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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Veggie 2014 Show Reel

I repurposed the seminal [D3 Show Reel] (
Also co-opted d3.legend.js // (C) 2012

I estimated weights until June then began weighing in oz. Date Range is Mar 16, 2014 through Dec 31, 2014. Prices were guaged using Farmer's market, Alfalfa's and King Soopers. It was difficult to determine which indices to use. Prices change over the summer. An example is heirloom tomatoes where we see $2.99-$5.99/pound depending on month and location. I chose the farmer's market prices in many cases. Suprisingly, they turned out to be the most economical and seemed valid markers. Prices for items not in stores are made-up.

Show Reel is a view my 2014 garden. I'm a High Plains gardener in Boulder, Colorado. We get only 20 inches of rain per year. I have a fully irrigated 9 bed garden on the east side of my south facing house. This is garden number fourteen for me. My first in 2001 was in Lafayette, Colorado. I planted in Lafayette in 2011 and moved to Boulder. I harvested a late season container salad garden in 2011. Since 2011 I've been building out this new patch. Seed sewing and growing log found at PoppySeed. Garden-of-eatin has limited posting record of the gardens since 2004. I'm a reticent blogger at best, but a 2014 review is in progress.

Other viz include:
[VeggieBurst 2014](VeggieBurst 2014)
VeggieCirclePack 2014

// d3.legend.js
// (C) 2012
// MIT licence
(function() {
d3.legend = function(g) {
g.each(function() {
var g=,
items = {},
svg ="nearestViewportElement")),
legendPadding = g.attr("data-style-padding") || 5,
lb = g.selectAll(".legend-box").data([true]),
li = g.selectAll(".legend-items").data([true])
svg.selectAll("[data-legend]").each(function() {
var self =
items[self.attr("data-legend")] = {
pos : self.attr("data-legend-pos") || this.getBBox().y,
color : self.attr("data-legend-color") != undefined ? self.attr("data-legend-color") :"fill") != 'none' ?"fill") :"stroke")
items = d3.entries(items).sort(function(a,b) { return a.value.pos-b.value.pos})
.data(items,function(d) { return d.key})
.call(function(d) { d.enter().append("text")})
.call(function(d) { d.exit().remove()})
.attr("y",function(d,i) { return i+"em"})
.text(function(d) { ;return d.key})
.data(items,function(d) { return d.key})
.call(function(d) { d.enter().append("circle")})
.call(function(d) { d.exit().remove()})
.attr("cy",function(d,i) { return i-0.25+"em"})
.style("fill",function(d) { return color(d.key);});
// Reposition and resize the box
var lbbox = li[0][0].getBBox()
return g
<!DOCTYPE html>
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svg {
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica;
.line {
fill: none;
stroke: #FFF;
stroke-width: 2px;
.legend rect {
<body style="background:#fff;">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="d3.legend.js"></script>
// Find the right method, call on correct element
function launchFullScreen(element) {
if(element.requestFullscreen) {
} else if(element.mozRequestFullScreen) {
} else if(element.webkitRequestFullscreen) {console.log("in launchFullScreen");
} else if(element.msRequestFullscreen) {
var m = [50, 75, 50, 50],
w = window.innerWidth - m[1] - m[3],
h = window.innerHeight - m[0] - m[2];
var x,
duration = 2000,
delay = 3500;
var color = d3.scale.category20();
var colorb = d3.scale.category20();
var colorc = d3.scale.category20();
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", w + m[1] + m[3])
.attr("height", h + m[0] + m[2])
.attr("transform", "translate(" + m[3] + "," + m[0] + ")");
var stocks,
//var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
// .scale(x)
// .orient("bottom");
//var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
// .scale(y)
// .orient("left");
// A line generator, for the dark stroke.
var line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d) { return x(; })
.y(function(d) { return y(d.price); });
// A line generator, for the dark stroke.
var axis = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d) { return x(; })
// A area generator, for the dark stroke.
var area = d3.svg.area()
.x(function(d) { return x(; })
.y1(function(d) { return y(d.price); });
d3.csv("veggie$.csv", function(data) {
var parse = d3.time.format("%m/%d/%Y").parse;
// Nest stock values by veggie.
veggies = d3.nest()
.key(function(d) { return d.veggie; })
.entries(stocks = data);
// Parse dates and numbers. We assume values are sorted by date.
// Also compute the maximum price per veggie, needed for the y-domain.
veggies.forEach(function(s) {
s.values.forEach(function(d) { = parse(; d.price = +d.price; });
s.maxPrice = d3.max(s.values, function(d) { return d.price; });
s.sumPrice = d3.sum(s.values, function(d) { return d.price; });
// Sort by maximum price, descending.
veggies.sort(function(a, b) { return b.maxPrice - a.maxPrice; });
var g = svg.selectAll("g")
.attr("class", "veggie")
.attr("data-legend",function(d) { return d.key});
// svg.append("g")
// .attr("class", "x axis")
// .attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
// .call(xAxis);
window.addEventListener("resize", function(){ console.log("resize registered");
svg.attr("width", window.outerWidth + m[1] + m[3])
.attr("height", window.innerHeight + m[0] + m[2]);
w = window.outerWidth - m[1] - m[3],
h = window.innerHeight - m[0] - m[2];
console.log("h=" + h);
setTimeout(lines, duration);
function lines() {
x = d3.time.scale().range([0, w - 60]);
y = d3.scale.linear().range([h / 14 - 20, 0]);
// Compute the minimum and maximum date across veggies.
d3.min(veggies, function(d) { console.log(d.values[0].date); return d.values[0].date;}),
d3.max(veggies, function(d) { console.log(d.values[d.values.length - 1].date); return d.values[d.values.length - 1].date; })
var g = svg.selectAll(".veggie")
.attr("transform", function(d, i) { return "translate(0," + (i * h / 14 + 10) + ")"; });
g.each(function(d) {
var e =;
.attr("class", "line");
.attr("r", 5)
.style("fill", function(d) { return colorc(d.key); })
.style("stroke", "#FFF")
.style("stroke-width", "2px");
.attr("x", 8)
.attr("dy", ".31em")
.style("fill", function(d) { return colorc(d.key); });
function draw(k) {
g.each(function(d) {
var e =;
y.domain([0, d.maxPrice]);"path")
.attr("d", function(d) { return line(d.values.slice(0, k + 1)); })
.style("stroke", function(d) { return colorc(d.key); });
e.selectAll("circle, text")
.data(function(d) { return [d.values[k], d.values[k]]; })
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + x( + "," + y(d.price) + ")"; });
var k = 1, n = veggies[0].values.length;
d3.timer(function() {
if ((k += 2) >= n - 1) {
draw(n - 1);
setTimeout(horizons, 5000);
return true;
function horizons() {
svg.insert("defs", ".veggie")
.attr("id", "clip")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h / 14 - 20);
var color = d3.scale.ordinal()
.range(["#00CC00", "#CC0066", "#6600CC" ]);
var g = svg.selectAll(".veggie")
.attr("clip-path", "url(#clip)");
.y0(h / 14 - 20);"circle").transition()
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + (w - 60) + "," + (-h / 14) + ")"; })
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + (w - 60) + "," + (h / 14 - 20) + ")"; })
.attr("dy", "-.15em")
.attr("x", -8);
g.each(function(d) {
y.domain([0, d.maxPrice]);".area")
.enter().insert("path", ".line")
.attr("class", "area")
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(0," + (d * (h / 14 - 20)) + ")"; })
.attr("d", area(d.values))
.style("fill", function(d, i) { return color(i); })
.style("fill-opacity", 1e-6);
y.domain([0, d.maxPrice / 5]);".line").transition()
.attr("d", line(d.values))
.style("stroke-opacity", 1e-6);".area").transition()
.style("fill-opacity", 1)
.attr("d", area(d.values))
.each("end", function() {"fill-opacity", null); });
setTimeout(areas, duration + delay);
function areas() {
var g = svg.selectAll(".veggie");
.y(h / 14 - 20);".line")
.attr("d", function(d) { return axis(d.values); });
g.each(function(d) {
y.domain([0, d.maxPrice]);".line").transition()
.style("stroke-opacity", .5)
.style("stroke", colorb(d.key))
.each("end", function() {"stroke-opacity", null); });".area")
.filter(function(d, i) { return i; })
.style("fill-opacity", 1e-6)
.attr("d", area(d.values))
.filter(function(d, i) { return !i; })
.style("fill", colorb(d.key))
.attr("d", area(d.values));
.each("end", function() {"clip-path", null); });
setTimeout(stackedArea, duration + delay);
function stackedArea() {
var stack = d3.layout.stack()
.values(function(d) { return d.values; })
.x(function(d) { return; })
.y(function(d) { return d.price; })
.out(function(d, y0, y) { d.price0 = y0; })
.domain([0, d3.max(veggies[0] { return d.price + d.price0; }))])
.range([h, 0]);
.y(function(d) { return y(d.price0); });
.y0(function(d) { return y(d.price0); })
.y1(function(d) { return y(d.price0 + d.price); });
var t = svg.selectAll(".veggie").transition()
.attr("transform", "translate(0,0)")
.each("end", function() {"transform", null); });"path.area")
.attr("d", function(d) { return area(d.values); });"path.line")
.style("stroke-opacity", function(d, i) { return i < 3 ? 1e-6 : 1; })
.attr("d", function(d) { return line(d.values); });"text")
.attr("transform", function(d) { d = d.values[d.values.length - 1]; return "translate(" + (w - 60) + "," + y(d.price / 2 + d.price0) + ")"; })
legend = svg.append("g")
setTimeout(overlappingArea, duration + delay);
function streamgraph() {
var stack = d3.layout.stack()
.values(function(d) { return d.values; })
.x(function(d) { return; })
.y(function(d) { return d.price; })
.out(function(d, y0, y) { d.price0 = y0; })
.y(function(d) { return y(d.price0); });
var t = svg.selectAll(".veggie").transition()
.attr("d", function(d) { return area(d.values); });"path.line")
.style("stroke-opacity", 1e-6)
.attr("d", function(d) { return line(d.values); });"text")
.attr("transform", function(d) { d = d.values[d.values.length - 1]; return "translate(" + (w - 60) + "," + y(d.price / 2 + d.price0) + ")"; });
setTimeout(overlappingArea, duration + delay);
function overlappingArea() {
var g = svg.selectAll(".veggie");
.y(function(d) { return y(d.price0 + d.price); });".line")
.attr("d", function(d) { return line(d.values); });
.domain([0, d3.max( { return d.maxPrice; }))])
.range([h, 0]);
.y1(function(d) { return y(d.price); });
.y(function(d) { return y(d.price); });
var t = g.transition()
.style("stroke-opacity", 1)
.attr("d", function(d) { return line(d.values); });".area")
.style("fill-opacity", .5)
.attr("d", function(d) { return area(d.values); });"text")
.attr("dy", ".31em")
.attr("transform", function(d) { d = d.values[d.values.length - 1]; return "translate(" + (w - 60) + "," + y(d.price) + ")"; });
.attr("class", "line")
.attr("x1", 0)
.attr("x2", w - 60)
.attr("y1", h)
.attr("y2", h)
.style("stroke-opacity", 1e-6)
.style("stroke-opacity", 1);
setTimeout(groupedBar, duration + delay);
function groupedBar() {
x = d3.scale.ordinal()
.domain(veggies[0] { return; }))
.rangeBands([0, w - 20], .1);
var x1 = d3.scale.ordinal()
.domain( { return d.key; }))
.rangeBands([0, x.rangeBand()]);
var g = svg.selectAll(".veggie");
var t = g.transition()
.style("stroke-opacity", 1e-6)
.style("fill-opacity", 1e-6)
g.each(function(p, j) {"rect")
.data(function(d) { return d.values; })
.attr("x", function(d) { return x( + x1(p.key); })
.attr("y", function(d) { return y(d.price); })
.attr("width", x1.rangeBand())
.attr("height", function(d) { return h - y(d.price); })
.style("fill", color(p.key))
.style("fill-opacity", 1e-6)
.style("fill-opacity", 1);
setTimeout(stackedBar, duration + delay);
function stackedBar() {
x.rangeRoundBands([0, w - 60], .1);
var stack = d3.layout.stack()
.values(function(d) { return d.values; })
.x(function(d) { return; })
.y(function(d) { return d.price; })
.out(function(d, y0, y) { d.price0 = y0; })
var g = svg.selectAll(".veggie");
.domain([0, d3.max(veggies[0] { return d.price + d.price0; }))])
.range([h, 0]);
var t = g.transition()
.duration(duration / 2);"text")
.delay(veggies[0].values.length * 10)
.attr("transform", function(d) { d = d.values[d.values.length - 1]; return "translate(" + (w - 60) + "," + y(d.price / 2 + d.price0) + ")"; });
.delay(function(d, i) { return i * 10; })
.attr("y", function(d) { return y(d.price0 + d.price); })
.attr("height", function(d) { return h - y(d.price); })
.each("end", function() {
.style("stroke", "#fff")
.style("stroke-opacity", 1e-6)
.duration(duration / 2)
.attr("x", function(d) { return x(; })
.attr("width", x.rangeBand())
.style("stroke-opacity", 1);
setTimeout(transposeBar, duration + veggies[0].values.length * 10 + delay);
function transposeBar() {
.domain( { return d.key; }))
.rangeRoundBands([0, w], .2);
.domain([0, d3.max( { return d3.sum( { return d.price; })); }))]);
var stack = d3.layout.stack()
.x(function(d, i) { return i; })
.y(function(d) { return d.price; })
.out(function(d, y0, y) { d.price0 = y0; });
stack(, { return d.values; }))); // transpose!
var g = svg.selectAll(".veggie");
var t = g.transition()
.duration(duration / 2);
.delay(function(d, i) { return i * 10; })
.attr("y", function(d) { return y(d.price0 + d.price) - 1; })
.attr("height", function(d) { return h - y(d.price) + 1; })
.attr("x", function(d) { return x(d.veggie); })
.attr("width", x.rangeBand())
.style("stroke-opacity", 1e-6);"text")
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + (x(d.key) + x.rangeBand() / 2) + "," + h + ")"; })
.attr("dy", "1.31em")
.each("end", function() {"x", null).attr("text-anchor", "middle"); });"line").transition()
.attr("x2", w);
setTimeout(donut, duration / 2 + veggies[0].values.length * 10 + delay);
function donut() {
var g = svg.selectAll(".veggie");
var pie = d3.layout.pie()
.value(function(d) { return d.sumPrice; });
var arc = d3.svg.arc();
.style("fill", function(d) { return color(d.key); })
.data(function() { return pie(veggies); })
.tween("arc", arcTween);"text").transition()
.attr("dy", ".31em")
.style("fill", "#000" );"line").transition()
.attr("y1", 2 * h)
.attr("y2", 2 * h)
function arcTween(d) {
var path =,
text =,
x0 = x(,
y0 = h - y(;
return function(t) {
var r = h / 2 / Math.min(1, t + 1e-3),
a = Math.cos(t * Math.PI / 2),
xx = (-r + (a) * (x0 + x.rangeBand()) + (1 - a) * (w + h) / 2),
yy = ((a) * h + (1 - a) * h / 2),
f = {
innerRadius: r - x.rangeBand() / (2 - a),
outerRadius: r,
startAngle: a * (Math.PI / 2 - y0 / r) + (1 - a) * d.startAngle,
endAngle: a * (Math.PI / 2) + (1 - a) * d.endAngle
path.attr("transform", "translate(" + xx + "," + yy + ")");
path.attr("d", arc(f));
text.attr("transform", "translate(" + arc.centroid(f) + ")translate(" + xx + "," + yy + ")rotate(" + ((f.startAngle + f.endAngle) / 2 + 3 * Math.PI / 2) * 180 / Math.PI + ")");
setTimeout(donutExplode, duration + delay);
function donutExplode() {
var r0a = h / 2 - x.rangeBand() / 2,
r1a = h / 2,
r0b = 2 * h - x.rangeBand() / 2,
r1b = 2 * h,
arc = d3.svg.arc();
svg.selectAll(".veggie path")
function transitionExplode(d, i) {
d.innerRadius = r0a;
d.outerRadius = r1a;
.duration(duration / 2)
.tween("arc", tweenArc({
innerRadius: r0b,
outerRadius: r1b
function tweenArc(b) {
return function(a) {
var path =,
text =,
i = d3.interpolate(a, b);
for (var key in b) a[key] = b[key]; // update data
return function(t) {
var a = i(t);
path.attr("d", arc(a));
text.attr("transform", "translate(" + arc.centroid(a) + ")translate(" + w / 2 + "," + h / 2 +")rotate(" + ((a.startAngle + a.endAngle) / 2 + 3 * Math.PI / 2) * 180 / Math.PI + ")");
setTimeout(function() {
svg.selectAll("g").data(veggies).enter().append("g").attr("class", "veggie");
}, duration);
veggie date price
Allium 03/16/14 0.00
Beans 03/16/14 0.00
Brassica 03/16/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/16/14 0.00
Greens 03/16/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 03/16/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/16/14 0.00
Other 03/16/14 0.00
Peas 03/16/14 0.00
Pepper 03/16/14 0.00
Radish 03/16/14 0.00
Root 03/16/14 0.00
Squash 03/16/14 0.00
Tomato 03/16/14 0.00
Allium 03/17/14 0.00
Beans 03/17/14 0.00
Brassica 03/17/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/17/14 0.00
Greens 03/17/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 03/17/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/17/14 0.00
Other 03/17/14 0.00
Peas 03/17/14 0.00
Pepper 03/17/14 0.00
Radish 03/17/14 0.00
Root 03/17/14 0.00
Squash 03/17/14 0.00
Tomato 03/17/14 0.00
Allium 03/18/14 0.00
Beans 03/18/14 0.00
Brassica 03/18/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/18/14 0.00
Greens 03/18/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 03/18/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/18/14 0.00
Other 03/18/14 0.00
Peas 03/18/14 0.00
Pepper 03/18/14 0.00
Radish 03/18/14 0.00
Root 03/18/14 0.00
Squash 03/18/14 0.00
Tomato 03/18/14 0.00
Allium 03/19/14 0.00
Beans 03/19/14 0.00
Brassica 03/19/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/19/14 0.00
Greens 03/19/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 03/19/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/19/14 0.00
Other 03/19/14 0.00
Peas 03/19/14 0.00
Pepper 03/19/14 0.00
Radish 03/19/14 0.00
Root 03/19/14 0.00
Squash 03/19/14 0.00
Tomato 03/19/14 0.00
Allium 03/20/14 0.00
Beans 03/20/14 0.00
Brassica 03/20/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/20/14 0.00
Greens 03/20/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 03/20/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/20/14 0.00
Other 03/20/14 0.00
Peas 03/20/14 0.00
Pepper 03/20/14 0.00
Radish 03/20/14 0.00
Root 03/20/14 0.00
Squash 03/20/14 0.00
Tomato 03/20/14 0.00
Allium 03/21/14 0.00
Beans 03/21/14 0.00
Brassica 03/21/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/21/14 0.00
Greens 03/21/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 03/21/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/21/14 0.00
Other 03/21/14 0.00
Peas 03/21/14 0.00
Pepper 03/21/14 0.00
Radish 03/21/14 0.00
Root 03/21/14 0.00
Squash 03/21/14 0.00
Tomato 03/21/14 0.00
Allium 03/22/14 0.00
Beans 03/22/14 0.00
Brassica 03/22/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/22/14 0.00
Greens 03/22/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 03/22/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/22/14 0.00
Other 03/22/14 0.00
Peas 03/22/14 0.00
Pepper 03/22/14 0.00
Radish 03/22/14 0.00
Root 03/22/14 0.00
Squash 03/22/14 0.00
Tomato 03/22/14 0.00
Allium 03/23/14 0.00
Beans 03/23/14 0.00
Brassica 03/23/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/23/14 0.00
Greens 03/23/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 03/23/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/23/14 0.00
Other 03/23/14 0.00
Peas 03/23/14 0.00
Pepper 03/23/14 0.00
Radish 03/23/14 0.00
Root 03/23/14 0.00
Squash 03/23/14 0.00
Tomato 03/23/14 0.00
Allium 03/24/14 0.00
Beans 03/24/14 0.00
Brassica 03/24/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/24/14 0.00
Greens 03/24/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 03/24/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/24/14 0.00
Other 03/24/14 0.00
Peas 03/24/14 0.00
Pepper 03/24/14 0.00
Radish 03/24/14 0.00
Root 03/24/14 0.00
Squash 03/24/14 0.00
Tomato 03/24/14 0.00
Allium 03/25/14 0.00
Beans 03/25/14 0.00
Brassica 03/25/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/25/14 0.00
Greens 03/25/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 03/25/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/25/14 0.00
Other 03/25/14 0.00
Peas 03/25/14 0.00
Pepper 03/25/14 0.00
Radish 03/25/14 0.00
Root 03/25/14 0.00
Squash 03/25/14 0.00
Tomato 03/25/14 0.00
Allium 03/26/14 0.00
Beans 03/26/14 0.00
Brassica 03/26/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/26/14 0.00
Greens 03/26/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 03/26/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/26/14 0.00
Other 03/26/14 0.00
Peas 03/26/14 0.00
Pepper 03/26/14 0.00
Radish 03/26/14 0.00
Root 03/26/14 0.00
Squash 03/26/14 0.00
Tomato 03/26/14 0.00
Allium 03/27/14 0.00
Beans 03/27/14 0.00
Brassica 03/27/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/27/14 0.00
Greens 03/27/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 03/27/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/27/14 0.00
Other 03/27/14 0.00
Peas 03/27/14 0.00
Pepper 03/27/14 0.00
Radish 03/27/14 0.00
Root 03/27/14 0.00
Squash 03/27/14 0.00
Tomato 03/27/14 0.00
Allium 03/28/14 0.00
Beans 03/28/14 0.00
Brassica 03/28/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/28/14 0.00
Greens 03/28/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 03/28/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/28/14 0.00
Other 03/28/14 0.00
Peas 03/28/14 0.00
Pepper 03/28/14 0.00
Radish 03/28/14 0.00
Root 03/28/14 0.00
Squash 03/28/14 0.00
Tomato 03/28/14 0.00
Allium 03/29/14 0.00
Beans 03/29/14 0.00
Brassica 03/29/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/29/14 0.00
Greens 03/29/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 03/29/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/29/14 0.00
Other 03/29/14 0.00
Peas 03/29/14 0.00
Pepper 03/29/14 0.00
Radish 03/29/14 0.00
Root 03/29/14 0.00
Squash 03/29/14 0.00
Tomato 03/29/14 0.00
Allium 03/30/14 0.00
Beans 03/30/14 0.00
Brassica 03/30/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/30/14 0.00
Greens 03/30/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 03/30/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/30/14 0.00
Other 03/30/14 0.00
Peas 03/30/14 0.00
Pepper 03/30/14 0.00
Radish 03/30/14 0.00
Root 03/30/14 0.00
Squash 03/30/14 0.00
Tomato 03/30/14 0.00
Allium 03/31/14 0.00
Beans 03/31/14 0.00
Brassica 03/31/14 0.00
Cucumber 03/31/14 0.00
Greens 03/31/14 25.20
HerbsBnch 03/31/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 03/31/14 0.00
Other 03/31/14 0.00
Peas 03/31/14 0.00
Pepper 03/31/14 0.00
Radish 03/31/14 0.00
Root 03/31/14 0.00
Squash 03/31/14 0.00
Tomato 03/31/14 0.00
Allium 04/01/14 0.00
Beans 04/01/14 0.00
Brassica 04/01/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/01/14 0.00
Greens 04/01/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/01/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/01/14 0.00
Other 04/01/14 0.00
Peas 04/01/14 0.00
Pepper 04/01/14 0.00
Radish 04/01/14 0.00
Root 04/01/14 0.00
Squash 04/01/14 0.00
Tomato 04/01/14 0.00
Allium 04/02/14 0.00
Beans 04/02/14 0.00
Brassica 04/02/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/02/14 0.00
Greens 04/02/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/02/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/02/14 0.00
Other 04/02/14 0.00
Peas 04/02/14 0.00
Pepper 04/02/14 0.00
Radish 04/02/14 0.00
Root 04/02/14 0.00
Squash 04/02/14 0.00
Tomato 04/02/14 0.00
Allium 04/03/14 0.00
Beans 04/03/14 0.00
Brassica 04/03/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/03/14 0.00
Greens 04/03/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/03/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/03/14 0.00
Other 04/03/14 0.00
Peas 04/03/14 0.00
Pepper 04/03/14 0.00
Radish 04/03/14 0.00
Root 04/03/14 0.00
Squash 04/03/14 0.00
Tomato 04/03/14 0.00
Allium 04/04/14 0.00
Beans 04/04/14 0.00
Brassica 04/04/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/04/14 0.00
Greens 04/04/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/04/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/04/14 0.00
Other 04/04/14 0.00
Peas 04/04/14 0.00
Pepper 04/04/14 0.00
Radish 04/04/14 0.00
Root 04/04/14 0.00
Squash 04/04/14 0.00
Tomato 04/04/14 0.00
Allium 04/05/14 0.00
Beans 04/05/14 0.00
Brassica 04/05/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/05/14 0.00
Greens 04/05/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/05/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/05/14 0.00
Other 04/05/14 0.00
Peas 04/05/14 0.00
Pepper 04/05/14 0.00
Radish 04/05/14 0.00
Root 04/05/14 0.00
Squash 04/05/14 0.00
Tomato 04/05/14 0.00
Allium 04/06/14 0.00
Beans 04/06/14 0.00
Brassica 04/06/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/06/14 0.00
Greens 04/06/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/06/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/06/14 0.00
Other 04/06/14 0.00
Peas 04/06/14 0.00
Pepper 04/06/14 0.00
Radish 04/06/14 0.00
Root 04/06/14 0.00
Squash 04/06/14 0.00
Tomato 04/06/14 0.00
Allium 04/07/14 0.00
Beans 04/07/14 0.00
Brassica 04/07/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/07/14 0.00
Greens 04/07/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/07/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/07/14 0.00
Other 04/07/14 0.00
Peas 04/07/14 0.00
Pepper 04/07/14 0.00
Radish 04/07/14 0.00
Root 04/07/14 0.00
Squash 04/07/14 0.00
Tomato 04/07/14 0.00
Allium 04/08/14 0.00
Beans 04/08/14 0.00
Brassica 04/08/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/08/14 0.00
Greens 04/08/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/08/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/08/14 0.00
Other 04/08/14 0.00
Peas 04/08/14 0.00
Pepper 04/08/14 0.00
Radish 04/08/14 0.00
Root 04/08/14 0.00
Squash 04/08/14 0.00
Tomato 04/08/14 0.00
Allium 04/09/14 0.00
Beans 04/09/14 0.00
Brassica 04/09/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/09/14 0.00
Greens 04/09/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/09/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/09/14 0.00
Other 04/09/14 0.00
Peas 04/09/14 0.00
Pepper 04/09/14 0.00
Radish 04/09/14 0.00
Root 04/09/14 0.00
Squash 04/09/14 0.00
Tomato 04/09/14 0.00
Allium 04/10/14 0.00
Beans 04/10/14 0.00
Brassica 04/10/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/10/14 0.00
Greens 04/10/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/10/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/10/14 0.00
Other 04/10/14 0.00
Peas 04/10/14 0.00
Pepper 04/10/14 0.00
Radish 04/10/14 0.00
Root 04/10/14 0.00
Squash 04/10/14 0.00
Tomato 04/10/14 0.00
Allium 04/11/14 0.00
Beans 04/11/14 0.00
Brassica 04/11/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/11/14 0.00
Greens 04/11/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/11/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/11/14 0.00
Other 04/11/14 0.00
Peas 04/11/14 0.00
Pepper 04/11/14 0.00
Radish 04/11/14 0.00
Root 04/11/14 0.00
Squash 04/11/14 0.00
Tomato 04/11/14 0.00
Allium 04/12/14 0.00
Beans 04/12/14 0.00
Brassica 04/12/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/12/14 0.00
Greens 04/12/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/12/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/12/14 0.00
Other 04/12/14 0.00
Peas 04/12/14 0.00
Pepper 04/12/14 0.00
Radish 04/12/14 0.00
Root 04/12/14 0.00
Squash 04/12/14 0.00
Tomato 04/12/14 0.00
Allium 04/13/14 0.00
Beans 04/13/14 0.00
Brassica 04/13/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/13/14 0.00
Greens 04/13/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/13/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/13/14 0.00
Other 04/13/14 0.00
Peas 04/13/14 0.00
Pepper 04/13/14 0.00
Radish 04/13/14 0.00
Root 04/13/14 0.00
Squash 04/13/14 0.00
Tomato 04/13/14 0.00
Allium 04/14/14 0.00
Beans 04/14/14 0.00
Brassica 04/14/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/14/14 0.00
Greens 04/14/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/14/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/14/14 0.00
Other 04/14/14 0.00
Peas 04/14/14 0.00
Pepper 04/14/14 0.00
Radish 04/14/14 0.00
Root 04/14/14 0.00
Squash 04/14/14 0.00
Tomato 04/14/14 0.00
Allium 04/15/14 0.00
Beans 04/15/14 0.00
Brassica 04/15/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/15/14 0.00
Greens 04/15/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/15/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/15/14 0.00
Other 04/15/14 0.00
Peas 04/15/14 0.00
Pepper 04/15/14 0.00
Radish 04/15/14 0.00
Root 04/15/14 0.00
Squash 04/15/14 0.00
Tomato 04/15/14 0.00
Allium 04/16/14 0.00
Beans 04/16/14 0.00
Brassica 04/16/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/16/14 0.00
Greens 04/16/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/16/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/16/14 0.00
Other 04/16/14 0.00
Peas 04/16/14 0.00
Pepper 04/16/14 0.00
Radish 04/16/14 0.00
Root 04/16/14 0.00
Squash 04/16/14 0.00
Tomato 04/16/14 0.00
Allium 04/17/14 0.00
Beans 04/17/14 0.00
Brassica 04/17/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/17/14 0.00
Greens 04/17/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/17/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/17/14 0.00
Other 04/17/14 0.00
Peas 04/17/14 0.00
Pepper 04/17/14 0.00
Radish 04/17/14 0.00
Root 04/17/14 0.00
Squash 04/17/14 0.00
Tomato 04/17/14 0.00
Allium 04/18/14 0.00
Beans 04/18/14 0.00
Brassica 04/18/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/18/14 0.00
Greens 04/18/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/18/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/18/14 0.00
Other 04/18/14 0.00
Peas 04/18/14 0.00
Pepper 04/18/14 0.00
Radish 04/18/14 0.00
Root 04/18/14 0.00
Squash 04/18/14 0.00
Tomato 04/18/14 0.00
Allium 04/19/14 0.00
Beans 04/19/14 0.00
Brassica 04/19/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/19/14 0.00
Greens 04/19/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/19/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/19/14 0.00
Other 04/19/14 0.00
Peas 04/19/14 0.00
Pepper 04/19/14 0.00
Radish 04/19/14 0.00
Root 04/19/14 0.00
Squash 04/19/14 0.00
Tomato 04/19/14 0.00
Allium 04/20/14 0.00
Beans 04/20/14 0.00
Brassica 04/20/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/20/14 0.00
Greens 04/20/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/20/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/20/14 0.00
Other 04/20/14 0.00
Peas 04/20/14 0.00
Pepper 04/20/14 0.00
Radish 04/20/14 0.00
Root 04/20/14 0.00
Squash 04/20/14 0.00
Tomato 04/20/14 0.00
Allium 04/21/14 0.00
Beans 04/21/14 0.00
Brassica 04/21/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/21/14 0.00
Greens 04/21/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/21/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/21/14 0.00
Other 04/21/14 0.00
Peas 04/21/14 0.00
Pepper 04/21/14 0.00
Radish 04/21/14 0.00
Root 04/21/14 0.00
Squash 04/21/14 0.00
Tomato 04/21/14 0.00
Allium 04/22/14 0.00
Beans 04/22/14 0.00
Brassica 04/22/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/22/14 0.00
Greens 04/22/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/22/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/22/14 0.00
Other 04/22/14 0.00
Peas 04/22/14 0.00
Pepper 04/22/14 0.00
Radish 04/22/14 0.00
Root 04/22/14 0.00
Squash 04/22/14 0.00
Tomato 04/22/14 0.00
Allium 04/23/14 0.00
Beans 04/23/14 0.00
Brassica 04/23/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/23/14 0.00
Greens 04/23/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/23/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/23/14 0.00
Other 04/23/14 0.00
Peas 04/23/14 0.00
Pepper 04/23/14 0.00
Radish 04/23/14 0.00
Root 04/23/14 0.00
Squash 04/23/14 0.00
Tomato 04/23/14 0.00
Allium 04/24/14 0.00
Beans 04/24/14 0.00
Brassica 04/24/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/24/14 0.00
Greens 04/24/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/24/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/24/14 0.00
Other 04/24/14 0.00
Peas 04/24/14 0.00
Pepper 04/24/14 0.00
Radish 04/24/14 0.00
Root 04/24/14 0.00
Squash 04/24/14 0.00
Tomato 04/24/14 0.00
Allium 04/25/14 0.00
Beans 04/25/14 0.00
Brassica 04/25/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/25/14 0.00
Greens 04/25/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/25/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/25/14 0.00
Other 04/25/14 0.00
Peas 04/25/14 0.00
Pepper 04/25/14 0.00
Radish 04/25/14 0.00
Root 04/25/14 0.00
Squash 04/25/14 0.00
Tomato 04/25/14 0.00
Allium 04/26/14 0.00
Beans 04/26/14 0.00
Brassica 04/26/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/26/14 0.00
Greens 04/26/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/26/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/26/14 0.00
Other 04/26/14 0.00
Peas 04/26/14 0.00
Pepper 04/26/14 0.00
Radish 04/26/14 0.00
Root 04/26/14 0.00
Squash 04/26/14 0.00
Tomato 04/26/14 0.00
Allium 04/27/14 0.00
Beans 04/27/14 0.00
Brassica 04/27/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/27/14 0.00
Greens 04/27/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/27/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/27/14 0.00
Other 04/27/14 0.00
Peas 04/27/14 0.00
Pepper 04/27/14 0.00
Radish 04/27/14 0.00
Root 04/27/14 0.00
Squash 04/27/14 0.00
Tomato 04/27/14 0.00
Allium 04/28/14 0.00
Beans 04/28/14 0.00
Brassica 04/28/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/28/14 0.00
Greens 04/28/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/28/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/28/14 0.00
Other 04/28/14 0.00
Peas 04/28/14 0.00
Pepper 04/28/14 0.00
Radish 04/28/14 0.00
Root 04/28/14 0.00
Squash 04/28/14 0.00
Tomato 04/28/14 0.00
Allium 04/29/14 0.00
Beans 04/29/14 0.00
Brassica 04/29/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/29/14 0.00
Greens 04/29/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 04/29/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/29/14 0.00
Other 04/29/14 0.00
Peas 04/29/14 0.00
Pepper 04/29/14 0.00
Radish 04/29/14 0.00
Root 04/29/14 0.00
Squash 04/29/14 0.00
Tomato 04/29/14 0.00
Allium 04/30/14 0.00
Beans 04/30/14 0.00
Brassica 04/30/14 0.00
Cucumber 04/30/14 0.00
Greens 04/30/14 36.75
HerbsBnch 04/30/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 04/30/14 0.00
Other 04/30/14 0.00
Peas 04/30/14 0.00
Pepper 04/30/14 0.00
Radish 04/30/14 0.00
Root 04/30/14 0.00
Squash 04/30/14 0.00
Tomato 04/30/14 0.00
Allium 05/01/14 0.00
Beans 05/01/14 0.00
Brassica 05/01/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/01/14 0.00
Greens 05/01/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/01/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/01/14 0.00
Other 05/01/14 0.00
Peas 05/01/14 0.00
Pepper 05/01/14 0.00
Radish 05/01/14 0.00
Root 05/01/14 0.00
Squash 05/01/14 0.00
Tomato 05/01/14 0.00
Allium 05/02/14 0.00
Beans 05/02/14 0.00
Brassica 05/02/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/02/14 0.00
Greens 05/02/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/02/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/02/14 0.00
Other 05/02/14 0.00
Peas 05/02/14 0.00
Pepper 05/02/14 0.00
Radish 05/02/14 0.00
Root 05/02/14 0.00
Squash 05/02/14 0.00
Tomato 05/02/14 0.00
Allium 05/03/14 0.00
Beans 05/03/14 0.00
Brassica 05/03/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/03/14 0.00
Greens 05/03/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/03/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/03/14 0.00
Other 05/03/14 0.00
Peas 05/03/14 0.00
Pepper 05/03/14 0.00
Radish 05/03/14 0.00
Root 05/03/14 0.00
Squash 05/03/14 0.00
Tomato 05/03/14 0.00
Allium 05/04/14 0.00
Beans 05/04/14 0.00
Brassica 05/04/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/04/14 0.00
Greens 05/04/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/04/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/04/14 0.00
Other 05/04/14 0.00
Peas 05/04/14 0.00
Pepper 05/04/14 0.00
Radish 05/04/14 0.00
Root 05/04/14 0.00
Squash 05/04/14 0.00
Tomato 05/04/14 0.00
Allium 05/05/14 0.00
Beans 05/05/14 0.00
Brassica 05/05/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/05/14 0.00
Greens 05/05/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/05/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/05/14 0.00
Other 05/05/14 0.00
Peas 05/05/14 0.00
Pepper 05/05/14 0.00
Radish 05/05/14 0.00
Root 05/05/14 0.00
Squash 05/05/14 0.00
Tomato 05/05/14 0.00
Allium 05/06/14 0.00
Beans 05/06/14 0.00
Brassica 05/06/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/06/14 0.00
Greens 05/06/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/06/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/06/14 0.00
Other 05/06/14 0.00
Peas 05/06/14 0.00
Pepper 05/06/14 0.00
Radish 05/06/14 0.00
Root 05/06/14 0.00
Squash 05/06/14 0.00
Tomato 05/06/14 0.00
Allium 05/07/14 0.00
Beans 05/07/14 0.00
Brassica 05/07/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/07/14 0.00
Greens 05/07/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/07/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/07/14 0.00
Other 05/07/14 0.00
Peas 05/07/14 0.00
Pepper 05/07/14 0.00
Radish 05/07/14 0.00
Root 05/07/14 0.00
Squash 05/07/14 0.00
Tomato 05/07/14 0.00
Allium 05/08/14 0.00
Beans 05/08/14 0.00
Brassica 05/08/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/08/14 0.00
Greens 05/08/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/08/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/08/14 0.00
Other 05/08/14 0.00
Peas 05/08/14 0.00
Pepper 05/08/14 0.00
Radish 05/08/14 0.00
Root 05/08/14 0.00
Squash 05/08/14 0.00
Tomato 05/08/14 0.00
Allium 05/09/14 0.00
Beans 05/09/14 0.00
Brassica 05/09/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/09/14 0.00
Greens 05/09/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/09/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/09/14 0.00
Other 05/09/14 0.00
Peas 05/09/14 0.00
Pepper 05/09/14 0.00
Radish 05/09/14 0.00
Root 05/09/14 0.00
Squash 05/09/14 0.00
Tomato 05/09/14 0.00
Allium 05/10/14 0.00
Beans 05/10/14 0.00
Brassica 05/10/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/10/14 0.00
Greens 05/10/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/10/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/10/14 0.00
Other 05/10/14 0.00
Peas 05/10/14 0.00
Pepper 05/10/14 0.00
Radish 05/10/14 0.00
Root 05/10/14 0.00
Squash 05/10/14 0.00
Tomato 05/10/14 0.00
Allium 05/11/14 0.00
Beans 05/11/14 0.00
Brassica 05/11/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/11/14 0.00
Greens 05/11/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/11/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/11/14 0.00
Other 05/11/14 0.00
Peas 05/11/14 0.00
Pepper 05/11/14 0.00
Radish 05/11/14 0.00
Root 05/11/14 0.00
Squash 05/11/14 0.00
Tomato 05/11/14 0.00
Allium 05/12/14 0.00
Beans 05/12/14 0.00
Brassica 05/12/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/12/14 0.00
Greens 05/12/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/12/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/12/14 0.00
Other 05/12/14 0.00
Peas 05/12/14 0.00
Pepper 05/12/14 0.00
Radish 05/12/14 0.00
Root 05/12/14 0.00
Squash 05/12/14 0.00
Tomato 05/12/14 0.00
Allium 05/13/14 0.00
Beans 05/13/14 0.00
Brassica 05/13/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/13/14 0.00
Greens 05/13/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/13/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/13/14 0.00
Other 05/13/14 0.00
Peas 05/13/14 0.00
Pepper 05/13/14 0.00
Radish 05/13/14 0.00
Root 05/13/14 0.00
Squash 05/13/14 0.00
Tomato 05/13/14 0.00
Allium 05/14/14 0.00
Beans 05/14/14 0.00
Brassica 05/14/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/14/14 0.00
Greens 05/14/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/14/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/14/14 0.00
Other 05/14/14 0.00
Peas 05/14/14 0.00
Pepper 05/14/14 0.00
Radish 05/14/14 0.00
Root 05/14/14 0.00
Squash 05/14/14 0.00
Tomato 05/14/14 0.00
Allium 05/15/14 0.00
Beans 05/15/14 0.00
Brassica 05/15/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/15/14 0.00
Greens 05/15/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/15/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/15/14 0.00
Other 05/15/14 0.00
Peas 05/15/14 0.00
Pepper 05/15/14 0.00
Radish 05/15/14 0.00
Root 05/15/14 0.00
Squash 05/15/14 0.00
Tomato 05/15/14 0.00
Allium 05/16/14 0.00
Beans 05/16/14 0.00
Brassica 05/16/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/16/14 0.00
Greens 05/16/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/16/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/16/14 0.00
Other 05/16/14 0.00
Peas 05/16/14 0.00
Pepper 05/16/14 0.00
Radish 05/16/14 0.00
Root 05/16/14 0.00
Squash 05/16/14 0.00
Tomato 05/16/14 0.00
Allium 05/17/14 0.00
Beans 05/17/14 0.00
Brassica 05/17/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/17/14 0.00
Greens 05/17/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/17/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/17/14 0.00
Other 05/17/14 0.00
Peas 05/17/14 0.00
Pepper 05/17/14 0.00
Radish 05/17/14 0.00
Root 05/17/14 0.00
Squash 05/17/14 0.00
Tomato 05/17/14 0.00
Allium 05/18/14 0.00
Beans 05/18/14 0.00
Brassica 05/18/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/18/14 0.00
Greens 05/18/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/18/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/18/14 0.00
Other 05/18/14 0.00
Peas 05/18/14 0.00
Pepper 05/18/14 0.00
Radish 05/18/14 0.00
Root 05/18/14 0.00
Squash 05/18/14 0.00
Tomato 05/18/14 0.00
Allium 05/19/14 0.00
Beans 05/19/14 0.00
Brassica 05/19/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/19/14 0.00
Greens 05/19/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/19/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/19/14 0.00
Other 05/19/14 0.00
Peas 05/19/14 0.00
Pepper 05/19/14 0.00
Radish 05/19/14 0.00
Root 05/19/14 0.00
Squash 05/19/14 0.00
Tomato 05/19/14 0.00
Allium 05/20/14 0.00
Beans 05/20/14 0.00
Brassica 05/20/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/20/14 0.00
Greens 05/20/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/20/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/20/14 0.00
Other 05/20/14 0.00
Peas 05/20/14 0.00
Pepper 05/20/14 0.00
Radish 05/20/14 0.00
Root 05/20/14 0.00
Squash 05/20/14 0.00
Tomato 05/20/14 0.00
Allium 05/21/14 0.00
Beans 05/21/14 0.00
Brassica 05/21/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/21/14 0.00
Greens 05/21/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/21/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/21/14 0.00
Other 05/21/14 0.00
Peas 05/21/14 0.00
Pepper 05/21/14 0.00
Radish 05/21/14 0.00
Root 05/21/14 0.00
Squash 05/21/14 0.00
Tomato 05/21/14 0.00
Allium 05/22/14 0.00
Beans 05/22/14 0.00
Brassica 05/22/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/22/14 0.00
Greens 05/22/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/22/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/22/14 0.00
Other 05/22/14 0.00
Peas 05/22/14 0.00
Pepper 05/22/14 0.00
Radish 05/22/14 0.00
Root 05/22/14 0.00
Squash 05/22/14 0.00
Tomato 05/22/14 0.00
Allium 05/23/14 0.00
Beans 05/23/14 0.00
Brassica 05/23/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/23/14 0.00
Greens 05/23/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/23/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/23/14 0.00
Other 05/23/14 0.00
Peas 05/23/14 0.00
Pepper 05/23/14 0.00
Radish 05/23/14 0.00
Root 05/23/14 0.00
Squash 05/23/14 0.00
Tomato 05/23/14 0.00
Allium 05/24/14 0.00
Beans 05/24/14 0.00
Brassica 05/24/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/24/14 0.00
Greens 05/24/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/24/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/24/14 0.00
Other 05/24/14 0.00
Peas 05/24/14 0.00
Pepper 05/24/14 0.00
Radish 05/24/14 0.00
Root 05/24/14 0.00
Squash 05/24/14 0.00
Tomato 05/24/14 0.00
Allium 05/25/14 0.00
Beans 05/25/14 0.00
Brassica 05/25/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/25/14 0.00
Greens 05/25/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/25/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/25/14 0.00
Other 05/25/14 0.00
Peas 05/25/14 0.00
Pepper 05/25/14 0.00
Radish 05/25/14 0.00
Root 05/25/14 0.00
Squash 05/25/14 0.00
Tomato 05/25/14 0.00
Allium 05/26/14 0.00
Beans 05/26/14 0.00
Brassica 05/26/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/26/14 0.00
Greens 05/26/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/26/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/26/14 0.00
Other 05/26/14 0.00
Peas 05/26/14 0.00
Pepper 05/26/14 0.00
Radish 05/26/14 0.00
Root 05/26/14 0.00
Squash 05/26/14 0.00
Tomato 05/26/14 0.00
Allium 05/27/14 0.00
Beans 05/27/14 0.00
Brassica 05/27/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/27/14 0.00
Greens 05/27/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/27/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/27/14 0.00
Other 05/27/14 0.00
Peas 05/27/14 0.00
Pepper 05/27/14 0.00
Radish 05/27/14 0.00
Root 05/27/14 0.00
Squash 05/27/14 0.00
Tomato 05/27/14 0.00
Allium 05/28/14 0.00
Beans 05/28/14 0.00
Brassica 05/28/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/28/14 0.00
Greens 05/28/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/28/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/28/14 0.00
Other 05/28/14 0.00
Peas 05/28/14 0.00
Pepper 05/28/14 0.00
Radish 05/28/14 0.00
Root 05/28/14 0.00
Squash 05/28/14 0.00
Tomato 05/28/14 0.00
Allium 05/29/14 0.00
Beans 05/29/14 0.00
Brassica 05/29/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/29/14 0.00
Greens 05/29/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/29/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/29/14 0.00
Other 05/29/14 0.00
Peas 05/29/14 0.00
Pepper 05/29/14 0.00
Radish 05/29/14 0.00
Root 05/29/14 0.00
Squash 05/29/14 0.00
Tomato 05/29/14 0.00
Allium 05/30/14 0.00
Beans 05/30/14 0.00
Brassica 05/30/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/30/14 0.00
Greens 05/30/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 05/30/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/30/14 0.00
Other 05/30/14 0.00
Peas 05/30/14 0.00
Pepper 05/30/14 0.00
Radish 05/30/14 0.00
Root 05/30/14 0.00
Squash 05/30/14 0.00
Tomato 05/30/14 0.00
Allium 05/31/14 0.00
Beans 05/31/14 0.00
Brassica 05/31/14 0.00
Cucumber 05/31/14 0.00
Greens 05/31/14 52.50
HerbsBnch 05/31/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 05/31/14 0.00
Other 05/31/14 0.00
Peas 05/31/14 0.00
Pepper 05/31/14 0.00
Radish 05/31/14 0.00
Root 05/31/14 0.00
Squash 05/31/14 0.00
Tomato 05/31/14 0.00
Allium 06/01/14 0.00
Beans 06/01/14 0.00
Brassica 06/01/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/01/14 0.00
Greens 06/01/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/01/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/01/14 0.00
Other 06/01/14 0.00
Peas 06/01/14 0.00
Pepper 06/01/14 0.00
Radish 06/01/14 0.00
Root 06/01/14 0.00
Squash 06/01/14 0.00
Tomato 06/01/14 0.00
Allium 06/02/14 0.00
Beans 06/02/14 0.00
Brassica 06/02/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/02/14 0.00
Greens 06/02/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/02/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/02/14 0.00
Other 06/02/14 0.00
Peas 06/02/14 0.00
Pepper 06/02/14 0.00
Radish 06/02/14 0.00
Root 06/02/14 0.00
Squash 06/02/14 0.00
Tomato 06/02/14 0.00
Allium 06/03/14 0.00
Beans 06/03/14 0.00
Brassica 06/03/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/03/14 0.00
Greens 06/03/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/03/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/03/14 0.00
Other 06/03/14 0.00
Peas 06/03/14 0.00
Pepper 06/03/14 0.00
Radish 06/03/14 0.00
Root 06/03/14 0.00
Squash 06/03/14 0.00
Tomato 06/03/14 0.00
Allium 06/04/14 0.00
Beans 06/04/14 0.00
Brassica 06/04/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/04/14 0.00
Greens 06/04/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/04/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/04/14 0.00
Other 06/04/14 0.00
Peas 06/04/14 0.00
Pepper 06/04/14 0.00
Radish 06/04/14 0.00
Root 06/04/14 0.00
Squash 06/04/14 0.00
Tomato 06/04/14 0.00
Allium 06/05/14 0.00
Beans 06/05/14 0.00
Brassica 06/05/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/05/14 0.00
Greens 06/05/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/05/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/05/14 0.00
Other 06/05/14 0.00
Peas 06/05/14 0.00
Pepper 06/05/14 0.00
Radish 06/05/14 0.00
Root 06/05/14 0.00
Squash 06/05/14 0.00
Tomato 06/05/14 0.00
Allium 06/06/14 0.00
Beans 06/06/14 0.00
Brassica 06/06/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/06/14 0.00
Greens 06/06/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/06/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/06/14 0.00
Other 06/06/14 0.00
Peas 06/06/14 0.00
Pepper 06/06/14 0.00
Radish 06/06/14 0.00
Root 06/06/14 0.00
Squash 06/06/14 0.00
Tomato 06/06/14 0.00
Allium 06/07/14 0.00
Beans 06/07/14 0.00
Brassica 06/07/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/07/14 0.00
Greens 06/07/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/07/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/07/14 0.00
Other 06/07/14 0.00
Peas 06/07/14 0.00
Pepper 06/07/14 0.00
Radish 06/07/14 0.00
Root 06/07/14 0.00
Squash 06/07/14 0.00
Tomato 06/07/14 0.00
Allium 06/08/14 0.00
Beans 06/08/14 0.00
Brassica 06/08/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/08/14 0.00
Greens 06/08/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/08/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/08/14 0.00
Other 06/08/14 0.00
Peas 06/08/14 0.00
Pepper 06/08/14 0.00
Radish 06/08/14 0.00
Root 06/08/14 0.00
Squash 06/08/14 0.00
Tomato 06/08/14 0.00
Allium 06/09/14 0.00
Beans 06/09/14 0.00
Brassica 06/09/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/09/14 0.00
Greens 06/09/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/09/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/09/14 0.00
Other 06/09/14 0.00
Peas 06/09/14 0.00
Pepper 06/09/14 0.00
Radish 06/09/14 0.00
Root 06/09/14 0.00
Squash 06/09/14 0.00
Tomato 06/09/14 0.00
Allium 06/10/14 0.00
Beans 06/10/14 0.00
Brassica 06/10/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/10/14 0.00
Greens 06/10/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/10/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/10/14 0.00
Other 06/10/14 0.00
Peas 06/10/14 0.00
Pepper 06/10/14 0.00
Radish 06/10/14 0.00
Root 06/10/14 0.00
Squash 06/10/14 0.00
Tomato 06/10/14 0.00
Allium 06/11/14 0.00
Beans 06/11/14 0.00
Brassica 06/11/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/11/14 0.00
Greens 06/11/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/11/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/11/14 0.00
Other 06/11/14 0.00
Peas 06/11/14 0.00
Pepper 06/11/14 0.00
Radish 06/11/14 0.00
Root 06/11/14 0.00
Squash 06/11/14 0.00
Tomato 06/11/14 0.00
Allium 06/12/14 0.00
Beans 06/12/14 0.00
Brassica 06/12/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/12/14 0.00
Greens 06/12/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/12/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/12/14 0.00
Other 06/12/14 0.00
Peas 06/12/14 0.00
Pepper 06/12/14 0.00
Radish 06/12/14 0.00
Root 06/12/14 0.00
Squash 06/12/14 0.00
Tomato 06/12/14 0.00
Allium 06/13/14 0.00
Beans 06/13/14 0.00
Brassica 06/13/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/13/14 0.00
Greens 06/13/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/13/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/13/14 0.00
Other 06/13/14 0.00
Peas 06/13/14 0.00
Pepper 06/13/14 0.00
Radish 06/13/14 0.00
Root 06/13/14 0.00
Squash 06/13/14 0.00
Tomato 06/13/14 0.00
Allium 06/14/14 0.00
Beans 06/14/14 0.00
Brassica 06/14/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/14/14 0.00
Greens 06/14/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/14/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/14/14 0.00
Other 06/14/14 0.00
Peas 06/14/14 0.00
Pepper 06/14/14 0.00
Radish 06/14/14 0.00
Root 06/14/14 0.00
Squash 06/14/14 0.00
Tomato 06/14/14 0.00
Allium 06/15/14 0.00
Beans 06/15/14 0.00
Brassica 06/15/14 3.00
Cucumber 06/15/14 0.00
Greens 06/15/14 2.10
HerbsBnch 06/15/14 5.98
HerbsPckg 06/15/14 0.00
Other 06/15/14 0.00
Peas 06/15/14 0.00
Pepper 06/15/14 0.00
Radish 06/15/14 0.00
Root 06/15/14 0.20
Squash 06/15/14 0.00
Tomato 06/15/14 0.00
Allium 06/16/14 0.00
Beans 06/16/14 0.00
Brassica 06/16/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/16/14 0.00
Greens 06/16/14 11.25
HerbsBnch 06/16/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/16/14 0.00
Other 06/16/14 0.00
Peas 06/16/14 0.00
Pepper 06/16/14 0.00
Radish 06/16/14 0.00
Root 06/16/14 0.00
Squash 06/16/14 0.00
Tomato 06/16/14 0.00
Allium 06/17/14 0.00
Beans 06/17/14 0.00
Brassica 06/17/14 0.30
Cucumber 06/17/14 0.00
Greens 06/17/14 1.80
HerbsBnch 06/17/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/17/14 0.00
Other 06/17/14 0.00
Peas 06/17/14 0.00
Pepper 06/17/14 0.00
Radish 06/17/14 0.00
Root 06/17/14 0.00
Squash 06/17/14 0.00
Tomato 06/17/14 0.00
Allium 06/18/14 0.00
Beans 06/18/14 0.00
Brassica 06/18/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/18/14 0.00
Greens 06/18/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/18/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/18/14 0.00
Other 06/18/14 0.00
Peas 06/18/14 0.00
Pepper 06/18/14 0.00
Radish 06/18/14 0.00
Root 06/18/14 0.00
Squash 06/18/14 0.00
Tomato 06/18/14 0.00
Allium 06/19/14 0.00
Beans 06/19/14 0.00
Brassica 06/19/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/19/14 0.00
Greens 06/19/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/19/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/19/14 0.00
Other 06/19/14 0.00
Peas 06/19/14 0.00
Pepper 06/19/14 0.00
Radish 06/19/14 0.00
Root 06/19/14 0.00
Squash 06/19/14 0.00
Tomato 06/19/14 0.00
Allium 06/20/14 0.00
Beans 06/20/14 0.00
Brassica 06/20/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/20/14 0.00
Greens 06/20/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/20/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/20/14 0.00
Other 06/20/14 0.00
Peas 06/20/14 0.00
Pepper 06/20/14 0.00
Radish 06/20/14 0.00
Root 06/20/14 0.00
Squash 06/20/14 0.00
Tomato 06/20/14 0.00
Allium 06/21/14 0.00
Beans 06/21/14 0.00
Brassica 06/21/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/21/14 0.00
Greens 06/21/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/21/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/21/14 0.00
Other 06/21/14 0.00
Peas 06/21/14 0.00
Pepper 06/21/14 0.00
Radish 06/21/14 0.00
Root 06/21/14 0.00
Squash 06/21/14 0.00
Tomato 06/21/14 0.00
Allium 06/22/14 0.00
Beans 06/22/14 0.00
Brassica 06/22/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/22/14 0.00
Greens 06/22/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/22/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/22/14 0.00
Other 06/22/14 0.00
Peas 06/22/14 0.00
Pepper 06/22/14 0.00
Radish 06/22/14 0.00
Root 06/22/14 0.00
Squash 06/22/14 0.00
Tomato 06/22/14 0.00
Allium 06/23/14 0.00
Beans 06/23/14 0.00
Brassica 06/23/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/23/14 0.00
Greens 06/23/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/23/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/23/14 0.00
Other 06/23/14 0.00
Peas 06/23/14 0.00
Pepper 06/23/14 0.00
Radish 06/23/14 0.00
Root 06/23/14 0.00
Squash 06/23/14 0.00
Tomato 06/23/14 0.00
Allium 06/24/14 0.00
Beans 06/24/14 0.00
Brassica 06/24/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/24/14 0.00
Greens 06/24/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/24/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/24/14 0.00
Other 06/24/14 0.00
Peas 06/24/14 0.00
Pepper 06/24/14 0.00
Radish 06/24/14 0.00
Root 06/24/14 0.00
Squash 06/24/14 0.00
Tomato 06/24/14 0.00
Allium 06/25/14 0.00
Beans 06/25/14 0.00
Brassica 06/25/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/25/14 0.00
Greens 06/25/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/25/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/25/14 0.00
Other 06/25/14 0.00
Peas 06/25/14 0.00
Pepper 06/25/14 0.00
Radish 06/25/14 0.00
Root 06/25/14 0.00
Squash 06/25/14 0.00
Tomato 06/25/14 0.00
Allium 06/26/14 0.00
Beans 06/26/14 0.00
Brassica 06/26/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/26/14 0.00
Greens 06/26/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/26/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/26/14 0.00
Other 06/26/14 0.00
Peas 06/26/14 0.00
Pepper 06/26/14 0.00
Radish 06/26/14 0.00
Root 06/26/14 0.00
Squash 06/26/14 0.00
Tomato 06/26/14 0.00
Allium 06/27/14 0.00
Beans 06/27/14 0.00
Brassica 06/27/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/27/14 0.00
Greens 06/27/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/27/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/27/14 0.00
Other 06/27/14 0.00
Peas 06/27/14 0.00
Pepper 06/27/14 0.00
Radish 06/27/14 0.00
Root 06/27/14 0.00
Squash 06/27/14 0.00
Tomato 06/27/14 0.00
Allium 06/28/14 0.00
Beans 06/28/14 0.00
Brassica 06/28/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/28/14 0.00
Greens 06/28/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/28/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/28/14 0.00
Other 06/28/14 0.00
Peas 06/28/14 0.00
Pepper 06/28/14 0.00
Radish 06/28/14 0.00
Root 06/28/14 0.00
Squash 06/28/14 0.00
Tomato 06/28/14 0.00
Allium 06/29/14 0.00
Beans 06/29/14 0.00
Brassica 06/29/14 0.00
Cucumber 06/29/14 0.00
Greens 06/29/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 06/29/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 06/29/14 0.00
Other 06/29/14 0.00
Peas 06/29/14 0.00
Pepper 06/29/14 0.00
Radish 06/29/14 0.00
Root 06/29/14 0.00
Squash 06/29/14 0.00
Tomato 06/29/14 0.00
Allium 06/30/14 0.00
Beans 06/30/14 0.00
Brassica 06/30/14 3.30
Cucumber 06/30/14 0.00
Greens 06/30/14 14.63
HerbsBnch 06/30/14 13.46
HerbsPckg 06/30/14 0.00
Other 06/30/14 0.00
Peas 06/30/14 20.25
Pepper 06/30/14 0.00
Radish 06/30/14 0.00
Root 06/30/14 0.00
Squash 06/30/14 0.00
Tomato 06/30/14 0.00
Allium 07/01/14 0.00
Beans 07/01/14 0.00
Brassica 07/01/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/01/14 0.00
Greens 07/01/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/01/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/01/14 0.00
Other 07/01/14 0.00
Peas 07/01/14 2.25
Pepper 07/01/14 0.00
Radish 07/01/14 0.00
Root 07/01/14 0.00
Squash 07/01/14 0.00
Tomato 07/01/14 0.00
Allium 07/02/14 0.00
Beans 07/02/14 0.00
Brassica 07/02/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/02/14 0.00
Greens 07/02/14 4.20
HerbsBnch 07/02/14 0.75
HerbsPckg 07/02/14 0.00
Other 07/02/14 0.00
Peas 07/02/14 1.13
Pepper 07/02/14 0.00
Radish 07/02/14 0.00
Root 07/02/14 0.00
Squash 07/02/14 0.00
Tomato 07/02/14 0.00
Allium 07/03/14 0.00
Beans 07/03/14 0.00
Brassica 07/03/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/03/14 0.00
Greens 07/03/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/03/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/03/14 0.00
Other 07/03/14 0.00
Peas 07/03/14 0.56
Pepper 07/03/14 0.00
Radish 07/03/14 0.00
Root 07/03/14 0.00
Squash 07/03/14 0.00
Tomato 07/03/14 0.00
Allium 07/04/14 0.00
Beans 07/04/14 0.00
Brassica 07/04/14 0.38
Cucumber 07/04/14 0.00
Greens 07/04/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/04/14 2.99
HerbsPckg 07/04/14 0.00
Other 07/04/14 0.00
Peas 07/04/14 0.56
Pepper 07/04/14 0.00
Radish 07/04/14 0.00
Root 07/04/14 1.63
Squash 07/04/14 0.00
Tomato 07/04/14 0.00
Allium 07/05/14 0.00
Beans 07/05/14 0.00
Brassica 07/05/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/05/14 0.00
Greens 07/05/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/05/14 2.99
HerbsPckg 07/05/14 0.00
Other 07/05/14 0.00
Peas 07/05/14 0.56
Pepper 07/05/14 0.00
Radish 07/05/14 0.00
Root 07/05/14 0.00
Squash 07/05/14 0.00
Tomato 07/05/14 0.00
Allium 07/06/14 0.00
Beans 07/06/14 0.00
Brassica 07/06/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/06/14 0.00
Greens 07/06/14 1.05
HerbsBnch 07/06/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/06/14 0.00
Other 07/06/14 0.00
Peas 07/06/14 0.00
Pepper 07/06/14 0.00
Radish 07/06/14 0.00
Root 07/06/14 0.00
Squash 07/06/14 0.00
Tomato 07/06/14 0.00
Allium 07/07/14 0.00
Beans 07/07/14 0.00
Brassica 07/07/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/07/14 0.00
Greens 07/07/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/07/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/07/14 0.00
Other 07/07/14 0.00
Peas 07/07/14 0.00
Pepper 07/07/14 0.00
Radish 07/07/14 0.00
Root 07/07/14 0.50
Squash 07/07/14 0.00
Tomato 07/07/14 0.00
Allium 07/08/14 0.00
Beans 07/08/14 0.00
Brassica 07/08/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/08/14 0.00
Greens 07/08/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/08/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/08/14 0.00
Other 07/08/14 0.00
Peas 07/08/14 0.56
Pepper 07/08/14 0.00
Radish 07/08/14 0.00
Root 07/08/14 0.00
Squash 07/08/14 0.00
Tomato 07/08/14 0.00
Allium 07/09/14 0.00
Beans 07/09/14 0.00
Brassica 07/09/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/09/14 0.00
Greens 07/09/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/09/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/09/14 0.00
Other 07/09/14 0.00
Peas 07/09/14 0.00
Pepper 07/09/14 0.00
Radish 07/09/14 0.00
Root 07/09/14 0.00
Squash 07/09/14 0.00
Tomato 07/09/14 0.00
Allium 07/10/14 0.00
Beans 07/10/14 0.00
Brassica 07/10/14 1.50
Cucumber 07/10/14 0.00
Greens 07/10/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/10/14 1.50
HerbsPckg 07/10/14 0.00
Other 07/10/14 0.00
Peas 07/10/14 0.00
Pepper 07/10/14 0.00
Radish 07/10/14 0.00
Root 07/10/14 0.37
Squash 07/10/14 0.00
Tomato 07/10/14 0.00
Allium 07/11/14 0.00
Beans 07/11/14 0.00
Brassica 07/11/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/11/14 0.00
Greens 07/11/14 2.63
HerbsBnch 07/11/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/11/14 0.00
Other 07/11/14 0.00
Peas 07/11/14 0.00
Pepper 07/11/14 0.00
Radish 07/11/14 0.00
Root 07/11/14 0.12
Squash 07/11/14 0.00
Tomato 07/11/14 0.00
Allium 07/12/14 0.00
Beans 07/12/14 0.00
Brassica 07/12/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/12/14 0.00
Greens 07/12/14 1.05
HerbsBnch 07/12/14 2.99
HerbsPckg 07/12/14 0.00
Other 07/12/14 0.00
Peas 07/12/14 0.00
Pepper 07/12/14 0.00
Radish 07/12/14 0.00
Root 07/12/14 0.00
Squash 07/12/14 0.00
Tomato 07/12/14 0.00
Allium 07/13/14 0.00
Beans 07/13/14 0.00
Brassica 07/13/14 0.75
Cucumber 07/13/14 0.00
Greens 07/13/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/13/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/13/14 0.00
Other 07/13/14 0.00
Peas 07/13/14 0.00
Pepper 07/13/14 0.00
Radish 07/13/14 0.00
Root 07/13/14 0.37
Squash 07/13/14 0.00
Tomato 07/13/14 0.00
Allium 07/14/14 0.00
Beans 07/14/14 0.00
Brassica 07/14/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/14/14 0.00
Greens 07/14/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/14/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/14/14 0.00
Other 07/14/14 0.00
Peas 07/14/14 0.00
Pepper 07/14/14 0.00
Radish 07/14/14 0.00
Root 07/14/14 0.25
Squash 07/14/14 0.00
Tomato 07/14/14 0.00
Allium 07/15/14 0.00
Beans 07/15/14 0.00
Brassica 07/15/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/15/14 0.00
Greens 07/15/14 1.05
HerbsBnch 07/15/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/15/14 0.00
Other 07/15/14 0.00
Peas 07/15/14 0.00
Pepper 07/15/14 0.28
Radish 07/15/14 0.00
Root 07/15/14 1.03
Squash 07/15/14 0.00
Tomato 07/15/14 0.00
Allium 07/16/14 0.00
Beans 07/16/14 0.00
Brassica 07/16/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/16/14 0.00
Greens 07/16/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/16/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/16/14 0.00
Other 07/16/14 0.00
Peas 07/16/14 0.00
Pepper 07/16/14 0.00
Radish 07/16/14 0.00
Root 07/16/14 0.19
Squash 07/16/14 0.00
Tomato 07/16/14 0.00
Allium 07/17/14 0.00
Beans 07/17/14 0.00
Brassica 07/17/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/17/14 0.00
Greens 07/17/14 0.39
HerbsBnch 07/17/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/17/14 0.00
Other 07/17/14 0.00
Peas 07/17/14 0.00
Pepper 07/17/14 0.00
Radish 07/17/14 0.00
Root 07/17/14 0.00
Squash 07/17/14 0.00
Tomato 07/17/14 0.00
Allium 07/18/14 0.00
Beans 07/18/14 0.00
Brassica 07/18/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/18/14 0.00
Greens 07/18/14 0.39
HerbsBnch 07/18/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/18/14 0.00
Other 07/18/14 0.00
Peas 07/18/14 0.00
Pepper 07/18/14 0.00
Radish 07/18/14 0.00
Root 07/18/14 0.37
Squash 07/18/14 0.00
Tomato 07/18/14 0.00
Allium 07/19/14 0.00
Beans 07/19/14 0.00
Brassica 07/19/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/19/14 0.00
Greens 07/19/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/19/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/19/14 0.00
Other 07/19/14 0.00
Peas 07/19/14 0.00
Pepper 07/19/14 0.00
Radish 07/19/14 0.00
Root 07/19/14 0.00
Squash 07/19/14 0.00
Tomato 07/19/14 0.00
Allium 07/20/14 0.00
Beans 07/20/14 0.00
Brassica 07/20/14 1.50
Cucumber 07/20/14 0.00
Greens 07/20/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/20/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/20/14 0.00
Other 07/20/14 0.00
Peas 07/20/14 0.00
Pepper 07/20/14 0.00
Radish 07/20/14 0.00
Root 07/20/14 0.37
Squash 07/20/14 0.00
Tomato 07/20/14 0.00
Allium 07/21/14 14.00
Beans 07/21/14 0.00
Brassica 07/21/14 0.75
Cucumber 07/21/14 0.00
Greens 07/21/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/21/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/21/14 0.00
Other 07/21/14 0.00
Peas 07/21/14 0.00
Pepper 07/21/14 0.00
Radish 07/21/14 0.00
Root 07/21/14 0.12
Squash 07/21/14 0.00
Tomato 07/21/14 0.00
Allium 07/22/14 0.00
Beans 07/22/14 0.00
Brassica 07/22/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/22/14 0.00
Greens 07/22/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/22/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/22/14 0.00
Other 07/22/14 0.00
Peas 07/22/14 0.00
Pepper 07/22/14 0.00
Radish 07/22/14 0.00
Root 07/22/14 0.00
Squash 07/22/14 0.00
Tomato 07/22/14 0.00
Allium 07/23/14 0.00
Beans 07/23/14 0.16
Brassica 07/23/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/23/14 0.00
Greens 07/23/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/23/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/23/14 0.00
Other 07/23/14 0.00
Peas 07/23/14 0.00
Pepper 07/23/14 0.00
Radish 07/23/14 0.00
Root 07/23/14 0.00
Squash 07/23/14 0.00
Tomato 07/23/14 0.00
Allium 07/24/14 0.00
Beans 07/24/14 0.08
Brassica 07/24/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/24/14 0.00
Greens 07/24/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/24/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/24/14 0.00
Other 07/24/14 0.00
Peas 07/24/14 0.00
Pepper 07/24/14 0.00
Radish 07/24/14 0.00
Root 07/24/14 0.00
Squash 07/24/14 0.00
Tomato 07/24/14 0.00
Allium 07/25/14 0.00
Beans 07/25/14 0.00
Brassica 07/25/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/25/14 0.00
Greens 07/25/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/25/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/25/14 0.00
Other 07/25/14 0.00
Peas 07/25/14 0.00
Pepper 07/25/14 0.00
Radish 07/25/14 0.00
Root 07/25/14 0.50
Squash 07/25/14 0.00
Tomato 07/25/14 0.00
Allium 07/26/14 0.00
Beans 07/26/14 0.09
Brassica 07/26/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/26/14 0.00
Greens 07/26/14 0.26
HerbsBnch 07/26/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/26/14 0.00
Other 07/26/14 0.00
Peas 07/26/14 0.00
Pepper 07/26/14 0.00
Radish 07/26/14 0.00
Root 07/26/14 0.00
Squash 07/26/14 0.00
Tomato 07/26/14 0.00
Allium 07/27/14 0.00
Beans 07/27/14 0.08
Brassica 07/27/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/27/14 0.00
Greens 07/27/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/27/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/27/14 0.00
Other 07/27/14 0.00
Peas 07/27/14 0.00
Pepper 07/27/14 0.00
Radish 07/27/14 0.00
Root 07/27/14 0.50
Squash 07/27/14 0.00
Tomato 07/27/14 0.00
Allium 07/28/14 0.00
Beans 07/28/14 2.18
Brassica 07/28/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/28/14 0.00
Greens 07/28/14 0.26
HerbsBnch 07/28/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/28/14 0.00
Other 07/28/14 0.00
Peas 07/28/14 0.00
Pepper 07/28/14 0.00
Radish 07/28/14 0.00
Root 07/28/14 0.50
Squash 07/28/14 0.00
Tomato 07/28/14 0.00
Allium 07/29/14 0.00
Beans 07/29/14 1.87
Brassica 07/29/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/29/14 0.00
Greens 07/29/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/29/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/29/14 0.00
Other 07/29/14 0.00
Peas 07/29/14 0.00
Pepper 07/29/14 0.00
Radish 07/29/14 0.00
Root 07/29/14 0.87
Squash 07/29/14 0.00
Tomato 07/29/14 0.00
Allium 07/30/14 0.00
Beans 07/30/14 0.00
Brassica 07/30/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/30/14 0.00
Greens 07/30/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/30/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/30/14 0.00
Other 07/30/14 0.00
Peas 07/30/14 0.00
Pepper 07/30/14 0.00
Radish 07/30/14 0.00
Root 07/30/14 0.75
Squash 07/30/14 0.50
Tomato 07/30/14 0.00
Allium 07/31/14 0.00
Beans 07/31/14 0.78
Brassica 07/31/14 0.00
Cucumber 07/31/14 0.00
Greens 07/31/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 07/31/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 07/31/14 0.00
Other 07/31/14 0.00
Peas 07/31/14 0.00
Pepper 07/31/14 0.00
Radish 07/31/14 0.00
Root 07/31/14 0.00
Squash 07/31/14 0.00
Tomato 07/31/14 0.00
Allium 08/01/14 0.00
Beans 08/01/14 1.50
Brassica 08/01/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/01/14 0.00
Greens 08/01/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/01/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/01/14 0.00
Other 08/01/14 0.00
Peas 08/01/14 0.00
Pepper 08/01/14 0.00
Radish 08/01/14 0.00
Root 08/01/14 0.75
Squash 08/01/14 0.00
Tomato 08/01/14 0.00
Allium 08/02/14 0.00
Beans 08/02/14 1.87
Brassica 08/02/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/02/14 0.00
Greens 08/02/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/02/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/02/14 0.00
Other 08/02/14 0.00
Peas 08/02/14 0.00
Pepper 08/02/14 0.00
Radish 08/02/14 0.00
Root 08/02/14 0.00
Squash 08/02/14 0.00
Tomato 08/02/14 0.00
Allium 08/03/14 0.00
Beans 08/03/14 3.00
Brassica 08/03/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/03/14 0.00
Greens 08/03/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/03/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/03/14 0.00
Other 08/03/14 0.00
Peas 08/03/14 0.00
Pepper 08/03/14 0.00
Radish 08/03/14 0.00
Root 08/03/14 0.00
Squash 08/03/14 0.00
Tomato 08/03/14 0.00
Allium 08/04/14 0.00
Beans 08/04/14 2.50
Brassica 08/04/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/04/14 0.00
Greens 08/04/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/04/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/04/14 0.00
Other 08/04/14 0.00
Peas 08/04/14 0.00
Pepper 08/04/14 0.00
Radish 08/04/14 0.00
Root 08/04/14 0.00
Squash 08/04/14 0.00
Tomato 08/04/14 0.00
Allium 08/05/14 0.00
Beans 08/05/14 5.99
Brassica 08/05/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/05/14 0.00
Greens 08/05/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/05/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/05/14 0.00
Other 08/05/14 0.00
Peas 08/05/14 0.00
Pepper 08/05/14 0.00
Radish 08/05/14 0.00
Root 08/05/14 0.00
Squash 08/05/14 0.00
Tomato 08/05/14 0.00
Allium 08/06/14 0.00
Beans 08/06/14 1.87
Brassica 08/06/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/06/14 0.00
Greens 08/06/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/06/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/06/14 0.00
Other 08/06/14 0.00
Peas 08/06/14 0.00
Pepper 08/06/14 0.00
Radish 08/06/14 0.00
Root 08/06/14 2.24
Squash 08/06/14 0.37
Tomato 08/06/14 0.00
Allium 08/07/14 0.00
Beans 08/07/14 2.90
Brassica 08/07/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/07/14 0.00
Greens 08/07/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/07/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/07/14 0.00
Other 08/07/14 0.00
Peas 08/07/14 0.00
Pepper 08/07/14 0.00
Radish 08/07/14 0.00
Root 08/07/14 0.00
Squash 08/07/14 0.00
Tomato 08/07/14 0.00
Allium 08/08/14 0.00
Beans 08/08/14 2.11
Brassica 08/08/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/08/14 0.00
Greens 08/08/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/08/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/08/14 0.00
Other 08/08/14 0.00
Peas 08/08/14 0.00
Pepper 08/08/14 0.00
Radish 08/08/14 0.00
Root 08/08/14 0.75
Squash 08/08/14 0.00
Tomato 08/08/14 0.00
Allium 08/09/14 0.00
Beans 08/09/14 4.49
Brassica 08/09/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/09/14 0.00
Greens 08/09/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/09/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/09/14 0.00
Other 08/09/14 7.18
Peas 08/09/14 0.00
Pepper 08/09/14 0.00
Radish 08/09/14 0.00
Root 08/09/14 0.00
Squash 08/09/14 0.00
Tomato 08/09/14 0.00
Allium 08/10/14 0.00
Beans 08/10/14 0.62
Brassica 08/10/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/10/14 0.00
Greens 08/10/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/10/14 0.75
HerbsPckg 08/10/14 0.00
Other 08/10/14 0.00
Peas 08/10/14 0.00
Pepper 08/10/14 0.84
Radish 08/10/14 0.00
Root 08/10/14 0.00
Squash 08/10/14 0.00
Tomato 08/10/14 0.00
Allium 08/11/14 0.00
Beans 08/11/14 3.74
Brassica 08/11/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/11/14 0.00
Greens 08/11/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/11/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/11/14 0.00
Other 08/11/14 0.00
Peas 08/11/14 0.00
Pepper 08/11/14 0.00
Radish 08/11/14 0.00
Root 08/11/14 0.00
Squash 08/11/14 0.00
Tomato 08/11/14 0.00
Allium 08/12/14 0.00
Beans 08/12/14 3.12
Brassica 08/12/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/12/14 0.00
Greens 08/12/14 0.53
HerbsBnch 08/12/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/12/14 3.98
Other 08/12/14 10.41
Peas 08/12/14 0.00
Pepper 08/12/14 3.09
Radish 08/12/14 0.00
Root 08/12/14 0.00
Squash 08/12/14 0.00
Tomato 08/12/14 0.00
Allium 08/13/14 0.00
Beans 08/13/14 3.00
Brassica 08/13/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/13/14 1.02
Greens 08/13/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/13/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/13/14 0.00
Other 08/13/14 0.00
Peas 08/13/14 0.00
Pepper 08/13/14 0.00
Radish 08/13/14 0.00
Root 08/13/14 0.00
Squash 08/13/14 0.75
Tomato 08/13/14 0.00
Allium 08/14/14 0.00
Beans 08/14/14 5.93
Brassica 08/14/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/14/14 0.65
Greens 08/14/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/14/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/14/14 0.00
Other 08/14/14 0.14
Peas 08/14/14 0.00
Pepper 08/14/14 0.00
Radish 08/14/14 0.00
Root 08/14/14 0.00
Squash 08/14/14 0.00
Tomato 08/14/14 0.00
Allium 08/15/14 0.00
Beans 08/15/14 5.25
Brassica 08/15/14 3.00
Cucumber 08/15/14 0.00
Greens 08/15/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/15/14 1.12
HerbsPckg 08/15/14 0.00
Other 08/15/14 0.14
Peas 08/15/14 0.00
Pepper 08/15/14 0.42
Radish 08/15/14 0.00
Root 08/15/14 2.99
Squash 08/15/14 0.00
Tomato 08/15/14 1.50
Allium 08/16/14 0.00
Beans 08/16/14 2.96
Brassica 08/16/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/16/14 0.86
Greens 08/16/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/16/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/16/14 0.00
Other 08/16/14 0.00
Peas 08/16/14 0.00
Pepper 08/16/14 0.56
Radish 08/16/14 0.00
Root 08/16/14 2.49
Squash 08/16/14 2.24
Tomato 08/16/14 0.00
Allium 08/17/14 0.00
Beans 08/17/14 3.00
Brassica 08/17/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/17/14 1.02
Greens 08/17/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/17/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/17/14 0.00
Other 08/17/14 0.00
Peas 08/17/14 0.00
Pepper 08/17/14 0.00
Radish 08/17/14 0.00
Root 08/17/14 0.00
Squash 08/17/14 0.00
Tomato 08/17/14 0.00
Allium 08/18/14 0.00
Beans 08/18/14 2.50
Brassica 08/18/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/18/14 0.00
Greens 08/18/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/18/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/18/14 3.98
Other 08/18/14 0.00
Peas 08/18/14 0.00
Pepper 08/18/14 0.00
Radish 08/18/14 0.00
Root 08/18/14 0.00
Squash 08/18/14 0.00
Tomato 08/18/14 0.00
Allium 08/19/14 0.00
Beans 08/19/14 3.00
Brassica 08/19/14 3.00
Cucumber 08/19/14 0.65
Greens 08/19/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/19/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/19/14 0.00
Other 08/19/14 0.00
Peas 08/19/14 0.00
Pepper 08/19/14 0.77
Radish 08/19/14 0.00
Root 08/19/14 0.00
Squash 08/19/14 0.00
Tomato 08/19/14 0.37
Allium 08/20/14 0.00
Beans 08/20/14 2.81
Brassica 08/20/14 2.29
Cucumber 08/20/14 1.29
Greens 08/20/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/20/14 1.12
HerbsPckg 08/20/14 0.00
Other 08/20/14 0.19
Peas 08/20/14 0.00
Pepper 08/20/14 0.00
Radish 08/20/14 0.00
Root 08/20/14 0.00
Squash 08/20/14 1.49
Tomato 08/20/14 1.50
Allium 08/21/14 0.00
Beans 08/21/14 3.37
Brassica 08/21/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/21/14 0.00
Greens 08/21/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/21/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/21/14 0.00
Other 08/21/14 9.57
Peas 08/21/14 0.00
Pepper 08/21/14 0.00
Radish 08/21/14 0.00
Root 08/21/14 5.98
Squash 08/21/14 0.00
Tomato 08/21/14 3.18
Allium 08/22/14 0.00
Beans 08/22/14 3.43
Brassica 08/22/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/22/14 0.00
Greens 08/22/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/22/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/22/14 3.98
Other 08/22/14 0.07
Peas 08/22/14 0.00
Pepper 08/22/14 0.00
Radish 08/22/14 0.00
Root 08/22/14 0.00
Squash 08/22/14 4.75
Tomato 08/22/14 1.50
Allium 08/23/14 0.00
Beans 08/23/14 2.40
Brassica 08/23/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/23/14 3.45
Greens 08/23/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/23/14 18.50
HerbsPckg 08/23/14 0.00
Other 08/23/14 0.19
Peas 08/23/14 0.00
Pepper 08/23/14 1.31
Radish 08/23/14 0.00
Root 08/23/14 0.00
Squash 08/23/14 0.00
Tomato 08/23/14 3.00
Allium 08/24/14 0.00
Beans 08/24/14 2.18
Brassica 08/24/14 1.38
Cucumber 08/24/14 0.00
Greens 08/24/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/24/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/24/14 0.00
Other 08/24/14 0.37
Peas 08/24/14 0.00
Pepper 08/24/14 0.84
Radish 08/24/14 0.00
Root 08/24/14 5.23
Squash 08/24/14 0.00
Tomato 08/24/14 0.00
Allium 08/25/14 0.00
Beans 08/25/14 1.12
Brassica 08/25/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/25/14 0.00
Greens 08/25/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/25/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/25/14 0.00
Other 08/25/14 0.00
Peas 08/25/14 0.00
Pepper 08/25/14 0.00
Radish 08/25/14 0.00
Root 08/25/14 0.00
Squash 08/25/14 0.00
Tomato 08/25/14 0.00
Allium 08/26/14 0.00
Beans 08/26/14 1.12
Brassica 08/26/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/26/14 0.00
Greens 08/26/14 3.15
HerbsBnch 08/26/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/26/14 3.98
Other 08/26/14 0.00
Peas 08/26/14 0.00
Pepper 08/26/14 0.00
Radish 08/26/14 0.00
Root 08/26/14 0.00
Squash 08/26/14 0.00
Tomato 08/26/14 0.00
Allium 08/27/14 0.00
Beans 08/27/14 1.68
Brassica 08/27/14 3.00
Cucumber 08/27/14 0.00
Greens 08/27/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/27/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/27/14 0.00
Other 08/27/14 0.00
Peas 08/27/14 0.00
Pepper 08/27/14 0.00
Radish 08/27/14 0.00
Root 08/27/14 0.00
Squash 08/27/14 0.00
Tomato 08/27/14 0.00
Allium 08/28/14 0.69
Beans 08/28/14 2.06
Brassica 08/28/14 4.50
Cucumber 08/28/14 0.00
Greens 08/28/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/28/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/28/14 0.00
Other 08/28/14 0.00
Peas 08/28/14 0.00
Pepper 08/28/14 0.00
Radish 08/28/14 0.00
Root 08/28/14 0.00
Squash 08/28/14 1.62
Tomato 08/28/14 1.78
Allium 08/29/14 0.00
Beans 08/29/14 0.00
Brassica 08/29/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/29/14 0.00
Greens 08/29/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/29/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/29/14 0.00
Other 08/29/14 0.00
Peas 08/29/14 0.00
Pepper 08/29/14 0.84
Radish 08/29/14 0.00
Root 08/29/14 0.00
Squash 08/29/14 0.00
Tomato 08/29/14 0.00
Allium 08/30/14 0.00
Beans 08/30/14 2.31
Brassica 08/30/14 2.31
Cucumber 08/30/14 4.53
Greens 08/30/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/30/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/30/14 0.00
Other 08/30/14 0.19
Peas 08/30/14 0.00
Pepper 08/30/14 4.35
Radish 08/30/14 0.00
Root 08/30/14 4.73
Squash 08/30/14 4.95
Tomato 08/30/14 3.84
Allium 08/31/14 0.00
Beans 08/31/14 1.59
Brassica 08/31/14 0.00
Cucumber 08/31/14 0.00
Greens 08/31/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 08/31/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 08/31/14 0.00
Other 08/31/14 0.07
Peas 08/31/14 0.00
Pepper 08/31/14 1.64
Radish 08/31/14 0.00
Root 08/31/14 0.00
Squash 08/31/14 0.00
Tomato 08/31/14 20.88
Allium 09/01/14 0.00
Beans 09/01/14 1.35
Brassica 09/01/14 11.25
Cucumber 09/01/14 0.00
Greens 09/01/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/01/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/01/14 0.00
Other 09/01/14 0.00
Peas 09/01/14 0.00
Pepper 09/01/14 0.00
Radish 09/01/14 0.00
Root 09/01/14 0.00
Squash 09/01/14 0.00
Tomato 09/01/14 7.30
Allium 09/02/14 0.00
Beans 09/02/14 0.94
Brassica 09/02/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/02/14 0.00
Greens 09/02/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/02/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/02/14 0.00
Other 09/02/14 0.00
Peas 09/02/14 0.00
Pepper 09/02/14 0.28
Radish 09/02/14 0.00
Root 09/02/14 0.00
Squash 09/02/14 0.00
Tomato 09/02/14 2.25
Allium 09/03/14 0.00
Beans 09/03/14 1.25
Brassica 09/03/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/03/14 0.00
Greens 09/03/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/03/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/03/14 0.00
Other 09/03/14 0.00
Peas 09/03/14 0.00
Pepper 09/03/14 0.00
Radish 09/03/14 0.00
Root 09/03/14 2.99
Squash 09/03/14 0.00
Tomato 09/03/14 0.00
Allium 09/04/14 0.00
Beans 09/04/14 1.41
Brassica 09/04/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/04/14 4.27
Greens 09/04/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/04/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/04/14 0.00
Other 09/04/14 0.38
Peas 09/04/14 0.00
Pepper 09/04/14 0.00
Radish 09/04/14 0.00
Root 09/04/14 0.00
Squash 09/04/14 0.00
Tomato 09/04/14 28.65
Allium 09/05/14 0.00
Beans 09/05/14 0.00
Brassica 09/05/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/05/14 0.00
Greens 09/05/14 4.33
HerbsBnch 09/05/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/05/14 0.00
Other 09/05/14 0.00
Peas 09/05/14 0.00
Pepper 09/05/14 0.00
Radish 09/05/14 0.00
Root 09/05/14 0.00
Squash 09/05/14 0.00
Tomato 09/05/14 0.47
Allium 09/06/14 0.00
Beans 09/06/14 1.31
Brassica 09/06/14 1.79
Cucumber 09/06/14 0.00
Greens 09/06/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/06/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/06/14 3.98
Other 09/06/14 0.70
Peas 09/06/14 0.00
Pepper 09/06/14 2.25
Radish 09/06/14 0.00
Root 09/06/14 1.37
Squash 09/06/14 0.00
Tomato 09/06/14 0.00
Allium 09/07/14 0.00
Beans 09/07/14 0.00
Brassica 09/07/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/07/14 0.00
Greens 09/07/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/07/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/07/14 0.00
Other 09/07/14 0.43
Peas 09/07/14 0.00
Pepper 09/07/14 0.28
Radish 09/07/14 0.00
Root 09/07/14 1.25
Squash 09/07/14 0.00
Tomato 09/07/14 0.00
Allium 09/08/14 0.00
Beans 09/08/14 1.12
Brassica 09/08/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/08/14 5.18
Greens 09/08/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/08/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/08/14 0.00
Other 09/08/14 0.00
Peas 09/08/14 0.00
Pepper 09/08/14 5.16
Radish 09/08/14 0.00
Root 09/08/14 4.73
Squash 09/08/14 0.00
Tomato 09/08/14 21.72
Allium 09/09/14 0.00
Beans 09/09/14 1.44
Brassica 09/09/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/09/14 0.00
Greens 09/09/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/09/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/09/14 4.98
Other 09/09/14 0.00
Peas 09/09/14 0.00
Pepper 09/09/14 0.00
Radish 09/09/14 0.00
Root 09/09/14 0.00
Squash 09/09/14 3.92
Tomato 09/09/14 0.00
Allium 09/10/14 0.00
Beans 09/10/14 0.00
Brassica 09/10/14 4.78
Cucumber 09/10/14 0.00
Greens 09/10/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/10/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/10/14 0.00
Other 09/10/14 0.00
Peas 09/10/14 0.00
Pepper 09/10/14 0.00
Radish 09/10/14 0.00
Root 09/10/14 0.00
Squash 09/10/14 0.00
Tomato 09/10/14 0.00
Allium 09/11/14 0.00
Beans 09/11/14 1.09
Brassica 09/11/14 2.77
Cucumber 09/11/14 6.88
Greens 09/11/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/11/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/11/14 18.91
Other 09/11/14 0.00
Peas 09/11/14 0.00
Pepper 09/11/14 4.78
Radish 09/11/14 0.00
Root 09/11/14 0.00
Squash 09/11/14 0.00
Tomato 09/11/14 27.05
Allium 09/12/14 0.00
Beans 09/12/14 0.00
Brassica 09/12/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/12/14 0.00
Greens 09/12/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/12/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/12/14 0.00
Other 09/12/14 0.00
Peas 09/12/14 0.00
Pepper 09/12/14 0.00
Radish 09/12/14 0.00
Root 09/12/14 0.00
Squash 09/12/14 0.00
Tomato 09/12/14 0.00
Allium 09/13/14 2.75
Beans 09/13/14 0.00
Brassica 09/13/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/13/14 0.00
Greens 09/13/14 0.75
HerbsBnch 09/13/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/13/14 0.00
Other 09/13/14 0.56
Peas 09/13/14 0.00
Pepper 09/13/14 0.84
Radish 09/13/14 0.00
Root 09/13/14 0.00
Squash 09/13/14 0.00
Tomato 09/13/14 0.00
Allium 09/14/14 0.00
Beans 09/14/14 1.12
Brassica 09/14/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/14/14 0.00
Greens 09/14/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/14/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/14/14 0.00
Other 09/14/14 0.00
Peas 09/14/14 0.00
Pepper 09/14/14 0.28
Radish 09/14/14 0.00
Root 09/14/14 0.00
Squash 09/14/14 0.00
Tomato 09/14/14 2.25
Allium 09/15/14 0.00
Beans 09/15/14 0.75
Brassica 09/15/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/15/14 0.00
Greens 09/15/14 3.68
HerbsBnch 09/15/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/15/14 0.00
Other 09/15/14 0.00
Peas 09/15/14 0.00
Pepper 09/15/14 3.37
Radish 09/15/14 0.00
Root 09/15/14 0.00
Squash 09/15/14 0.00
Tomato 09/15/14 0.00
Allium 09/16/14 0.00
Beans 09/16/14 0.09
Brassica 09/16/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/16/14 6.95
Greens 09/16/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/16/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/16/14 0.00
Other 09/16/14 0.00
Peas 09/16/14 0.00
Pepper 09/16/14 0.00
Radish 09/16/14 0.00
Root 09/16/14 0.00
Squash 09/16/14 0.00
Tomato 09/16/14 5.43
Allium 09/17/14 0.00
Beans 09/17/14 1.50
Brassica 09/17/14 0.06
Cucumber 09/17/14 0.00
Greens 09/17/14 1.71
HerbsBnch 09/17/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/17/14 0.00
Other 09/17/14 0.00
Peas 09/17/14 0.00
Pepper 09/17/14 1.13
Radish 09/17/14 0.00
Root 09/17/14 0.00
Squash 09/17/14 0.00
Tomato 09/17/14 1.03
Allium 09/18/14 0.00
Beans 09/18/14 0.00
Brassica 09/18/14 2.77
Cucumber 09/18/14 0.00
Greens 09/18/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/18/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/18/14 0.00
Other 09/18/14 0.90
Peas 09/18/14 0.00
Pepper 09/18/14 0.00
Radish 09/18/14 0.00
Root 09/18/14 5.86
Squash 09/18/14 0.00
Tomato 09/18/14 30.98
Allium 09/19/14 0.00
Beans 09/19/14 0.00
Brassica 09/19/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/19/14 0.00
Greens 09/19/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/19/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/19/14 0.00
Other 09/19/14 0.00
Peas 09/19/14 0.00
Pepper 09/19/14 0.00
Radish 09/19/14 0.00
Root 09/19/14 0.00
Squash 09/19/14 0.00
Tomato 09/19/14 0.00
Allium 09/20/14 0.00
Beans 09/20/14 2.25
Brassica 09/20/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/20/14 0.00
Greens 09/20/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/20/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/20/14 0.00
Other 09/20/14 0.00
Peas 09/20/14 0.00
Pepper 09/20/14 0.00
Radish 09/20/14 0.00
Root 09/20/14 0.00
Squash 09/20/14 0.00
Tomato 09/20/14 0.75
Allium 09/21/14 0.00
Beans 09/21/14 2.62
Brassica 09/21/14 0.35
Cucumber 09/21/14 1.13
Greens 09/21/14 1.58
HerbsBnch 09/21/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/21/14 0.00
Other 09/21/14 0.09
Peas 09/21/14 0.00
Pepper 09/21/14 4.43
Radish 09/21/14 0.00
Root 09/21/14 0.00
Squash 09/21/14 2.52
Tomato 09/21/14 64.67
Allium 09/22/14 0.00
Beans 09/22/14 0.00
Brassica 09/22/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/22/14 0.00
Greens 09/22/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/22/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/22/14 0.00
Other 09/22/14 0.00
Peas 09/22/14 0.00
Pepper 09/22/14 0.00
Radish 09/22/14 0.00
Root 09/22/14 0.00
Squash 09/22/14 0.00
Tomato 09/22/14 0.00
Allium 09/23/14 0.00
Beans 09/23/14 0.00
Brassica 09/23/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/23/14 0.00
Greens 09/23/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/23/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/23/14 0.00
Other 09/23/14 0.28
Peas 09/23/14 0.00
Pepper 09/23/14 0.00
Radish 09/23/14 0.00
Root 09/23/14 0.00
Squash 09/23/14 0.00
Tomato 09/23/14 0.00
Allium 09/24/14 0.00
Beans 09/24/14 0.75
Brassica 09/24/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/24/14 0.00
Greens 09/24/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/24/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/24/14 0.00
Other 09/24/14 1.24
Peas 09/24/14 0.00
Pepper 09/24/14 0.00
Radish 09/24/14 0.00
Root 09/24/14 0.00
Squash 09/24/14 0.00
Tomato 09/24/14 0.00
Allium 09/25/14 0.00
Beans 09/25/14 0.56
Brassica 09/25/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/25/14 0.00
Greens 09/25/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/25/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/25/14 0.00
Other 09/25/14 0.00
Peas 09/25/14 0.00
Pepper 09/25/14 0.00
Radish 09/25/14 0.00
Root 09/25/14 0.00
Squash 09/25/14 0.00
Tomato 09/25/14 0.00
Allium 09/26/14 0.00
Beans 09/26/14 0.37
Brassica 09/26/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/26/14 4.50
Greens 09/26/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/26/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/26/14 0.00
Other 09/26/14 0.00
Peas 09/26/14 0.00
Pepper 09/26/14 4.12
Radish 09/26/14 0.00
Root 09/26/14 0.00
Squash 09/26/14 0.00
Tomato 09/26/14 4.12
Allium 09/27/14 0.00
Beans 09/27/14 0.56
Brassica 09/27/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/27/14 1.55
Greens 09/27/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/27/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/27/14 0.00
Other 09/27/14 0.00
Peas 09/27/14 0.00
Pepper 09/27/14 0.00
Radish 09/27/14 0.00
Root 09/27/14 0.00
Squash 09/27/14 0.00
Tomato 09/27/14 0.00
Allium 09/28/14 0.00
Beans 09/28/14 0.56
Brassica 09/28/14 6.81
Cucumber 09/28/14 0.00
Greens 09/28/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/28/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/28/14 1.00
Other 09/28/14 0.00
Peas 09/28/14 0.00
Pepper 09/28/14 3.38
Radish 09/28/14 0.00
Root 09/28/14 0.00
Squash 09/28/14 0.00
Tomato 09/28/14 64.77
Allium 09/29/14 0.00
Beans 09/29/14 4.87
Brassica 09/29/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/29/14 2.26
Greens 09/29/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/29/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/29/14 0.00
Other 09/29/14 0.00
Peas 09/29/14 0.00
Pepper 09/29/14 5.46
Radish 09/29/14 0.00
Root 09/29/14 6.23
Squash 09/29/14 0.00
Tomato 09/29/14 21.15
Allium 09/30/14 0.00
Beans 09/30/14 0.00
Brassica 09/30/14 0.00
Cucumber 09/30/14 0.00
Greens 09/30/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 09/30/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 09/30/14 0.00
Other 09/30/14 0.00
Peas 09/30/14 0.00
Pepper 09/30/14 0.00
Radish 09/30/14 0.00
Root 09/30/14 0.00
Squash 09/30/14 0.00
Tomato 09/30/14 0.00
Allium 10/01/14 0.00
Beans 10/01/14 0.00
Brassica 10/01/14 2.25
Cucumber 10/01/14 0.00
Greens 10/01/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/01/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/01/14 0.00
Other 10/01/14 0.00
Peas 10/01/14 0.00
Pepper 10/01/14 0.00
Radish 10/01/14 0.00
Root 10/01/14 0.00
Squash 10/01/14 0.00
Tomato 10/01/14 0.00
Allium 10/02/14 0.00
Beans 10/02/14 0.00
Brassica 10/02/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/02/14 6.25
Greens 10/02/14 8.93
HerbsBnch 10/02/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/02/14 0.00
Other 10/02/14 0.00
Peas 10/02/14 0.00
Pepper 10/02/14 0.00
Radish 10/02/14 0.00
Root 10/02/14 0.00
Squash 10/02/14 0.00
Tomato 10/02/14 0.00
Allium 10/03/14 0.00
Beans 10/03/14 0.00
Brassica 10/03/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/03/14 0.00
Greens 10/03/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/03/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/03/14 0.00
Other 10/03/14 0.00
Peas 10/03/14 0.00
Pepper 10/03/14 0.00
Radish 10/03/14 0.00
Root 10/03/14 0.00
Squash 10/03/14 0.00
Tomato 10/03/14 0.00
Allium 10/04/14 0.00
Beans 10/04/14 0.00
Brassica 10/04/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/04/14 0.00
Greens 10/04/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/04/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/04/14 1.00
Other 10/04/14 0.00
Peas 10/04/14 0.00
Pepper 10/04/14 0.00
Radish 10/04/14 0.00
Root 10/04/14 0.19
Squash 10/04/14 0.00
Tomato 10/04/14 0.00
Allium 10/05/14 0.00
Beans 10/05/14 0.00
Brassica 10/05/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/05/14 0.00
Greens 10/05/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/05/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/05/14 0.00
Other 10/05/14 2.95
Peas 10/05/14 0.00
Pepper 10/05/14 3.52
Radish 10/05/14 0.00
Root 10/05/14 0.00
Squash 10/05/14 0.00
Tomato 10/05/14 7.86
Allium 10/06/14 0.00
Beans 10/06/14 0.00
Brassica 10/06/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/06/14 0.00
Greens 10/06/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/06/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/06/14 0.00
Other 10/06/14 0.84
Peas 10/06/14 0.00
Pepper 10/06/14 4.68
Radish 10/06/14 0.00
Root 10/06/14 0.00
Squash 10/06/14 0.00
Tomato 10/06/14 0.00
Allium 10/07/14 0.00
Beans 10/07/14 0.00
Brassica 10/07/14 2.42
Cucumber 10/07/14 0.00
Greens 10/07/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/07/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/07/14 0.00
Other 10/07/14 0.00
Peas 10/07/14 0.00
Pepper 10/07/14 0.00
Radish 10/07/14 0.00
Root 10/07/14 0.00
Squash 10/07/14 0.00
Tomato 10/07/14 0.00
Allium 10/08/14 0.00
Beans 10/08/14 0.75
Brassica 10/08/14 0.46
Cucumber 10/08/14 0.00
Greens 10/08/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/08/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/08/14 0.00
Other 10/08/14 0.00
Peas 10/08/14 0.00
Pepper 10/08/14 0.00
Radish 10/08/14 0.00
Root 10/08/14 1.99
Squash 10/08/14 0.00
Tomato 10/08/14 70.84
Allium 10/09/14 0.00
Beans 10/09/14 0.00
Brassica 10/09/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/09/14 0.00
Greens 10/09/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/09/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/09/14 0.00
Other 10/09/14 0.00
Peas 10/09/14 0.00
Pepper 10/09/14 0.00
Radish 10/09/14 0.00
Root 10/09/14 0.00
Squash 10/09/14 0.00
Tomato 10/09/14 0.00
Allium 10/10/14 0.00
Beans 10/10/14 0.00
Brassica 10/10/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/10/14 0.00
Greens 10/10/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/10/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/10/14 0.00
Other 10/10/14 0.00
Peas 10/10/14 0.00
Pepper 10/10/14 0.00
Radish 10/10/14 0.00
Root 10/10/14 0.00
Squash 10/10/14 0.00
Tomato 10/10/14 0.00
Allium 10/11/14 0.00
Beans 10/11/14 2.62
Brassica 10/11/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/11/14 0.00
Greens 10/11/14 6.28
HerbsBnch 10/11/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/11/14 0.00
Other 10/11/14 0.00
Peas 10/11/14 0.00
Pepper 10/11/14 1.59
Radish 10/11/14 0.00
Root 10/11/14 2.99
Squash 10/11/14 0.00
Tomato 10/11/14 26.49
Allium 10/12/14 0.00
Beans 10/12/14 0.37
Brassica 10/12/14 0.46
Cucumber 10/12/14 0.00
Greens 10/12/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/12/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/12/14 0.00
Other 10/12/14 0.00
Peas 10/12/14 0.00
Pepper 10/12/14 0.00
Radish 10/12/14 0.00
Root 10/12/14 0.00
Squash 10/12/14 0.00
Tomato 10/12/14 0.00
Allium 10/13/14 0.00
Beans 10/13/14 0.37
Brassica 10/13/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/13/14 0.00
Greens 10/13/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/13/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/13/14 0.00
Other 10/13/14 0.00
Peas 10/13/14 0.00
Pepper 10/13/14 0.00
Radish 10/13/14 0.00
Root 10/13/14 0.37
Squash 10/13/14 0.00
Tomato 10/13/14 0.00
Allium 10/14/14 0.00
Beans 10/14/14 0.00
Brassica 10/14/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/14/14 0.00
Greens 10/14/14 4.38
HerbsBnch 10/14/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/14/14 0.00
Other 10/14/14 0.00
Peas 10/14/14 0.00
Pepper 10/14/14 0.00
Radish 10/14/14 0.00
Root 10/14/14 3.36
Squash 10/14/14 0.00
Tomato 10/14/14 0.00
Allium 10/15/14 0.00
Beans 10/15/14 0.75
Brassica 10/15/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/15/14 0.00
Greens 10/15/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/15/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/15/14 1.00
Other 10/15/14 1.20
Peas 10/15/14 0.00
Pepper 10/15/14 1.55
Radish 10/15/14 0.00
Root 10/15/14 1.99
Squash 10/15/14 0.00
Tomato 10/15/14 0.00
Allium 10/16/14 0.00
Beans 10/16/14 0.19
Brassica 10/16/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/16/14 0.00
Greens 10/16/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/16/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/16/14 0.00
Other 10/16/14 0.50
Peas 10/16/14 0.00
Pepper 10/16/14 8.06
Radish 10/16/14 0.00
Root 10/16/14 0.00
Squash 10/16/14 0.00
Tomato 10/16/14 31.27
Allium 10/17/14 0.00
Beans 10/17/14 0.00
Brassica 10/17/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/17/14 0.00
Greens 10/17/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/17/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/17/14 0.00
Other 10/17/14 0.00
Peas 10/17/14 0.00
Pepper 10/17/14 0.00
Radish 10/17/14 0.00
Root 10/17/14 0.00
Squash 10/17/14 0.00
Tomato 10/17/14 0.00
Allium 10/18/14 0.00
Beans 10/18/14 0.00
Brassica 10/18/14 0.23
Cucumber 10/18/14 0.00
Greens 10/18/14 5.25
HerbsBnch 10/18/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/18/14 7.96
Other 10/18/14 0.00
Peas 10/18/14 0.00
Pepper 10/18/14 0.38
Radish 10/18/14 0.00
Root 10/18/14 0.50
Squash 10/18/14 0.00
Tomato 10/18/14 8.61
Allium 10/19/14 0.00
Beans 10/19/14 0.00
Brassica 10/19/14 0.86
Cucumber 10/19/14 0.00
Greens 10/19/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/19/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/19/14 0.00
Other 10/19/14 0.00
Peas 10/19/14 0.00
Pepper 10/19/14 0.00
Radish 10/19/14 0.00
Root 10/19/14 0.00
Squash 10/19/14 0.00
Tomato 10/19/14 0.00
Allium 10/20/14 0.00
Beans 10/20/14 0.00
Brassica 10/20/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/20/14 0.00
Greens 10/20/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/20/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/20/14 0.00
Other 10/20/14 0.00
Peas 10/20/14 0.00
Pepper 10/20/14 0.00
Radish 10/20/14 0.00
Root 10/20/14 0.00
Squash 10/20/14 0.00
Tomato 10/20/14 0.00
Allium 10/21/14 0.00
Beans 10/21/14 0.00
Brassica 10/21/14 3.75
Cucumber 10/21/14 0.00
Greens 10/21/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/21/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/21/14 1.00
Other 10/21/14 0.00
Peas 10/21/14 0.00
Pepper 10/21/14 0.00
Radish 10/21/14 0.88
Root 10/21/14 0.00
Squash 10/21/14 0.00
Tomato 10/21/14 0.00
Allium 10/22/14 0.00
Beans 10/22/14 0.00
Brassica 10/22/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/22/14 0.00
Greens 10/22/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/22/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/22/14 0.00
Other 10/22/14 0.00
Peas 10/22/14 0.00
Pepper 10/22/14 0.00
Radish 10/22/14 0.00
Root 10/22/14 3.61
Squash 10/22/14 0.00
Tomato 10/22/14 0.00
Allium 10/23/14 0.00
Beans 10/23/14 1.22
Brassica 10/23/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/23/14 0.00
Greens 10/23/14 6.83
HerbsBnch 10/23/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/23/14 0.00
Other 10/23/14 0.00
Peas 10/23/14 0.00
Pepper 10/23/14 0.00
Radish 10/23/14 0.00
Root 10/23/14 1.81
Squash 10/23/14 0.00
Tomato 10/23/14 0.00
Allium 10/24/14 0.00
Beans 10/24/14 0.00
Brassica 10/24/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/24/14 0.00
Greens 10/24/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/24/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/24/14 0.00
Other 10/24/14 0.00
Peas 10/24/14 0.00
Pepper 10/24/14 0.00
Radish 10/24/14 0.00
Root 10/24/14 0.00
Squash 10/24/14 0.00
Tomato 10/24/14 0.00
Allium 10/25/14 0.00
Beans 10/25/14 1.50
Brassica 10/25/14 1.27
Cucumber 10/25/14 0.00
Greens 10/25/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/25/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/25/14 1.00
Other 10/25/14 0.00
Peas 10/25/14 0.00
Pepper 10/25/14 0.00
Radish 10/25/14 0.00
Root 10/25/14 0.00
Squash 10/25/14 0.00
Tomato 10/25/14 63.46
Allium 10/26/14 0.00
Beans 10/26/14 0.00
Brassica 10/26/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/26/14 0.00
Greens 10/26/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/26/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/26/14 0.00
Other 10/26/14 0.00
Peas 10/26/14 0.00
Pepper 10/26/14 0.00
Radish 10/26/14 0.00
Root 10/26/14 0.00
Squash 10/26/14 0.00
Tomato 10/26/14 0.00
Allium 10/27/14 0.00
Beans 10/27/14 0.00
Brassica 10/27/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/27/14 0.00
Greens 10/27/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/27/14 4.12
HerbsPckg 10/27/14 0.00
Other 10/27/14 2.81
Peas 10/27/14 0.00
Pepper 10/27/14 25.40
Radish 10/27/14 0.00
Root 10/27/14 0.98
Squash 10/27/14 0.00
Tomato 10/27/14 99.22
Allium 10/28/14 0.00
Beans 10/28/14 0.00
Brassica 10/28/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/28/14 0.00
Greens 10/28/14 2.75
HerbsBnch 10/28/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/28/14 0.00
Other 10/28/14 0.00
Peas 10/28/14 0.00
Pepper 10/28/14 0.00
Radish 10/28/14 0.00
Root 10/28/14 0.00
Squash 10/28/14 0.00
Tomato 10/28/14 0.00
Allium 10/29/14 0.00
Beans 10/29/14 0.00
Brassica 10/29/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/29/14 0.00
Greens 10/29/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/29/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/29/14 0.00
Other 10/29/14 0.00
Peas 10/29/14 0.00
Pepper 10/29/14 0.00
Radish 10/29/14 0.00
Root 10/29/14 0.00
Squash 10/29/14 0.00
Tomato 10/29/14 0.00
Allium 10/30/14 0.00
Beans 10/30/14 0.00
Brassica 10/30/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/30/14 0.00
Greens 10/30/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/30/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/30/14 0.00
Other 10/30/14 0.00
Peas 10/30/14 0.00
Pepper 10/30/14 0.00
Radish 10/30/14 0.00
Root 10/30/14 6.98
Squash 10/30/14 0.00
Tomato 10/30/14 0.00
Allium 10/31/14 0.00
Beans 10/31/14 0.00
Brassica 10/31/14 0.00
Cucumber 10/31/14 0.00
Greens 10/31/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 10/31/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 10/31/14 0.00
Other 10/31/14 0.00
Peas 10/31/14 0.00
Pepper 10/31/14 0.00
Radish 10/31/14 0.00
Root 10/31/14 0.00
Squash 10/31/14 0.00
Tomato 10/31/14 0.00
Allium 11/01/14 0.00
Beans 11/01/14 1.31
Brassica 11/01/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/01/14 0.00
Greens 11/01/14 4.99
HerbsBnch 11/01/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/01/14 0.00
Other 11/01/14 0.00
Peas 11/01/14 0.00
Pepper 11/01/14 0.00
Radish 11/01/14 0.63
Root 11/01/14 0.00
Squash 11/01/14 4.92
Tomato 11/01/14 7.21
Allium 11/02/14 0.00
Beans 11/02/14 0.75
Brassica 11/02/14 3.29
Cucumber 11/02/14 0.00
Greens 11/02/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/02/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/02/14 0.00
Other 11/02/14 0.00
Peas 11/02/14 0.00
Pepper 11/02/14 0.00
Radish 11/02/14 0.00
Root 11/02/14 6.23
Squash 11/02/14 0.00
Tomato 11/02/14 1.12
Allium 11/03/14 0.00
Beans 11/03/14 0.00
Brassica 11/03/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/03/14 0.00
Greens 11/03/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/03/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/03/14 0.00
Other 11/03/14 0.00
Peas 11/03/14 0.00
Pepper 11/03/14 0.00
Radish 11/03/14 0.00
Root 11/03/14 0.00
Squash 11/03/14 0.00
Tomato 11/03/14 0.00
Allium 11/04/14 0.00
Beans 11/04/14 0.00
Brassica 11/04/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/04/14 0.00
Greens 11/04/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/04/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/04/14 7.96
Other 11/04/14 0.00
Peas 11/04/14 0.00
Pepper 11/04/14 0.00
Radish 11/04/14 0.00
Root 11/04/14 0.00
Squash 11/04/14 0.00
Tomato 11/04/14 0.00
Allium 11/05/14 0.00
Beans 11/05/14 0.00
Brassica 11/05/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/05/14 0.00
Greens 11/05/14 2.75
HerbsBnch 11/05/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/05/14 0.00
Other 11/05/14 0.00
Peas 11/05/14 0.00
Pepper 11/05/14 0.00
Radish 11/05/14 0.00
Root 11/05/14 0.00
Squash 11/05/14 0.00
Tomato 11/05/14 0.00
Allium 11/06/14 0.00
Beans 11/06/14 0.00
Brassica 11/06/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/06/14 0.00
Greens 11/06/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/06/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/06/14 0.00
Other 11/06/14 0.00
Peas 11/06/14 0.00
Pepper 11/06/14 0.00
Radish 11/06/14 0.00
Root 11/06/14 0.00
Squash 11/06/14 0.00
Tomato 11/06/14 0.00
Allium 11/07/14 0.00
Beans 11/07/14 0.00
Brassica 11/07/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/07/14 0.00
Greens 11/07/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/07/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/07/14 0.00
Other 11/07/14 0.00
Peas 11/07/14 0.00
Pepper 11/07/14 0.00
Radish 11/07/14 0.00
Root 11/07/14 0.00
Squash 11/07/14 0.00
Tomato 11/07/14 0.00
Allium 11/08/14 0.00
Beans 11/08/14 0.00
Brassica 11/08/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/08/14 0.00
Greens 11/08/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/08/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/08/14 0.00
Other 11/08/14 0.00
Peas 11/08/14 0.00
Pepper 11/08/14 0.00
Radish 11/08/14 0.00
Root 11/08/14 0.00
Squash 11/08/14 0.00
Tomato 11/08/14 0.00
Allium 11/09/14 0.00
Beans 11/09/14 0.00
Brassica 11/09/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/09/14 0.00
Greens 11/09/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/09/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/09/14 0.00
Other 11/09/14 0.00
Peas 11/09/14 0.00
Pepper 11/09/14 0.00
Radish 11/09/14 0.00
Root 11/09/14 0.00
Squash 11/09/14 0.00
Tomato 11/09/14 0.00
Allium 11/10/14 0.00
Beans 11/10/14 0.00
Brassica 11/10/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/10/14 0.00
Greens 11/10/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/10/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/10/14 0.00
Other 11/10/14 0.00
Peas 11/10/14 0.00
Pepper 11/10/14 0.00
Radish 11/10/14 0.00
Root 11/10/14 0.00
Squash 11/10/14 0.00
Tomato 11/10/14 0.00
Allium 11/11/14 0.00
Beans 11/11/14 0.00
Brassica 11/11/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/11/14 0.00
Greens 11/11/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/11/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/11/14 0.00
Other 11/11/14 0.00
Peas 11/11/14 0.00
Pepper 11/11/14 0.00
Radish 11/11/14 0.00
Root 11/11/14 0.00
Squash 11/11/14 0.00
Tomato 11/11/14 0.00
Allium 11/12/14 0.00
Beans 11/12/14 0.00
Brassica 11/12/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/12/14 0.00
Greens 11/12/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/12/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/12/14 0.00
Other 11/12/14 0.00
Peas 11/12/14 0.00
Pepper 11/12/14 0.00
Radish 11/12/14 0.00
Root 11/12/14 0.00
Squash 11/12/14 0.00
Tomato 11/12/14 0.00
Allium 11/13/14 0.00
Beans 11/13/14 0.00
Brassica 11/13/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/13/14 0.00
Greens 11/13/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/13/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/13/14 0.00
Other 11/13/14 0.00
Peas 11/13/14 0.00
Pepper 11/13/14 0.00
Radish 11/13/14 0.00
Root 11/13/14 0.00
Squash 11/13/14 0.00
Tomato 11/13/14 0.00
Allium 11/14/14 0.00
Beans 11/14/14 0.00
Brassica 11/14/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/14/14 0.00
Greens 11/14/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/14/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/14/14 0.00
Other 11/14/14 0.00
Peas 11/14/14 0.00
Pepper 11/14/14 0.00
Radish 11/14/14 0.00
Root 11/14/14 0.00
Squash 11/14/14 0.00
Tomato 11/14/14 0.00
Allium 11/15/14 0.00
Beans 11/15/14 0.00
Brassica 11/15/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/15/14 0.00
Greens 11/15/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/15/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/15/14 0.00
Other 11/15/14 0.00
Peas 11/15/14 0.00
Pepper 11/15/14 0.00
Radish 11/15/14 0.00
Root 11/15/14 0.00
Squash 11/15/14 0.00
Tomato 11/15/14 0.00
Allium 11/16/14 0.00
Beans 11/16/14 0.00
Brassica 11/16/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/16/14 0.00
Greens 11/16/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/16/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/16/14 0.00
Other 11/16/14 0.00
Peas 11/16/14 0.00
Pepper 11/16/14 0.00
Radish 11/16/14 0.00
Root 11/16/14 0.00
Squash 11/16/14 0.00
Tomato 11/16/14 0.00
Allium 11/17/14 0.00
Beans 11/17/14 0.00
Brassica 11/17/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/17/14 0.00
Greens 11/17/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/17/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/17/14 0.00
Other 11/17/14 0.00
Peas 11/17/14 0.00
Pepper 11/17/14 0.00
Radish 11/17/14 0.00
Root 11/17/14 0.00
Squash 11/17/14 0.00
Tomato 11/17/14 0.00
Allium 11/18/14 0.00
Beans 11/18/14 0.00
Brassica 11/18/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/18/14 0.00
Greens 11/18/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/18/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/18/14 0.00
Other 11/18/14 0.00
Peas 11/18/14 0.00
Pepper 11/18/14 0.00
Radish 11/18/14 0.00
Root 11/18/14 0.00
Squash 11/18/14 0.00
Tomato 11/18/14 0.00
Allium 11/19/14 0.00
Beans 11/19/14 0.00
Brassica 11/19/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/19/14 0.00
Greens 11/19/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/19/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/19/14 0.00
Other 11/19/14 0.00
Peas 11/19/14 0.00
Pepper 11/19/14 0.00
Radish 11/19/14 0.00
Root 11/19/14 0.00
Squash 11/19/14 0.00
Tomato 11/19/14 0.00
Allium 11/20/14 0.00
Beans 11/20/14 0.00
Brassica 11/20/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/20/14 0.00
Greens 11/20/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/20/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/20/14 0.00
Other 11/20/14 0.00
Peas 11/20/14 0.00
Pepper 11/20/14 0.00
Radish 11/20/14 0.00
Root 11/20/14 0.00
Squash 11/20/14 0.00
Tomato 11/20/14 0.00
Allium 11/21/14 0.00
Beans 11/21/14 0.00
Brassica 11/21/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/21/14 0.00
Greens 11/21/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/21/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/21/14 0.00
Other 11/21/14 0.00
Peas 11/21/14 0.00
Pepper 11/21/14 0.00
Radish 11/21/14 0.00
Root 11/21/14 0.00
Squash 11/21/14 0.00
Tomato 11/21/14 0.00
Allium 11/22/14 0.00
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Brassica 11/22/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/22/14 0.00
Greens 11/22/14 4.07
HerbsBnch 11/22/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/22/14 0.00
Other 11/22/14 0.00
Peas 11/22/14 0.00
Pepper 11/22/14 0.00
Radish 11/22/14 0.63
Root 11/22/14 4.24
Squash 11/22/14 0.00
Tomato 11/22/14 0.00
Allium 11/23/14 0.00
Beans 11/23/14 0.00
Brassica 11/23/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/23/14 0.00
Greens 11/23/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/23/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/23/14 0.00
Other 11/23/14 0.00
Peas 11/23/14 0.00
Pepper 11/23/14 0.00
Radish 11/23/14 0.00
Root 11/23/14 0.00
Squash 11/23/14 0.00
Tomato 11/23/14 0.00
Allium 11/24/14 0.00
Beans 11/24/14 0.00
Brassica 11/24/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/24/14 0.00
Greens 11/24/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/24/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/24/14 0.00
Other 11/24/14 0.00
Peas 11/24/14 0.00
Pepper 11/24/14 0.00
Radish 11/24/14 0.00
Root 11/24/14 0.00
Squash 11/24/14 0.00
Tomato 11/24/14 0.00
Allium 11/25/14 0.00
Beans 11/25/14 0.00
Brassica 11/25/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/25/14 0.00
Greens 11/25/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/25/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/25/14 0.00
Other 11/25/14 0.00
Peas 11/25/14 0.00
Pepper 11/25/14 0.00
Radish 11/25/14 0.00
Root 11/25/14 0.00
Squash 11/25/14 0.00
Tomato 11/25/14 0.00
Allium 11/26/14 0.00
Beans 11/26/14 0.00
Brassica 11/26/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/26/14 0.00
Greens 11/26/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/26/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/26/14 0.00
Other 11/26/14 0.00
Peas 11/26/14 0.00
Pepper 11/26/14 0.00
Radish 11/26/14 0.00
Root 11/26/14 0.00
Squash 11/26/14 0.00
Tomato 11/26/14 0.00
Allium 11/27/14 0.00
Beans 11/27/14 0.00
Brassica 11/27/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/27/14 0.00
Greens 11/27/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/27/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/27/14 0.00
Other 11/27/14 0.00
Peas 11/27/14 0.00
Pepper 11/27/14 0.00
Radish 11/27/14 0.00
Root 11/27/14 14.55
Squash 11/27/14 0.00
Tomato 11/27/14 0.00
Allium 11/28/14 0.00
Beans 11/28/14 0.00
Brassica 11/28/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/28/14 0.00
Greens 11/28/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/28/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/28/14 0.00
Other 11/28/14 0.00
Peas 11/28/14 0.00
Pepper 11/28/14 0.00
Radish 11/28/14 0.00
Root 11/28/14 0.00
Squash 11/28/14 0.00
Tomato 11/28/14 0.00
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Brassica 11/29/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/29/14 0.00
Greens 11/29/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/29/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/29/14 0.00
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Peas 11/29/14 0.00
Pepper 11/29/14 0.00
Radish 11/29/14 0.00
Root 11/29/14 0.00
Squash 11/29/14 0.00
Tomato 11/29/14 0.00
Allium 11/30/14 0.00
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Brassica 11/30/14 0.00
Cucumber 11/30/14 0.00
Greens 11/30/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 11/30/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 11/30/14 0.20
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Peas 11/30/14 0.00
Pepper 11/30/14 0.00
Radish 11/30/14 0.00
Root 11/30/14 4.36
Squash 11/30/14 0.00
Tomato 11/30/14 0.00
Allium 12/01/14 0.00
Beans 12/01/14 0.00
Brassica 12/01/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/01/14 0.00
Greens 12/01/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/01/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/01/14 0.00
Other 12/01/14 0.00
Peas 12/01/14 0.00
Pepper 12/01/14 0.00
Radish 12/01/14 0.00
Root 12/01/14 0.00
Squash 12/01/14 0.00
Tomato 12/01/14 0.00
Allium 12/02/14 0.00
Beans 12/02/14 0.00
Brassica 12/02/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/02/14 0.00
Greens 12/02/14 2.10
HerbsBnch 12/02/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/02/14 0.00
Other 12/02/14 0.00
Peas 12/02/14 0.00
Pepper 12/02/14 0.00
Radish 12/02/14 0.00
Root 12/02/14 0.00
Squash 12/02/14 0.00
Tomato 12/02/14 0.00
Allium 12/03/14 0.00
Beans 12/03/14 0.00
Brassica 12/03/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/03/14 0.00
Greens 12/03/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/03/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/03/14 0.00
Other 12/03/14 0.00
Peas 12/03/14 0.00
Pepper 12/03/14 0.00
Radish 12/03/14 0.00
Root 12/03/14 0.00
Squash 12/03/14 0.00
Tomato 12/03/14 0.00
Allium 12/04/14 0.00
Beans 12/04/14 0.00
Brassica 12/04/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/04/14 0.00
Greens 12/04/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/04/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/04/14 0.00
Other 12/04/14 0.00
Peas 12/04/14 0.00
Pepper 12/04/14 0.00
Radish 12/04/14 0.00
Root 12/04/14 0.00
Squash 12/04/14 0.00
Tomato 12/04/14 0.00
Allium 12/05/14 0.00
Beans 12/05/14 0.00
Brassica 12/05/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/05/14 0.00
Greens 12/05/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/05/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/05/14 0.00
Other 12/05/14 0.00
Peas 12/05/14 0.00
Pepper 12/05/14 0.00
Radish 12/05/14 0.00
Root 12/05/14 0.00
Squash 12/05/14 0.00
Tomato 12/05/14 0.00
Allium 12/06/14 0.00
Beans 12/06/14 0.00
Brassica 12/06/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/06/14 0.00
Greens 12/06/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/06/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/06/14 0.00
Other 12/06/14 0.00
Peas 12/06/14 0.00
Pepper 12/06/14 0.00
Radish 12/06/14 0.00
Root 12/06/14 0.00
Squash 12/06/14 0.00
Tomato 12/06/14 0.00
Allium 12/07/14 0.00
Beans 12/07/14 0.00
Brassica 12/07/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/07/14 0.00
Greens 12/07/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/07/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/07/14 0.00
Other 12/07/14 0.00
Peas 12/07/14 0.00
Pepper 12/07/14 0.00
Radish 12/07/14 0.00
Root 12/07/14 0.00
Squash 12/07/14 0.00
Tomato 12/07/14 0.00
Allium 12/08/14 0.00
Beans 12/08/14 0.00
Brassica 12/08/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/08/14 0.00
Greens 12/08/14 1.31
HerbsBnch 12/08/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/08/14 0.00
Other 12/08/14 0.00
Peas 12/08/14 0.00
Pepper 12/08/14 0.00
Radish 12/08/14 0.00
Root 12/08/14 0.00
Squash 12/08/14 0.00
Tomato 12/08/14 0.00
Allium 12/09/14 0.00
Beans 12/09/14 0.00
Brassica 12/09/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/09/14 0.00
Greens 12/09/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/09/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/09/14 0.00
Other 12/09/14 0.00
Peas 12/09/14 0.00
Pepper 12/09/14 0.00
Radish 12/09/14 0.00
Root 12/09/14 0.00
Squash 12/09/14 0.00
Tomato 12/09/14 0.00
Allium 12/10/14 0.00
Beans 12/10/14 0.00
Brassica 12/10/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/10/14 0.00
Greens 12/10/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/10/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/10/14 0.00
Other 12/10/14 0.00
Peas 12/10/14 0.00
Pepper 12/10/14 0.00
Radish 12/10/14 0.00
Root 12/10/14 0.00
Squash 12/10/14 0.00
Tomato 12/10/14 0.00
Allium 12/11/14 0.00
Beans 12/11/14 0.00
Brassica 12/11/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/11/14 0.00
Greens 12/11/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/11/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/11/14 0.00
Other 12/11/14 0.00
Peas 12/11/14 0.00
Pepper 12/11/14 0.00
Radish 12/11/14 0.00
Root 12/11/14 0.00
Squash 12/11/14 0.00
Tomato 12/11/14 0.00
Allium 12/12/14 0.00
Beans 12/12/14 0.00
Brassica 12/12/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/12/14 0.00
Greens 12/12/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/12/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/12/14 0.00
Other 12/12/14 0.00
Peas 12/12/14 0.00
Pepper 12/12/14 0.00
Radish 12/12/14 0.00
Root 12/12/14 0.00
Squash 12/12/14 0.00
Tomato 12/12/14 0.00
Allium 12/13/14 0.00
Beans 12/13/14 0.00
Brassica 12/13/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/13/14 0.00
Greens 12/13/14 1.05
HerbsBnch 12/13/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/13/14 0.00
Other 12/13/14 0.00
Peas 12/13/14 0.00
Pepper 12/13/14 0.00
Radish 12/13/14 0.00
Root 12/13/14 0.00
Squash 12/13/14 0.00
Tomato 12/13/14 0.00
Allium 12/14/14 0.00
Beans 12/14/14 0.00
Brassica 12/14/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/14/14 0.00
Greens 12/14/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/14/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/14/14 0.00
Other 12/14/14 0.00
Peas 12/14/14 0.00
Pepper 12/14/14 0.00
Radish 12/14/14 0.00
Root 12/14/14 0.00
Squash 12/14/14 0.00
Tomato 12/14/14 0.00
Allium 12/15/14 0.00
Beans 12/15/14 0.00
Brassica 12/15/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/15/14 0.00
Greens 12/15/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/15/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/15/14 0.00
Other 12/15/14 0.00
Peas 12/15/14 0.00
Pepper 12/15/14 0.00
Radish 12/15/14 0.00
Root 12/15/14 0.00
Squash 12/15/14 0.00
Tomato 12/15/14 0.00
Allium 12/16/14 0.00
Beans 12/16/14 0.00
Brassica 12/16/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/16/14 0.00
Greens 12/16/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/16/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/16/14 0.00
Other 12/16/14 0.00
Peas 12/16/14 0.00
Pepper 12/16/14 0.00
Radish 12/16/14 0.00
Root 12/16/14 0.00
Squash 12/16/14 0.00
Tomato 12/16/14 0.00
Allium 12/17/14 0.00
Beans 12/17/14 0.00
Brassica 12/17/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/17/14 0.00
Greens 12/17/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/17/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/17/14 0.00
Other 12/17/14 0.00
Peas 12/17/14 0.00
Pepper 12/17/14 0.00
Radish 12/17/14 0.00
Root 12/17/14 0.00
Squash 12/17/14 0.00
Tomato 12/17/14 0.00
Allium 12/18/14 0.00
Beans 12/18/14 0.00
Brassica 12/18/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/18/14 0.00
Greens 12/18/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/18/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/18/14 0.00
Other 12/18/14 0.00
Peas 12/18/14 0.00
Pepper 12/18/14 0.00
Radish 12/18/14 0.00
Root 12/18/14 0.00
Squash 12/18/14 0.00
Tomato 12/18/14 0.00
Allium 12/19/14 0.00
Beans 12/19/14 0.00
Brassica 12/19/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/19/14 0.00
Greens 12/19/14 0.79
HerbsBnch 12/19/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/19/14 0.00
Other 12/19/14 0.00
Peas 12/19/14 0.00
Pepper 12/19/14 0.00
Radish 12/19/14 0.00
Root 12/19/14 2.88
Squash 12/19/14 0.00
Tomato 12/19/14 0.00
Allium 12/20/14 0.00
Beans 12/20/14 0.00
Brassica 12/20/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/20/14 0.00
Greens 12/20/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/20/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/20/14 0.00
Other 12/20/14 0.00
Peas 12/20/14 0.00
Pepper 12/20/14 0.00
Radish 12/20/14 0.00
Root 12/20/14 0.00
Squash 12/20/14 0.00
Tomato 12/20/14 0.00
Allium 12/21/14 0.00
Beans 12/21/14 0.00
Brassica 12/21/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/21/14 0.00
Greens 12/21/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/21/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/21/14 0.00
Other 12/21/14 0.00
Peas 12/21/14 0.00
Pepper 12/21/14 0.00
Radish 12/21/14 0.00
Root 12/21/14 0.00
Squash 12/21/14 0.00
Tomato 12/21/14 0.00
Allium 12/22/14 0.00
Beans 12/22/14 0.00
Brassica 12/22/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/22/14 0.00
Greens 12/22/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/22/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/22/14 0.00
Other 12/22/14 0.00
Peas 12/22/14 0.00
Pepper 12/22/14 0.00
Radish 12/22/14 0.00
Root 12/22/14 0.00
Squash 12/22/14 0.00
Tomato 12/22/14 0.00
Allium 12/23/14 0.00
Beans 12/23/14 0.00
Brassica 12/23/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/23/14 0.00
Greens 12/23/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/23/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/23/14 0.00
Other 12/23/14 0.00
Peas 12/23/14 0.00
Pepper 12/23/14 0.00
Radish 12/23/14 0.00
Root 12/23/14 0.00
Squash 12/23/14 0.00
Tomato 12/23/14 0.00
Allium 12/24/14 0.00
Beans 12/24/14 0.00
Brassica 12/24/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/24/14 0.00
Greens 12/24/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/24/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/24/14 0.00
Other 12/24/14 0.00
Peas 12/24/14 0.00
Pepper 12/24/14 0.00
Radish 12/24/14 0.00
Root 12/24/14 0.00
Squash 12/24/14 0.00
Tomato 12/24/14 0.00
Allium 12/25/14 0.00
Beans 12/25/14 0.00
Brassica 12/25/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/25/14 0.00
Greens 12/25/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/25/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/25/14 0.00
Other 12/25/14 0.00
Peas 12/25/14 0.00
Pepper 12/25/14 0.00
Radish 12/25/14 0.00
Root 12/25/14 0.37
Squash 12/25/14 0.00
Tomato 12/25/14 0.00
Allium 12/26/14 0.00
Beans 12/26/14 0.00
Brassica 12/26/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/26/14 0.00
Greens 12/26/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/26/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/26/14 0.00
Other 12/26/14 0.00
Peas 12/26/14 0.00
Pepper 12/26/14 0.00
Radish 12/26/14 0.00
Root 12/26/14 0.00
Squash 12/26/14 0.00
Tomato 12/26/14 0.00
Allium 12/27/14 0.00
Beans 12/27/14 0.00
Brassica 12/27/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/27/14 0.00
Greens 12/27/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/27/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/27/14 0.00
Other 12/27/14 0.00
Peas 12/27/14 0.00
Pepper 12/27/14 0.00
Radish 12/27/14 0.00
Root 12/27/14 0.00
Squash 12/27/14 0.00
Tomato 12/27/14 0.00
Allium 12/28/14 0.00
Beans 12/28/14 0.00
Brassica 12/28/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/28/14 0.00
Greens 12/28/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/28/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/28/14 0.00
Other 12/28/14 0.00
Peas 12/28/14 0.00
Pepper 12/28/14 0.00
Radish 12/28/14 0.00
Root 12/28/14 0.00
Squash 12/28/14 0.00
Tomato 12/28/14 0.00
Allium 12/29/14 0.00
Beans 12/29/14 0.00
Brassica 12/29/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/29/14 0.00
Greens 12/29/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/29/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/29/14 0.00
Other 12/29/14 0.00
Peas 12/29/14 0.00
Pepper 12/29/14 0.00
Radish 12/29/14 0.00
Root 12/29/14 0.00
Squash 12/29/14 0.00
Tomato 12/29/14 0.00
Allium 12/30/14 0.00
Beans 12/30/14 0.00
Brassica 12/30/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/30/14 0.00
Greens 12/30/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/30/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/30/14 0.00
Other 12/30/14 0.00
Peas 12/30/14 0.00
Pepper 12/30/14 0.00
Radish 12/30/14 0.00
Root 12/30/14 0.00
Squash 12/30/14 0.00
Tomato 12/30/14 0.00
Allium 12/31/14 0.00
Beans 12/31/14 0.00
Brassica 12/31/14 0.00
Cucumber 12/31/14 0.00
Greens 12/31/14 0.00
HerbsBnch 12/31/14 0.00
HerbsPckg 12/31/14 0.00
Other 12/31/14 0.00
Peas 12/31/14 0.00
Pepper 12/31/14 0.00
Radish 12/31/14 0.00
Root 12/31/14 0.00
Squash 12/31/14 0.00
Tomato 12/31/14 0.00
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