean K. Jackson"],"Design, Implementation and Verification of an eXtensible and Modular Hypervisor\n Framework":["Jonathan McCune"],"Distributed Electronic Rights in JavaScript":["Mark S. Miller"],"Hunting in the Enterprise: Forensic Triage and Incident Response":["Andreas Moser","Michael Cohen"],"Identifying and Exploiting Windows Kernel Race Conditions via Memory Access\n Patterns":["Mateusz Jurczyk","Gynvael Coldwind"],"Making programs forget: Enforcing Lifetime for Sensitive Data":["Jayanthkumar Kannan"],"Rogue Femtocell Owners: How Mallory Can Monitor My Devices":["Niall Richard\n Murphy"],"S-links: Why distributed security policy requires secure introduction":["Joseph Bonneau"],"SAC062 - SSAC Advisory Concerning the Mitigation of Name Collision Risk":["Warren Kumari"],"Sok: The Evolution of Sybil Defense via Social Networks":["Silvio Lattanzi"],"Strato: A Retargetable Framework for Low-level Inlined Reference Monitors":["Úlfar Erlingsson"],"The Dangers of Composing Anonymous Channels":["Emilia Kasper"],"Trustworthy Proxies: Virtualizing Objects with Invariants":["Mark S. Miller"],"Verified Boot on Chrome OS and How to do it yourself":["Simon Glass"],"Verifying Cloud Services: Present and Future":["Alexander Shraer"],"A taste of Capsicum: practical capabilities for UNIX":["Ben\n Laurie"],"Advisory on Impacts of Content Blocking via the Domain Name System":["Warren Kumari"],"Browser Exploits as a Service: The Monetization of Driveby Downloads":["M. Rajab"],"Cloud Data Protection for the Masses":["Umesh\n Shankar"],"Contextual OTP: Mitigating Emerging Man-in-the-Middle Attacks with Wireless\n Hardware Tokens":["Yossi Matias","Moti Yung"],"Enhanced multi-factor authentication":["Lantian Zheng"],"How well can congestion pricing neutralize denial of service attacks?":[],"Let's Parse to Prevent Pwnage":["Úlfar Erlingsson"],"Lockdown: Towards a Safe and Practical Architecture for Security Applications on\n Commodity Platforms":[],"Manufacturing Compromise: The Emergence of Exploit-as-a-Service":["Lucas Ballard","Panayiotis Mavrommatis","Niels Provos","Moheeb Abu Rajab"],"Non-interactive CCA-Secure threshold cryptosystems with adaptive security: new\n framework and constructions":["Moti Yung"],"Origin-Bound Certificates: A Fresh Approach to Strong Client Authentication for\n the Web":["Dirk Balfanz"],"RFC6583 - Operational Neighbor Discovery Problems":["Warren Kumari"],"Robust Trait Composition for JavaScript":["Mark S. Miller"],"Scalable group signatures with revocation":["Moti Yung"],"Security and Testing":[],"Vanity or Privacy? 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Ho"],"Large-Scale Automatic Classification of Phishing Pages":[],"Making Privacy a Fundamental Component of Web Resources":["Thomas Duebendorfer"],"Practical Privacy Concerns in a Real World Browser":["Jochen Eisinger"],"Protecting Browsers from Extension Vulnerabilities":["Adrienne Porter Felt"],"PseudoID: Enhancing Privacy in Federated Login":["Arkajit Dey"],"Public-Key Encryption in the Bounded-Retrieval Model":["Shabsi Walfish"],"Technology Companies are Best Positioned to Offer Health Record Trusts":["Umesh Shankar"],"The Nocebo Effect on the Web: An Analysis of Fake Anti-Virus Distribution":["Moheeb Abu Rajab","Lucas Ballard","Panayiotis Marvrommatis","Niels Provos"],"Trustworthy Hardware: Identifying and Classifying Hardware Trojans":[],"Universally optimal privacy mechanisms for minimax agents":["Mukund Sundararajan"],"Using the Wave Protocol to Represent Individuals’ Health Records":["Umesh Shankar"],"Web Application Obfuscation":[],"A New Randomness Extraction Paradigm for Hybrid Encryption":["Moti Yung"],"A Unified Framework for the Analysis of Side-Channel Key Recovery Attacks":["Moti\n Yung"],"Balancing Usability and Security in a Video CAPTCHA":["Kurt Alfred Kluever"],"Browser Security: Lessons from Google Chrome":["Charles Reis"],"Capacity of Steganographic Channels":["Jeremiah Harmsen"],"Composability and On-Line Deniability of Authentication":["Shabsi Walfish"],"Constructing Variable-Length PRPs and SPRPs from Fixed-Length PRPs":["Moti Yung"],"E Unum Pluribus - Google Network Filtering Management":["Paul (Tony) Watson"],"Efficient Robust Private Set Intersection":["Moti Yung"],"Efficient Traceable Signatures in the Standard Model":["Moti Yung"],"Efficient and secure authenticated key exchange using weak passwords":["Moti Yung"],"Elastic block ciphers: method, security and instantiations":["Moti Yung"],"Expecting the Unexpected: Towards Robust Credential Infrastructure":["Moti Yung"],"Firefox (In)Security Update Dynamics Exposed":["Thomas Duebendorfer"],"Generative usability: security and user centered design beyond the appliance":[],"Key Evolution Systems in Untrusted Update Environments":["Moti\n Yung"],"MAC Reforgeability":["Martin Cochran"],"On the Portability of Generalized Schnorr Proofs":["Moti Yung"],"Plinko: polling with a physical implementation of a noisy channel":[],"Privacy-Preserving Information Markets for Computing Statistical Data":["Moti Yung"],"Privacy-preserving indexing of documents on the network":["Roberto J. Bayardo"],"Redirects to login pages are bad, or are they?":[],"Secure EPC Gen2 Compliant Radio Frequency Identification":[],"Secure Function Collection with Sublinear Storage":["Moti Yung"],"The Goals and Challenges of Click Fraud Penetration Testing Systems":["Ahmed Metwally"],"The Kurosawa-Desmedt key encapsulation is not chosen-ciphertext secure":["Moti Yung"],"Why Silent Updates Boost Security":["Thomas Duebendorfer"],"xBook: Redesigning Privacy Control in Social Networking Platforms":[],"(Under)mining Privacy in Social Networks":["Dirk Balfanz","Ben Laurie"],"A block cipher based pseudo random number generator secure against side-channel\n key recovery":["Moti Yung"],"Access Control":["Ben Laurie"],"All Your iFrames Point to Us":["Niels Provos","Panayiotis Mavrommatis","Moheeb Rajab"],"Anonymous RFID authentication supporting constant cost key lookup against active\n adversaries":[],"Asynchronous Multi-Party Computation with Quadratic Communication":["Bartosz\n Przydatek"],"Choose the Red Pill and the Blue Pill":["Ben Laurie"],"Competition and Fraud in Online Advertising Markets":[],"Corrupted DNS Resolution Paths: The Rise of a Malicious Resolution Authority":["Niels Provos"],"Distributed divide-and-conquer techniques for effective DDoS attack defenses":["Muthuprasanna Muthusrinivasan"],"Does Physical Security of Cryptographic Devices Need a Formal Study? (Invited\n Talk)":["Moti\n Yung"],"Efficient Constructions of Composable Commitments and Zero-Knowledge Proofs":["Shabsi Walfish"],"Error-Tolerant Combiners for Oblivious Primitives":["Bartosz Przydatek"],"Fair Traceable Multi-Group Signatures":["Moti Yung"],"Ghost Turns Zombie: Exploring the Life Cycle of Web-based Malware":["Panayiotis\n Mavrommatis","Niels Provos"],"Insecure Context Switching: Innoculating regular expressions for survivability":["Will Drewry"],"Methods for Linear and Differential Cryptanalysis of Elastic Block Ciphers":["Moti Yung"],"On the Evolution of User Authentication: Non-bilateral Factors":["Moti Yung"],"Peeking Through the Cloud":["Moheeb Abu Rajab","Andreas Terzis","Niels Provos"],"Plan 9 Authentication in Linux":["Ashwin Ganti"],"Please Permit Me: Stateless Delegated Authorization in Mashups":["Richard\n Conlan"],"Privacy Preserving Data Mining within Anonymous Credential Systems":["Moti Yung"],"Provably Secure Grouping-Proofs for RFID Tags":[],"Public-key traitor tracing from efficient decoding and unbounded enrollment:\n extended abstract":["Moti Yung"],"Real Electronic Cash Versus Academic Electronic Cash Versus Paper Cash (Panel\n Report)":["Moti Yung"],"Securing Nonintrusive Web Encryption through Information Flow":["Lantian Zheng"],"Security aspects of the Authentication used in Quantum Cryptography":[],"To Catch a Predator: A Natural Language Approach for Eliciting Protocol\n Interaction":["Niels\n Provos"],"Understanding the Web browser threat":["Thomas Duebendorfer"],"Video CAPTCHAs: Usability vs. Security":["Kurt Alfred Kluever"],"A Framework for Detection and Measurement of Phishing Attacks":["Niels Provos"],"An Empirical Study into the Security Exposure to Hosts of Hostile Virtualized\n Environments":[],"Byzantine Attacks on Anonymity Systems":["Parisa\n Tabriz"],"Cyberassault on Estonia":["Marc Donner"],"Defining Strong Privacy for RFID":[],"Delegating Responsibility in Digital Systems: Horton's":["Mark S. Miller"],"Denial of Service or Denial of Security? How Attacks can Compromize Anonymity":["Parisa Tabriz"],"Dynamic Pharming Attacks and Locked Same-Origin Policies for Web Browsers":["Umesh Shankar"],"Flayer: Exposing Application Internals":["Will Drewry"],"Foundations of Security: What Every Programmer Needs to Know":[],"Memsherlock: An Automated Debugger for Unknown Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities":["Jun\n Xu"],"Provable Data Possession at Untrusted Stores":["Lea Kissner"],"Selective Disclosure":["Ben Laurie"],"The Ghost In The Browser: Analysis of Web-based Malware":["Niels Provos","Panayiotis Mavrommatis"],"Tradeoffs in Retrofitting Security: An Experience Report":["Mark S. Miller"],"Virtual Honeypots: From Botnet Tracking to Intrusion Detection":["Niels Provos"],"A Method for Making Password-Based Key Exchange Resilient to Server Compromise":["Philip MacKenzie"],"Cookies Along Trust-Boundaries (CAT): Accurate and Deployable Flood Protection":["Niels\n Provos"],"Flow-Cookies: Using Bandwidth Amplification to Defend Against DDoS Flooding\n Attacks":["Niels\n Provos"],"Language Modeling and Encryption on Packet Switched Networks":["Kevin S. McCurley"],"Limits to Anti Phishing":[],"Packet vaccine: black-box exploit detection and signature generation":["Jun Xu"],"Privacy-Enhancing Technologies":[],"Resource Fairness and Composability of Cryptographic Protocols":["Philip MacKenzie","Ke Yang"],"Search Worms":["Niels Provos"],"A Virtual Honeypot Framework":["Niels Provos"],"Cygnus - An Approach for Large Scale Network Security Monitoring":["Paul (Tony) Watson"],"Improving Host Security with System Call Policies":["Niels Provos"],"Preventing Privilege Escalation":["Niels Provos"],"Defending Against Statistical Steganalysis":["Niels Provos"],"Encrypting Virtual Memory":["Niels Provos"],"A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme":["Niels Provos"],"Cryptography in OpenBSD: An Overview":["Niels Provos"]}
{"Biperpedia: An Ontology for Search Applications":["Alon Halevy","Steven Whang","Fei\n Wu"],"Diff-Index: Differentiated Index in Distributed Log-Structured Data Stores":["Sandeep Tata"],"Exploiting Group Recommendation Functions for Flexible Preferences":["Cong Yu"],"From Research to Practice: Experiences Engineering a Production Metadata Database\n for a Scale Out File System":["Alistair Veitch"],"Incremental Discovery of Prominent Situational Facts":["Cong Yu"],"ReNoun: Fact Extraction for Nominal Attributes":["Steven Whang","Alon Halevy"],"Toward Computational Fact-Checking":["Cong\n Yu"],"Wikidata: A Free Collaborative Knowledge Base":["Denny Vrandečić"],"Actively Soliciting Feedback for Query Answers in Keyword Search-Based Data\n Integration":["Cong Yu"],"F1: A Distributed SQL Database That Scales":["Jeff Shute","Radek Vingralek","Bart Samwel","Eric Rollins","Stephan Ellner","John Cieslewicz"],"HyperLogLog in Practice: Algorithmic Engineering of a State of The Art\n Cardinality Estimation Algorithm":["Marc Nunkesser"],"Online, Asynchronous Schema Change in F1":["Eric Rollins","Jeff Shute","Radek Vingralek"],"Photon: Fault-tolerant and Scalable Joining of Continuous Data Streams":["Rajagopal Ananthanarayanan","Ashish Gupta"],"Recent Progress Towards an Ecosystem of Structured Data on the Web":["Alon Y. Halevy","Boulos Harb","Heidi\n Lam","Hongrae Lee","Jayant Madhavan","Fei\n Wu","Cong Yu"],"Rolling Up Random Variables in Data Cubes":[],"Scalable Column Concept Determination for Web Tables Using Large Knowledge Bases":["Cong\n Yu"],"Shallow Information Extraction for the Knowledge Web":["Cong Yu"],"Synthesizing Union Tables from the Web":["Fei Wu","Cong Yu"],"An Automatic Blocking Mechanism for Large-Scale De-duplication Tasks":["Anish Das Sarma"],"Big Data Storytelling Through Interactive Maps":["Jayant Madhavan","Nitin Gupta","Heidi Lam","Hongrae Lee","Warren Shen"],"Clydesdale: structured data processing on MapReduce":["Sandeep\n Tata"],"Efficient Spatial Sampling of Large Geographical Tables":["Anish Das Sarma","Hongrae Lee","Jayant Madhavan","Alon\n Y. Halevy"],"Efficient spatial sampling of large geographical tables":["Anish Das Sarma","Hongrae Lee","Jayant Madhavan","Alon\n Halevy"],"F1 - The Fault-Tolerant Distributed RDBMS Supporting Google's Ad Business":["Jeff Shute","Stephan Ellner","Eric Rollins","Bart\n Samwel","Radek Vingralek"],"Finding Related Tables":["Anish Das Sarma","Nitin Gupta","Alon Y.\n Halevy","Hongrae Lee","Fei Wu","Cong\n Yu"],"Fuzzy Joins Using MapReduce":["Anish Das Sarma"],"Hathi: durable transactions for memory using flash":["Arif Merchant"],"Interactive Regret Minimization":[],"Interactive regret minimization":[],"On One of the Few Objects":["Cong\n Yu"],"Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click":["Marc Nunkesser"],"Spanner: Google's Globally-Distributed Database":["James C. Corbett","Jeffrey Dean","Christopher Frost","Sanjay Ghemawat","Wilson Hsieh","Sean Quinlan","Dale Woodford"],"Symbiosis in scale out networking and data management":["Amin Vahdat"],"Towards an ecosystem of structured data on the web":["Alon Y. Halevy"],"Who Tags What? 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Hammad"],"Automatically incorporating new sources in keyword search-based data integration":["Fernando\n Pereira"],"Collaborative Environmental In Situ Data Collection: Experiences and\n Opportunities for Ambient Data Integration":["David Thau"],"Evolution and future directions of large-scale storage and computation systems at\n Google":["Jeffrey Dean"],"Google Fusion Tables: Data Management, Integration, and Collaboration in the\n Cloud":["Alon Halevy","Jayant Madhavan","Warren Shen"],"Google Fusion Tables: Web-Centered Data Management and Collaboration":["Alon Halevy","Jayant Madhavan","Warren Shen"],"Pregel: a system for large-scale graph processing":["Aart J.C\n Bik","Ilan Horn","Naty Leiser"],"The Case Against Data Lock-in":["Brian W. Fitzpatrick","JJ Lueck"],"Threshold query optimization for uncertain data":["Sarvjeet Singh"],"VoR-Tree: R-trees with Voronoi Diagrams for Efficient Processing of Spatial\n Nearest Neighbor Queries":["Mehdi Sharifzadeh"],"DRAM Errors in the Wild: A Large-Scale Field Study":["Eduardo Pinheiro","Wolf-Dietrich Weber"],"Data Integration with Uncertainty":["Alon Halevy","Cong Yu"],"Data Modeling in Dataspace Support Platforms":["Anish Das Sarma","Alon Y. Halevy"],"Engineering autonomic systems":["Joseph L. Hellerstein"],"Exploring Schema Repositories with Schemr":["Jayant Madhavan","Alon Halevy"],"Representing uncertain data: models, properties, and algorithms":["Anish Das Sarma","Alon Halevy"],"The Claremont report on database research":["Alon Y. Halevy","Joseph M. Hellerstein"],"Using Hoarding to Increase Availability in Shared File Systems":[],"Weighted Proximity Best-Joins for Information Retrieval":[],"Bootstrapping Pay-as-you-go Data Integration Systems":["Anish Das Sarma","Alon Halevy"],"Pay-as-you-go User Feedback for Dataspace Systems":["Alon Y.\n Halevy"],"The Space Complexity of Processing XML Twig Queries over Indexed Documents":["Ziv Bar-Yossef"],"Ad Hoc Distributed Simulations":["Mahesh Palekar"],"An Information Avalanche":["Vint Cerf"],"Building MEMS-Based Storage Systems for Streaming Media":["Zoran Dimitrijević"],"Estimating Statistical Aggregates on Probabilistic Data Streams":[],"Failure Trends in a Large Disk Drive Population":["Eduardo Pinheiro","Wolf-Dietrich Weber","Luiz André Barroso"],"Indexing Dataspaces":["Alon Halevy"],"Life on the Edge: Monitoring and Running a Very Large Perforce Installation.":[],"Optimal Traversal Planning in Road Networks with Navigational Constraints":["Mehdi\n Sharifzadeh","Luc Vincent"],"Query Suspend and Resume":["Chris Bond"],"Web-scale Data Integration: You can only afford to Pay As You Go":["Jayant Madhavan","Cong Yu","Alon Halevy"],"Achieving completion time guarantees in an opportunistic data migration scheme":["Jianyong Zhang"],"Data integration: the teenage years":["Alon Halevy"],"Data management projects at Google":["Wilson Hsieh","Jayant Madhavan","Rob Pike"],"On-the-fly Sharing for Streamed Aggregation":[],"Principles of dataspace systems":["Alon Y. 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{"Biperpedia: An Ontology for Search Applications":["Alon Halevy","Steven Whang","Fei\n Wu"],"Distributed Balanced Clustering via Mapping Coresets":["Mohammadhossein Bateni","Aditya Bhaskara","Silvio Lattanzi","Vahab Mirrokni"],"Frame by Frame Language Identification in Short Utterances using Deep Neural\n Networks":["Ignacio\n Lopez-Moreno","Pedro J. Moreno"],"Great Question! 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Klein","Dean K. Jackson"],"Data Fusion: Resolving Conflicts from Multiple Sources":["Xin Luna Dong"],"Dense Subgraph Maintenance under Streaming Edge Weight Updates for Real-time\n Story Identification":[],"Distributed Large-scale Natural Graph Factorization":["Amr Ahmed"],"Diversity maximization under matroid constraints":["Vahab Mirrokni"],"Efficient and Accurate Label Propagation on Large Graphs and Label Sets":["Michele Covell","Shumeet Baluja"],"Filling Knowledge Base Gaps for Distant Supervision of Relation Extraction":["Le Zhao"],"Focused Marix Factorization for Audience Selection in Display Advertising":["Bhargav Kanagal","Amr Ahmed","Lluis Garcia-Pueyo"],"From Assets to Stories via the Google Cultural Institute Platform":[],"GOOGLE DISEASE TRENDS: AN UPDATE":["Patrick Copeland","Greg Hecht","Christian Stefansen"],"Identifying Surrogate Geographic Research Regions with Advanced Exact Test\n Statistics":["Steven Ellis"],"Instant Foodie: Predicting Expert Ratings From Grassroots":["Ed H. Chi","David Huffaker","Gueorgi Kossinets"],"KDD tutorial: The Dataminer Guide to Scalable Mixed-Membership and Nonparametric\n Bayesian Models":["Amr Ahmed"],"Latent Factor Models with Additive Hierarchically-smoothed User Preferences":["Amr Ahmed","Bhargav Kanagal","Lluis Garcia-Pueyo"],"Nowcasting with Google Trends":["Yossi Matias"],"Optimal Hashing Schemes for Entity Matching":["Anish Das Sarma","Tamas Sarlos"],"Permutation Indexing: Fast Approximate Retrieval from Large Corpora":["Maxim Gurevich","Tamas Sarlos"],"Postmarket Drug Surveillance Without Trial Costs: Discovery of Adverse Drug\n Reactions Through Large-Scale Analysis of Web Search Queries":["Evgeniy Gabrilovich"],"Rolling Up Random Variables in Data Cubes":[],"Scalable all-pairs similarity search in metric spaces":["Ahmed Metwally"],"Semantic Queries by Example":["Min Wang"],"TSum: Fast, Principled Table Summarization.":[],"The Nested Chinese Restaurant Franchise Process: User Tracking and Document\n Modeling":["Amr Ahmed"],"Tracking Large-Scale Video Remix in Real-World Events":["Apostol Natsev"],"Understanding Latency of Black-Box Service Workloads":[],"A Cross-Lingual Dictionary for English Wikipedia Concepts":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"An Integrated Framework for Spatio-Temporal-Textual Search and Mining":["Jing Dai"],"Automatically Discovering Talented Musicians with Acoustic Analysis of YouTube\n Videos":["Eric Nichols","Charles DuHadway","Hrishikesh Aradhye","Richard F. Lyon"],"Budget Optimization for Online Campaigns with Positive Carryover Effects":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Dynamic Covering for Recommendation Systems":["Anish Das Sarma"],"Extracting Unambiguous Keywords from Microposts Using Web and Query Logs Data":["Davi Reis","Felipe Goldstein","Frederico Quintao"],"FastEx: Hash Clustering with Exponential Families":["Amr Ahmed","Sujith Ravi"],"Logical Itemset Mining":["Shailesh Kumar"],"Look Who I Found: Understanding the Effects of Sharing Curated Friend Groups":["Alex Fabrikant","Kristen LeFevre"],"MedLDA: Maximum Margin Supervised Topic Models":["Amr Ahmed"],"Multi-skill Collaborative Teams based on Densest Subgraphs":[],"Multimedia Semantics: Interactions Between Content and Community":["Apostol Natsev"],"Nowcasting the macroeconomy with search engine data":[],"Online Selection of Diverse Results":["Gagan\n Aggarwal","Andrew Tomkins"],"Overlapping clusters for distributed computation":["Vahab Mirrokni"],"PageRank on an evolving graph":["Mohammad\n Mahdian"],"Spotting fake reviewer groups in consumer reviews":[],"Student-t based Robust Spatio-Temporal Prediction":["Jing Dai"],"The YouTube Social Network":["Mirjam Wattenhofer"],"Understanding cyclic trends in social choices":["Anish Das Sarma"],"V-SMART-Join: A Scalable MapReduce Framework for All-Pair Similarity Joins of\n Multisets and Vectors":["Ahmed Metwally"],"Vote calibration in community question-answering systems":["Jie\n Yang"],"Web-Scale Multi-Task Feature Selection for Behavioral Targeting":["Amr Ahmed"],"YouTube around the world: geographic popularity of videos":["Mirjam Wattenhofer"],"Your Two Weeks of Fame and Your Grandmother's":["Alex\n Fabrikant","Andrew Tomkins"],"A Tale of Two (Similar) Cities: Inferring City Similarity Through Geo-Spatial\n Query Log Analysis":["Michele Covell","Deepak Ravichandran","D. Sivakumar","Shumeet\n Baluja"],"Catching a viral video":["Yannet Interian","Mirjam Wattenhofer"],"Detecting Adversarial Advertisements in the Wild":["D. Sculley","Matthew Eric Otey","Bridget Spitznagel","Yunkai Zhou"],"Efficient Search Engine Measurements":["Ziv Bar-Yossef","Maxim Gurevich"],"Efficient Spectral Neighborhood Blocking for Entity Resolution":["Aiyou Chen"],"Estimating the Number of Users behind IPs for Combating Abusive Traffic":["Ahmed Metwally"],"Fast Algorithms for Finding Extremal Sets":["Roberto J. Bayardo","Biswanath Panda"],"Frequent Pattern Discovery and Association Rule Mining of XML Data":[],"Influence Maximization in Social Networks When Negative Opinions May Emerge and\n Propagate":["Alex Collins"],"Interactive Itinerary Planning":["Cong\n Yu"],"Large Scale Page-Based Book Similarity Clustering":[],"Large-scale community detection on YouTube for Topic Discovery and Exploration":["Ullas Gargi","Vahab Mirrokni","Sangho\n Yoon"],"Learning to Target: What Works for Behavioral Targeting":[],"MRI: Meaningful Interpretations of Collaborative Ratings":["Cong\n Yu"],"Personalized Social Recommendations - Accurate or Private?":[],"Stanford's Distantly-Supervised Slot-Filling System":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Stanford-UBC Entity Linking at TAC-KBP, Again":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Strong Baselines for Cross-Lingual Entity Linking":["Valentin I. 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Mirrokni"],"Overlapping Experiment Infrastructure: More, Better, Faster Experimentation":["Diane Tang"],"PSVM: Parallel Support Vector Machines with Incomplete Cholesky Factorization":["Hongjie Bai","Kaihua Zhu"],"Stanford-UBC Entity Linking at TAC-KBP":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Ad Quality On TV: Predicting Television Audience Retention":["Yannet Interian","Sundar Dorai-Raj","Igor Naverniouk","Dan Zigmond"],"An incentive-based architecture for social recommendations":[],"Collaborative Filtering for Orkut Communities: Discovery of User Latent Behavior":["Hongjie\n Bai"],"Computers and iPhones and Mobile Phones, oh my! A logs-based comparison of search\n users on different devices":["Maryam Kamvar","Rajan Patel"],"Do Viewers Care? 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Bayardo"],"Preference aggregation in group recommender systems for committee decision-making":[],"Pricing Guidance in Ad Sale Negotiations: The Print Ads Example":[],"Rating aggregation in collaborative filtering systems":["Radu Jurca"],"Scalable Attribute-Value Extraction from Semi-Structured Text":["Yuk Wah Wong"],"Stanford-UBC at TAC-KBP":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Succinct approximate counting of skewed data":["David Talbot"],"Text Classification Through Time: Efficient Label Propagation in Time-Based\n Graphs":["Shumeet Baluja","Deepak Ravichandran","D. Sivakumar"],"The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data":["Alon Halevy","Peter Norvig","Fernando\n Pereira"],"Tour the world: a technical demonstration of a web-scale landmark recognition\n engine":["Ming Zhao","Yang Song","Hartwig\n Adam","Alessandro\n Bissacco","Jay Yagnik"],"Video2Text: Learning to Annotate Video Content":["Hrishikesh Aradhye","George Toderici","Jay Yagnik"],"A Social Query Model for Decentralized Search":["Sugato Basu"],"Bootstrapping Information Extraction from Semi-structured Web Pages":[],"Constrained Clustering: Advances in Algorithms, Theory, and Applications":["Sugato Basu"],"Detecting Image Spam using Visual Features and Near Duplicate Detection":["Bhaskar Mehta"],"Efficient Concept Clustering for Ontology Learning using an Event Life Cycle on\n the Web":[],"Exploring a Digital Library Through Key Ideas":["Bill N. Schilit","Okan Kolak"],"Extreme Data Mining":[],"Modeling Online Reviews with Multi-Grain Topic Models":["Ryan McDonald"],"PFP: Parallel FP-Growth for Query Recommendation":[],"Video Suggestion and Discovery for YouTube: Taking Random Walks Through the View\n Graph":["Shumeet Baluja","D. Sivakumar","Jay Yagnik","Shankar\n Kumar","Deepak Ravichandran"],"A Support Vector Approach to Censored Targets":["Martin\n Jansche"],"Clustering Billions of Images with Large Scale Nearest Neighbor Search":["Chuck Rosenberg","Henry A. Rowley"],"Google Book Search: Document Understanding on a Massive Scale":["L. Vincent"],"Mining API patterns as partial orders from source code: from usage scenarios to\n specifications":["Jun Xu"],"Relational Clustering by Symmetric Convex Coding":[],"Scaling Up All Pairs Similarity Search":["Roberto Bayardo","Ramakrishnan Srikant"],"Cluster Ranking with an Application to Mining Mailbox Networks":["Ziv Bar-Yossef"],"Dense Subgraph Extraction":["Kevin S. McCurley","Andrew Tomkins"],"Mining for proposal reviewers: lessons learned at the national science foundation":[],"Mining the Web to Determine Similarity Between Words, Objects, and Communities":[],"New cached-sufficient statistics algorithms for quickly answering statistical\n questions":["Andrew Moore"],"STAGGER: Periodicity Mining of Data Streams Using Expanding Sliding Windows":["Mohamed G. Elfeky"],"Adaptive Product Normalization: Using Online Learning for Record Linkage in\n Comparison Shopping":["Sugato Basu"],"Evaluating similarity measures: a large-scale study in the orkut social network":["Ellen Spertus"],"Unweaving a web of documents":["R. Guha","D. Sivakumar"],"A social network caught in the Web":[],"Mining Optimized Gain Rules for Numeric Attributes":["Sergey Brin"],"Extracting Patterns and Relations from the World Wide Web":["Sergey Brin"],"Scalable Techniques for Mining Causal Structures":["Sergey Brin"]}
{"Characterization of Impact of Transient Faults and Detection of Data Corruption\n Errors in Large-Scale N-Body Programs Using Graphics Processing Units":["Keun Soo Yim"],"Coupled and k-Sided Placements: Generalizing Generalized Assignment":["Madhukar Korupolu","Adam Meyerson"],"Diff-Index: Differentiated Index in Distributed Log-Structured Data Stores":["Sandeep Tata"],"Distributed Balanced Clustering via Mapping Coresets":["Mohammadhossein Bateni","Aditya Bhaskara","Silvio Lattanzi","Vahab Mirrokni"],"Eventually consistent: Not what you were expecting?":["Xiaozhou (Steve) Li"],"From Research to Practice: Experiences Engineering a Production Metadata Database\n for a Scale Out File System":["Alistair Veitch"],"Low-Overhead Network-on-Chip Support for Location-Oblivious Task Placement":["Dennis\n Abts","Michael R. Marty"],"Macaroons: Cookies with Contextual Caveats for Decentralized Authorization in the\n Cloud":["Úlfar\n Erlingsson","Ankur Taly","Michael Vrable","Mark Lentczner"],"Mesa: Geo-Replicated, Near Real-Time, Scalable Data Warehousing":["Ashish Gupta","Sanjay Bhansali","Jeff\n Shute"],"Near-Data Processing: Insights from a MICRO-46 Workshop":["Jichuan Chang"],"Software Defined Networking at Scale":["Bikash Koley"],"The wisdom of clouds":["Kai Kohlhoff"],"AGILE: elastic distributed resource scaling for Infrastructure-as-a-Service":["John Wilkes"],"Brief Announcement: Consistency and Complexity Tradeoffs for Highly-Available\n Multi-Cloud Store":["Alexander\n Shraer"],"CPI2: CPU performance isolation for shared compute clusters":["Xiao Zhang","Eric\n Tune","John Wilkes"],"Ensuring Connectivity via Data Plane Mechanisms":["Junda Liu"],"EventWave: Programming Model and Runtime Support for Tightly-Coupled Elastic\n Cloud Applications":["Charles Killian"],"F1: A Distributed SQL Database That Scales":["Jeff Shute","Radek Vingralek","Bart Samwel","Eric Rollins","Stephan Ellner","John Cieslewicz"],"Fast Data Processing with Spark":["Holden Karau"],"MillWheel: Fault-Tolerant Stream Processing at Internet Scale":["Tyler Akidau","Slava Chernyak","Sam McVeety","Paul Nordstrom","Sam Whittle"],"Minimizing Weighted Flowtime on Capacitated Machines":["Madhukar Korupolu"],"Omega: flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters":["Michael\n Abd-El-Malek","John Wilkes"],"On the k-atomicity-verification problem":["Jeremy Hurwitz","Xiaozhou Li"],"Online, Asynchronous Schema Change in F1":["Eric Rollins","Jeff Shute","Radek Vingralek"],"Photon: Fault-tolerant and Scalable Joining of Continuous Data Streams":["Rajagopal Ananthanarayanan","Ashish Gupta"],"The Datacenter as a Computer: An Introduction to the Design of Warehouse-Scale\n Machines, Second Edition":["Luiz André Barroso","Urs Hölzle"],"The Tail at Scale":["Jeffrey Dean","Luiz\n André Barroso"],"Verifying Cloud Services: Present and Future":["Alexander Shraer"],"Web-Scale Job Scheduling":["Walfredo Cirne"],"A Guided Tour of Datacenter Networking":["Dennis Abts","Bob Felderman"],"An approach to Distributed Virtual Environment performance modeling: Addressing\n system complexity and user behavior":[],"Characterization and Comparison of Cloud versus Grid Workloads":["Walfredo Cirne"],"CloudRAMSort: fast and efficient large-scale distributed RAM sort on\n shared-nothing cluster":["Hongrae Lee"],"DIPLOMA: Consistent and Coherent Shared Memory over Mobile Phones":["Niket Agarwal"],"F1 - The Fault-Tolerant Distributed RDBMS Supporting Google's Ad Business":["Jeff Shute","Stephan Ellner","Eric Rollins","Bart\n Samwel","Radek Vingralek"],"Finding Connected Components in Map-reduce in Logarithmic Rounds":["Anish Das Sarma"],"Hostload prediction in a Google compute cloud with a Bayesian model":["Walfredo Cirne"],"JANUS: exploiting parallelism via hindsight":["John Field"],"Obfuscatory obscanturism: making workload traces of commercially-sensitive\n systems safe to release":["John Wilkes","Joseph L. Hellerstein"],"Optimistic Scheduling with Geographically Replicated Services in the Cloud\n Environment (COLOR)":["Wenbo Zhu"],"Orchestrating the deployment of computations in the cloud with conductor":["Ansley\n Post"],"Overlapping clusters for distributed computation":["Vahab Mirrokni"],"Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click":["Marc Nunkesser"],"Projecting Disk Usage Based on Historical Trends in a Cloud Environment":["Murray Stokely","Christoph Albrecht","Arif Merchant"],"Recursion in Scalable Protocols via Distributed Data Flows":["Krzysztof Ostrowski"],"Resource-bounded multicore emulation using Beefarm":["Satnam Singh"],"Science in the Cloud":["Joseph L Hellerstein","Kai Kohlhoff","David E. Konerding"],"Spanner: Google's Globally-Distributed Database":["James C. Corbett","Jeffrey Dean","Christopher Frost","Sanjay Ghemawat","Wilson Hsieh","Sean Quinlan","Dale Woodford"],"Trickle: Rate Limiting YouTube Video Streaming":["Monia Ghobadi","Yuchung Cheng","Matt Mathis"],"Uncertainty in Aggregate Estimates from Sampled Distributed Traces":["Nate Coehlo","Arif Merchant","Murray Stokely"],"Upper and Lower Bounds on the Cost of a Map-Reduce Computation":["Anish Das Sarma"],"Vision Paper: Towards an Understanding of the Limits of Map-Reduce Computation":["Anish Das Sarma"],"A Tight Unconditional Lower Bound on Distributed Random Walk Computation":[],"Characterizing Task Usage Shapes in Google Compute Clusters":["Joseph Hellerstein"],"CloudScale: elastic resource scaling for multi-tenant cloud systems":["John Wilkes"],"Design and Implementation of FAITH, an Experimental System to Intercept and\n Manipulate Online Social Informatics":["Shaozhi Ye"],"Diagnosing Latency in Multi-Tier Black-Box Services":["Krzysztof Ostrowski","Mark Sandler"],"Exploiting Service Usage Information for Optimizing Server Resource Management":["Alexander Totok"],"FAWN: a fast array of wimpy nodes: technical perspective":["Luiz André Barroso"],"HTAF: Hybrid Testing Automation Framework to Leverage Local and Global Computing\n Resources":["Keun Soo Yim"],"Megastore: Providing Scalable, Highly Available Storage for Interactive Services":["Chris Bond","James C. Corbett","James Larson"],"Modeling and Synthesizing Task Placement Constraints in Google Compute Clusters":["Joseph\n Hellerstein"],"Modeling the Parallel Execution of Black-Box Services":["Mark Sandler"],"Perspectives on cloud computing: interviews with five leading scientists from the\n cloud community":["Walfredo Cirne"],"PowerNap: An Energy Efficient MAC Layer for Random Routing in Wireless Sensor\n Networks":[],"Tenzing A SQL Implementation On The MapReduce Framework":["Biswapesh Chattopadhyay","Sagar Mittal","Younghee Kwon"],"The Emerging Optical Data Center":["Amin Vahdat","Hong Liu","Xiaoxue\n Zhao"],"Thialfi: A Client Notification Service for Internet-Scale Applications":["Daniel Myers","Michael Piatek"],"Warehouse-scale Computing: entering the teenage decade":["Luiz André Barroso"],"Analyzing and enhancing the parallel sort operation on multithreaded\n architectures":["Moustafa A.\n Hammad"],"Anti-Omega: the weakest failure detector for set agreement":["Piotr Zielinski"],"Availability in Globally Distributed Storage Systems":["Murray Stokely","Luiz Barroso","Carrie Grimes","Sean\n Quinlan"],"Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure":["Luiz André Barroso","Mike Burrows","Pat Stephenson","Manoj\n Plakal"],"Datacenter-scale Computing":["Luiz André Barroso"],"Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale Datasets":["Theo Vassilakis"],"FlumeJava: Easy, Efficient Data-Parallel Pipelines":["Craig Chambers","Ashish Raniwala","Robert Bradshaw"],"Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and\n Notifications":["Daniel Peng","Frank Dabek"],"Mahout in Action":["Robin Anil"],"MapReduce: a flexible data processing tool":["Jeffrey Dean","Sanjay Ghemawat"],"Optimizing Utilization of Resource Pools in Web Application Servers":["Alexander Totok"],"PRESS: PRedictive Elastic ReSource Scaling for cloud systems":["John Wilkes"],"Warehouse Scale Computing - A keynote address to SIGMOD'10":["Luiz André Barroso"],"A unified format for traces of peer-to-peer systems":[],"Causeway: a message-oriented distributed debugger":["Mark S. Miller"],"Machine Learning-Based Prefetch Optimization for Data Center Applications":["Shih-wei Liao"],"MapReduce: The programming model and practice":["Jelena Pjesivac-Grbovic"],"Parallel algorithms for mining large-scale rich-media data":["Hongjie Bai","Kaihua Zhu"],"Prefetch optimizations on large-scale applications via parameter value prediction":["Shih-wei Liao"],"Pregel: A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing":["Aart J.C.\n Bik","Ilan Horn","Naty Leiser"],"The Best of CCGrid'2007: A Snapshot of an 'Adolescent' Area":["Walfredo Cirne"],"Using a Market Economy to Provision Compute Resources Across Planet-wide Clusters":["Murray Stokely","Carrie Grimes"],"Why Locally-Fair Maximal Flows in Client-Server Networks Perform Well":["Chad Yoshikawa"],"Enhancing Community Authorization Services":[],"Extending IC-Scheduling via the Sweep Algorithm":[],"MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters":["Jeffrey Dean","Sanjay Ghemawat"],"Parallel Spectral Clustering":["Hongjie Bai"],"Physics Aware Programming Paradigm: Approach and Evaluation":[],"RaWMS - Random Walk based Lightweight Membership Service for Wireless Ad Hoc\n Networks":["Ziv Bar-Yossef"],"Age-based Packet Arbitration in Large k-ary n-cubes":["Dennis Abts","Deborah Weisser"],"Applying IC-Scheduling Theory to Familiar Classes of Computations":[],"Architect's dream or developer's nightmare?":[],"Distributed Programming with MapReduce":["Jeffrey Dean","Sanjay Ghemawat"],"Engineering Reliability into Web Sites: Google SRE":[],"Large Language Models in Machine Translation":["Peng Xu","Jeffrey Dean"],"Let's Have a Conversation":[],"MRPSO: MapReduce Particle Swarm Optimization":[],"Parallel Approximate Matrix Factorization for Kernel Methods":["Kaihua Zhu","Hongjie Bai"],"Parallel PSO Using MapReduce":[],"Parallelizing Support Vector Machines on Distributed Computers":["Kaihua Zhu","Hongjie Bai"],"Paxos Made Live - An Engineering Perspective (2006 Invited Talk)":["Tushar Deepak Chandra","Robert Griesemer"],"A Tool for Prioritizing DAGMan Jobs and Its Evaluation":[],"An Autonomic Routing Framework for Sensor Networks":["Yu He"],"An Experimental Study of the Skype Peer-to-Peer VoIP System":["Ravi Jain"],"Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data":["Fay Chang","Jeffrey\n Dean","Sanjay Ghemawat","Wilson C. Hsieh","Deborah A. Wallach","Mike Burrows","Tushar\n Chandra","Robert E. Gruber"],"Data Management for Internet-Scale Single-Sign-On":["Sharon E. Perl"],"Experiences with MapReduce, an abstraction for large-scale computation":["Jeffrey Dean"],"Java Concurrency in Practice":[],"Minimizing the Stretch when Scheduling Flows of Biological Requests":["Alan Su"],"On Scheduling Expansive and Reductive Dags for Internet-Based Computing":[],"Simple Efficient Load-Balancing Algorithms for Peer-to-Peer Systems":["Matthias Ruhl"],"The Chubby lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems":["Mike Burrows"],"Decentralized algorithms using both local and random probes for P2P load\n balancing":["Gurmeet Singh Manku"],"Interpreting the Data: Parallel Analysis with Sawzall":["Rob Pike","Sean\n Dorward","Robert Griesemer","Sean Quinlan"],"Papillon: Greedy Routing in Rings":["Gurmeet Singh\n Manku"],"Web Search for a Planet: The Google Cluster Architecture":["Luiz Andre Barroso","Jeffrey Dean","Urs Hölzle"]}
{"Collaboration in the Cloud at Google":["Yunting Sun","Diane Lambert","Makoto Uchida"],"Concise Bid Optimization Strategies with Multiple Budget Constraints":["Mohammadhossein Bateni","Kshipra Bhawalkar","Vahab Mirrokni"],"Data enrichment for incremental reach estimation":["Aiyou Chen","Jim Koehler","Minghui Shi"],"Inferring causal impact using Bayesian structural time-series models":["Kay H. Brodersen","Jim Koehler","Steven L. Scott"],"Machine Learning in an Auction Environment":["Patrick Hummel","Preston McAfee"],"Multiplicative Bidding in Online Advertising":["Mohammadhossein Bateni","Jon Feldman","Vahab\n Mirrokni"],"Network Cournot Competition":["Mohammadhossein Bateni"],"Predicting the Present with Bayesian Structural Time Series":["Steven L. Scott"],"Preemptive Policy Experimentation":["Patrick Hummel"],"Price Competition in Online Combinatorial Markets":["Renato Paes Leme"],"Reduce and aggregate: similarity ranking in multi-categorical bipartite graphs":["Jon Feldman","Silvio Lattanzi","Vahab Mirrokni"],"Value of Targeting":["Kshipra Bhawalkar","Patrick Hummel","Sergei Vassilvitskii"],"A Method for Measuring Online Audiences":["Jim Koehler","Wiesner Vos"],"Ad Click Prediction: a View from the Trenches":["H. Brendan McMahan","Gary Holt","D.\n Sculley","Daniel Golovin","Sharat Chikkerur","Jeremy\n Kubica"],"Best-response dynamics out of sync: complexity and characterization":["Roee Engelberg","Alex Fabrikant"],"Clinching Auctions with Online Supply":["Gagan Goel","Vahab Mirrokni","Renato Paes Leme"],"Conjoint Analysis in R … Now with Individual-Level Utilities and Survey Mockups":["Chris Chapman","Steven Ellis"],"Designing Markets for Daily Deals":["Mohammad Mahdian","Aranyak Mehta"],"EXPERTS AND THEIR RECORDS":["Michael Schwarz"],"Incremental Clicks Impact of Mobile Search Advertising":["Shaun Lysen"],"Mechanism Design for Fair Division: Allocating Divisible Items without Payments":["Gagan Goel"],"Nine things clients get wrong about conjoint analysis":["Chris Chapman"],"On the structure of weakly acyclic games":["Alex Fabrikant"],"Online Matching and Ad Allocation":["Aranyak Mehta"],"Optimizing Budget Constrained Spend in Search Advertising":["Aranyak Mehta","Ramakrishnan Srikant"],"Performance tournaments with crowdsourced judges":["Daryl Pregibon","Williiam D Heavlin"],"Positive Results for Mechanism Design without Money":["Gagan Goel"],"Revenue Maximization with Nonexcludable Goods":["Mohammadhossein Bateni"],"Submodular secretary problems with extensions":["Mohammadhossein Bateni"],"The Network Value of Products":["Eyal Carmi"],"The Optimal Mix of TV and Online Ads to Maximize Reach":["Jim Koehler"],"Unlocking the Potential of Conjoint Analysis/Discrete Choice Modeling and MaxDiff\n Scaling in Public Opinion and Survey Research":["Steven Ellis","Mario Callegaro","Chris Chapman"],"Whole-page optimization and submodular welfare maximization with online bidders":["Nitish Korula","Vahab Mirrokni"],"A Theoretical Examination of Practical Game Playing: Lookahead Search":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Ad auctions with data":["Mohammad\n Mahdian","Sergei Vassilvitskii"],"Ad serving using a compact allocation plan":["Sergei\n Vassilvitskii"],"An Overview of Practical Exchange Design":["R. Preston McAfee","Sergei Vassilvitskii"],"Budget Optimization for Online Campaigns with Positive Carryover Effects":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Budget-Constrained Auctions with Heterogeneous Items":["Gagan Goel"],"Convergence and approximation in potential games":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"How to approximate optimal auctions":["Vahab S.\n Mirrokni"],"How well can congestion pricing neutralize denial of service attacks?":[],"Matching with our Eyes Closed":["Gagan Goel","Pushkar Tripathi"],"On Fixed-Price Marketing for Goods with Positive Network Externalities":["Vahab S. 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Heavlin","Ana Radovanovic"],"Smart Pricing Grows the Pie":["Guy Calvert"],"The Incremental Reach and Cost Efficiency of Online Video Ads over TV Ads":["Jim Koehler"],"To match or not to match: economics of cookie matching in online advertising":["Mohammad Mahdian","Preston McAfee","Sergei Vassilvitskii"],"Understanding Cyclic Trends in Social Choices":["Anish Das Sarma"],"Crowdsourcing the process of scientific publishing":[],"Incentives for Answering Hypothetical Questions":["Radu Jurca"],"Incremental Clicks: The Impact of Search Advertising":["David X. Chan","Jim Koehler","Deepak\n Kumar"],"Measuring Ad Effectiveness Using Geo Experiments":["Jim Koehler"],"Multitaskers May be Advertisers' Best Audience":["Dan Zigmond"],"Non-Price Equilibria in Markets of Discrete Goods":[],"Online Stochastic Weighted Matching: Improved Approximation Algorithms":["Vahab Mirrokni"],"Optimal Auctions with Positive Network Externalities":["Vahab\n Mirrokni"],"Yield Optimization of Display Advertising with Ad Exchange":["Jon Feldman","Vahab Mirrokni"],"Assessing a New Advertising Effect: Measurement of the Impact of Television\n Commercials on Internet Search Queries":["Dan Zigmond"],"Auctions with intermediaries: extended abstract":["Jon Feldman","Vahab\n S. Mirrokni"],"Equilibrium Pricing with Positive Externalities (Extended Abstract)":["Vahab Mirrokni"],"Media agenda setting and online search traffic: Influences of online and\n traditional media":["Laura Ann Granka"],"Mining advertiser-specific user behavior using adfactors":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Online Stochastic Packing Applied to Display Ad Allocation":["Jon Feldman","Nitish Korula","Vahab\n S. Mirrokni"],"Optimal Iterative Pricing over Social Networks (Extended Abstract)":["Vahab Mirrokni"],"Optimal marketing and pricing over social networks":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Quasi-Proportional Mechanisms: Prior-free Revenue Maximization":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"RDRP: Reward-Driven Request Prioritization for e-Commerce Web Sites":["Alexander Totok"],"Reporting Incentives and Biases in Online Review Forums.":["Radu Jurca"],"Single Parameter Combinatorial Auctions with Partially Public Valuations":["Gagan Goel"],"Who’s calling? The impact of Caller ID on telephone survey response":["Mario Callegaro"],"A Modular Approach to Roberts' Theorem":[],"Ad Exchanges: Research Issues":[],"An Online Mechanism for Ad Slot Reservations with Cancellations":["Jon Feldman","Martin Pal"],"Bid optimization for broad match ad auctions":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Bidding on Configurations in Internet Ad Auctions":[],"Coordination mechanisms for selfish scheduling":["Vahab S.\n Mirrokni"],"Efficiency of (Revenue-)Optimal Mechanisms":["Gagan Aggarwal","Gagan Goel","Aranyak\n Mehta"],"Free-Riding and Free-Labor in Combinatorial Agency":[],"Google’s Auction for Radio and TV Ads":["Yossi Matias","Danny Tom","Dan Zigmond"],"On the Predictability of Search Trends (manuscript)":["Yossi Matias"],"On the complexity of nash dynamics and sink equilibria":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Online Ad Assignment with Free Disposal":["Jon Feldman","Nitish Korula","Vahab\n S. Mirrokni","Martin Pál"],"Online Stochastic Matching: Beating 1-1/e":["Jon Feldman","Aranyak Mehta","Vahab\n Mirrokni"],"Tutorial summary: Convergence of natural dynamics to equilibria":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"A Truthful Mechanism for Offline Ad Slot Scheduling":["Jon Feldman","Martin Pal"],"Algorithmic Methods for Sponsored Search Advertising":["Jon Feldman"],"Asynchronous Best-Reply Dynamics":[],"Income Inequality in the Attention Economy":["Kevin S. McCurley"],"Online budgeted matching in random input models with applications to Adwords":["Gagan Goel","Aranyak Mehta"],"Position Auctions with Bidder-Specific Minimum Prices":["Jon Feldman"],"Sponsored Search Auctions for Markovian Users":["Gagan Aggarwal","Jon Feldman","Martin\n Pal"],"Truthful opinions from the crowds":["Radu Jurca"],"A Note on Maximizing the Spread of Influence in Social Networks":[],"Adwords Auctions with Decreasing Valuation Bids":["Gagan Goel","Aranyak Mehta"],"Budget Optimization in Search-Based Advertising Auctions":["Jon Feldman","Martin Pál"],"Sponsored Search with Contexts":[],"Stochastic Models for Budget Optimization in Search-Based Advertising":["Martin Pál"],"Bidding to the Top: VCG and Equilibria of Position-Based Auctions":["Gagan Aggarwal","Jon Feldman"],"How Friendships Form":[],"Playing games in many possible worlds":["April Rasala Lehman"],"Truthful auctions for pricing search keywords":["Gagan Aggarwal"]}
{"Corporate learning at scale: Lessons from a large online course at Google":["Mehryar Mohri","Afshin Rostamizadeh","Umar Syed"],"Self-evaluation in Advanced Power Searching and Mapping with Google MOOCs":["Julia Wilkowski","Daniel M. Russell"],"Student Skill and Goal Achievement in the Mapping with Google MOOC":["Julia Wilkowski","Daniel M. Russell"],"Online Python Tutor: Embeddable Web-Based Program Visualization for CS Education":["Philip Guo"],"The Google Technical Interview":["Dean Jackson"],"Will Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Change Education?":["Daniel M Russell"],"Google summer of code and google code-in BoF (abstract only)":[]," an educational programming judge":[],"Programming Interviews Exposed":["Eric Giguere"],"The Broad Value of a PhD in Political Science":["Michael Hughes Murakami"],"Through the looking glass: talking about the world with visualization":[],"App Inventor":["Ellen Spertus","Liz Looney"],"Can a 2-hour Visit to a Hi-Tech Company Increase Interest in and Change\n Perceptions about Computer Science?":["Yossi Matias","Michal Segalov"],"Web 2.0 and Performance: Using Social Media to Facilitate Learning at Google":["Julia Bulkowski"],"JavaSpaces NetBeans: a linda workbench for distributed programming course":[],"Learning to be a software engineer in a complex organization: A case study\n focusing on apprenticeship/practice based learning for getting new engineers\n productive in contributing to the Google codebase":[],"Reducing dominance in multiple-mouse learning activities":[],"Cluster Computing for Web-Scale Data Processing":[],"Educating Learning Technology Designers: Guiding and Inspiring Future Creators of\n Innovative Educational Tools":[],"Innovation, Design, and Simplicity at Google":[]}
{"2014 Recent Books and Journals in Public Opinion, Survey Methods, and Survey\n Statistics":["Mario Callegaro"],"Characterization of Impact of Transient Faults and Detection of Data Corruption\n Errors in Large-Scale N-Body Programs Using Graphics Processing Units":["Keun Soo Yim"],"Cloud-based simulations on Google Exacycle reveal ligand modulation of GPCR\n activation pathways":["Kai Kohlhoff","David Konerding"],"Current status and dynamics of mangrove forests of South Asia":["David Thau"],"Defining and detecting quantum speedup":["Sergio Boixo"],"Entanglement in a Quantum Annealing Processor":["S. Boixo"],"Hearing the Shape of the Ising Model with a Programmable Superconducting-Flux\n Annealer":["Sergio Boixo"],"RFC7304 - A Method for Mitigating Namespace Collisions":["Warren Kumari"],"SSAC Advisory on Search List Processing":["Warren Kumari"],"Sources of Traffic Demand Variability and Use of Monte Carlo for Network Capacity\n Planning":["Alexander Gilgur"],"The wisdom of clouds":["Kai Kohlhoff"],"Topology-Driven Trajectory Synthesis with an Example on Retinal Cell Motions":["Chen Gu"],"Trust, transparency & control in inferred user interest models":["Sebastian Schnorf","Nikhil Sharma"],"APOSTLE: Longterm Transit Monitoring and Stability Analysis of XO-2b":["Noel Gorelick"],"Advisory on Internal Name Certificates":["Warren Kumari"],"Behavior-Oriented Data Resource Management in Medical Sensing Systems":["Hyduke Noshadi","Foad Dabiri"],"Bridging the Gap Between Industry and Academia":["Joshua Tabak"],"Herschel/PACS Survey of protoplanetary disks in Taurus/Auriga - Observations of\n [OI] and [CII], and far infrared continuum":["Christian Howard"],"High-Resolution Global Maps of 21st-Century Forest Cover Change":["Rebecca Moore","David Thau"],"On the Technology Prospects and Investment Opportunities for Scalable\n Neuroscience":["Thomas Dean"],"Optical design of a color-corrected 2.75 g visual loupe":["Ozan Cakmakci"],"PRIME: Probabilistic Initial 3D Model Generation for Single-Particle\n Cryo-Electron Microscopy":["Samy Bengio"],"Physically-based Grasp Quality Evaluation under Pose Uncertainty":["James\n J.Kuffner"],"SAC062 - SSAC Advisory Concerning the Mitigation of Name Collision Risk":["Warren Kumari"],"SAC063: SSAC Advisory on DNSSEC Key Rollover in the Root Zone":["Warren Kumari"],"Systematic Analysis of Challenge-Driven Improvements in Molecular Prognostic\n Models for Breast Cancer":["Lamia Youseff","Tyler Pirtle","Craig\n Citro","Joseph L. Hellerstein"],"Triple Wollaston-prism complete-Stokes imaging polarimeter":["John D. Perreault"],"Unlocking the Potential of Conjoint Analysis/Discrete Choice Modeling and MaxDiff\n Scaling in Public Opinion and Survey Research":["Steven Ellis","Mario Callegaro","Chris Chapman"],"Web Coverage in the UK and its Potential Impact on General Population Web Surveys":["Mario Callegaro"],"When the Cloud Goes Local: The Global Problem with Data Localization":["Patrick Ryan"],"You Are What You Emote: Emotional Facial Expressions Impact Sexual Orientation\n Judgments":["Joshua Tabak"],"A unified multitask architecture for predicting local protein properties":[],"Advisory on Impacts of Content Blocking via the Domain Name System":["Warren Kumari"],"Algorithmic Thermodynamics":["Michael Stay"],"Google's Hybrid Approach to Research":["Alfred Spector","Peter Norvig","Slav\n Petrov"],"Life Estimation of Pressurized-Air Solar-Thermal Receiver Tubes":["David Fork"],"Molli: Interactive Visualization for Exploratory Protein Analysis":["Sara L. Su"],"Norovirus Disease Surveillance Using Google Internet Query Share Data":["Yossi Matias"],"Search Inside Yourself":[],"Semantics-driven sensor configuration for energy reduction in medical sensor\n networks":["Hyduke\n Noshadi"],"Sistema GaitGrabber na captação de dados cinemáticos durante a marcha":[],"Spatiotemporal Assignment of Energy Harvesters on a Self-Sustaining Medical Shoe":["Hyduke\n Noshadi"],"Team Geek: A Software Developer's Guide to Working Well with Others":["Brian W. Fitzpatrick","Ben Collins-Sussman"],"Channeling the data deluge":["Christoph\n Best"],"Detecting remote evolutionary relationships among proteins by large-scale\n semantic embedding":[],"Entrepreneurial Innovation at Google":["Patrick Copeland"],"How is it done? A multinational survey of YouTube user satisfaction":["Joshua Tabak"],"Planet-Planet Scattering Leads to Tightly Packed Planetary Systems.":["Noel Gorelick"],"Secular Behavior of Exoplanetary Systems: Self-Consistency and Comparisons With\n The Planet-Planet Scattering Hypothesis":["Noel Gorelick"],"Sticking Together: Handcrafting Personalized Communication Interfaces.":["Hayes\n Raffle"],"Using Web Search Query Data to Monitor Dengue Epidemics: A New Model for\n Neglected Tropical Disease Surveillance":[],"EMI Failure Analysis Techniques: II. Joint Time-Frequency Analysis":["Weifeng Pan"],"EMI Failure Analysis Techniques: III. Correlation Analysis":["Weifeng Pan"],"Energy Optimization in Wireless Medical Systems Using Physiological Behavior":["Hyduke Noshadi","Foad Dabiri"],"Google’s Innovation Factory: Testing, Culture, And Infrastructure":["Patrick Copeland"],"Minimizing off-target signals in RNA fluorescent in situ hybridization":["Eugene Ie"],"Planet-Planet Scattering in Planetesimal Disks. II. Predictions for Outer\n Extrasolar Planetary Systems":["Noel\n Gorelick"],"Semi-Supervised Multi-Task Learning for Predicting Interactions between HIV-1 and\n Human Proteins":[],"The Politics of Search: A Decade Retrospective.":["Laura Ann Granka"],"Using Bezier Curve to Improve the Accuracy in Integrated Circuit Design Analysis":[],"A transcription factor affinity-based code for mammalian transcription initiation":["F Pereira"],"ACM's annual report":[],"Detecting influenza epidemics using search engine query data":["Jeremy Ginsberg","Rajan Patel"],"EMI Failure Analysis Techniques: I. Frequency Spectrum Analysis":["Weifeng Pan"],"Haplotype Inference Constrained by Plausible Haplotype Data":[],"Methodological Review: Empirical distributional semantics: Methods and biomedical\n applications":[],"Planet-Planet Scattering in Planetesimal Disks":["Noel\n Gorelick"],"Reflective Random Indexing and Indirect Inference: A Scalable Method for\n Discovery of Implicit Connections":[],"Timing properties of gene expression responses to environmental changes":["Gal Chechik"],"A dynamical perspective on additional planets in 55 Cancri":["Noel Gorelick"],"A new beginning, a fond farewell":[],"ACM annual report for FY07":[],"Activity Motifs Reveal Principles of Timing in Transcriptional Control of the\n Yeast Metabolic Network":["Gal Chechik"],"Every Last Drop: Managing our way out of the water crisis":[],"Fifty years and still growing":[],"GO Based Hierarchical Framework for Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks":[],"Mean Motion Resonances from Planet-Planet Scattering":["Gorelick, Noel"],"North polar region of Mars: Advances in stratigraphy, structure, and erosional\n modification":[],"A multi-agent based framework for the simulation of human and social behaviors\n during emergency evacuations":["Ken Dauber"],"ACM's Past Helps Steer Its Future":[],"GO Based Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks from Gene Expression Data":[],"The rewards of ACM's awards":[],"Why There's Antifreeze in Your Toothpaste: The Chemistry of Household Ingredients":[],"Predicting EMG Data from M1 Neurons with Variational Bayesian Least Squares":["Aaron D'Souza"],"Return of Gonzo Gizmos":[],"Simple Reconstruction of Binary Near-Perfect Phylogenetic Trees":["Kedar Dhamdhere"],"Oral Mucosal Microvascular Network Abnormalities in De Novo Mutation\n Achondroplasia":["K. Shirriff"],"Finite-State Transducers in Computational Biology":["Corinna Cortes","Mehryar Mohri"],"Computers, Use Of":["Peter Norvig"]}
{"Author Retrospective for Cooperative Cache Partitioning for Chip Multiprocessors":["Jichuan Chang"],"Dynamically Detecting and Tolerating IF-Condition Data Races":["Shanxiang Qi"],"HaPPy: Hyperthread-aware Power Profiling Dynamically":["Xiao Zhang"],"Low-Overhead Network-on-Chip Support for Location-Oblivious Task Placement":["Dennis\n Abts","Michael R. Marty"],"Near-Data Processing: Insights from a MICRO-46 Workshop":["Jichuan Chang"],"The Power of Smartphones":["Roy Want"],"Towards Energy Proportionality for Large-Scale Latency-Critical Workloads":["Luiz\n André Barroso"],"A Green Display for the Internet":[],"Concurrency-aware compiler optimizations for hardware description languages":[],"Optimizing Google's Warehouse Scale Computers: The NUMA Experience":["Xiao Zhang","Robert Hundt","Eric Tune"],"The Datacenter as a Computer: An Introduction to the Design of Warehouse-Scale\n Machines, Second Edition":["Luiz André Barroso","Urs Hölzle"],"Whare-Map: Heterogeneity in “Homogeneous” Warehouse-Scale Computers":["Robert Hundt"],"A Fault Detection and Protection Scheme for Three-Level DC–DC Converters Based on\n Monitoring Flying Capacitor Voltage":["Honggang Sheng"],"ADEL: An automatic detector of energy leaks for smartphone applications":["Lei Yang"],"Accelerator Compiler for the VENICE Vector Processor":["Satnam Singh"],"Managing Distributed UPS Energy for Effective Power Capping in Data Centers":["Eddie Pettis"],"Resource-bounded multicore emulation using Beefarm":["Satnam Singh"],"Runtime adaptation: a case for reactive code alignment":["Kim Hazelwood"],"Bubble-Up: Increasing Utilization In Modern Warehouse Scale Computers Via\n Sensible Co-Locations":["Robert Hundt"],"Dynamic cache contention detection in multi-threaded applications":["Derek\n Bruening"],"FAWN: a fast array of wimpy nodes: technical perspective":["Luiz André Barroso"],"Heterogeneity in “Homogeneous” Warehouse-Scale Computers: A Performance\n Opportunity":["Robert Hundt"],"High Performance Datacenter Networks: Architectures, Algorithms, and\n Opportunities":["Dennis Abts"],"Power Management of Online Data-Intensive Services":["Christopher M. Sadler","Luiz André Barroso","Wolf-Dietrich Weber"],"Simultaneous Technology Mapping and Placement for Delay Minimization":[],"The Cray XT4 and Seastar 3-D Torus Interconnect":["Dennis Abts"],"The Future of Computing Performance: Game Over or Next Level?":["Luiz André Barroso"],"The Impact of Memory Subsystem Resource Sharing on Datacenter Applications":["Robert Hundt"],"Accurate Online Power Estimation and Automatic Battery Behavior Based Power Model\n Generation for Smartphones":["Lei Yang"],"Brawny cores still beat wimpy cores, most of the time":["Urs Hölzle"],"Efficient Topologies for Large-Scale Cluster Networks":["Dennis Abts"],"Energy Proportional Datacenter Networks":["Dennis Abts","Mike Marty","Philip\n Wells","Hong Liu"],"Probabilistic Distance-based Arbitration: Providing Equality of Service for\n Many-core CMPs":["Dennis Abts","Michael Marty"],"Scalable Thread Scheduling and Global Power Management for Heterogeneous\n Many-Core Architectures":[],"Warehouse Scale Computing - A keynote address to SIGMOD'10":["Luiz André Barroso"],"Achieving Predictable Performance through Better Memory Controller Placement in\n Many-Core CMPs":["Dennis Abts"],"Dynamic Heterogeneity and the Need for Multicore Virtualization":["Philip M Wells"],"The Datacenter as a Computer: An Introduction to the Design of Warehouse-Scale\n Machines":["Luiz André Barroso","Urs Hölzle"],"Amdahl's Law in the Multicore Era":["Michael R. Marty"],"Incrementally Parallelizing Database Transactions with Thread-Level Speculation":["Christopher B. Colohan"],"Technology-Driven, Highly-Scalable Dragonfly Topology":["Dennis\n Abts"],"All Watts Considered":["Luiz Andre Barroso"],"Power Provisioning for a Warehouse-sized Computer":["Xiaobo Fan","Wolf-Dietrich Weber","Luiz André Barroso"],"The Case for Energy-Proportional Computing":["Luiz André Barroso","Urs Hölzle"],"High-efficiency power supplies for home computers and servers":["Urs Hölzle"],"The Price of Performance: An Economic Case for Chip Multiprocessing":["Luiz Andre Barroso"],"A Model for Battery Lifetime Analysis for Organizing Applications on a Pocket\n Computer":["Deborah A. Wallach"]}
{"Auto-Rectification of User Photos":["Krishnendu Chaudhury (aka Krish Chaudhury)","Stephen DiVerdi"],"Co-Segmentation of Textured 3D Shapes with Sparse Annotations":["Ameesh Makadia"],"DaMN – Discriminative and Mutually Nearest: Exploiting Pairwise Category\n Proximity for Video Action Recognition":["Rahul\n Sukthankar"],"DeepPose: Human Pose Estimation via Deep Neural Networks":["Alexander Toshev","Christian Szegedy"],"Going Deeper with Convolutions":["Christian Szegedy","Yangqing Jia","Dumitru Erhan","Andrew Rabinovich"],"Large-Scale Object Classification Using Label Relation Graphs":["Yangqing Jia","Andrea Frome","Kevin\n Murphy","Samy Bengio","Hartwig Adam"],"Large-scale Video Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks":["George Toderici","Thomas Leung","Rahul Sukthankar"],"Learning Fine-grained Image Similarity with Deep Ranking":["Yang Song","Thomas Leung","Chuck\n Rosenberg"],"Multi-digit Number Recognition from Street View Imagery using Deep Convolutional\n Neural Networks":["Julian\n Ibarz","Sacha Arnoud"],"Recognition of Complex Events: Exploiting Temporal Dynamics between Underlying\n Concepts":["Rahul Sukthankar"],"SUPER 4PCS Fast Global Pointcloud Registration via Smart Indexing":["Dror Aiger"],"Scalable Object Detection using Deep Neural Networks":["Dumitru Erhan","Christian Szegedy","Alexander Toshev"],"Sinusoidal Interpolation Across Missing Data":["Jan Skoglund"],"Temporal Synchronization of Multiple Audio Signals":["Julius Kammerl","Neil Birkbeck","Anil Kokaram","Caroline Pantofaru"],"Training Highly Multi-class Linear Classifiers":["Maya R. Gupta","Samy Bengio"],"Unsupervised Discovery of Object Classes with a Mobile Robot":[],"Video Object Discovery and Co-segmentation with Extremely Weak Supervision":["Rahul Sukthankar"],"Video Quality Assessment for Web Content Mirroring":[],"Zero-Shot Learning by Convex Combination of Semantic Embeddings":["Samy Bengio","Yoram Singer","Jonathon Shlens","Andrea Frome","Greg\n Corrado","Jeffrey Dean"],"3DNN: Viewpoint Invariant 3D Geometry Matching for Scene Understanding":["Scott Satkin"],"A Butterfly Structured Design of The Hybrid Transform Coding Scheme":["Jingning Han","Yaowu Xu"],"A Discriminative Model for Learning Semantic and Geometric Interactions in Indoor\n Scenes":["Caroline\n Pantofaru"],"Accelerating defocus blur magnification":[],"Category-Independent Object-level Saliency Detection":["Yangqing Jia","Mei Han"],"DeViSE: A Deep Visual-Semantic Embedding Model":["Andrea Frome","Greg Corrado","Jonathon Shlens","Samy\n Bengio","Jeffrey Dean"],"Deep Neural Networks for Object Detection":["Christian Szegedy","Alexander Toshev","Dumitru Erhan"],"Design of user interfaces for selective editing of digital photos on touchscreen\n devices":[],"Discriminative Segment Annotation in Weakly Labeled Video":["Rahul Sukthankar","Jay Yagnik"],"Fast, Accurate Detection of 100,000 Object Classes on a Single Machine":["Thomas Dean","Mark Segal","Jonathon Shlens","Jay Yagnik"],"Fast, Accurate Detection of 100,000 Object Classes on a Single Machine: Technical\n Supplement":["Thomas Dean","Mark Segal","Jonathon Shlens","Jay Yagnik"],"Handling Packet Loss in WebRTC":["Stefan Holmer"],"High-Resolution Global Maps of 21st-Century Forest Cover Change":["Rebecca Moore","David Thau"],"Image Annotation in Presence of Noisy Labels":["Shailesh Kumar"],"Image Compression via Colorization Using Semi-Regular Color Samples":["Hui Fang"],"Joint Noise Level Estimation from Personal Photo Collections":["Vivek Kwatra","Troy Chinen","Hui\n Fang"],"Learning Binary Codes for High Dimensional Data Using Bilinear Projections":["Sanjiv Kumar","Henry Rowley"],"Learning Multiple Non-Linear Sub-Spaces using K-RBMs":["Shailesh Kumar"],"Learning Part-based Templates from Large Collections of 3D Shapes":["Stephen DiVerdi"],"Learning Query-Specific Distance Functions for Large-Scale Web Image Search":["Michele Covell","David Tsai"],"Random Grids: Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbors and Range Searching for Image\n Search":["Dror Aiger","Efi Kokiopoulou"],"Rate-Distortion Optimization for Multichannel Audio Compression":["Jan Skoglund"],"RealBrush: Painting with Examples of Physical Media":["Stephen\n DiVerdi"],"Rendering Fur in Life of Pi":["Ivan Neulander"],"Reporting Neighbors in High-Dimensional Euclidean Space":["Dror Aiger"],"Spatiotemporal Deformable Part Models for Action Detection":["Rahul Sukthankar"],"Street View Motion-from-Structure-from-Motion":["Bryan Klingner","David Martin"],"The Intervalgram: An Audio Feature for Large-Scale Cover-Song Recognition":["Thomas C. Walters","David A. Ross","Richard F. Lyon"],"Tracking Large-Scale Video Remix in Real-World Events":["Apostol Natsev"],"Understanding Indoor Scenes using 3D Geometric Phrases":["Caroline\n Pantofaru"],"Using Web Co-occurrence Statistics for Improving Image Categorization":["Samy Bengio","Jeffrey\n Dean","Dumitru Erhan","Eugene Ie","Andrew Rabinovich","Jonathon Shlens","Yoram Singer"],"A QCQP Approach to Triangulation":["Sameer Agarwal"],"All Smiles : Automatic Photo Enhancement by Facial Expression Analysis":["Vivek Kwatra"],"Apparel silhouette attributes recognition":["Wei Zhang"],"Automatically Discovering Talented Musicians with Acoustic Analysis of YouTube\n Videos":["Eric Nichols","Charles DuHadway","Hrishikesh Aradhye","Richard F. Lyon"],"Building high-level features using large scale unsupervised learning":["Rajat Monga","Greg Corrado","Jeff Dean"],"Calibration-Free Rolling Shutter Removal":["Matthias Grundmann","Vivek Kwatra","Irfan Essa"],"Capturing Indoor Scenes with Smartphones":[],"Coherent image selection using a fast approximation to the generalized traveling\n salesman problem":["Rohit Saboo"],"D-Nets: Beyond Patch-Based Image Descriptors":["Rahul\n Sukthankar"],"Efficient Closed-Form Solution to Generalized Boundary Detection":["Rahul Sukthankar"],"Efficient model based single and double thresholding for real time recognition":["Dror Aiger"],"Embedded Voxel Colouring with Adaptive Threshold Selection Using Globally Minimal\n Surfaces":["Ben Appleton"],"General and Nested Wiberg Minimization":[],"General and nested Wiberg minimization: L2 and maximum likelihood":[],"IMPROVED PREDICTION OF NEARLY-PERIODIC SIGNALS":["Jan Skoglund"],"Improving Book OCR by Adaptive Language and Image Models":["Ray Smith"],"Joint Image and Word Sense Discrimination For Image Retrieval":[],"Learning Hierarchical Bag of Words Using Naive Bayes Clustering":["Shailesh Kumar"],"MEASURING NOISE CORRELATION FOR IMPROVED VIDEO DENOISING":["Anil Kokaram"],"Mobile Music Modeling, Analysis and Recognition":["Boulos Harb","Ananya Misra","Michael\n Riley"],"Model Recommendation for Action Recognition":["Rahul Sukthankar"],"Modelling the Distortion Produced by Cochlear Compression":["Thomas C.\n Walters","Richard F. Lyon"],"Molli: Interactive Visualization for Exploratory Protein Analysis":["Sara L. Su"],"Multi-component Models for Object Detection":[],"Multimedia Semantics: Interactions Between Content and Community":["Apostol Natsev"],"On Using Nearly-Independent Feature Families for High Precision and Confidence":["Omid Madani","David Ross"],"Photo Tours":["Yasutaka\n Furukawa"],"Real-Time Human Pose Tracking from Range Data":["Christian Plagemann"],"Reconstructing the World's Museums":["Yasutaka Furukawa"],"Refractive Height Fields from Single and Multiple Images":["Sameer Agarwal"],"Repetition Maximization based Texture Rectification":["Dror Aiger"],"Scene Aligned Pooling for Complex Video Recognition":["Apostol Natsev"],"Schematic Surface Reconstruction":["Sameer Agarwal"],"Semantic Segmentation Using Regions and Parts":[],"Semi-Supervised Hashing for Large Scale Search":["Sanjiv Kumar"],"Shadow Removal for Aerial Imagery by Information Theoretic Intrinsic Image\n Analysis":["Vivek Kwatra","Mei Han"],"Size Matters: Exhaustive Geometric Verification for Image Retrieval":["Henrik Stewenius"],"Street view goes indoors: Automatic pose estimation from uncalibrated unordered\n spherical panoramas":[],"Unsupervised Learning for Graph Matching":["Rahul Sukthankar"],"VISQOL: THE VIRTUAL SPEECH QUALITY OBJECTIVE LISTENER":["Jan Skoglund","Anil Kokaram"],"Video Description Length Guided Constant Quality Video Coding with Bitrate\n Constraint":["Lei Yang"],"Visibility Based Preconditioning for Bundle Adjustment":["Sameer Agarwal"],"Weakly Supervised Learning of Object Segmentations from Web-Scale Video":["Matthias Grundmann","David Tsai","Vivek Kwatra","Omid\n Madani","Irfan\n Essa","Rahul Sukthankar"],"A Hierarchical Conditional Random Field Model for Labeling and Images of Street\n Scenes":["Mei Han"],"A Pole-Zero Filter Cascade Provides Good Fits to Human Masking Data and to\n Basilar Membrane and Neural Data":["Richard F. Lyon"],"Aesthetics and Emotions in Images":["Ritendra Datta"],"Auditory Sparse Coding":["Thomas Walters","Richard F. Lyon"],"Auto-Directed Video Stabilization with Robust L1 Optimal Camera Paths":["Matthias Grundmann","Vivek Kwatra","Irfan\n Essa"],"Automatic Language Identification in Music Videos with Low Level Audio and Visual\n Features":["Mehmet Emre Sargin","David A. Ross"],"Boosting Video Classification Using Cross-Video Signals":["Mehmet Emre Sargin","Hrishikesh Aradhye"],"Building Rome in a day":["Sameer Agarwal","Yasutaka Furukawa"],"Cascades of two-pole–two-zero asymmetric resonators are good models of peripheral\n auditory function":["Richard F. Lyon"],"Crowdsourcing Event Detection in YouTube Videos":["Thomas Steiner"],"Discrete Point Based Signatures and Applications to Document Matching":[],"Discriminative Tag Learning on YouTube Videos with Latent Sub-tags":["George Toderici"],"Dynamic Stylized Shading Primitives":["William Baxter"],"Exploring Photobios":[],"Feature Seeding for Action Recognition":["Rahul Sukthankar"],"Geometric Overpass Extraction from Vector Road Data and DSMs":[],"Handling Label Noise in Video Classification via Multiple Instance Learning":["Thomas Leung","Yang Song"],"Image Saliency: From Local to Global Context":["Henry Rowley"],"Improving Video Classification via YouTube Video Co-Watch Data":["Yang Song","Thomas Leung"],"Kernelized Structural SVM Learning for Supervised Object Segmentation":["Luca Bertelli","Tianli Yu"],"Large-Scale Image Annotation using Visual Synset":["David Tsai","Henry Rowley","Yi\n Liu"],"Limits on the Application of Frequency-based Language Models to OCR":["Ray Smith"],"Multicore Bundle Adjustment":["Sameer Agarwal"],"Privacy protection and face recognition":["Andrew Senior"],"Reading Digits in Natural Images with Unsupervised Feature Learning":["Alessandro Bissacco"],"Sparse coding of auditory features for machine hearing in interference":["Richard F. Lyon","Gal Chechik"],"Summary of Opus listening test results":["Jan\n Skoglund"],"Survey and Evaluation of Audio Fingerprinting Schemes for Mobile Query-By-Example\n Applications":["David\n Ross"],"Technical Overview of VP8, an open source video codec for the web":["Yaowu Xu"],"The Power of Comparative Reasoning":["Jay Yagnik","David Ross"],"Using a Cascade of Asymmetric Resonators with Fast-Acting Compression as a\n Cochlear Model for Machine-Hearing Applications":["Richard F. Lyon"],"Visual and Semantic Similarity in ImageNet":["Thomas Deselaers"],"Where's Waldo: Matching People in Images of Crowds":[],"YouTubeEvent: On Large-Scale Video Event Classification":["Yang Song","Ming Zhao"],"A Large-Scale Taxonomic Classification System for Web-based Videos":["Yang Song","Ming Zhao","Jay Yagnik"],"Baselines for Image Annotation":["Ameesh Makadia","Sanjiv Kumar"],"Beyond “Near-Duplicates”: Learning Hash Codes for Efficient Similar-Image\n Retrieval":["Shumeet Baluja","Michele Covell"],"Comparison of Clustering Approaches for Summarizing Large Populations of Images":["Michele Covell","Henry A. Rowley"],"Discontinuous Seam-Carving for Video Retargeting":["Matthias Grundmann","Vivek Kwatra","Mei\n Han","Irfan Essa"],"Document Image Analysis (Chapter 18)":["Luc Vincent"],"Efficient Hierarchical Graph-Based Video Segmentation":["Matthias Grundmann","Vivek Kwatra","Mei\n Han","Irfan Essa"],"Example-based Image Compression":["Michele Covell","Vivek Kwatra","Mei Han"],"Fast Covariance Computation and Dimensionality Reduction for Sub-Window Features\n in Images":["Vivek Kwatra","Mei Han"],"Feature Tracking for Wide-Baseline Image Retrieval":["Ameesh Makadia"],"Google Street View: Capturing the World at Street Level":["Stéphane Lafon","Richard Lyon","Luc Vincent"],"History and Future of Auditory Filter Models":["Richard F. Lyon"],"Improved Consistent Sampling, Weighted Minhash and L1 Sketching":[],"Looking for Pieces of Needles in Millions of Haystacks: Finding Distorted\n Audio/Video Snippets":["Michele Covell","Shumeet Baluja"],"Machine Hearing: An Emerging Field":["Richard F. 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Lyon"],"Practical MythTV: Building a PVR and Media Center PC":[],"Raising Global Awareness with Google Earth":["Rebecca Moore"],"Robust music identification, detection, and analysis":["M. Mohri","Pedro J. Moreno"],"Temporally Consistent Reconstruction from Multiple Video Streams using Enhanced\n Belief Propagation":[],"Advertisement Detection and Replacement using Acoustic and Visual Repetition":["Michele Covell","Shumeet Baluja","Michael\n Fink"],"Content Fingerprinting Using Wavelets":["Shumeet Baluja","Michele Covell"],"Detecting Ads in Video Streams using Acoustic and Visual Cues":["Michele Covell","Shumeet Baluja","Michael\n Fink"],"Globally Minimal Surfaces by Continuous Maximal Flows":["Ben Appleton"],"Large Scale Image-Based Adult-Content Filtering":["Henry A. 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{"Both Complete and Correct? Multi-Objective Optimization of Touchscreen Keyboard":["Xiaojun Bi","Tom\n Ouyang","Shumin Zhai"],"Designing an Energy-Efficient Could Messaging Service for Smartphones":["Ashish Sharma"],"Designing for Healthy Lifestyles: Design Considerations for Mobile Technologies\n to Encourage Consumer Health and Wellness":["Sunny Consolvo"],"Detecting Tapping Motion on the Side of Mobile Devices By Probabilistically\n Combining Hand Postures":["Yang Li"],"InkAnchor: Enhancing Informal Ink-Based Note Taking on Touchscreen Mobile Phones":["Yang Li"],"Optimistic Programming of Touch Interaction":["Yang Li"],"Reflection: Enabling Event Prediction As an On-Device Service for Mobile\n Interaction":["Yang Li"],"Teaching Motion Gestures via Recognizer Feedback":["Yang Li"],"The Power of Smartphones":["Roy Want"],"Bayesian Touch - A Statistic Criterion of Target Selection with Finger Touch":["Xiaojun Bi","Shumin Zhai"],"Behavior-Oriented Data Resource Management in Medical Sensing Systems":["Hyduke Noshadi","Foad Dabiri"],"Capturing Mobile Experience in the Wild: A Tale of Two Apps":["Shravan Rayanchu"],"Chale, How Much it Cost to Browse? Results from a Mobile Data Price Transparency\n Trial in Ghana":["Nithya Sambasivan","Paul Lee","Greg Hecht","Paul M. Aoki","Maria-Ines Carrera","Jenny Chen","David Pablo\n Cohn"],"CrowdLearner: Rapidly Creating Mobile Recognizers Using Crowdsourcing":["Yang Li"],"HERMES: Mobile system for instability analysis and balance assessment":["Hyduke Noshadi","Foad Dabiri"],"Open project: a lightweight framework for remote sharing of mobile applications":["Yang Li"],"Swipe vs. scroll: web page switching on mobile browsers":["Andrew Warr","Ed H.\n Chi"],"ADEL: An automatic detector of energy leaks for smartphone applications":["Lei Yang"],"Bimanual gesture keyboard":["Xiaojun Bi","Ciprian Chelba","Tom\n Ouyang","Shumin Zhai"],"Bridging communications and the physical world":["Omer Boyaci"],"Cost-effective voting":["Lantian Zheng"],"DIPLOMA: Consistent and Coherent Shared Memory over Mobile Phones":["Niket Agarwal"],"Gesture-based interaction: a new dimension for mobile user interfaces":["Yang Li"],"Google's C/C++ toolchain for smart handheld devices":["Doug Kwan"],"Inter-contact Routing for Energy-constrained Disaster Response Networks":["Hossein Ahmadi"],"Interactive Digital Signage":["Roy Want","Bill\n Schilit"],"MOIST: A Scalable and Parallel Moving Object Indexer with School Tracking":["Hongji Bao"],"Notification of event by mobile communications device using radio frequency\n transmitter":["Lantian Zheng"],"Tap, swipe, or move: attentional demands for distracted smartphone input":["Yang Li"],"Ubiquitous search for smart workspaces":["Daniel M. Russell"],"Mobile Computing: Looking to the Future":["Bill N. Schilit"],"Programming Micro-Aerial Vehicle Swarms With Karma":["Matt Welsh"],"Accurate Online Power Estimation and Automatic Battery Behavior Based Power Model\n Generation for Smartphones":["Lei Yang"],"Energy Optimization in Wireless Medical Systems Using Physiological Behavior":["Hyduke Noshadi","Foad Dabiri"],"Juggler: Virtual Networks for Fun and Profit":["Anthony J. Nicholson"],"Usage Patterns in an Urban WiFi Network":["Tsuwei Chen"],"CENTAUR: realizing the full potential of centralized wlans through a hybrid data\n path":["Shravan\n Rayanchu"],"Activity Recognition for the Digital Home":["Bill N. Schilit"],"Analysis of a Mixed-Use Urban WiFi Network: When Metropolitan becomes Neapolitan":["Tsuwei Chen"],"Architecture-Driven Software Mobility in Support of QoS Requirements":["Marija Mikic-Rakic"],"RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)":[],"Deciphering Trends in Mobile Search":["Maryam Kamvar","Shumeet Baluja"],"TOLB: A Traffic-Oblivious Load-Balancing Protocol for Next-Generation Sensornets":[],"The Role of Context in Query Input: Using contexual signals to complete queries\n on mobile devices":["Maryam Kamvar","Shumeet Baluja"],"A Large Scale Study of Wireless Search Behavior: Google Mobile Search":["Maryam Kamvar","Shumeet Baluja"],"Pervasive Computing in the Home and Community":["Lin Liao"],"Report on the Mobile Search Workshop at WWW 2002":["Bay-Wei Chang"]}
{"A Crossing-Sensitive Third-Order Factorization for Dependency Parsing":["Emily Pitler"],"A Database for Measuring Linguistic Information Content.":["Richard Sproat"],"A Discriminative Latent Variable Model for Online Clustering":["Rajhans Samdani"],"A New Entity Salience Task with Millions of Training Examples":["Dan Gillick"],"A Scalable Gibbs Sampler for Probabilistic Entity Linking":["Neil Houlsby","Massimiliano Ciaramita"],"An Extension of BLANC to System Mentions":["Xiaoqiang Luo","Marta Recasens"],"Applications of Maximum Entropy Rankers to Problems in Spoken Language Processing":["Richard Sproat","Keith Hall"],"Bridging Text and Knowledge with Frames":["Srini Narayanan"],"Computer-aided quality assurance of an Icelandic pronunciation dictionary":["Martin Jansche"],"Discriminative pronunciation modeling for dialectal speech recognition":["Izhak Shafran"],"Enforcing Structural Diversity in Cube-pruned Dependency Parsing":["Hao Zhang","Ryan McDonald"],"Enhanced Search with Wildcards and Morphological Inflections in the Google Books\n Ngram Viewer":["Dipanjan\n Das","Slav Petrov"],"Frame-Semantic Parsing":["Dipanjan Das"],"Great Question! 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Test Suite for Parsing Evaluation":["Edgar Gonzàlez"],"Parallel Algorithms for Unsupervised Tagging":["Sujith Ravi","Sergei Vassilivitskii"],"Projecting the Knowledge Graph to Syntactic Parsing":["Andrea Gesmundo","Keith Hall"],"ReNoun: Fact Extraction for Nominal Attributes":["Steven Whang","Alon Halevy"],"SUIT: A Supervised User-Item based Topic model for Sentiment Analysis":["Fangtao Li"],"Scoring Coreference Partitions of Predicted Mentions: A Reference Implementation":["Xiaoqiang Luo","Marta Recasens"],"Semantic Frame Identification with Distributed Word Representations":["Dipanjan Das","Kuzman Ganchev"],"The SMAPH System for Query Entity Recognition and Disambiguation":["Massimiliano Ciaramita"],"A Dataset of Syntactic-Ngrams over Time from a Very Large Corpus of English Books":["Jon Orwant"],"Breaking Out of Local Optima with Count Transforms and Model Recombination: A\n Study in Grammar Induction":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Connecting Language and Knowledge Bases with Embedding Models for Relation\n Extraction":[],"Cross-Lingual Discriminative Learning of Sequence Models with Posterior\n Regularization":["Kuzman Ganchev","Dipanjan Das"],"Deceptive Answer Prediction with User Preference Graph":["Fangtao Li","Xiance Si","Decheng\n Dai"],"Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space":["Greg S. Corrado","Jeffrey Dean"],"Empirical Exploration of Language Modeling for the Query Stream as\n Applied to Mobile Voice Search":["Ciprian Chelba"],"Enlisting the Ghost: Modeling Empty Categories for Machine Translation":["Xiaoqiang Luo"],"Filling Knowledge Base Gaps for Distant Supervision of Relation Extraction":["Le Zhao"],"HEADY: News headline abstraction through event pattern clustering":["Enrique Alfonseca"],"Hierarchical Geographical Modeling of User locations from Social Media Posts":["Amr Ahmed"],"Identifying Phrasal Verbs Using Many Bilingual Corpora":["John DeNero"],"Language-Independent Discriminative Parsing of Temporal Expressions":["Jakob Uszkoreit"],"One Billion Word Benchmark for Measuring Progress in Statistical Language\n Modeling":["Ciprian Chelba","Mike Schuster"],"Online Learning for Inexact Hypergraph Search":["Hao Zhang","Ryan McDonald"],"Open-Domain Fine-Grained Class Extraction from Web Search Queries":["Marius Pasca"],"Overcoming the Lack of Parallel Data in Sentence Compression":["Katja Filippova"],"ReFr: An Open-Source Reranker Framework":["Daniel M. Bikel","Keith B. 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Spitkovsky"],"A Data-Driven Approach to Question Subjectivity Identification in Community\n Question Answering":["Xiance Si"],"A Feature-Rich Constituent Context Model for Grammar Induction":["John DeNero","Jakob Uszkoreit"],"A Pushdown Transducer Extension for the OpenFst Library":["Cyril Allauzen","Michael Riley"],"A Universal Part-of-Speech Tagset":["Slav Petrov","Dipanjan Das","Ryan\n McDonald"],"Attribute Extraction from Conjectural Queries":["Marius Pasca"],"Bootstrapping Dependency Grammar Inducers from Incomplete Sentence Fragments via\n Austere Models":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Capitalization Cues Improve Dependency Grammar Induction":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Cross-lingual Word Clusters for Direct Transfer of Linguistic Structure":["Oscar Tackstrom","Ryan McDonald","Jakob Uszkoreit"],"DualSum: A Topic-Model for Update Summarization":["Enrique Alfonseca"],"Entity Disambiguation with Freebase":["Xiance Si","Fangtao Li"],"Generalized Higher-Order Dependency Parsing with Cube Pruning":["Hao Zhang","Ryan McDonald"],"Hallucinated N-Best Lists for Discriminative Language Modeling":["Brian\n Roark","Izhak Shafran","Daniel M. Bikel","Keith Hall"],"Haptic Voice Recognition Grand Challenge":["H. Liao"],"Improved Domain Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation":["Klaus Macherey","Wolfgang Macherey","Peng Xu"],"Instance-Driven Attachment of Semantic Annotations over Conceptual Hierarchies":["Marius Pasca"],"Joint Learning of Words and Meaning Representations for Open-Text Semantic\n Parsing.":[],"Language Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition Meets the Web: Google Search\n by Voice":["Ciprian Chelba","Boulos Harb","Carolina Parada","Cyril Allauzen","Michael Riley","Peng\n Xu"],"Large Scale Language Modeling in Automatic Speech Recognition":["Ciprian Chelba","Dan Bikel","Shankar Kumar"],"Large-scale Discriminative Language Model Reranking for Voice Search":["Ciprian Chelba"],"Multilingual Natural Language Processing Applications: From Theory to Practice":["Daniel M. Bikel"],"Optimal Size, Freshness and Time-frame for Voice Search Vocabulary":["Maryam Kamvar","Ciprian Chelba"],"Overview of the 2012 Shared Task on Parsing the Web":["Slav Petrov","Ryan McDonald"],"Pattern Learning for Relation Extraction with Hierarchical Topic Models":["Enrique Alfonseca","Katja Filippova"],"Syntactic Annotations for the Google Books Ngram Corpus":["Jon Orwant","Slav Petrov"],"The OpenGrm Open-Source Finite-State Grammar Software Libraries":["Brian Roark","Richard Sproat","Cyril Allauzen","Michael\n Riley","Jeffrey Sorensen"],"Three Dependency-and-Boundary Models for Grammar Induction":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Unsupervised Translation Sense Clustering":["John DeNero","Dekang Lin"],"User Demographics and Language in an Implicit Social Network":["Katja Filippova"],"Using Search-Logs to Improve Query Tagging":["Kuzman Ganchev","Keith B. Hall","Ryan\n McDonald","Slav Petrov"],"Vine Pruning for Efficient Multi-Pass Dependency Parsing":["Slav Petrov"],"A Tweet Consumers' Look At Twitter Trends":["Thomas Steiner"],"Adding Meaning to Facebook Microposts via a Mash-up API and Tracking Its Data\n Provenance":["Thomas Steiner"],"Analyzing and Integrating Dependency Parsers":["Ryan McDonald"],"Asking What No One Has Asked Before: Using Phrase Similarities to Generate\n Synthetic Web Search Queries":["Marius Pasca"],"Beam-Width Prediction for Efficient Context-Free Parsing":["Keith Hall","Brian Roark"],"Binarized Forest to String Translation":["Hao Zhang","Peng Xu"],"Blognoon: Exploring a Topic in the Blogosphere":["Dmitry\n Lizorkin"],"Controlling Complexity in Part-of-Speech Induction":["Kuzman Ganchev","Fernando Pereira"],"Corrective Dependency Parsing":["Keith B. Hall"],"Deterministic Statistical Mapping of Sentences to Underspecified Semantics":["Pi-Chuan Chang","Michael Ringgaard"],"Discovering fine-grained sentiment with latent variable structured prediction\n models":["Oscar Tackstrom","Ryan McDonald"],"Efficient Parallel CKY Parsing on GPUs":["Slav Petrov"],"Fine-Grained Class Label Markup of Search Queries":["Marius Pasca"],"Gappy Phrasal Alignment by Agreement":[],"Improved Video Categorization from Text Metadata and User Comments":["Katja Filippova","Keith B. Hall"],"K2Q: Generating Natural Language Questions from Keywords with User Refinements":["Xiance Si"],"Large-Scale Cross-Document Coreference Using Distributed Inference and\n Hierarchical Models":["Amarnag Subramanya","Fernando Pereira"],"Learning to Rank Answers to Non-Factoid Questions from Web Collections":["Massimiliano\n Ciaramita"],"Multi-Source Transfer of Delexicalized Dependency Parsers":["Ryan McDonald","Slav Petrov","Keith\n B. Hall"],"Piggyback: Using Search Engines for Robust Cross-Domain Named Entity Recognition":["Massimiliano\n Ciaramita"],"Posterior Sparsity in Dependency Grammar Induction":["Kuzman Ganchev","Fernando Pereira"],"Punctuation: Making a Point in Unsupervised Dependency Parsing":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Question Identification on Twitter, Accepted by CIKM 2011":["Xiance Si"],"Ranking Class Labels Using Query Sessions":["Marius Pasca"],"Semi-supervised Latent Variable Models for Fine-grained Sentiment Analysis":["Oscar Tackstrom","Ryan McDonald"],"Training Structured Prediction Models with Extrinsic Loss Functions":["Keith Hall","Ryan McDonald","Slav\n Petrov"],"Training a Parser for Machine Translation Reordering":["Slav Petrov","Ryan McDonald","David Talbot"],"Training dependency parsers by jointly optimizing multiple objectives":["Keith B. Hall","Ryan McDonald","Michael Ringgaard"],"Unsupervised Dependency Parsing without Gold Part-of-Speech Tags":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging with Bilingual Graph-Based Projections":["Dipanjan Das","Slav Petrov"],"A Comparison of Features for Automatic Readability Assessment":["Martin Jansche"],"A novel approach for proper name transliteration verification":["J. Sorensen"],"Acquisition of Instance Attributes via Labeled and Related Instances":["Enrique Alfonseca","Marius Pasca"],"Building Transcribed Speech Corpora Quickly and Cheaply for Many Languages":["Thad Hughes","Pedro Moreno"],"Direct Construction of Compact Context-Dependency Transducers From Data":["Michael Riley"],"Distributed MAP Inference for Undirected Graphical Models":["Amarnag Subramanya","Fernando Pereira"],"Efficient Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning of Structured Tagging Models":["Amarnag Subramanya","Slav Petrov","Fernando Pereira"],"Evaluation of Dependency Parsers on Unbounded Dependencies":["Ryan McDonald"],"Expected Sequence Similarity Maximization":["Cyril Allauzen","Shankar Kumar","Wolfgang Macherey","Mehryar Mohri","Michael\n Riley"],"Experiments in Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning Methods for Class-Instance\n Acquisition":["Fernando Pereira"],"From Baby Steps to Leapfrog: How “Less is More” in Unsupervised Dependency\n Parsing":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Learning Better Monolingual Models with Unannotated Bilingual Text":["Slav Petrov","John Blitzer"],"Learning Dense Models of Query Similarity from User Click Logs":["Keith Hall","Massimiliano Ciaramita"],"Lightly Supervised Learning of Text Normalization: Russian Number Names":["Richard Sproat"],"Logical Leaps and Quantum Connectives: Forging Paths through Predication Space":[],"Multi-Sentence Compression: Finding Shortest Paths in Word Graphs":["Katja Filippova"],"Products of Random Latent Variable Grammars":["Slav Petrov"],"Profiting from Mark-Up: Hyper-Text Annotations for Guided Parsing":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Proper Name Transcription/Transliteration with ICU Transforms":["Martin Jansche"],"Query Language Modeling for Voice Search":["Ciprian Chelba","Boulos Harb","Carolina Parada","Peng Xu"],"Query Rewriting using Monolingual Statistical Machine Translation":["Yi Liu"],"Self-training with Products of Latent Variable Grammars":["Slav Petrov"],"Sparsity in Dependency Grammar Induction":["Kuzman Ganchev","Fernando Pereira"],"Speech Recognition for Mobiles Devices at Google":["Mike Schuster"],"Study on Interaction between Entropy Pruning and Kneser-Ney Smoothing":["Ciprian Chelba","Peng Xu"],"The Role of Queries in Ranking Labeled Instances Extracted from Text":["Marius Pasca"],"The Role of Query Sessions in Extracting Instance Attributes from Web Search\n Queries":["Marius Pasca","Enrique Alfonseca","Keith Hall"],"The Semantic Vectors Package: New Algorithms and Public Tools for Distributional\n Semantics":[],"The Viability of Web-derived Polarity Lexicons":["Ryan McDonald"],"Uptraining for Accurate Deterministic Question Parsing":["Slav Petrov","Pi-Chuan Chang","Michael Ringgaard"],"Using Web-scale N-grams to Improve Base NP Parsing Performance":["Emily Pitler","Dekang Lin"],"Viterbi Training Improves Unsupervised Dependency Parsing":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Voice Search for Development":["Pedro J. Moreno"],"What’s great and what’s not: learning to classify the scope of negation for\n improved sentiment analysis":["Ryan McDonald"],"A Generalized Composition Algorithm for Weighted Finite-State Transducers":["Cyril Allauzen","Michael Riley"],"A Panlingual Anomalous Text Detector":[],"A Study on Similarity and Relatedness Using Distributional and WordNet-based\n Approaches":["Enrique Alfonseca","Keith Hall","Marius Pasca"],"An Approach to Web-Scale Named-Entity Disambiguation":[],"Automatic Adaptation of Annotation Standards: Chinese Word Segmentation and POS\n Tagging - A Case Study":[],"Baby Steps: How “Less is More” in Unsupervised Dependency Parsing":["Valentin I. Spitkovsky"],"Back-off Language Model Compression":["Boulos Harb","Ciprian Chelba","Jeffrey\n Dean","Sanjay Ghemawat"],"Bilingually-Constrained (Monolingual) Shift-Reduce Parsing":[],"Combining Language Modeling and Discriminative Classification for Word\n Segmentation":["Dekang Lin"],"Contrastive summarization: An experiment with consumer reviews":["Ryan McDonald"],"Dependency Parsing":["Ryan McDonald"],"Distributed language models":["Peng Xu"],"Finite-State Machines for Mining Patterns in Very Large Text Repositories":[],"Gazpacho and summer rash: lexical relationships from temporal patterns of web\n search queries":["Enrique Alfonseca","Massimiliano Ciaramita","Keith Hall"],"Generative and Discriminative Latent Variable Grammars":["Slav Petrov"],"Glen, Glenda or Glendale: Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning of English\n Noun Gender":["Dekang Lin"],"Integrating sentence- and word-level error identification for disfluency\n correction":["Keith B.\n Hall"],"Language modelling for what-with-where on GOOG-411":[],"Large-scale Computation of Distributional Similarities for Queries":["Enrique Alfonseca","Keith Hall"],"Large-scale Semantic Networks: Annotation and Evaluation":["Keith B. Hall"],"Latent Variable Models of Concept-Attribute Attachment":["Marius Pasca"],"Low-Cost Supervision for Multiple-Source Attribute Extraction":["Marius Pasca"],"Named Entity Transcription with Pair n-Gram Models":["Martin Jansche","Richard Sproat"],"OpenFst: An Open-Source, Weighted Finite-State Transducer Library and its\n Applications to Speech and Language":["Michael Riley","Cyril Allauzen","Martin Jansche"],"Outclassing Wikipedia in Open-Domain Information Extraction: Weakly-Supervised\n Acquisition of Attributes over Conceptual Hierarchies":["Marius Pasca"],"Phrase Clustering for Discriminative Learning":["Dekang Lin"],"Posterior vs. Parameter Sparsity in Latent Variable Models":["Kuzman Ganchev","Fernando Pereira"],"Randomized Pruning: Efficiently Calculating Expectations in Large Dynamic\n Programs":["Slav Petrov"],"Reconstructing false start errors in spontaneous speech text":["Keith B. Hall"],"Semantic Vector Combinations and the Synoptic Gospels":[],"Semi-Supervised Polarity Lexicon Induction":["Deepak Ravichandran"],"Sentiment Summarization: Evaluating and Learning User Preferences":["Ryan\n McDonald"],"The CoNLL-2009 Shared Task: Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies in Multiple\n Languages":["Massimiliano Ciaramita"],"Using a dependency parser to improve SMT for subject-object-verb languages":["Peng Xu","Michael Ringgaard"],"Using the web for language independent spellchecking and autocorrection":["Casey Whitelaw"],"Web-Derived Resources for Web Information Retrieval: From Conceptual Hierarchies\n to Attribute Hierarchies":["Marius Pasca","Enrique Alfonseca"],"Web-Scale N-gram Models for Lexical Disambiguation":["Dekang Lin"],"A Joint Model of Text and Aspect Ratings for Sentiment Summarization":["Ryan McDonald"],"Answering Definition Questions via Temporally-Anchored Text Snippets":["Marius Pasca"],"Building a Sentiment Summarizer for Local Service Reviews":["Ryan\n McDonald"],"Decompounding query keywords from compounding languages":["Enrique Alfonseca"],"Discriminative learning of selectional preference from unlabeled text":["Dekang Lin"],"Distributional Identification of Non-Referential Pronouns":["Dekang Lin"],"Finding Cars, Goddesses and Enzymes: Parametrizable Acquisition of Labeled\n Instances for Open-Domain Information Extraction":["Marius Pasca"],"German decompounding in a difficult corpus":["Enrique Alfonseca"],"Integrating Graph-based and Transition-based Dependency Parsers":["Ryan McDonald"],"Large Scale Acquisition of Paraphrases for Learning Surface Patterns":["Deepak Ravichandran"],"Randomized Language Models via Perfect Hash Functions":["David Talbot"],"Reading the Markets: Forecasting Public Opinion of Political Candidates by News\n Analysis":["Fernando\n Pereira"],"Semantic Vector Products: Some Initial Investigations":[],"Towards Temporal Web Search":["Marius Pasca"],"Translating Queries into Snippets for Improved Query Expansion":["Yi Liu"],"Turning Web Text and Search Queries into Factual Knowledge: Hierarchical Class\n Attribute Extraction":["Marius Pasca"],"Using Structured Text for Large-Scale Attribute Extraction":["Sujith Ravi","Marius Pasca"],"Weakly-Supervised Acquisition of Labeled Class Instances using Graph Random Walks":["Marius\n Pasca","Deepak Ravichandran","Fernando Pereira"],"Weakly-Supervised Acquisition of Open-Domain Classes and Class Attributes from\n Web Documents and Query Logs":["Marius Pasca"],"Web-scale named entity recognition":["Casey Whitelaw","Nemanja Petrovic"],"Wide-Coverage Deep Statistical Parsing using Automatic Dependency Structure\n Annotation":[],"A Study of Global Inference Algorithms in Multi-Document Summarization":["Ryan McDonald"],"Characterizing the Errors of Data-Driven Dependency Parsers":["Ryan McDonald"],"Frustratingly Hard Domain Adaptation for Dependency Parsing":["John Blitzer","Kuzman Ganchev","Fernando Pereira"],"How difficult is it to develop a perfect spell-checker? A cross-linguistic\n analysis through complex network approach":["Markose Thomas"],"Inference in Text Understanding":["Peter Norvig"],"Lightweight Web-Based Fact Repositories for Textual Question Answering":["Marius Pasca"],"N-Gram Statistical Similarities and Differences between Chinese and English":[],"On the Complexity of Non-Projective Data-Driven Dependency Parsing":["Ryan McDonald"],"Organizing and Searching the World Wide Web of Facts - Step Two: Harnessing the\n Wisdom of the Crowds":["Marius Pasca"],"Reconocimiento de Entidades, Resolución de Correferencia y Extracción de\n Relaciones":["Enrique Alfonseca"],"Simple training of dependency parsers via structured boosting":["Dekang Lin"],"Statistical Machine Translation for Query Expansion in Answer Retrieval":["Ioannis\n Tsochantaridis","Yi Liu"],"Structured Models for Fine-to-Coarse Sentiment Analysis":["Ryan McDonald"],"The Role of Documents vs. Queries in Extracting Class Attributes from Text":["Marius Pasca"],"Weakly-Supervised Discovery of Named Entities Using Web Search Queries":["Marius Pasca"],"What You Seek is What You Get: Extraction of Class Attributes from Query Logs":["Marius Pasca"],"A Context Pattern Induction Method for Named Entity Extraction":["Fernando Pereira"],"Bootstrapping Path-Based Pronoun Resolution":["Dekang Lin"],"Comparative Experiments on Sentiment Classification for Online Product Reviews":["Mayur Datar"],"Integrating probabilistic extraction models and data mining to discover relations\n and patterns in text":[],"Names and Similarities on the Web: Fact Extraction in the Fast Lane":["Marius Pasca","Dekang Lin"],"Organizing and Searching the World Wide Web of Facts - Step One: the One-Million\n Fact Extraction Challenge":["Marius Pasca","Dekang Lin"],"Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar Induction Based on Structural Zeros":["Mehryar Mohri","Brian Roark"],"Soft Syntactic Constraints for Word Alignment through Discriminative Training":["Dekang Lin"],"Using Encyclopedic Knowledge for Named Entity Disambiguation":["Marius Pasca"],"On a Common Fallacy in Computational Linguistics":["Mehryar Mohri","Richard Sproat"],"Aligning Needles in a Haystack: Paraphrase Acquisition Across the Web":["Marius Pasca","Peter Dienes"],"Finding Instance Names and Alternative Glosses on the Web: WordNet Reloaded":["Marius Pasca"],"Local Grammar Algorithms":["Mehryar Mohri"],"Mining Paraphrases from Self-Anchored Web Sentence Fragments":["Marius Pasca"],"Strictly lexical dependency parsing":["Dekang Lin"],"Statistical Natural Language Processing":["Mehryar Mohri"],"The Design Principles and Algorithms of a Weighted Grammar Library":["Cyril Allauzen","Mehryar Mohri","Brian\n Roark"],"Acquisition of Categorized Named Entities for Web Search":["Marius Pasca"],"Searching the Web by Voice":["Brian Milch"]}
{"An Adaptable Rule Placement for Software Defined Networks":["Franjo Ivancic"],"Cicada: Predictive Guarantees for Cloud Network Bandwidth":[],"Generating Consistent Updates for Software-Defined Network Configurations":["Franjo Ivancic"],"Libra: Divide and Conquer to Verify Forwarding Tables in Huge Networks":["Amin Vahdat","Junda Liu"],"RFC7304 - A Method for Mitigating Namespace Collisions":["Warren Kumari"],"RFC7342 - Practices for Scaling ARP and Neighbor Discovery (ND) in Large Data\n Centers":["Warren Kumari"],"RFC7344 - Automating DNSSEC Delegation Trust Maintenance":[],"Software Defined Networking at Scale":["Bikash Koley"],"Sources of Traffic Demand Variability and Use of Monte Carlo for Network Capacity\n Planning":["Alexander Gilgur"],"Troubleshooting PON networks effectively with Carrier-grade Ethernet and WDM-PON":["Rafael Sanchez"],"What devices do data centers need":["Cedric F. Lam","Ryohei Urata","Hong\n Liu"],"A 10 us Hybrid Optical-Circuit/Electrical-Packet Network for Data Centers":["Amin Vahdat"],"Approximation Algorithms for the Directed k-Tour and k-Stroll Problems":["Mohammadhossein Bateni"],"B4: Experience with a Globally Deployed Software Defined WAN":["Leon Poutievski","Urs Hölzle","Amin Vahdat"],"CSRIC III WORKING GROUP 4 Network Security Best Practices FINAL Report – BGP\n Security Best Practice":["Jason Schiller"],"Capturing Mobile Experience in the Wild: A Tale of Two Apps":["Shravan Rayanchu"],"Comparative study of classifiers to mitigate intersymbol interference in diffuse\n indoor optical wireless communication links":["Joe Faith"],"Cross Platform Network Access Control":["Paul (Tony) Watson"],"Demonstration of WDM OSNR performance monitoring and operating guidelines for\n pol-muxed 200Gbit/s 16-QAM and 100Gbit/s QPSK data channels":["Xiaoxue Zhao"],"Drilling Network Stacks with packetdrill":["Neal Cardwell"],"Ensuring Connectivity via Data Plane Mechanisms":["Junda Liu"],"Handling Packet Loss in WebRTC":["Stefan Holmer"],"Improved Approximation Algorithms for (Budgeted) Node-weighted Steiner Problems":["Mohammadhossein Bateni"],"Network Utilization: The Flow View":["Michal\n Segalov"],"RFC 6937 - Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP":["Matt Mathis","Nandita Dukkipati","Yuchung Cheng"],"RFC6928 - Increasing TCP's Initial Window":["H.K. Jerry Chu","Nandita Dukkipati","Yuchung Cheng","Matt\n Mathis"],"Real-time communications for the web":["Ted Hardie"],"Reducing Web Latency: the Virtue of Gentle Aggression":["Nandita Dukkipati","Andreas Terzis","Neal Cardwell","Yuchung Cheng"],"Rogue Femtocell Owners: How Mallory Can Monitor My Devices":["Niall Richard\n Murphy"],"Scalability vs. Fault Tolerance in Aspen Trees":["Amin\n Vahdat"],"Shortest paths avoiding forbidden subpaths":["Mustaq Ahmed"],"The Prospect of Inter-Data-Center Optical Networks":["Xiaoxue Zhao","Bikash Koley","Valey Kamalov"],"Using transparent WDM metro rings to provide an out-of-band control network for\n OpenFlow in MAN":["Rafael Sanchez"],"packetdrill: Scriptable Network Stack Testing, from Sockets to Packets":["Neal Cardwell","Yuchung Cheng","Lawrence Brakmo","Matt\n Mathis","Nandita\n Dukkipati","Hsiao-keng Jerry Chu","Andreas Terzis"],"A Guided Tour of Datacenter Networking":["Dennis Abts","Bob Felderman"],"Bridging communications and the physical world":["Omer Boyaci"],"Comparing In-Browser Methods of Measuring Resource Load Times":["Dominic Hamon"],"Deadline-Aware Datacenter TCP (D2TCP)":["Jahangir Hasan"],"Edge-preserving self-healing: keeping network backbones densely connected":[],"Efficient Computation of Distance Sketches in Distributed Networks":[],"End-to-end Verification of QoS Policies":["Adel El-Atawy"],"High Performance, Low Cost, Colorless ONU for WDM-PON":["Ryohei Urata","Cedric Lam","Hong\n Liu"],"How to Split a Flow":["Michal Segalov"],"LatLong: Diagnosing Wide-Area Latency Changes for CDNs":["Aspi Siganporia","Sridhar Srinivasan"],"Less is more: trading a little bandwidth for ultra-low latency in the data center":["Amin Vahdat"],"Near-Optimal Random Walk Sampling in Distributed Networks":[],"Portable and Performant Userspace SCTP Stack":["Brad Penoff"],"RFC6583 - Operational Neighbor Discovery Problems":["Warren Kumari"],"SPI-SNOOPER: a hardware-software approach for transparent network monitoring in\n wireless sensor networks":["Mohammad Sajjad Hossain"],"Silicon Photonics for Optical Access Networks":["Ryohei Urata","Hong Liu","Cedric\n Lam"],"Towards A Unified Modeling and Verification of Network and System Security\n Configuration":["Adel\n El-Atawy"],"Traffic Anomaly Detection Based on the IP Size Distribution":["Ahmed Metwally"],"Trickle: Rate Limiting YouTube Video Streaming":["Monia Ghobadi","Yuchung Cheng","Matt Mathis"],"Upward Max Min Fairness":["Michal Segalov"],"100GbE and beyond for warehouse scale computing interconnects":["Bikash Koley"],"Computing TCP's Retransmission Timer":["H.K. Jerry Chu"],"DDoS Protections for SMTP Servers":[],"Data-driven network connectivity":["Junda Liu"],"Diagnosing performance changes by comparing request flows":["Michael De\n Rosa"],"Drivers and applications of optical technologies for Internet Data Center\n networks":["Cedric F. Lam","Bikash Koley"],"Energy-Efficient Protocol for Cooperative Networks":["Mohamed Elhawary"],"Evolutionary Models and Cyber-replicas of Large Small Worlds.":["Silvio Lattanzi","D. Sivakumar"],"Joint consideration of energy-efficiency and coverage-preservation in microsensor\n networks":["Foad Dabiri","Hyduke Noshadi"],"Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP":["Nandita Dukkipati","Matt Mathis","Yuchung\n Cheng","Monia Ghobadi"],"QoS Policy Verification for DiffServ Networks":["Adel El-Atawy"],"RFC6472 - Recommendation for Not Using AS_SET and AS_CONFED_SET in BGP":["Warren Kumari"],"TCP Fast Open":["Yuchung Cheng","Jerry Chu","Arvind Jain"],"Topology Discovery of Sparse Random Graphs With Few Participants":[],"Universal Gigabit Optical Access":["James F.Kelly"],"100GbE and Beyond for Warehouse Scale Computing":["Bikash Koley","Cedric Lam"],"Access and Analyze Broadband Measurements Collected using M-Lab":["Tiziana Refice"],"An Argument for Increasing TCP's Initial Congestion Window":["Nandita Dukkipati","Tiziana Refice","Yuchung Cheng","Jerry Chu","Arvind Jain"],"Evaluating IPv6 adoption in the Internet":["Lorenzo Colitti","Erik Kline","Tiziana Refice"],"FTTH look ahead — technologies & architectures":["Cedric F. Lam"],"Fiber Optic Communication Technologies: What’s Needed for Datacenter Network\n Operations":["Cedric F. Lam","Hong Liu","Bikash\n Koley","Xiaoxue Zhao","Valey Kamalov"],"Field verification of 40G DPSK upgrade in a legacy 10G network":["Valey Kamalov","Bikash Koley","Xiaoxue Zhao","Cedric F. Lam"],"Hardware Requirements for Optical Circuit Switched Data Center Networks":["Hong\n Liu","Amin Vahdat"],"Optimizing the update packet stream for web applications":["Muthuprasanna Muthusrinivasan"],"Scaling Optical Interconnects in Datacenter Networks Opportunities and Challenges\n for WDM":["Hong Liu","Cedric F. Lam"],"TCP Option to Denote Packet Mood":["Richard Hay"],"Usage Patterns in an Urban WiFi Network":["Tsuwei Chen"],"Characterizing End-to-End Packet Reordering with UDP Traffic":["Alexander Mohr"],"Competitive Routing over Time":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Cost-efficient Dragonfly Topology for Large-scale Systems":["Dennis\n Abts"],"Moving Beyond End-to-End Path Information to Optimize CDN Performance":["Rupa Krishnan","Sridhar Srinivasan"],"Passive aggressive measurement with MGRP":[],"RACNet: a high-fidelity data center sensing network":["Andreas Terzis"],"RFC5635 - Remote Triggered Black Hole filtering with uRPF":["Warren Kumari"],"Wireless Techniques in Optical Transport":["Cedric F. Lam"],"Analysis of a Mixed-Use Urban WiFi Network: When Metropolitan becomes Neapolitan":["Tsuwei Chen"],"Answering What-If Deployment and Configuration Questions with WISE":[],"Performance Optimization of TCP/IP over 10 Gigabit Ethernet by Precise\n Instrumentation":[],"Practical Large-Scale Latency Estimation":["David L. Presotto"],"Remote Medical Monitoring Through Vehicular Ad Hoc Network":["Hyduke Noshadi"],"The End of Eternity":["Niall Murphy"],"An Active Approach to Measuring Routing Dynamics Induced by Autonomous Systems":["Lorenzo\n Colitti"],"Investigating prefix propagation through active BGP probing":["Lorenzo Colitti"],"On the Accuracy of Multi-hop Relative Location Estimation in Wireless Sensor\n Networks":[],"The Complete April Fools RFCs":[],"Fast and memory-efficient regular expression matching for deep packet inspection":["Zhifeng Chen"],"Growth Codes: Maximizing Sensor Network Data Persistence":["Jon Feldman"],"Optimal Multicasting of Multiple Light-Trees of Different Bandwidth Granularities\n in a WDM Mesh Network With Sparse Splitting Capabilities":[],"The Effects of Faults on Network Expansion":["Ankur Bhargava"],"Data Reduction for the Scalable Automated Analysis of Distributed Darknet Traffic":["Niels\n Provos"],"Trickle: A Userland Bandwidth Shaper for Unix-like Systems":[],"Monkey See, Monkey Do: A Tool for TCP Tracing and Replaying":["Yu-Chung Cheng","Urs Hölzle","Neal\n Cardwell"],"Topology discovery in heterogeneous IP networks: the":[]}
{"A Language-Based Approach to Secure Quorum Replication":["Lantian Zheng"],"Dividing secrets to secure data outsourcing":["Ahmed Methwally"],"Enforcing Forward-Edge Control-Flow Integrity in GCC & LLVM":["Caroline Tice","Úlfar\n Erlingsson"],"Experimenting At Scale With Google Chrome's SSL Warning":["Adrienne Porter Felt","Robert W. Reeder","Sunny Consolvo"],"Macaroons: Cookies with Contextual Caveats for Decentralized Authorization in the\n Cloud":["Úlfar\n Erlingsson","Ankur Taly","Michael Vrable","Mark Lentczner"],"MiniBox: A Two-Way Sandbox for x86 Native Code":["Jonathan McCune","Will\n Drewry"],"RAPPOR: Randomized Aggregatable Privacy-Preserving Ordinal Response":["Úlfar Erlingsson"],"RFC7344 - Automating DNSSEC Delegation Trust Maintenance":[],"SSAC Advisory on Search List Processing":["Warren Kumari"],"Securing the Tangled Web":[],"Would a Privacy Fundamentalist Sell Their DNA for $1000...If Nothing Bad Happened\n as a Result? 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Reeder","Sunny Consolvo"],"Advisory on Internal Name Certificates":["Warren Kumari"],"Alice in Warningland: A Large-Scale Field Study of Browser Security Warning\n Effectiveness":["Adrienne Porter Felt"],"Anti-forensic resilient memory acquisition":["Michael Cohen"],"Authentication at Scale":[],"CAMP: Content-Agnostic Malware Protection":["Moheeb Abu Rajab","Lucas Ballard","Noe\n Lutz","Panayiotis Mavrommatis","Niels Provos"],"Cross Platform Network Access Control":["Paul (Tony) Watson"],"Crowd-Sourced Call Identification and Suppression":["Daniel V. Klein","Dean K. Jackson"],"Design, Implementation and Verification of an eXtensible and Modular Hypervisor\n Framework":["Jonathan McCune"],"Distributed Electronic Rights in JavaScript":["Mark S. Miller"],"Hunting in the Enterprise: Forensic Triage and Incident Response":["Andreas Moser","Michael Cohen"],"Identifying and Exploiting Windows Kernel Race Conditions via Memory Access\n Patterns":["Mateusz Jurczyk","Gynvael Coldwind"],"Making programs forget: Enforcing Lifetime for Sensitive Data":["Jayanthkumar Kannan"],"Rogue Femtocell Owners: How Mallory Can Monitor My Devices":["Niall Richard\n Murphy"],"S-links: Why distributed security policy requires secure introduction":["Joseph Bonneau"],"SAC062 - SSAC Advisory Concerning the Mitigation of Name Collision Risk":["Warren Kumari"],"Sok: The Evolution of Sybil Defense via Social Networks":["Silvio Lattanzi"],"Strato: A Retargetable Framework for Low-level Inlined Reference Monitors":["Úlfar Erlingsson"],"The Dangers of Composing Anonymous Channels":["Emilia Kasper"],"Trustworthy Proxies: Virtualizing Objects with Invariants":["Mark S. Miller"],"Verified Boot on Chrome OS and How to do it yourself":["Simon Glass"],"Verifying Cloud Services: Present and Future":["Alexander Shraer"],"A taste of Capsicum: practical capabilities for UNIX":["Ben\n Laurie"],"Advisory on Impacts of Content Blocking via the Domain Name System":["Warren Kumari"],"Browser Exploits as a Service: The Monetization of Driveby Downloads":["M. Rajab"],"Cloud Data Protection for the Masses":["Umesh\n Shankar"],"Contextual OTP: Mitigating Emerging Man-in-the-Middle Attacks with Wireless\n Hardware Tokens":["Yossi Matias","Moti Yung"],"Enhanced multi-factor authentication":["Lantian Zheng"],"How well can congestion pricing neutralize denial of service attacks?":[],"Let's Parse to Prevent Pwnage":["Úlfar Erlingsson"],"Lockdown: Towards a Safe and Practical Architecture for Security Applications on\n Commodity Platforms":[],"Manufacturing Compromise: The Emergence of Exploit-as-a-Service":["Lucas Ballard","Panayiotis Mavrommatis","Niels Provos","Moheeb Abu Rajab"],"Non-interactive CCA-Secure threshold cryptosystems with adaptive security: new\n framework and constructions":["Moti Yung"],"Origin-Bound Certificates: A Fresh Approach to Strong Client Authentication for\n the Web":["Dirk Balfanz"],"RFC6583 - Operational Neighbor Discovery Problems":["Warren Kumari"],"Robust Trait Composition for JavaScript":["Mark S. Miller"],"Scalable group signatures with revocation":["Moti Yung"],"Security and Testing":[],"Vanity or Privacy? Social Media as a Facilitator of Privacy and Trust":["Jessica Staddon"],"Address space randomization for mobile devices":[],"App Isolation: Get the Security of Multiple Browsers with Just One":["Charles Reis"],"Automated Analysis of Security-Critical JavaScript APIs":["Ankur Taly","Úlfar\n Erlingsson","Mark S.\n Miller"],"Digital Forensics with Open Source Tools":[],"Distributed forensics and incident response in the enterprise":["Michael Cohen"],"Fast Elliptic Curve Cryptography in OpenSSL":["Emilia Kasper"],"Hardware Trojan Detection Solutions and Design-for-Trust Challenges":[],"Indirect Content Privacy Surveys: Measuring Privacy Without Asking About It":["Jessica\n Staddon"],"Public vs. Publicized: Content Use Trends and Privacy Expectations":["Jessica Staddon"],"Rootkits in your web application":[],"Security Challenges During VLSI Test":[],"Security-Aware SoC Test Access Mechanisms":[],"ShellOS: Enabling fast detection and forensic analysis of code injection attacks":["Niels\n Provos"],"Third International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems, ESSoS\n 2011":["Úlfar Erlingsson"],"Transparency and Choice: Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Online World":["Jochen Eisinger"],"Automata Evaluation and Text Search Protocols with Simulation Based Security":["Jeffrey\n Sorensen"],"Dagstuhl Seminar 09141: Web Application Security (Abstracts collection)":["Úlfar Erlingsson"],"Drac: An Architecture for Anonymous Low-Volume Communications":["Ben Laurie"],"Engineering Privacy in an Age of Information Abundance":[],"Group Message Authentication":["Bartosz Przydatek"],"Improving users' security choices on home wireless networks":["Justin T. Ho"],"Large-Scale Automatic Classification of Phishing Pages":[],"Making Privacy a Fundamental Component of Web Resources":["Thomas Duebendorfer"],"Practical Privacy Concerns in a Real World Browser":["Jochen Eisinger"],"Protecting Browsers from Extension Vulnerabilities":["Adrienne Porter Felt"],"PseudoID: Enhancing Privacy in Federated Login":["Arkajit Dey"],"Public-Key Encryption in the Bounded-Retrieval Model":["Shabsi Walfish"],"Technology Companies are Best Positioned to Offer Health Record Trusts":["Umesh Shankar"],"The Nocebo Effect on the Web: An Analysis of Fake Anti-Virus Distribution":["Moheeb Abu Rajab","Lucas Ballard","Panayiotis Marvrommatis","Niels Provos"],"Trustworthy Hardware: Identifying and Classifying Hardware Trojans":[],"Universally optimal privacy mechanisms for minimax agents":["Mukund Sundararajan"],"Using the Wave Protocol to Represent Individuals’ Health Records":["Umesh Shankar"],"Web Application Obfuscation":[],"A New Randomness Extraction Paradigm for Hybrid Encryption":["Moti Yung"],"A Unified Framework for the Analysis of Side-Channel Key Recovery Attacks":["Moti\n Yung"],"Balancing Usability and Security in a Video CAPTCHA":["Kurt Alfred Kluever"],"Browser Security: Lessons from Google Chrome":["Charles Reis"],"Capacity of Steganographic Channels":["Jeremiah Harmsen"],"Composability and On-Line Deniability of Authentication":["Shabsi Walfish"],"Constructing Variable-Length PRPs and SPRPs from Fixed-Length PRPs":["Moti Yung"],"E Unum Pluribus - Google Network Filtering Management":["Paul (Tony) Watson"],"Efficient Robust Private Set Intersection":["Moti Yung"],"Efficient Traceable Signatures in the Standard Model":["Moti Yung"],"Efficient and secure authenticated key exchange using weak passwords":["Moti Yung"],"Elastic block ciphers: method, security and instantiations":["Moti Yung"],"Expecting the Unexpected: Towards Robust Credential Infrastructure":["Moti Yung"],"Firefox (In)Security Update Dynamics Exposed":["Thomas Duebendorfer"],"Generative usability: security and user centered design beyond the appliance":[],"Key Evolution Systems in Untrusted Update Environments":["Moti\n Yung"],"MAC Reforgeability":["Martin Cochran"],"On the Portability of Generalized Schnorr Proofs":["Moti Yung"],"Plinko: polling with a physical implementation of a noisy channel":[],"Privacy-Preserving Information Markets for Computing Statistical Data":["Moti Yung"],"Privacy-preserving indexing of documents on the network":["Roberto J. Bayardo"],"Redirects to login pages are bad, or are they?":[],"Secure EPC Gen2 Compliant Radio Frequency Identification":[],"Secure Function Collection with Sublinear Storage":["Moti Yung"],"The Goals and Challenges of Click Fraud Penetration Testing Systems":["Ahmed Metwally"],"The Kurosawa-Desmedt key encapsulation is not chosen-ciphertext secure":["Moti Yung"],"Why Silent Updates Boost Security":["Thomas Duebendorfer"],"xBook: Redesigning Privacy Control in Social Networking Platforms":[],"(Under)mining Privacy in Social Networks":["Dirk Balfanz","Ben Laurie"],"A block cipher based pseudo random number generator secure against side-channel\n key recovery":["Moti Yung"],"Access Control":["Ben Laurie"],"All Your iFrames Point to Us":["Niels Provos","Panayiotis Mavrommatis","Moheeb Rajab"],"Anonymous RFID authentication supporting constant cost key lookup against active\n adversaries":[],"Asynchronous Multi-Party Computation with Quadratic Communication":["Bartosz\n Przydatek"],"Choose the Red Pill and the Blue Pill":["Ben Laurie"],"Competition and Fraud in Online Advertising Markets":[],"Corrupted DNS Resolution Paths: The Rise of a Malicious Resolution Authority":["Niels Provos"],"Distributed divide-and-conquer techniques for effective DDoS attack defenses":["Muthuprasanna Muthusrinivasan"],"Does Physical Security of Cryptographic Devices Need a Formal Study? (Invited\n Talk)":["Moti\n Yung"],"Efficient Constructions of Composable Commitments and Zero-Knowledge Proofs":["Shabsi Walfish"],"Error-Tolerant Combiners for Oblivious Primitives":["Bartosz Przydatek"],"Fair Traceable Multi-Group Signatures":["Moti Yung"],"Ghost Turns Zombie: Exploring the Life Cycle of Web-based Malware":["Panayiotis\n Mavrommatis","Niels Provos"],"Insecure Context Switching: Innoculating regular expressions for survivability":["Will Drewry"],"Methods for Linear and Differential Cryptanalysis of Elastic Block Ciphers":["Moti Yung"],"On the Evolution of User Authentication: Non-bilateral Factors":["Moti Yung"],"Peeking Through the Cloud":["Moheeb Abu Rajab","Andreas Terzis","Niels Provos"],"Plan 9 Authentication in Linux":["Ashwin Ganti"],"Please Permit Me: Stateless Delegated Authorization in Mashups":["Richard\n Conlan"],"Privacy Preserving Data Mining within Anonymous Credential Systems":["Moti Yung"],"Provably Secure Grouping-Proofs for RFID Tags":[],"Public-key traitor tracing from efficient decoding and unbounded enrollment:\n extended abstract":["Moti Yung"],"Real Electronic Cash Versus Academic Electronic Cash Versus Paper Cash (Panel\n Report)":["Moti Yung"],"Securing Nonintrusive Web Encryption through Information Flow":["Lantian Zheng"],"Security aspects of the Authentication used in Quantum Cryptography":[],"To Catch a Predator: A Natural Language Approach for Eliciting Protocol\n Interaction":["Niels\n Provos"],"Understanding the Web browser threat":["Thomas Duebendorfer"],"Video CAPTCHAs: Usability vs. Security":["Kurt Alfred Kluever"],"A Framework for Detection and Measurement of Phishing Attacks":["Niels Provos"],"An Empirical Study into the Security Exposure to Hosts of Hostile Virtualized\n Environments":[],"Byzantine Attacks on Anonymity Systems":["Parisa\n Tabriz"],"Cyberassault on Estonia":["Marc Donner"],"Defining Strong Privacy for RFID":[],"Delegating Responsibility in Digital Systems: Horton's":["Mark S. Miller"],"Denial of Service or Denial of Security? How Attacks can Compromize Anonymity":["Parisa Tabriz"],"Dynamic Pharming Attacks and Locked Same-Origin Policies for Web Browsers":["Umesh Shankar"],"Flayer: Exposing Application Internals":["Will Drewry"],"Foundations of Security: What Every Programmer Needs to Know":[],"Memsherlock: An Automated Debugger for Unknown Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities":["Jun\n Xu"],"Provable Data Possession at Untrusted Stores":["Lea Kissner"],"Selective Disclosure":["Ben Laurie"],"The Ghost In The Browser: Analysis of Web-based Malware":["Niels Provos","Panayiotis Mavrommatis"],"Tradeoffs in Retrofitting Security: An Experience Report":["Mark S. Miller"],"Virtual Honeypots: From Botnet Tracking to Intrusion Detection":["Niels Provos"],"A Method for Making Password-Based Key Exchange Resilient to Server Compromise":["Philip MacKenzie"],"Cookies Along Trust-Boundaries (CAT): Accurate and Deployable Flood Protection":["Niels\n Provos"],"Flow-Cookies: Using Bandwidth Amplification to Defend Against DDoS Flooding\n Attacks":["Niels\n Provos"],"Language Modeling and Encryption on Packet Switched Networks":["Kevin S. McCurley"],"Limits to Anti Phishing":[],"Packet vaccine: black-box exploit detection and signature generation":["Jun Xu"],"Privacy-Enhancing Technologies":[],"Resource Fairness and Composability of Cryptographic Protocols":["Philip MacKenzie","Ke Yang"],"Search Worms":["Niels Provos"],"A Virtual Honeypot Framework":["Niels Provos"],"Cygnus - An Approach for Large Scale Network Security Monitoring":["Paul (Tony) Watson"],"Improving Host Security with System Call Policies":["Niels Provos"],"Preventing Privilege Escalation":["Niels Provos"],"Defending Against Statistical Steganalysis":["Niels Provos"],"Encrypting Virtual Memory":["Niels Provos"],"A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme":["Niels Provos"],"Cryptography in OpenBSD: An Overview":["Niels Provos"]}
{"A Language-Based Approach to Secure Quorum Replication":["Lantian Zheng"],"Allocation Folding Based on Dominance":["Daniel Clifford","Hannes Payer","Michael Starzinger","Ben L. Titzer"],"Bespoke infrastructures":["Diomidis Spinellis"],"C/C++ Thread Safety Analysis":["DeLesley Hutchins"],"Enforcing Forward-Edge Control-Flow Integrity in GCC & LLVM":["Caroline Tice","Úlfar\n Erlingsson"],"Google hostload prediction based on Bayesian model with optimized feature\n combination":["Walfredo Cirne"],"Making “Push On Green” a Reality: Issues & Actions Involved in Maintaining a\n Production Service":["Daniel V. Klein","Dina M. Betser"],"Outlawing ghosts: avoiding out-of-thin-air results":["Hans-J. Boehm"],"RLint: Reformatting R Code to Follow the Google Style Guide":["Alex Blocker","Jeffrey D. Oldham","Caitlin Sadowski"],"Residential Power Load Forecasting":[],"Unsupervised Discovery of Object Classes with a Mobile Robot":[],"A new approach to the semantics of model diagrams":["Johan G. Granstrom"],"AGILE: elastic distributed resource scaling for Infrastructure-as-a-Service":["John Wilkes"],"CPI2: CPU performance isolation for shared compute clusters":["Xiao Zhang","Eric\n Tune","John Wilkes"],"Cloud-based robot grasping with the google object recognition engine":["Sal Candido","James Kuffner"],"Concurrency-aware compiler optimizations for hardware description languages":[],"Conjoint Analysis in R … Now with Individual-Level Utilities and Survey Mockups":["Chris Chapman","Steven Ellis"],"Distributed Electronic Rights in JavaScript":["Mark S. Miller"],"Drilling Network Stacks with packetdrill":["Neal Cardwell"],"Harmonizing classes, functions, tuples, and type parameters in Virgil III":["Ben L. Titzer"],"Instant Profiling: Instrumentation Sampling for Profiling Datacenter Applications":["Tipp Moseley","Derek Bruening"],"JSWhiz - Static Analysis for JavaScript Memory Leaks":["Jacques Piennar","Robert Hundt"],"Janus: Optimal Flash Provisioning for Cloud Storage Workloads":["Christoph Albrecht","Arif Merchant","Murray Stokely","Nathan Coehlo"],"Linux System Programming":["Robert Love"],"Multi-Armed Recommendation Bandits for Selecting State Machine Policies for\n Robotic Systems":["Rahul\n Sukthankar"],"Omega: flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters":["Michael\n Abd-El-Malek","John Wilkes"],"Physically-based Grasp Quality Evaluation under Pose Uncertainty":["James\n J.Kuffner"],"Reducing Lookups for Invariant Checking":[],"SAC063: SSAC Advisory on DNSSEC Key Rollover in the Root Zone":["Warren Kumari"],"Strato: A Retargetable Framework for Low-level Inlined Reference Monitors":["Úlfar Erlingsson"],"Trustworthy Proxies: Virtualizing Objects with Invariants":["Mark S. Miller"],"Understanding Latency of Black-Box Service Workloads":[],"Web-Scale Job Scheduling":["Walfredo Cirne"],"Whare-Map: Heterogeneity in “Homogeneous” Warehouse-Scale Computers":["Robert Hundt"],"Why you should care about quantile regression":["Amer Diwan"],"packetdrill: Scriptable Network Stack Testing, from Sockets to Packets":["Neal Cardwell","Yuchung Cheng","Lawrence Brakmo","Matt\n Mathis","Nandita\n Dukkipati","Hsiao-keng Jerry Chu","Andreas Terzis"],"AddressSanitizer: A Fast Address Sanity Checker":["Konstantin Serebryany","Derek Bruening","Alexander Potapenko","Dmitry Vyukov"],"Building Useful Program Analysis Tools Using an Extensible Java Compiler":["Edward Aftandilian","Raluca Sauciuc"],"CDE: A Tool For Creating Portable Experimental Software Packages":["Philip Guo"],"Characterization and Comparison of Cloud versus Grid Workloads":["Walfredo Cirne"],"Comparing In-Browser Methods of Measuring Resource Load Times":["Dominic Hamon"],"Dart: Up and Running":["Kathleen Walrath","Seth Ladd"],"Google's C/C++ toolchain for smart handheld devices":["Doug Kwan"],"Hostload prediction in a Google compute cloud with a Bayesian model":["Walfredo Cirne"],"Implementing language-based virtual machines":[],"JANUS: exploiting parallelism via hindsight":["John Field"],"LIL: CLOS reaches higher-order, sheds identity, and has a transformative\n experience":["François-René Rideau"],"LaDeDa: Languages for Debuggable Distributed Algorithms":["Mark S. Miller"],"Lockdown: Towards a Safe and Practical Architecture for Security Applications on\n Commodity Platforms":[],"Magda: A New Language for Modularity":["Jarek Kusmierek"],"Measuring Interference Between Live Datacenter Applications":["Tipp Moseley"],"Obfuscatory obscanturism: making workload traces of commercially-sensitive\n systems safe to release":["John Wilkes","Joseph L. Hellerstein"],"On inter-deriving small-step and big-step semantics: A case study for storeless\n call-by-need evaluation":["Kevin Millikin"],"Proceedings of the ACM 4th annual workshop on Evaluation and usability of\n programming languages and tools (PLATEAU)":["Caitlin Sadowski"],"Programming Perl":["Jon\n Orwant"],"Robust Trait Composition for JavaScript":["Mark S. Miller"],"Runtime adaptation: a case for reactive code alignment":["Kim Hazelwood"],"Simbeeotic: a simulation-emulation platform for large scale micro-aerial swarms":["Matt\n Welsh"],"Simbeeotic: a simulator and testbed for micro-aerial vehicle swarm experiments":["Matt\n Welsh"],"Transparent dynamic instrumentation":["Derek Bruening"],"An Equivalence-Preserving CPS Translation via Multi-Language Semantics":["Matthias Blume"],"Automated locality optimization based on the reuse distance of string operations":["Xinliang David Li"],"Capirca":["Paul (Tony) Watson"],"CloudScale: elastic resource scaling for multi-tenant cloud systems":["John Wilkes"],"Custom AST transformations with Project Lombok":[],"Cython: The Best of Both Worlds":["Robert Bradshaw","Craig Citro"],"Experiences Scaling Use of Google's Sawzall":["Jeffrey D. Oldham"],"Fay: Extensible Distributed Tracing from Kernels to Clusters":["Úlfar Erlingsson"],"Language-Independent Sandboxing of Just-In-Time Compilation and Self-Modifying\n Code":["Úlfar Erlingsson","Brad Chen","Derek Schuff","David\n Sehr","Cliff L. Biffle"],"Logical Attestation: An Authorization Architecture for Trustworthy Computing":["Willem de Bruijn"],"Loop Recognition in C++/Java/Go/Scala":["Robert Hundt"],"MAO - an Extensible Micro-Architectural Optimizer":["Robert Hundt"],"Perspectives on cloud computing: interviews with five leading scientists from the\n cloud community":["Walfredo Cirne"],"Scala In Depth":[],"traits.js: Robust Object Composition and High-integrity Objects for ECMAScript 5":["Mark S. Miller"],"Adapting Software Fault Isolation to Contemporary CPU Architectures":["David Sehr","Cliff L. Biffle","Brad Chen"],"C# in Depth":[],"CPU bandwidth control for CFS":["Paul Turner","Nikhil Rao"],"Capsicum: practical capabilities for UNIX":["Ben\n Laurie"],"Contention Aware Execution: Online Contention Detection and Response":["Robert Hundt"],"Defunctionalized Interpreters for Call-by-Need Evaluation":["Kevin Millikin"],"Effective Perl Programming, 2nd Edition":[],"Evolving ASDF: More Cooperation, Less Coordination":["François-René Rideau"],"Experience report: Haskell as a reagent: results and observations on the use of\n Haskell in a python project":["Iustin Pop"],"Functional and Logic Programming":["Matthias Blume"],"Google-Wide Profiling: A Continuous Profiling Infrastructure for Data Centers":["Eric Tune","Tipp Moseley","Robert Hundt"],"Lightweight Feedback-Directed Cross-Module Optimization":["Xinliang David Li","Robert Hundt"],"Linux Kernel Development":["Robert Love"],"PRESS: PRedictive Elastic ReSource Scaling for cloud systems":["John Wilkes"],"Proxies: Design Principles for Robust Object-oriented Intercession APIs":["Mark S. Miller"],"Real World Functional Programming":[],"Safe ICF: Pointer Safe and Unwinding Aware Identical Code Folding in Gold":["Sriraman Tallam","Ian Lance Taylor","Xinliang David Li"],"Scalable I/O Event Handling for GHC":["Johan Tibell"],"Taming Hardware Event Samples for FDO Compilation":["Robert Hundt","Shih-wei Liao"],"The Go Frontend for GCC":["Ian Lance Taylor"],"Why Feedback Implementations Fail: The Importance of Systematic Testing":["Joseph L. Hellerstein"],"An Unexceptional Implementation of First-Class Continuations":[],"Applying Control Theory in the Real World: Experience With Building a Controller\n for the .NET Thread Pool":["Joseph L. Hellerstein"],"Are We Ready for a Safer Construction Environment?":[],"Blame for all":[],"E Unum Pluribus - Google Network Filtering Management":["Paul (Tony) Watson"],"ESOFTCHECK: REMOVAL OF NON-VITAL CHECKS FOR FAULT TOLERANCE":[],"Erlang for Concurrent Programming":["Jim Larson"],"Flapjax: a programming language for Ajax applications":[],"Isolating Web Programs in Modern Browser Architectures":["Charles Reis"],"Linux in a Nutshell":["Robert Love"],"Native Client: A Sandbox for Portable, Untrusted x86 Native Code":["David Sehr","Brad Chen"],"Optimizing Programs with Intended Semantics":["Daniel von Dincklage","Amer Diwan"],"Perflint: A Context Sensitive Performance Advisor for C++ Programs":[],"Revised6 report on the algorithmic language scheme":[],"Scenario Based Optimization: A Framework for Statically Enabling Online\n Optimizations":["Robert Hundt"],"Towards Characterizing Cloud Backend Workloads: Insights from Google Compute\n Clusters":["Joseph L Hellerstein","Walfredo Cirne"],"Why we're able to Google":["Alfred Z. Spector"],"A New ELF Linker":["Ian Lance Taylor"],"A rational deconstruction of Landin's SECD machine with the J operator":["Kevin Millikin"],"C++ Dynamic Arrays":[],"Effective Java, Second Edition":[],"Fault-Safe Code Motion for Type-Safe Languages":[],"Feedback-Directed Optimizations in GCC with Estimated Edge Profiles from Hardware\n Event Sampling":["Robert\n Hundt"],"Guarded Program Transformations Using JTL":["Tal Cohen"],"Lightweight, High-Resolution Monitoring for Troubleshooting Production Systems":["Abhishek Kumar"],"Linux capabilities: making them work":[],"Selective Versioning in a Secure Disk System":["Gopalan Sivathanu"],"What can performance counters do for memory subsystem analysis?":[],"Automatic Inference of Optimizer Flow Functions from Semantic Meanings":["Erika Rice Scherpelz","Craig Chambers"],"CRF-filters: Conditional Particle Filters for Sequential State Estimation":["Lin Liao"],"Generalized File System Dependencies":["Andrew de los Reyes","Lei Zhang"],"Independently Extensible Solutions to the Expression Problem":["Matthias Zenger"],"Java Puzzlers: Traps, Pitfalls, and Corner Cases":[],"Scalable Component Abstractions":["Matthias Zenger"],"Systems Support for Preemptive Disk Scheduling":["Zoran Dimitrijević"],"Thwarting Virtual Bottlenecks in Multi-Bitrate Streaming Servers":["Zoran Dimitrijević"],"The Google File System":["Sanjay Ghemawat","Shun-Tak Leung"]}
{"A case of computational thinking: The subtle effect of hidden dependencies on the\n user experience of version control":["Emma Soederberg"],"ARC++: Effective Typestate and Lifetime Dependency Analysis":["Franjo\n Ivancic"],"An Adaptable Rule Placement for Software Defined Networks":["Franjo Ivancic"],"Bespoke infrastructures":["Diomidis Spinellis"],"Generating Consistent Updates for Software-Defined Network Configurations":["Franjo Ivancic"],"Programmers’ Build Errors: A Case Study (at Google)":["Caitlin Sadowski","Edward Aftandilian","Robert Bowdidge"],"RLint: Reformatting R Code to Follow the Google Style Guide":["Alex Blocker","Jeffrey D. Oldham","Caitlin Sadowski"],"Securing the Tangled Web":[],"2nd international workshop on user evaluations for software engineering\n researchers (USER)":["Caitlin Sadowski"],"Accuracy of Contemporary Parametric Software Estimation Models: A Comparative\n Analysis":["Derya Toka"],"Applications and Extensions of Alloy: Past, Present, and Future":["Greg Dennis"],"Combining compile-time and run-time instrumentation for testing tools":["Timur Iskhodzhanov","Evgeniy Stepanov"],"Does Bug Prediction Support Human Developers? Findings from a Google Case Study":["Caitlin\n Sadowski"],"Generating Precise Dependencies for Large Software":["J. David Morgenthaler"],"Large-Scale Automated Refactoring Using ClangMR":["Hyrum Wright"],"Scalable, Example-Based Refactorings with Refaster":["Louis Wasserman"],"Strategies for testing client-server interactions in mobile applications":[],"Testable JavaScript":[],"A taste of Capsicum: practical capabilities for UNIX":["Ben\n Laurie"],"AddressSanitizer: A Fast Address Sanity Checker":["Konstantin Serebryany","Derek Bruening","Alexander Potapenko","Dmitry Vyukov"],"Building Useful Program Analysis Tools Using an Extensible Java Compiler":["Edward Aftandilian","Raluca Sauciuc"],"Measuring Enforcement Windows with Symbolic Trace Interpretation: What\n Well-Behaved Programs Say":["Amer\n Diwan"],"Searching for Build Debt: Experiences Managing Technical Debt at Google":["J. David Morgenthaler","Raluca Sauciuc","Sanjay Bhansali"],"Systematic Software Testing: The Korat Approach":["Chandrasekhar Boyapati"],"Team Geek: A Software Developer's Guide to Working Well with Others":["Brian W. Fitzpatrick","Ben Collins-Sussman"],"Building Web Apps for Google TV":["Andres Ferrate","Paul Carff"],"Combined Static and Dynamic Automated Test Generation":[],"Dynamic Race Detection with LLVM Compiler":["Konstantin Serebryany","Alexander Potapenko","Timur Iskhodzhanov","Dmitry Vyukov"],"Entrepreneurial Innovation at Google":["Patrick Copeland"],"HTAF: Hybrid Testing Automation Framework to Leverage Local and Global Computing\n Resources":["Keun Soo Yim"],"Practical Memory Checking with Dr. Memory":["Derek Bruening"],"RACEZ: A Lightweight and Non-Invasive Race Detection Tool for Production\n Applications":["Robert Hundt"],"Still All On One Server: Perforce at Scale":[],"The Future of Computing Performance: Game Over or Next Level?":["Luiz André Barroso"],"Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman":[],"Evolving ASDF: More Cooperation, Less Coordination":["François-René Rideau"],"Google’s Innovation Factory: Testing, Culture, And Infrastructure":["Patrick Copeland"],"How Much Software Testing is Enough":[],"Object views: Fine-grained sharing in browsers":["Adrienne Felt","Mark S. Miller"],"Software development and crunch time; and more":[],"Performance Trade-offs Implementing Refactoring Support for Objective-C":["Robert Bowdidge"],"Programming Google App Engine":[],"ThreadSanitizer – data race detection in practice.":["Konstantin Serebryany","Timur Iskhodzhanov"],"Code Coverage, Performance, Approximation and Automatic Recognition of Idioms in\n Scientific Applications":[],"Dynamic Recognition of Synchronization Operations for Improved Data Race\n Detection":["Sriraman Tallam"],"Experiences Using Static Analysis to Find Bugs":["J. David\n Morgenthaler","John Penix"],"High Performance Web Sites":[],"Predicting Accurate and Actionable Static Analysis Warnings: An Experimental\n Approach":["John Penix","J. David Morgenthaler"],"Version Control with Subversion, Second Edition":["Brian Fitzpatrick","Ben Collins-Sussman"],"Evaluating Static Analysis Defect Warnings on Production Software":["J. David\n Morgenthaler","John Penix"],"Keeping the Web in Web 2.0: An HCI Approach to Designing Web Applications":["Joshua D. Mittleman"],"Parallel Test Generation and Execution with Korat":["Nemanja\n Petrovic"],"Project Intelligence":[],"Using FindBugs on Production Software":["J. David Morgenthaler","John Penix"],"A Fishbowl with Piranhas: Coalescence, Convergence, or Divergence? The Future of\n Agile Software Development Practices: Some Assembly Required!":[],"How to design a good API and why it matters":[],"LCSD: Library-Centric Software Design":[],"LEVER: A Tool for Learning Based Verification (Tool Paper)":[],"Modular Software Upgrades for Distributed Systems":["Sameer Ajmani"],"binpac: A yacc for Writing Application Protocol Parsers":["Ruoming Pang"],"Hancock: A language for analyzing transactional data streams":["Corinna Cortes","Daryl Pregibon"],"How to Break Software":[],"Jscheme: A Dialect of Scheme for Scripting in Java,":["Peter Norvig"]}
{"An Analysis of the Effect of Larynx-Synchronous Averaging on Dereverberation of\n Voiced Speech":["Jan\n Skoglund"],"Asynchronous Stochastic Optimization for Sequence Training of Deep Neural\n Networks":["Georg Heigold","Erik McDermott","Vincent Vanhoucke","Andrew Senior","Michiel Bacchiani"],"Asynchronous, Online, GMM-free Training of a Context Dependent Acoustic Model for\n Speech Recognition":["M. Bacchiani","A. Senior","G.\n Heigold"],"Automatic Language Identification Using Deep Neural Networks":["Ignacio Lopez-Moreno"],"Automatic Language Identification using Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural\n Networks":["Ignacio\n Lopez-Moreno"],"Autoregressive Product of Multi-frame Predictions Can Improve the Accuracy of\n Hybrid Models":["Vincent Vanhoucke"],"Computer-aided quality assurance of an Icelandic pronunciation dictionary":["Martin Jansche"],"Context Dependent State Tying for Speech Recognition using Deep Neural Network\n Acoustic Models":["M. Bacchiani"],"Deep Mixture Density Networks for Acoustic Modeling in Statistical Parametric\n Speech Synthesis":["Heiga Zen","Andrew Senior"],"Deep Neural Networks for Small Footprint Text-dependent Speaker Verification":["Erik McDermott","Ignacio Lopez Moreno"],"Discriminative pronunciation modeling for dialectal speech recognition":["Izhak Shafran"],"Encoding Linear Models As Weighted Finite-State Transducers":["Cyril Allauzen","Keith Hall","Michael\n Riley","Brian Roark"],"Fine Context, Low-rank, Softplus Deep Neural Networks for Mobile Speech\n Recognition":["Andrew Senior"],"Frame by Frame Language Identification in Short Utterances using Deep Neural\n Networks":["Ignacio\n Lopez-Moreno","Pedro J. Moreno"],"GMM-Free DNN Training":["A. Senior","G. Heigold","M. Bacchiani","H. Liao"],"Improving DNN Speaker Independence with I-vector Inputs":["Andrew Senior","Ignacio Lopez-Moreno"],"JustSpeak: Enabling Universal Voice Control on Android":["T. V. Raman","Casey Burkhardt","Fadi Biadsy"],"Large-Scale Speaker Identification":["Ignacio\n Lopez-Moreno"],"Pronunciation Learning for Named-Entities through Crowd-Sourcing":["Françoise\n Beaufays"],"Sequence Discriminative Distributed Training of Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent\n Neural Networks":["Oriol Vinyals","Georg Heigold","Erik McDermott","Rajat Monga"],"Sinusoidal Interpolation Across Missing Data":["Jan Skoglund"],"Small-Footprint Keyword Spotting using Deep Neural Networks":["Carolina Parada","Georg Heigold"],"Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis":["Heiga Zen"],"Training Data Selection Based On Context-Dependent State Matching":["Olivier Siohan"],"Word Embeddings for Speech Recognition":["Samy Bengio","Georg Heigold"],"Accurate and Compact Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition on Mobile Devices":["Andrew Senior","Alexander Gruenstein","Jeffrey Sorensen"],"An Empirical study of learning rates in deep neural networks for speech\n recognition":["Andrew Senior","Georg Heigold","Ke Yang"],"Deep Learning in Speech Synthesis":["Heiga Zen"],"Deep Neural Networks with Auxiliary Gaussian Mixture Models for Real-Time Speech\n Recognition":["Hui Lin","Georg Heigold"],"Direct construction of compact context-dependency transducers from data":["Michael Riley"],"Empirical Exploration of Language Modeling for the Query Stream as\n Applied to Mobile Voice Search":["Ciprian Chelba"],"Language Model Verbalization for Automatic Speech Recognition":["Françoise Beaufays","Cyril Allauzen"],"Language Modeling Capitalization":["Françoise Beaufays"],"Large Scale Distributed Acoustic Modeling With Back-off N-grams":["Ciprian Chelba","Peng Xu","Fernando\n Pereira"],"Large scale deep neural network acoustic modeling with semi-supervised training\n data for YouTube video transcription":["Hank Liao","Erik McDermott","Andrew Senior"],"Monitoring the Effects of Temporal Clipping on VoIP Speech Quality":["Jan Skoglund","Anil Kokaram"],"Multiframe Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling":["Vincent Vanhoucke","Georg Heigold"],"Multilingual acoustic models using distributed deep neural networks":["Georg Heigold","Vincent Vanhoucke","Andrew Senior","Jeff Dean"],"On Rectified Linear Units For Speech Processing":["R. Monga","K. Yang","A. Senior","V.\n Vanhoucke","J. Dean"],"Pre-Initialized Composition for Large-Vocabulary Speech Recognition":["Cyril Allauzen","Michael Riley"],"RAPID ADAPTATION FOR MOBILE SPEECH APPLICATIONS":["M. Bacchiani"],"Rate-Distortion Optimization for Multichannel Audio Compression":["Jan Skoglund"],"Recurrent Neural Networks for Voice Activity Detection":["Thad Hughes"],"Robustness of Speech Quality Metrics to Background Noise and Network\n Degradations: Comparing VISQOL, PESQ and POLQA":["Jan Skoglund","Anil Kokaram"],"Smoothed marginal distribution constraints for language modeling":["Brian Roark","Cyril Allauzen","Michael\n Riley"],"Speaker Adaptation of Context Dependent Deep Neural Networks":["Hank Liao"],"Speech and Natural Language: Where Are We Now And Where Are We Headed?":["Ciprian Chelba"],"Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis Using Deep Neural Networks":["Heiga Zen","Andrew Senior","Mike Schuster"],"Written-Domain Language Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition":["Françoise\n Beaufays","Cyril Allauzen"],"iVector-based Acoustic Data Selection":["Olivier Siohan","Michiel Bacchiani"],"Application Of Pretrained Deep Neural Networks To Large Vocabulary Speech\n Recognition":["Andrew\n Senior","Vincent Vanhoucke"],"Buildling adaptive dialogue systems via Bayes-adaptive POMDP":["Shaowei Png"],"Chapter 17: Uncertainty Decoding, In Virtanen, Singh, & Raj (Eds.) Techniques\n for Noise Robustness in Automatic Speech Recognition.":["Hank Liao"],"Continuous Space Discriminative Language Modeling":["Brian Roark","Izhak Shafran","Dan Bikel","Keith Hall"],"Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition":["Andrew Senior","Vincent Vanhoucke"],"Distributed Acoustic Modeling with Back-off N-grams":["Ciprian Chelba","Peng Xu","Fernando\n Pereira"],"Distributed Discriminative Language Models for Google Voice Search":["Ciprian Chelba"],"Estimating Word-Stability During Incremental Speech Recognition":["Alexander Gruenstein"],"Google's Cross-Dialect Arabic Voice Search":["Fadi Biadsy","Pedro J. Moreno","Martin Jansche"],"Hallucinated N-Best Lists for Discriminative Language Modeling":["Brian\n Roark","Izhak Shafran","Daniel M. Bikel","Keith Hall"],"Haptic Voice Recognition Grand Challenge":["H. Liao"],"IMPROVED PREDICTION OF NEARLY-PERIODIC SIGNALS":["Jan Skoglund"],"Investigations on Exemplar-Based Features for Speech Recognition Towards\n Thousands of Hours of Unsupervised, Noisy Data":["Georg Heigold","Vincent Vanhoucke"],"Japanese and Korean Voice Search":["Mike Schuster"],"Language Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition Meets the Web: Google Search\n by Voice":["Ciprian Chelba","Boulos Harb","Carolina Parada","Cyril Allauzen","Michael\n Riley","Peng Xu"],"Large Scale Language Modeling in Automatic Speech Recognition":["Ciprian Chelba","Dan Bikel","Shankar Kumar"],"Large-scale Discriminative Language Model Reranking for Voice Search":["Ciprian Chelba"],"Learning improved linear transforms for speech recognition":["Andrew Senior"],"Music Models for Music-Speech Separation":["Thad Hughes"],"Optimal Size, Freshness and Time-frame for Voice Search Vocabulary":["Maryam Kamvar","Ciprian Chelba"],"Recognition of Multilingual Speech in Mobile Applications":["Hui Lin","Francoise Beaufays"],"Semi-supervised Discriminative Language Modeling for Turkish ASR":["Daniel M. Bikel","Keith Hall"],"Spectral Intersections for Non-Stationary Signal Separation":["Thad Hughes"],"Speech/Nonspeech Segmentation in Web Videos":["Ananya Misra"],"VISQOL: THE VIRTUAL SPEECH QUALITY OBJECTIVE LISTENER":["Jan Skoglund","Anil Kokaram"],"Voice Query Refinement":["Cyril Allauzen","Ciprian Chelba","Michael Riley"],"A Web-Based Tool for Developing Multilingual Pronunciation Lexicons":["Samantha Ainsley","Martin Jansche"],"Bayesian Language Model Interpolation for Mobile Speech Input":["Cyril Allauzen","Michael Riley"],"Deploying Google Search by Voice in Cantonese":["Martin Jansche","Pedro Moreno"],"Discriminative Features for Language Identification":["M. 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Moreno"],"Unsupervised Discovery and Training of Maximally Dissimilar Cluster Models":["Francoise Beaufays","Vincent Vanhoucke"],"A new quality measure for topic segmentation of text and speech":["Mehryar Mohri","Pedro J. Moreno"],"Restoring Punctuation and Capitalization in Transcribed Speech":["Martin Jansche","Michiel Bacchiani"],"Revisiting Graphemes with Increasing Amounts of Data":["Thad Hughes","Francoise Beaufays"],"Web-derived Pronunciations":["Martin Jansche","Michael Riley"],"Confidence Scores for Acoustic Model Adaptation":["M. Bacchiani"],"Deploying GOOG-411: Early Lessons in Data, Measurement, and Testing":["Michiel Bacchiani","Francoise Beaufays","Mike Schuster"],"Retrieval and Browsing of Spoken Content":["Ciprian Chelba"],"Speech Recognition with Weighted Finite-State Transducers":["Mehryar Mohri","Fernando C. N. Pereira","Michael Riley"]}
{"Enlisting the Ghost: Modeling Empty Categories for Machine Translation":["Xiaoqiang Luo"],"Source-Side Classifier Preordering for Machine Translation":["Uri Lerner","Slav Petrov"],"A Class-Based Agreement Model For Generating Accurately Inflected Translations":["John DeNero"],"A Systematic Comparison of Phrase Table Pruning Techniques":["Richard Zens","Daisy Stanton","Peng\n Xu"],"Fast and Scalable Decoding with Language Model Look-Ahead for Phrase-based\n Statistical Machine Translation":["Richard Zens"],"Improved Domain Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation":["Klaus Macherey","Wolfgang Macherey","Peng Xu"],"Unsupervised Translation Sense Clustering":["John DeNero","Dekang Lin"],"A Lightweight Evaluation Framework for Machine Translation Reordering":["David Talbot"],"Binarized Forest to String Translation":["Hao Zhang","Peng Xu"],"Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation Representations":["Cyril Allauzen","Michael Riley"],"Inducing Sentence Structure from Parallel Corpora for Reordering":["John DeNero","Jakob Uszkoreit"],"Language-independent Compound Splitting with Morphological Operations":["Klaus Macherey","David Talbot"],"Model-Based Aligner Combination Using Dual Decomposition":["John DeNero","Klaus Macherey"],"Training a Parser for Machine Translation Reordering":["Slav Petrov","Ryan McDonald","David Talbot"],"Translation-Inspired OCR":["Dmitriy Genzel","Andrew Senior","Eugene Ie"],"Watermarking the Outputs of Structured Prediction with an application in\n Statistical Machine Translation":["Jakob Uszkoreit","David Talbot"],"Automatically Learning Source-side Reordering Rules for Large Scale Machine\n Translation":["Dmitriy Genzel"],"Large Scale Parallel Document Mining for Machine Translation":["Jakob Uszkoreit"],"Model Combination for Machine Translation":["John DeNero","Shankar kumar","Ciprian Chelba"],"Statistical Language Modeling":["Ciprian Chelba"],"Syntax based reordering with automatically derived rules for improved statistical\n machine translation":["Jeffrey\n Sorensen"],"“Poetic” Statistical Machine Translation: Rhyme and Meter":["Dmitriy Genzel","Jakob Uszkoreit"],"Compiling a massive, multilingual dictionary via probabilistic inference":[],"Creating a High-Quality Machine Translation System for a Low-Resource Language:\n Yiddish":["Dmitriy Genzel","Klaus Macherey","Jakob Uszkoreit"],"Efficient Minimum Error Rate Training and Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding for\n Translation Hypergraphs and Lattices":["Shankar Kumar","Wolfgang Macherey"],"Learning linear ordering problems for better translation":["Roy Tromble"],"Using a dependency parser to improve SMT for subject-object-verb languages":["Peng Xu","Michael Ringgaard"],"A systematic comparison of phrase-based, hierarchical and syntax-augmented\n statistical MT":[],"Distributed Word Clustering for Large Scale Class-Based Language Modeling in\n Machine Translation":["Jakob Uszkoreit"],"Lattice Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding for Statistical Machine Translation":["Roy Tromble","Shankar Kumar","Wolfgang Macherey"],"Lattice-based Minimum Error Rate Training for Statistical Machine Translation":["Wolfgang Macherey","Jakob Uszkoreit"],"Mining Parenthetical Translations from the Web by Word Alignment":["Dekang Lin","Marius Pasca"],"Using Word Space Models for Enriching Multilingual Lexical Resources and\n Detecting the Relation Between Morphological and Semantic Composition":[],"An Empirical Study on Computing Consensus Translations from Multiple Machine\n Translation Systems":["Wolfgang Macherey"],"Improving Word Alignment with Bridge Languages":["Shankar Kumar","Wolfgang Macherey"],"Inversion transduction grammar for joint phrasal translation modeling":["Dekang Lin"],"Large Language Models in Machine Translation":["Peng Xu","Jeffrey Dean"],"A path-based transfer model for machine translation":["Dekang Lin"]}
{"And Now for Something Completely Different: Improving Crowdsourcing Workflows\n with Micro-Diversions":["Peng Dai","Praveen Paritosh","Ed\n H. Chi"],"A Comparison of Six Sample Providers Regarding Online Privacy Benchmarks":["Sebastian Schnorf","Aaron Sedley","Allison Woodruff"],"A case of computational thinking: The subtle effect of hidden dependencies on the\n user experience of version control":["Emma Soederberg"],"An efficient reconciliation algorithm for social networks.":["Nitish Korula","Silvio Lattanzi"],"Both Complete and Correct? Multi-Objective Optimization of Touchscreen Keyboard":["Xiaojun Bi","Tom\n Ouyang","Shumin Zhai"],"Designing Unbiased Surveys for HCI Research":["Hendrik Müller","Aaron Sedley"],"Designing Usable Web Forms - Empirical Evaluation of Web Form Improvement\n Guidelines":["Javier\n Bargas-Avila"],"Designing for Healthy Lifestyles: Design Considerations for Mobile Technologies\n to Encourage Consumer Health and Wellness":["Sunny Consolvo"],"Designing the Chromecast Out-of-Box Experience":["Noor Ali-Hasan"],"Detecting Tapping Motion on the Side of Mobile Devices By Probabilistically\n Combining Hand Postures":["Yang Li"],"Experimenting At Scale With Google Chrome's SSL Warning":["Adrienne Porter Felt","Robert W. Reeder","Sunny Consolvo"],"Exploring the Benefits and Uses of Web Analytics Tools for Non-Transactional\n Websites":["Jessica Staddon","Sunny Consolvo"],"From Interaction to Performance with Public Displays":["Judy Chen"],"GestKeyboard: Enabling Gesture-Based Interaction on Ordinary Physical Keyboard":["Yang Li"],"Gesture Script: Recognizing Gestures and their Structure using Rendering Scripts\n and Interactively Trained Parts":["Yang Li"],"Gesturemote: interacting with remote displays through touch gestures":["Yang Li"],"Hierarchical Route Maps for Efficient Navigation":["Yang Li"],"InkAnchor: Enhancing Informal Ink-Based Note Taking on Touchscreen Mobile Phones":["Yang Li"],"Is Once Enough? On the Extent and Content of Replications in Human-Computer\n Interaction":["Javier\n Bargas-Avila"],"JustSpeak: Enabling Universal Voice Control on Android":["T. V. Raman","Casey Burkhardt","Fadi Biadsy"],"Necessary, Unpleasant, and Disempowering: Reputation Management in the Internet\n Age":["Allison Woodruff"],"Online Microsurveys for User Experience Research":["Victoria Schwanda Sosik","Sunny Consolvo","David Huffaker","Gueorgi Kossinets","Kerwell Liao","Aaron Sedley"],"Optimistic Programming of Touch Interaction":["Yang Li"],"Photographing information needs: the role of photos in experience sampling\n method-style research":["Kathy Baxter","Nikhil Sharma"],"Reflection: Enabling Event Prediction As an On-Device Service for Mobile\n Interaction":["Yang Li"],"Survey Research in HCI":["Hendrik Müller","Aaron Sedley"],"Teaching Motion Gestures via Recognizer Feedback":["Yang Li"],"Trust, transparency & control in inferred user interest models":["Sebastian Schnorf","Nikhil Sharma"],"Visualizing Statistical Mix Effects and Simpson's Paradox":[],"Would a Privacy Fundamentalist Sell Their DNA for $1000...If Nothing Bad Happened\n as a Result? 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Chi"],"Arrival and departure in Social Networks":["Alex\n Fabrikant","Silvio Lattanzi","Andrew Tomkins"],"Authentication at Scale":[],"Bayesian Touch - A Statistic Criterion of Target Selection with Finger Touch":["Xiaojun Bi","Shumin Zhai"],"Bridging the Gap Between Industry and Academia":["Joshua Tabak"],"C(ollab) RITE: How to run impactful iterative studies in a fast paced environment":["Jhilmil Jain"],"Chale, How Much it Cost to Browse? Results from a Mobile Data Price Transparency\n Trial in Ghana":["Nithya Sambasivan","Paul Lee","Greg Hecht","Paul M. Aoki","Maria-Ines Carrera","Jenny Chen","David Pablo\n Cohn"],"Creating scalable location-based games: lessons from Geocaching":["Tejinder K.\n Judge"],"CrowdLearner: Rapidly Creating Mobile Recognizers Using Crowdsourcing":["Yang Li"],"Design of user interfaces for selective editing of digital photos on touchscreen\n devices":[],"Designing for What the World is Watching: Behind the scenes with the UX team at\n YouTube":["Joshua Tabak"],"Differences in search engine evaluations between query owners and non-owners":["David Mease"],"Empirical evaluation of 20 web form optimization guidelines":["Javier A. Bargas-Avila"],"Exploring and enhancing the user experience for TV":["Jhilmil Jain"],"FFitts Law: Modeling Finger Touch with Fitts’ Law":["Xiaojun Bi","Yang Li","Shumin\n Zhai"],"From mixed-mode to multiple devices. Web surveys, smartphone surveys and apps.":["Mario Callegaro"],"Gesture Studio: Authoring Multi-Touch Interactions through Demonstration and\n Composition":["Yang Li"],"Global Design Teams: Best Practices for Maximizing Effectiveness":["Jhilmil Jain"],"Google+ Ripples: A Native Visualization of Information Flow":["Jack\n Hebert","Jon Orwant","Christopher\n Wren"],"How Visualization Layout Relates to Locus of Control and Other Personality\n Factors":["Sara L. Su"],"Inserting Micro-Breaks into Crowdsourcing Workflows":["Ed H. Chi","Praveen Paritosh","Peng Dai"],"Instant Foodie: Predicting Expert Ratings From Grassroots":["Ed H. Chi","David Huffaker","Gueorgi Kossinets"],"Live topic generation from event streams":["Thomas Steiner"],"MJ no more: using concurrent wikipedia edit spikes with social network\n plausibility checks for breaking news detection":["Thomas Steiner"],"Making touchscreen keyboards adaptive to keys, hand postures, and individuals: a\n hierarchical spatial backoff model approach":["Tom Ouyang","Shumin Zhai"],"Measurement and modeling of eye-mouse behavior":["Vidhya Navalpakkam","Sujith Ravi","Amr Ahmed"],"Minimizing change aversion for the Google Drive launch":["Aaron Sedley","Hendrik Müller"],"Octopus: Evaluating Touchscreen Keyboard Correction and Recognition Algorithms\n via “Remulation”":["Xiaojun Bi","Shumin Zhai"],"Online Python Tutor: Embeddable Web-Based Program Visualization for CS Education":["Philip Guo"],"Open project: a lightweight framework for remote sharing of mobile applications":["Yang Li"],"Paradata in Web Surveys":["Mario Callegaro"],"Perception and Understanding of Social Annotations in Web Search":["Jennifer Fernquist","Ed H. Chi"],"Project Pokerface: Building a User-Centered Culture at Scale":["Pat Bowen","Gueorgi Kossinets","Jens Riegelsberger"],"Response to the reviews on Bargas-Avila et al. (2009) Intranet Satisfaction\n Questionnaire: Development and Validation of a Questionnaire to Measure User\n Satisfaction with the Intranet":["Javier A.\n Bargas-Avila"],"Swipe vs. scroll: web page switching on mobile browsers":["Andrew Warr","Ed H.\n Chi"],"Tablets use in emerging markets: an exploration.":["Lucia Terrenghi"],"The Bigger Picture: The Use of Mobile Photos in Shopping":["Maryam Tohidi","Andrew Warr"],"The Map of the Future May Not Be a Map!":["Ed Parsons"],"The future of personal video communication: moving beyond talking heads to shared\n experiences":["Tejinder K. Judge"],"To crop, or not to crop: compiling online media galleries":["Thomas Steiner"],"What is me online? Insights into how users manage digital identity.":["Sebastian Schnorf"],"Where Am I? A Meta-Analysis of Experiments on the Effects of Progress Indicators\n for Web Surveys":["Mario Callegaro"],"Will Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Change Education?":["Daniel M Russell"],"Write here, write now!: an experimental study of group maintenance in\n collaborative writing":["Antonella Pavese"],"2nd Workshop on context-awareness in retrieval and recommendation:(CaRR 2012)":["E. Chi"],"A Comparative Evaluation of Finger and Pen Stroke Gestures":["Shumin Zhai"],"A Room with a View: Understanding Users' Stages in Picking a Hotel Online":["Jens Riegelsberger"],"An examination of how households share and coordinate the completion of errands":[],"Are privacy concerns a turn-off? Engagement and privacy in social networks":["Jessica Staddon","David Huffaker","Aaron Sedley"],"Around the Water Cooler: Shared Discussion Topics and Contact Closeness in Social\n Search":["David\n Huffaker","Jessica Staddon"],"Backtracking Events as Indicators of Usability Problems in Creation-Oriented\n Applications":["David Akers","Matthew Simpson"],"Big Data Storytelling Through Interactive Maps":["Jayant Madhavan","Nitin Gupta","Heidi Lam","Hongrae Lee","Warren Shen"],"Bimanual gesture keyboard":["Xiaojun Bi","Ciprian Chelba","Tom\n Ouyang","Shumin Zhai"],"Bootstrapping Personal Gesture Shortcuts with the Wisdom of the Crowd and\n Handwriting Recognition":["Tom Ouyang","Yang Li"],"Capturing Indoor Scenes with Smartphones":[],"Case study: longitudinal comparative analysis for analyzing user behavior":["Jhilmil Jain"],"Comparing collaboration and individual personas for the design and evaluation of\n collaboration software":["Tejinder Judge"],"Foundational Issues in Touch-Surface Stroke Gesture Design — An Integrative\n Review":["Shumin Zhai"],"Game Your Campaign":["David Huffaker"],"Gesture Search: Random Access to Smartphone Content":["Yang Li"],"Gesture coder: a tool for programming multi-touch gestures by demonstration":["Yang Li"],"Gesture-based interaction: a new dimension for mobile user interfaces":["Yang Li"],"Google Image Swirl: A Large-Scale Content-Based Image Visualization System":["Henry A. Rowley","David Tsai","Chuck Rosenberg","Michele Covell"],"How do designers and user experience professionals actually perceive and use\n personas?":["Tejinder Judge"],"Improving remote collaboration through side-by-side telepresence":[],"Interactive Digital Signage":["Roy Want","Bill\n Schilit"],"Invited SIG: designing for the living room tv experience":["Jhilmil Jain","Anne Aula"],"It's Our Research: Getting stakeholder buy-in for user experience research\n projects":["Tomer Sharon"],"Look Who I Found: Understanding the Effects of Sharing Curated Friend Groups":["Alex Fabrikant","Kristen LeFevre"],"Managing Global UX Teams":["Jhilmil Jain"],"Moving beyond talking heads to shared experiences: the future of personal video\n communication":["Tejinder K. Judge"],"Older adult’s perceptions of usefulness of personal health records":["Hendrik\n Müller"],"On the Non-progressive Spread of Influence through Social Networks":["Vahab Mirrokni"],"Participatory design of social search experiences":[],"People in books: using a FlashCam to become part of an interactive book for\n connected reading":["Hayes\n Raffle"],"Perspective Probe Case Study by Marianne Berkovich (Google)":["Marianne Berkovich"],"Privacy UX - Was ist datenschutzbezogene User Experience?":["Mitch Hatscher","Sebastian Schnorf"],"Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing\n Systems":["Ed H. Chi"],"Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing\n Systems (Extended Abstracts).":["Ed H. Chi"],"Proceedings of the ACM 4th annual workshop on Evaluation and usability of\n programming languages and tools (PLATEAU)":["Caitlin Sadowski"],"Productive Interrelationships between Collaborative Groups Ease the Challenges of\n Dynamic and Multi-Teaming":["Tejinder K. Judge"],"Reading, Laughing, and Connecting with Young Children":["Hayes Raffle"],"Real-Time Human Pose Tracking from Range Data":["Christian Plagemann"],"RepliCHI SIG: from a panel to a new submission venue for replication":["Ed Chi"],"See it: a scalable location-based game for promoting physical activity":["Tejinder K. Judge"],"Social Annotations in Web Search":["Ed H. Chi"],"Social telepresence bakeoff: Skype group video calling, Google+ Hangouts, and\n Microsoft Avatar Kinect":[],"StoryFaces: pretend-play with ebooks to support social-emotional storytelling":["Hayes Raffle"],"Talking in Circles: Selective Sharing in Google+":["Michael J. Brzozowski","David Huffaker","Ed H. Chi"],"Tap, swipe, or move: attentional demands for distracted smartphone input":["Yang Li"],"Task Analysis":["Jhilmil Jain"],"The Shoebox and the Safe: When Once-Personal Information Changes Hands":["Manas Tungare"],"The YouTube Social Network":["Mirjam Wattenhofer"],"The role of visual complexity and prototypicality regarding first impression of\n websites: Working towards understanding aesthetic judgments":["Javier Bargas-Avila"],"The word-gesture keyboard: reimagining keyboard interaction (CACM Research\n Highlight)":["Shumin Zhai"],"Theories, methods and case studies of longitudinal HCI research":["Jhilmil Jain"],"Time, topic and trawl: stories about how we reach our past":["Elin Rønby\n Pedersen"],"Touch behavior with different postures on soft smartphone keyboards":["Shumin Zhai"],"Ubiquitous search for smart workspaces":["Daniel M. Russell"],"Understanding Cyclic Trends in Social Choices":["Anish Das Sarma"],"Understanding Tablet Use: A Multi-Method Exploration":["Hendrik Müller","Jennifer L. Gove","John S. Webb"],"Understanding Visualization by Understanding Individual Users":["Sara L. Su"],"Understanding Visualization: A Formal Approach using Category Theory and\n Semiotics":["Joe Faith"],"Understanding cyclic trends in social choices":["Anish Das Sarma"],"Understanding the Meta-Experience of Casual Games":["David Huffaker"],"User Demographics and Language in an Implicit Social Network":["Katja Filippova"],"Vanity or Privacy? Social Media as a Facilitator of Privacy and Trust":["Jessica Staddon"],"Who knows?: searching for expertise on the social web: technical perspective.":["Ed H. Chi"],"Women in UX leadership in business":[],"A Four Group Cross-Over Design for Measuring Irreversible Treatments on Web\n Search Tasks":["David Mease","Daniel M. Russell"],"Apples to oranges?: comparing across studies of open collaboration/peer\n production":["Ed H. Chi"],"CrowdForge: Crowdsourcing Complex Work":["Boris Smus"],"Crowdsourcing Event Detection in YouTube Videos":["Thomas Steiner"],"Crowdsourcing the process of scientific publishing":[],"DC Proposal: Enriching Unstructured Media Content About Events to Enable\n Semi-Automated Summaries, Compilations, and Improved Search by Leveraging Social\n Networks":["Thomas Steiner"],"Deep Shot: A Framework for Migrating Tasks Across Devices Using Mobile Phone\n Cameras":["Yang Li"],"Design and Implementation of FAITH, an Experimental System to Intercept and\n Manipulate Online Social Informatics":["Shaozhi Ye"],"Designing for user experience: academia & industry":[],"DoubleFlip: A Motion Gesture Delimiter for Mobile Interaction":["Yang Li"],"Electric Agents: Combining Television and Mobiles for an Educational Game.":["Hayes Raffle"],"Estimating the size of online social networks":["Shaozhi Ye"],"Experimental Analysis of Touch-Screen Gesture Designs in Mobile Environments":["Yang Li"],"From Basecamp to Summit: Scaling Field Research Across 9 Locations":["Jens Riegelsberger"],"Gesture Avatar: A Technique for Operating Mobile User Interfaces Using Gestures":["Yang Li"],"Globicomp - doing ubicomp differently: introduction to the special issue.":["Lucia Terrenghi"],"How Locus of Control Influences Compatibility with Visualization Style":["Sara L.\n Su"],"How the Order of Response Options in a Running Tally Can Affect Online Survey\n Estimates":["Mario Callegaro"],"IVR and web administration in structured interviews utilizing rating scales:\n Exploring the role of motivation as a moderator to mode effects":["Mario Callegaro"],"Influence Maximization in Social Networks When Negative Opinions May Emerge and\n Propagate":["Alex Collins"],"Managing Crowdsourced Human Computation":["Praveen K.\n Paritosh"],"Measuring improvement in user search performance resulting from optimal search\n tips":["Daniel M. Russell","David Mease"],"Milgram-routing in social networks.":["Silvio Lattanzi","D. Sivakumar"],"Near to the brain: Functional near-infrared spectroscopy as a lightweight brain\n imaging technique for visualization":["Sara L.\n Su"],"Personalized Social Recommendations - Accurate or Private?":[],"Reputation Systems for Open Collaboration":["A. Kulshrestra"],"Smart Phone Use by Non-Mobile Business Users":["Shumin Zhai"],"Suggesting (More) Friends Using the Implicit Social Graph":["David Deutscher","Ilan Horn","Naty Leiser","Yossi\n Matias","Ron Merom"],"The future of child-computer interaction":["Daniel\n M. Russell"],"Understanding information preview in mobile email processing":["Shumin Zhai"],"User-Defined Motion Gestures for Mobile Interaction":["Yang Li"],"Web 2.0 and Performance: Using Social Media to Facilitate Learning at Google":["Julia Bulkowski"],"Working Smarter, Not Harder: Inter-Disciplinary Methods for the Age of Analytics":["Andrew Warr","Kathy Baxter"],"YouPivot: Improving Recall with Contextual Search":["Andrew\n Warr"],"A comparison of visual and textual page previews in judging the helpfulness of\n web pages.":["Anne Aula","Rehan Khan"],"Automatic Generation of Research Trails in Web History":["Elin Rønby Pedersen"],"Behind the Scenes of Google Maps Navigation: Enabling actionable user feedback at\n scale":["Andrew T. Miller"],"Best of Both Worlds: Improving Gmail Labels with the Affordances of Folders":["Kerry Rodden"],"Collaborative Human Computation as a Means of Information Management":["Manas Tungare"],"Confucius and Its Intelligent Disciples: Integrating Social with Search":["Xiance Si"],"Designing for children's mobile storytelling":[],"Do You Know Which Device Your Respondent Has Used to Take Your Online Survey?":["Mario Callegaro"],"From Research Hypotheses to Practical Guidelines: A Proposal to Facilitate\n Researcher-Practitioner Interaction":["Manas\n Tungare"],"Gesture Search: A Tool for Fast Mobile Data Access":["Yang Li"],"How does search behavior change as search becomes more difficult?":["Anne Aula","Rehan Khan"],"Ignore These At Your Peril: Ten principles for trust design":["Jens Riegelsberger"],"Measuring the User Experience on a Large Scale: User-Centered Metrics for Web\n Applications":["Kerry Rodden","Hilary Hutchinson"],"Not gone, but forgotten: Helping users re-find web pages by identifying those\n which are most likely to be lost":["Elin Rønby Pedersen"],"Optimal Iterative Pricing over Social Networks (Extended Abstract)":["Vahab Mirrokni"],"Optimal marketing and pricing over social networks":["Vahab S. Mirrokni"],"Protractor: A Fast and Accurate Gesture Recognizer":["Yang Li"],"QuickSuggest: Character Prediction for Improved Text Entry on Web Appliances":["Ullas Gargi","Rich Gossweiler"],"Reading Difficulty in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: Analysis with a\n Hierarchical Latent Trait Model":["Martin Jansche"],"Rhythms and plasticity: television temporality at home":["Andrea Knight"],"Say What? Why users choose to speak their web queries":["Maryam Kamvar"],"Suggesting Friends Using the Implicit Social Graph":["David\n Deutscher","Ilan Horn","Naty Leiser","Yossi Matias","Ron\n Merom"],"Sustainability of Bits, not just Atoms":["Manas Tungare"],"‘N the Network?’’ Using Internet Resources for Predicting Cell Phone Number\n Status":["Mario Callegaro"],"'You've Got IMs!' How People Manage Concurrent Instant Messages":["Judy Chen"],"An incentive-based architecture for social recommendations":[],"Beyond Pinch and Flick: Enriching Mobile Gesture Interaction":["Yang Li"],"DTorial: An interactive tutorial framework for blind users in a Web 2.0 world":[],"Discriminating the relevance of web search results with measures of pupil size":["Anne Aula","Dan Russell"],"Gmail Accessibility: A Case Study of Accessibility for AJAX Applications":[],"Google Internationalization Quality Control Framework":["Jens\n Riegelsberger"],"How Children Search the Internet with Keyword Interfaces":["Hilary Hutchinson"],"How opinions are received by online communities: A case study on\n helpfulness votes":["Gueorgi\n Kossinets"],"Mechanisms for making crowds truthful":["Radu Jurca"],"Mobile User Experience Research: Challenges, Methods & Tools":["Jens\n Riegelsberger"],"Multilingual search strategies":["Anne Aula"],"Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network":["Gueorgi Kossinets"],"Overcoming challenges in mobile UX research methods and tools":["Jens\n Riegelsberger"],"Perspective Probe":["Marianne Berkovich"],"Perspective Probe: Many Parts add up to a Whole Perspective":["Marianne Berkovich"],"Sensemaking workshop CHI 2009":["Daniel M Russell"],"The application of forgiveness in social system design":["Jens Riegelsberger"],"The mobile revolution: using technology to transform fieldwork":["Jens Riegelsberger"],"Undo and Erase Events as Indicators of Usability Problems":["David Akers","Matthew Simpson"],"WCAG 2.0 for Designers: Beyond Screen Readers and Captions":[],"WEB 2.0: BLIND TO A BRAVE NEW WORLD":[],"What's Up CAPTCHA? A CAPTCHA Based On Image Orientation":["Rich Gossweiler","Maryam Kamvar","Shumeet\n Baluja"],"sos: Searching Help Pages of R Packages":["Sundar Dorai-Raj"],"xBook: Redesigning Privacy Control in Social Networking Platforms":[],"A Case for Usage Tracking to Relate Digital Objects":["Elin Rønby Pedersen"],"A Social Query Model for Decentralized Search":["Sugato Basu"],"AxsJAX: A Talking Translation Bot using Google IM: Bringing Web-2.0 Applications\n to Life":["T. V. Raman"],"Blocked sites and offensive videos: the challenges of teen computer use":["Anne Aula"],"Controlling the Complexity in Comparing Search User Interfaces via User Studies":["Anne Aula"],"Eye-Mouse Coordination Patterns on Web Search Results Pages":["Kerry Rodden","Anne Aula"],"Formulargestaltung für Dummies: Die häufigsten Fehler erkennen, beheben und\n zukünftig vermeiden":["Michael Hatscher"],"From Logs to People: Field Research at Google":["Jens Riegelsberger"],"Generating Summary Keywords for Emails Using Topics":["Fernando Pereira"],"Google TV Search: Dual-Wielding Search and Discovery in a Large-Scale Product":["Rich Gossweiler","Andrea\n Knight"],"Improving Access to Web Content at Google":[],"Mass Personalization: Social and Interactive Applications using Sound-Track\n Identification":["Michael Fink","Michele Covell","Shumeet\n Baluja"],"Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Ethnography and Selective Visibility in the\n Technology Sector":["Laura Granka","Jens Riegelsberger"],"Paper interface to electronic medical records: a case of usage-driven technology\n appropriation":["Elin Rønby Pedersen"],"Query Suggestions for Mobile Search: Understanding Usage Patterns":["Maryam Kamvar","Shumeet Baluja"],"Recovering trust and avoiding escalation: an overlooked design goal of social\n systems":["Jens Riegelsberger"],"Relating Documents via User Activity: The Missing Link":["Elin Rønby Pedersen"],"Review of Beyond the Desktop Metaphor: Designing Integrated Digital Work\n Environments, edited by Victor Kaptelinin and Mary Czerwinski":[],"Seeing the bigger picture: A multi-method field trial of Google Maps for Mobile":["Jens Riegelsberger"],"Sensemaking":["Daniel M Russell"],"Truthful opinions from the crowds":["Radu Jurca"],"Usability Professionals - ein Rollenspiel":["Michael Hatscher"],"User Preference and Search Engine Latency":["Hilary Hutchinson"],"User experience at Google: focus on the user and all else will follow":["Antonella Pavese","Jens Riegelsberger","Kerry Rodden"],"Word Usage and Posting Behaviors: Modeling Bloggers with Unobtrusive Data\n Collection Methods":["Kerry Rodden"],"Zebra: Exploring users’ engagement in fieldwork":["Matthew Simpson"],"“Express yourself” / “Stay together”: The middle-class Indian family":[],"“It’s our only connection”: Mobile phones and romantic relationships in India":[],"Applying a User-Centered Metric to Identify Active Blogs":["Kerry Rodden"],"Assigned tasks are not the same as self-chosen Web search tasks.":["Daniel M. Russell","Carrie Grimes"],"Capturing mobile phone usage: Research methods for mobile studies":[],"Communication mapping: Understanding anyone’s social network in 60 minutes":[],"Conducting remote, internet-based experiments on Web design":[],"Designing Searching and Browsing Software for Elementary-Age Children":["Hilary Hutchinson"],"Emacspeak -- The Complete Audio Desktop":["Raman, T. V."],"Evaluating the accuracy of implicit feedback from clicks and query reformulations\n in web search":["Laura A. Granka"],"Exploring How Mouse Movements Relate to Eye Movements on Web Search Results Pages":["Kerry Rodden"],"Interpreting and Acting on Mobile Awareness Cues":[],"Organizing and Searching the World Wide Web of Facts - Step Two: Harnessing the\n Wisdom of the Crowds":["Marius Pasca"],"Review of The Body and the Screen: Theories of Internet Spectatorship, by Michele\n White":[],"Session Viewer: Visual Exploratory Analysis of Web Session Logs":["Heidi Lam","Daniel M. Russell","Diane Tang"],"Social Dynamics of Early Stage Co-design in Developing Regions":["Jane Chiu"],"Thinking but not seeing: think-aloud for non-sighted users":[],"Towards the Perfect Infrastructure for Usability Testing on Mobile Devices":[],"Trust 2.1: advancing the trust debate":["Jens Riegelsberger"],"Using structural cues to guide readers on the internet":[],"When two methods are better than one: Combining user study with cognitive\n modeling":["Andrea Knight"],"\"It's about the information stupid!\": why we need a separate field of\n human-information interaction":["Daniel M. Russell"],"Incorporating Eyetracking into User Studies at Google":["Laura A. Granka","Kerry Rodden"],"Location location location: viewing patterns on WWW pages":["Laura A. Granka"],"No IM please, We're Testing":[],"Panels: Design Communication":[],"Scaling the card sort method to over 500 items: restructuring the Google AdWords\n Help Center":["Kerry\n Rodden"],"Shared Family Calendars: Promoting Symmetry and Accessibility":["Hilary\n Hutchinson"],"The Evolution of the International Children's Digital Library Searching and\n Browsing Interface":["Hilary Hutchinson"],"Virtual Information Piles for Small Screen Devices":[],"Mobile search with text messages: designing the user experience for Google SMS":["Kerry\n Rodden"]}
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