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Last active October 29, 2022 18:20
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Industry-Related reading - Q4 2022

Industry-Related reading - Q4 2022

To put in practice

Save Time With User Breakpoints in Xcode: Really useful tips for debugging and saving time.

Writing for Engineers: Very detailed guide on hw to write better documents. The key is to keep writing.


My 2-step rule for having hard conversations at work: The better you can start and sustain a dialogue, the more you can normalize difficult conversations as just part of what we do at work.

Make Meetings Work: Some tips to make meetings less tedious.

Entropy: Why Life Always Seems to Get More Complicated: It is nobody’s fault that life has problems. It is simply a law of probability. There are many disordered states and few ordered ones. Given the odds against us, what is remarkable is not that life has problems, but that we can solve them at all.

What a Healthy Team Looks Like


From bug report to bug fix: optimizing the Customer Support journey: Optimizing the customer support journey impacts the support and engineering team’s productivity. At the same time, your users will more quickly get an answer for their issue leading to happier customers. Diagnostics reports provide valuable insights for support agents and engineers, removing the need to have back-and-forth conversations to extract primary user data.

Skyrocket your productivity with the ‘touch it once’ rule: The general idea is that as soon as you touch something, whether it’s piece of mail or a project that needs to be filed, you immediately act on it. This could be fully completing the task at once or determining the next actionable steps to move it along.


Aging programmer: Some reflections by a 40 year old programmer.

5 Preferences Tweaks For A New Mac

Reminiscing: The Retreat to Comforting Work

Technical - iOS


Package.swift is a Swift file: You can use that to write more readable Package.swift files.


Memory management for async/await and tasks in Swift: Explains why its important to use weak self inside Tasks.



Getting started with Combine: Great explanation of the basic concepts.

Swift's print(), debugPrint(), String(reflecting:), Mirror(reflecting:) and dump(): Explains the differences.

System Programming Interfaces (SPI) in Swift Explained: Swift, starting with 5.3, allows library developers to hide declarations and make them available for specific clients only.

Using The Proxy Pattern In Swift 5: Explains the Proxy pattern with examples.

What is Stored and Computed property in swift: Explains the differences.

Refactoring: Tips for successful refactors.


New in SwiftUI 4: Resizable Bottom Sheet.

New in SwiftUI 4: ViewThatFits.

New in SwiftUI 4: MultiDatePicker.

Opacity Animation in SwiftUI: Using a state variable.

How to use SwiftUI AsyncImage: Explaims how to use AsyncImage.

Animation in SwiftUI


UI and UX


Generate Swift Protocols with Xcode Feature: Xcode tip to autogenerate protocols.

Technical - Programming in general

Trunk Based Development: A source-control branching model, where developers collaborate on code in a single branch called ‘trunk’, resist any pressure to create other long-lived development branches by employing documented techniques. They therefore avoid merge hell, do not break the build, and live happily ever after.

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