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Last active October 9, 2023 20:16
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An Adaptable component that switches between HStack and VStack based on the properties and the dynamic type size environment value.
import SwiftUI
/// An adaptable stack view that switches between `HStack` and `VStack` based on the dynamic text size.
struct AdaptableStack<Content>: View where Content: View {
@Environment(\.dynamicTypeSize) private var size: DynamicTypeSize
/// The primary axis along which the stack arranges its children.
private var axis: StackAxis
/// The dynamic type size threshold above which the stack axis will switch.
private var sizeThreshold: DynamicTypeSize
/// Alignment of children along the X-axis for vertical stack.
private var vAlignment: HorizontalAlignment
/// Spacing between children for vertical stack.
private var vSpacing: CGFloat?
/// Alignment of children along the Y-axis for horizontal stack.
private var hAlignment: VerticalAlignment
/// Spacing between children for horizontal stack.
private var hSpacing: CGFloat?
/// Closure providing the stack's content.
private var content: () -> Content
/// Creates an `AdaptableStack` with the given properties.
/// - Parameters:
/// - axis: The primary axis for the stack (`vertical` or `horizontal`).
/// - sizeThreshold: The size above which to switch the axis. Default is `.accessibility1`.
/// - vAlignment: The X-axis alignment for a vertical stack. Default is `.center`.
/// - vSpacing: The spacing for a vertical stack. Default is `nil`.
/// - hAlignment: The Y-axis alignment for a horizontal stack. Default is `.center`.
/// - hSpacing: The spacing for a horizontal stack. Default is `nil`.
/// - content: The content of the stack.
_ axis: StackAxis,
sizeThreshold: DynamicTypeSize = .accessibility1,
vAlignment: HorizontalAlignment = .center,
vSpacing: CGFloat? = nil,
hAlignment: VerticalAlignment = .center,
hSpacing: CGFloat? = nil,
@ViewBuilder content: @escaping () -> Content
) {
self.axis = axis
self.sizeThreshold = sizeThreshold
self.vAlignment = vAlignment
self.vSpacing = vSpacing
self.hAlignment = hAlignment
self.hSpacing = hSpacing
self.content = content
var body: some View {
layout {
extension AdaptableStack {
/// Enum to represent the primary axis for the stack.
enum StackAxis {
case vertical
case horizontal
private extension AdaptableStack {
/// Determines the layout to use based on the `axis` and `size`.
var layout: AnyLayout {
switch axis {
case .vertical:
return size > sizeThreshold
? AnyLayout(HStackLayout(alignment: hAlignment, spacing: hSpacing))
: AnyLayout(VStackLayout(alignment: vAlignment, spacing: vSpacing))
case .horizontal:
return size > sizeThreshold
? AnyLayout(VStackLayout(alignment: vAlignment, spacing: vSpacing))
: AnyLayout(HStackLayout(alignment: hAlignment, spacing: hSpacing))
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