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Last active November 30, 2019 21:53
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A Python 3 port of the script that checks if a computer is vulnerable to MS17-010
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This is a Python 3 port of the script found at the below URL
from ctypes import *
import socket
import struct
import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(message)s")
log = logging.getLogger(__file__)
# negotiate_proto_request
# session_setup_andx_request
# tree_connect_andx_request
# peeknamedpipe_request
# trans2 request
class SMB_HEADER(Structure):
"""SMB Header decoder.
_pack_ = 1 # Alignment
_fields_ = [
("server_component", c_uint32),
("smb_command", c_uint8),
("error_class", c_uint8),
("reserved1", c_uint8),
("error_code", c_uint16),
("flags", c_uint8),
("flags2", c_uint16),
("process_id_high", c_uint16),
("signature", c_uint64),
("reserved2", c_uint16),
("tree_id", c_uint16),
("process_id", c_uint16),
("user_id", c_uint16),
("multiplex_id", c_uint16)
def __new__(self, buffer=None):
return self.from_buffer_copy(buffer)
def __init__(self, buffer):
log.debug("server_component : %04x" % self.server_component)
log.debug("smb_command : %01x" % self.smb_command)
log.debug("error_class : %01x" % self.error_class)
log.debug("error_code : %02x" % self.error_code)
log.debug("flags : %01x" % self.flags)
log.debug("flags2 : %02x" % self.flags2)
log.debug("process_id_high : %02x" % self.process_id_high)
log.debug("signature : %08x" % self.signature)
log.debug("reserved2 : %02x" % self.reserved2)
log.debug("tree_id : %02x" % self.tree_id)
log.debug("process_id : %02x" % self.process_id)
log.debug("user_id : %02x" % self.user_id)
log.debug("multiplex_id : %02x" % self.multiplex_id)
def generate_smb_proto_payload(*protos):
"""Generate SMB Protocol. Pakcet protos in order.
hexdata = []
for proto in protos:
return b"".join(hexdata)
def calculate_doublepulsar_xor_key(s):
"""Calaculate Doublepulsar Xor Key
x = (2 * s ^ (((s & 0xff00 | (s << 16)) << 8) | (((s >> 16) | s & 0xff0000) >> 8)))
x = x & 0xffffffff # this line was added just to truncate to 32 bits
return x
def negotiate_proto_request():
"""Generate a negotiate_proto_request packet.
log.debug("generate negotiate request")
netbios = [
b'\x00', # 'Message_Type'
b'\x00\x00\x54' # 'Length'
smb_header = [
b'\xFF\x53\x4D\x42', # 'server_component': .SMB
b'\x72', # 'smb_command': Negotiate Protocol
b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', # 'nt_status'
b'\x18', # 'flags'
b'\x01\x28', # 'flags2'
b'\x00\x00', # 'process_id_high'
b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', # 'signature'
b'\x00\x00', # 'reserved'
b'\x00\x00', # 'tree_id'
b'\x2F\x4B', # 'process_id'
b'\x00\x00', # 'user_id'
b'\xC5\x5E' # 'multiplex_id'
negotiate_proto_request = [
b'\x00', # 'word_count'
b'\x31\x00', # 'byte_count'
# Requested Dialects
b'\x02', # 'dialet_buffer_format'
b'\x4C\x41\x4E\x4D\x41\x4E\x31\x2E\x30\x00', # 'dialet_name': LANMAN1.0
b'\x02', # 'dialet_buffer_format'
b'\x4C\x4D\x31\x2E\x32\x58\x30\x30\x32\x00', # 'dialet_name': LM1.2X002
b'\x02', # 'dialet_buffer_format'
b'\x4E\x54\x20\x4C\x41\x4E\x4D\x41\x4E\x20\x31\x2E\x30\x00', # 'dialet_name3': NT LANMAN 1.0
b'\x02', # 'dialet_buffer_format'
b'\x4E\x54\x20\x4C\x4D\x20\x30\x2E\x31\x32\x00' # 'dialet_name4': NT LM 0.12
return generate_smb_proto_payload(netbios, smb_header, negotiate_proto_request)
def session_setup_andx_request():
"""Generate session setuo andx request.
log.debug("generate session setup andx request")
netbios = [
b'\x00', # 'Message_Type'
b'\x00\x00\x63' # 'Length'
smb_header = [
b'\xFF\x53\x4D\x42', # 'server_component': .SMB
b'\x73', # 'smb_command': Session Setup AndX
b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', # 'nt_status'
b'\x18', # 'flags'
b'\x01\x20', # 'flags2'
b'\x00\x00', # 'process_id_high'
b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', # 'signature'
b'\x00\x00', # 'reserved'
b'\x00\x00', # 'tree_id'
b'\x2F\x4B', # 'process_id'
b'\x00\x00', # 'user_id'
b'\xC5\x5E' # 'multiplex_id'
session_setup_andx_request = [
b'\x0D', # Word Count
b'\xFF', # AndXCommand: No further command
b'\x00', # Reserved
b'\x00\x00', # AndXOffset
b'\xDF\xFF', # Max Buffer
b'\x02\x00', # Max Mpx Count
b'\x01\x00', # VC Number
b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', # Session Key
b'\x00\x00', # ANSI Password Length
b'\x00\x00', # Unicode Password Length
b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', # Reserved
b'\x40\x00\x00\x00', # Capabilities
b'\x26\x00', # Byte Count
b'\x00', # Account
b'\x2e\x00', # Primary Domain
b'\x57\x69\x6e\x64\x6f\x77\x73\x20\x32\x30\x30\x30\x20\x32\x31\x39\x35\x00', # Native OS: Windows 2000 2195
b'\x57\x69\x6e\x64\x6f\x77\x73\x20\x32\x30\x30\x30\x20\x35\x2e\x30\x00', # Native OS: Windows 2000 5.0
return generate_smb_proto_payload(netbios, smb_header, session_setup_andx_request)
def tree_connect_andx_request(ip, userid):
"""Generate tree connect andx request.
log.debug("generate tree connect andx request")
netbios = [
b'\x00', # 'Message_Type'
b'\x00\x00\x47' # 'Length'
smb_header = [
b'\xFF\x53\x4D\x42', # 'server_component': .SMB
b'\x75', # 'smb_command': Tree Connect AndX
b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', # 'nt_status'
b'\x18', # 'flags'
b'\x01\x20', # 'flags2'
b'\x00\x00', # 'process_id_high'
b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', # 'signature'
b'\x00\x00', # 'reserved'
b'\x00\x00', # 'tree_id'
b'\x2F\x4B', # 'process_id'
userid, # 'user_id'
b'\xC5\x5E' # 'multiplex_id'
ipc = "\\\\{}\IPC$\x00".format(ip)
log.debug("Connecting to {} with UID = {}".format(ipc, userid.hex()))
tree_connect_andx_request = [
b'\x04', # Word Count
b'\xFF', # AndXCommand: No further commands
b'\x00', # Reserved
b'\x00\x00', # AndXOffset
b'\x00\x00', # Flags
b'\x01\x00', # Password Length
b'\x1A\x00', # Byte Count
b'\x00', # Password
ipc.encode(), # \\\IPC$
b'\x3f\x3f\x3f\x3f\x3f\x00' # Service
length = len(b"".join(smb_header)) + len(b"".join(tree_connect_andx_request))
# netbios[1] = '\x00' + struct.pack('>H', length)
netbios[1] = struct.pack(">L", length)[-3:]
return generate_smb_proto_payload(netbios, smb_header, tree_connect_andx_request)
def peeknamedpipe_request(treeid, processid, userid, multiplex_id):
"""Generate tran2 request
log.debug("generate peeknamedpipe request")
netbios = [
b'\x00', # 'Message_Type'
b'\x00\x00\x4a' # 'Length'
smb_header = [
b'\xFF\x53\x4D\x42', # 'server_component': .SMB
b'\x25', # 'smb_command': Trans2
b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', # 'nt_status'
b'\x18', # 'flags'
b'\x01\x28', # 'flags2'
b'\x00\x00', # 'process_id_high'
b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', # 'signature'
b'\x00\x00', # 'reserved'
tran_request = [
b'\x10', # Word Count
b'\x00\x00', # Total Parameter Count
b'\x00\x00', # Total Data Count
b'\xff\xff', # Max Parameter Count
b'\xff\xff', # Max Data Count
b'\x00', # Max Setup Count
b'\x00', # Reserved
b'\x00\x00', # Flags
b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', # Timeout: Return immediately
b'\x00\x00', # Reversed
b'\x00\x00', # Parameter Count
b'\x4a\x00', # Parameter Offset
b'\x00\x00', # Data Count
b'\x4a\x00', # Data Offset
b'\x02', # Setup Count
b'\x00', # Reversed
b'\x23\x00', # SMB Pipe Protocol: Function: PeekNamedPipe (0x0023)
b'\x00\x00', # SMB Pipe Protocol: FID
b'\x5c\x50\x49\x50\x45\x5c\x00' # \PIPE\
return generate_smb_proto_payload(netbios, smb_header, tran_request)
def trans2_request(treeid, processid, userid, multiplex_id):
"""Generate trans2 request.
log.debug("generate tran2 request")
netbios = [
b'\x00', # 'Message_Type'
b'\x00\x00\x4f' # 'Length'
smb_header = [
b'\xFF\x53\x4D\x42', # 'server_component': .SMB
b'\x32', # 'smb_command': Trans2
b'\x00\x00\x00\x00', # 'nt_status'
b'\x18', # 'flags'
b'\x07\xc0', # 'flags2'
b'\x00\x00', # 'process_id_high'
b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', # 'signature'
b'\x00\x00', # 'reserved'
trans2_request = [
b'\x0f', # Word Count
b'\x0c\x00', # Total Parameter Count
b'\x00\x00', # Total Data Count
b'\x01\x00', # Max Parameter Count
b'\x00\x00', # Max Data Count
b'\x00', # Max Setup Count
b'\x00', # Reserved
b'\x00\x00', # Flags
b'\xa6\xd9\xa4\x00', # Timeout: 3 hours, 3.622 seconds
b'\x00\x00', # Reversed
b'\x0c\x00', # Parameter Count
b'\x42\x00', # Parameter Offset
b'\x00\x00', # Data Count
b'\x4e\x00', # Data Offset
b'\x01', # Setup Count
b'\x00', # Reserved
b'\x0e\x00', # subcommand: SESSION_SETUP
b'\x00\x00', # Byte Count
b'\x0c\x00' + b'\x00' * 12
return generate_smb_proto_payload(netbios, smb_header, trans2_request)
def check(ip, port=445):
"""Check if MS17_010 SMB Vulnerability exists.
if True:
buffersize = 1024
timeout = 5.0
# Send smb request based on socket.
client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
client.connect((ip, port))
# SMB - Negotiate Protocol Request
raw_proto = negotiate_proto_request()
tcp_response = client.recv(buffersize)
# SMB - Session Setup AndX Request
raw_proto = session_setup_andx_request()
tcp_response = client.recv(buffersize)
netbios = tcp_response[:4]
smb_header = tcp_response[4:36] # SMB Header: 32 bytes
smb = SMB_HEADER(smb_header)
user_id = struct.pack('<H', smb.user_id)
# parse native_os from Session Setup Andx Response
session_setup_andx_response = tcp_response[36:]
native_os = session_setup_andx_response[9:].split(b'\x00')[0]
# SMB - Tree Connect AndX Request
raw_proto = tree_connect_andx_request(ip, user_id)
tcp_response = client.recv(buffersize)
netbios = tcp_response[:4]
smb_header = tcp_response[4:36] # SMB Header: 32 bytes
smb = SMB_HEADER(smb_header)
tree_id = struct.pack('<H', smb.tree_id)
process_id = struct.pack('<H', smb.process_id)
user_id = struct.pack('<H', smb.user_id)
multiplex_id = struct.pack('<H', smb.multiplex_id)
# SMB - PeekNamedPipe Request
raw_proto = peeknamedpipe_request(tree_id, process_id, user_id, multiplex_id)
tcp_response = client.recv(buffersize)
netbios = tcp_response[:4]
smb_header = tcp_response[4:36]
smb = SMB_HEADER(smb_header)
# nt_status = smb_header[5:9]
nt_status = struct.pack('BBH', smb.error_class, smb.reserved1, smb.error_code)
# 0xC0000205 - STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES - vulnerable
if nt_status == b'\x05\x02\x00\xc0':"[+] [{}] is likely VULNERABLE to MS17-010! ({})".format(ip, native_os.decode()))
# vulnerable to MS17-010, check for DoublePulsar infection
raw_proto = trans2_request(tree_id, process_id, user_id, multiplex_id)
tcp_response = client.recv(buffersize)
netbios = tcp_response[:4]
smb_header = tcp_response[4:36]
smb = SMB_HEADER(smb_header)
if smb.multiplex_id == 0x0051:
key = calculate_doublepulsar_xor_key(smb.signature)"Host is likely INFECTED with DoublePulsar! - XOR Key: {}".format(key.decode()))
elif nt_status in (b'\x08\x00\x00\xc0', b'\x22\x00\x00\xc0'):"[-] [{}] does NOT appear vulnerable".format(ip))
else:"[-] [{}] Unable to detect if this host is vulnerable".format(ip))
#except Exception as err:
# log.error("[-] [{}] Exception: {}".format(ip, err))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("{} <ip>".format(sys.argv[0]))
## References
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