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"[View in Colaboratory]("
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"# Signal reconstruction from spectrograms\n",
"Reconstruct waveform from input spectrogram by iteratively minimizing a cost function between the spectrogram and white noise transformed into the exact same time-frequency domain.\n",
"Assuming 50% magnitude overlap and linearly spaced frequencies this reconstruction method is pretty much lossless in terms of audio quality, which is nice in those cases where phase information cannot be recovered.\n",
"Given a filtered spectrogram such as with a Mel filterbank, the resulting audio is noticeably degraded (particularly due to lost treble) but still decent.\n",
"The biggest downside with this method is that the iterative procedure is very slow (running on a GPU is a good idea for any audio tracks longer than 20 seconds) compared to just having an inverse transform at hand.\n",
"## Reference\n",
"- Decorsière, Rémi, et al. \"Inversion of auditory spectrograms, traditional spectrograms, and other envelope representations.\" IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (TASLP) 23.1 (2015): 46-56."
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"# !apt-get -qq -y install ffmpeg\n",
"!apt-get -qq -y install gstreamer"
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" import librosa\n",
" ! pip install librosa\n",
" import librosa"
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"from IPython.display import Image\n",
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"import tensorflow as tf\n",
"def sonify(spectrogram, samples, transform_op_fn, logscaled=True):\n",
" graph = tf.Graph()\n",
" with graph.as_default():\n",
" noise = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([samples], stddev=1e-6))\n",
" x = transform_op_fn(noise)\n",
" y = spectrogram\n",
" if logscaled:\n",
" x = tf.expm1(x)\n",
" y = tf.expm1(y)\n",
" x = tf.nn.l2_normalize(x)\n",
" y = tf.nn.l2_normalize(y)\n",
" tf.losses.mean_squared_error(x, y)\n",
" optimizer = tf.contrib.opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface(\n",
" loss=tf.losses.get_total_loss(),\n",
" var_list=[noise],\n",
" tol=1e-16,\n",
" method='L-BFGS-B',\n",
" options={\n",
" 'maxiter': 1000,\n",
" 'disp': True\n",
" })\n",
" with tf.Session(graph=graph) as session:\n",
" optimizer.minimize(session)\n",
" waveform =\n",
" return waveform"
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"source": [
"import librosa as lr\n",
"#sample_rate = 44100\n",
"sample_rate = 22050\n",
"#path = lr.util.example_audio_file()\n",
"from google.colab import files\n",
"uploaded = files.upload()\n",
"for fn in uploaded.keys():\n",
" print('User uploaded file \"{name}\" with length {length} bytes'.format(\n",
" name=fn, length=len(uploaded[fn])))\n",
" waveform = lr.load(fn, sr=sample_rate)[0] # duration=3.0\n",
"execution_count": 0,
"outputs": []
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"source": [
"def logmel(waveform):\n",
" z = tf.contrib.signal.stft(waveform, 2048, 1024)\n",
" magnitudes = tf.abs(z)\n",
" filterbank = tf.contrib.signal.linear_to_mel_weight_matrix(\n",
" num_mel_bins=80,\n",
" num_spectrogram_bins=magnitudes.shape[-1].value,\n",
" sample_rate=sample_rate,\n",
" lower_edge_hertz=0.0,\n",
" upper_edge_hertz=8000.0)\n",
" melspectrogram = tf.tensordot(magnitudes, filterbank, 1)\n",
" return tf.log1p(melspectrogram)\n",
"with tf.Session():\n",
" spectrogram = logmel(waveform).eval()\n",
"reconstructed_waveform = sonify(spectrogram, len(waveform), logmel)"
"execution_count": 0,
"outputs": []
"metadata": {
"id": "P4KPtAdfh9Er",
"colab_type": "code",
"colab": {}
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"from IPython.display import display, Audio\n",
"display(Audio(waveform, rate=sample_rate))\n",
"display(Audio(reconstructed_waveform, rate=sample_rate))"
"execution_count": 0,
"outputs": []
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Display the rendered blob
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