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Last active February 1, 2024 05:49
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Team Git Practice

Team Git Practice

25 min

Let's simulate using Git in a team environment to help us better prepare for development in a professional setting.


Split up into teams of 3-4. If You're in a group of 3, then the Release Manager will also play the role of Developer 3.

  • Release Manager - Responsible for managing the remote repository, merging branches
  • Developer 1
  • Developer 2
  • Developer 3

The person who should be following a series of steps will be marked like DEVELOPER 1



  1. Create a public repository in your GitHub account
  2. Add the 2-3 additional developers in your team as Collaborators


  1. Clone the newly created repository to your computer (you can use any location for this exercise, your Desktop for example)
  2. In the terminal, navigate to the working directory you just cloned


  1. Create a new branch called foundation and switch to it
  2. Create a file named index.html
  3. Add the base HTML structure into the page, don't worry about including anything else
  4. Stage the file for your next commit
  5. Commit the file
  6. Stop and Think: Do the other developers have access to the file you created yet?
  7. Push the branch to the remote repository and create a pull request


  1. Go to GitHub and view the repository you created for your team
  2. On the right hand side click on "Pull requests"
  3. Review the changes being proposed by Developer 1
  4. If they look good, approve the changes by merging the new foundation branch into master


  1. Pull down the latest changes from the remote repository
  2. Create a new branch named quotes and switch to it
  3. The page is in need of some content. Add an <h1> element with a title for the page
  4. Additionally, add a <blockquote> element to the page with your favorite quote, be sure to include the author
  5. Go ahead and create a file named style.css, but don't worry about adding anything to it yet
  6. Stage your changes for the next commit
  7. Commit your changes
  8. Push the branch to the remote repository and create a pull request


  1. Go to GitHub and view the repository you created for your team
  2. On the right hand side click on "Pull requests"
  3. Review the changes being proposed by Developer 2
  4. If they look good, approve the changes by merging the new quotes branch into master


  1. Pull down the latest changes from the remote repository
  2. Create a new branch named styles and switch to it
  3. Add a couple of very basic styles in index.html (e.g. add a background color, style the quote)
  4. Stage your changes for the next commit
  5. Commit your changes
  6. You think that the author attributed to the quote is incorrect. You believe it's supposed to be Justin Bieber. Change the author to reflect this
  7. Stage your changes for the next commit
  8. Commit your changes
  9. Push the branch to the remote repository and create a pull request


  1. Go to GitHub and view the repository you created for your team
  2. On the right hand side click on "Pull requests"
  3. Review the changes being proposed by Developer 3
  4. You don't notice the error with the author, so just approve the changes by merging the new styles branch into master


  1. Your biggest client notices that the author of the quote is completely incorrect. Developer 3 is on vacation, and you're tasked to fix this
  2. Pull down the latest changes from the remote repository
  3. Create a new branch named hotfix1 and switch to it
  4. Correct the author
  5. Stage your changes for the next commit
  6. Commit your changes
  7. DO NOT push your changes to the remote repository yet


  1. Pull down the latest changes from the remote repository
  2. Create a new branch named authorupdate and switch to it
  3. Your manager asked you to make the author's name all uppercase, so go ahead and do that.
  4. Stage your changes for the next commit
  5. DO NOT commit your changes or push them to the remote repository yet


  1. Push the hotfix1 branch to the remote repository and create a pull request


  1. Go to GitHub and view the repository you created for your team
  2. On the right hand side click on "Pull requests"
  3. Review the changes being proposed by Developer 1
  4. Approve the changes by merging the new hotfix1 branch into master


  1. Switch to the master branch
  2. Pull down the latest changes from the remote repository
  3. You noticed some files have changed, and you want the new branch you're working on to also have these changes
  4. Switch to the existing authorupdate branch that you're still working on
  5. Run git merge master to get those updates
  6. You should have a conflict now with the new changes clashing with yours. Resolve these conflicts
  7. Stage your changes for the next commit
  8. Commit your changes
  9. Push the branch to the remote repository and create a pull request


  1. Go to GitHub and view the repository you created for your team
  2. On the right hand side click on "Pull requests"
  3. Review the changes being proposed by Developer 2
  4. Approve the changes by merging the new authorupdate branch into master


  1. Pull down the latest changes from the remote repository
  2. Create a new branch named hotfix2 and switch to it
  3. You're absolutely certain the author's name is supposed to be Justin Bieber. Change it back to that again
  4. Stage your changes for the next commit
  5. Commit your changes
  6. Push the branch to the remote repository and create a pull request


  1. Go to GitHub and view the repository you created for your team
  2. On the right hand side click on "Pull requests"
  3. Review the changes being proposed by Developer 3
  4. This time, you learned your lesson and instead of merging you leave a comment about how this is incorrect and just close the request without merging.
  5. Ask Developer 3 to stop doing this and tell them there's more to life than Justin Bieber
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