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Created May 8, 2018 18:23
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# Add an OU to hold user accounts
dn: ou=users,dc=example,dc=org
changeType: add
objectClass: organizationalUnit
description: Organization users
ou: users
# Add an OU to hold roles
dn: ou=roles,dc=example,dc=org
changeType: add
objectClass: organizationalUnit
description: Organization roles
ou: roles
# Add a SysAdmin role
dn: cn=sysadmins,ou=roles,dc=example,dc=org
changeType: add
objectClass: organizationalRole
description: System Admin role
# Add a Developer role
dn: cn=developers,ou=roles,dc=example,dc=org
changeType: add
objectClass: organizationalRole
description: Developer role
# Add some people
dn: uid=dfayden,ou=users,dc=example,dc=org
changeType: add
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
description: Self-proclaimed "greatest thief in the Multiverse."
sn: Fayden
givenName: Dack
cn: Dack Fayden
uid: dfayden
memberOf: cn=sysadmins,ou=roles,dc=example,dc=org
dn: uid=etirel,ou=users,dc=example,dc=org
changeType: add
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
description: Left her embattled homeland in search of a new place to call home.
sn: Tirel
givenName: Elspeth
cn: Elspeth Tirel
uid: etirel
memberOf: cn=sysadmins,ou=roles,dc=example,dc=org
dn: uid=gjura,ou=users,dc=example,dc=org
changeType: add
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
description: Fiercely loyal, unyielding, just and charismatic.
sn: Jura
givenName: Gideon
cn: Gideon Jura
uid: gjura
memberOf: cn=developers,ou=users,dc=example,dc=org
dn: uid=jbeleren,ou=users,dc=example,dc=org
changeType: add
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
description: Brilliant, curious, and always in control.
sn: Beleren
givenName: Jace
cn: Jace Beleren
uid: jbeleren
memberOf: cn=developers,ou=users,dc=example,dc=org
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