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Created June 5, 2014 09:51
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Global hot keys in Python for Win32
import ctypes
import ctypes.wintypes
import win32con
class GlobalHotKeys(object):
Register a key using the register() method, or using the @register decorator
Use listen() to start the message pump
from globalhotkeys import GlobalHotKeys
def hello_world():
print 'Hello World'
key_mapping = []
user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
MOD_ALT = win32con.MOD_ALT
MOD_WIN = win32con.MOD_WIN
def register(cls, vk, modifier=0, func=None):
vk is a windows virtual key code
- can use ord('X') for A-Z, and 0-1 (note uppercase letter only)
- or win32con.VK_* constants
- for full list of VKs see:
modifier is a win32con.MOD_* constant
func is the function to run. If False then break out of the message loop
# Called as a decorator?
if func is None:
def register_decorator(f):
cls.register(vk, modifier, f)
return f
return register_decorator
cls.key_mapping.append((vk, modifier, func))
def listen(cls):
Start the message pump
for index, (vk, modifiers, func) in enumerate(cls.key_mapping):
if not cls.user32.RegisterHotKey(None, index, modifiers, vk):
raise Exception('Unable to register hot key: ' + str(vk))
msg = ctypes.wintypes.MSG()
while cls.user32.GetMessageA(ctypes.byref(msg), None, 0, 0) != 0:
if msg.message == win32con.WM_HOTKEY:
(vk, modifiers, func) = cls.key_mapping[msg.wParam]
if not func:
for index, (vk, modifiers, func) in enumerate(cls.key_mapping):
cls.user32.UnregisterHotKey(None, index)
def _include_defined_vks(cls):
for item in win32con.__dict__:
item = str(item)
if item[:3] == 'VK_':
setattr(cls, item, win32con.__dict__[item])
def _include_alpha_numeric_vks(cls):
for key_code in (range(ord('A'), ord('Z')) + range(ord('0'), ord('9'))):
setattr(cls, 'VK_' + chr(key_code), key_code)
# Not sure if this is really a good idea or not?
# It makes decorators look a little nicer, and the user doesn't have to explicitly use win32con (and we add missing VKs
# for A-Z, 0-9
# But there no auto-complete (as it's done at run time), and lint'ers hate it
from globalhotkeys import GlobalHotKeys
@GlobalHotKeys.register(GlobalHotKeys.VK_F1, GlobalHotKeys.MOD_SHIFT)
def hello_world():
print "Hello World!"
def hello_world_2():
print "Hello World again?"
# Q and ctrl will stop message loop
GlobalHotKeys.register(GlobalHotKeys.VK_Q, 0, False)
GlobalHotKeys.register(GlobalHotKeys.VK_C, GlobalHotKeys.MOD_CTRL, False)
# start main loop
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How do I manually kill the hotkey listener? in the example, lines 15 and 16 do what I want if you press the appropriate keys, but I'm not sure how to duplicate this functionality without actively pressing keys. I looked at the register function to try to understand how it does this, but couldn't figure it out.
p.s. thanks for writing the only global python hotkey program that actually works!

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Aliense commented Nov 7, 2020

python 3.6 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'range' and 'range'

used it

        a = ord('A');b = ord('Z')+1;c = ord('0');d = ord('9')+1;
        #range(a,b)+range(c,d) is list, that have items between a and b and between c and d
        #that list we also can get used list bettwen min(a,c) and max(b,d), but not between max(a,c) and min(b,d)
        #that list is [k for k in range(min(a,c), max(b,d)) if k not in range(max(a,c), min(b,d))]
        for key_code in [k for k in range(min(a,c), max(b,d)) if k not in range(max(a,c), min(b,d))]:
        #for key_code in (range(ord('A'), ord('Z')) + range(ord('0'), ord('9'))):

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