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Last active December 22, 2021 02:56
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Brython Snakey for cp2021
# source from
# snake head is black
# add lightgrey grid
# 從 browser 導入 document 並設為 doc
from browser import document as doc
# 使用者可以透過 window 當作介面使用其他 Javascript 功能
from browser import html, window
# 用於定時執行特定函式
import browser.timer
# 導入數學模組
import math
# 導入亂數模組
from random import random, randint
def update_score(new_score):
global high_score
score_doc.innerHTML = "Score: " + str(new_score)
if new_score > high_score:
high_score_doc.innerHTML = "High Score: " + str(new_score)
high_score = new_score
def key_push(evt):
global xv, yv, pre_pause, paused
key = evt.keyCode
# 37 is left arrow key
# 74 is j key
if key == 74 and not paused:
xv = -1
yv = 0
# 38 is up arrow key
# 73 is i key
elif key == 73 and not paused:
xv = 0
yv = -1
# 39 is right arrow key
# 76 is l key
elif key == 76 and not paused:
xv = 1
yv = 0
# 40 is down arrow key
# 77 is m key
elif key == 77 and not paused:
xv = 0
yv = 1
# 32 is pause key
# 80 is p key
elif key == 80:
temp = [xv, yv]
xv = pre_pause[0]
yv = pre_pause[1]
pre_pause = [*temp]
paused = not paused
def show_instructions(evt):
window.alert("keys to control: i=up, m=down, j=left, l=right, p=pause")
# 利用 html 建立 canvas 超文件物件
canvas = html.CANVAS(width = 400, height = 400) = "game-board"
brython_div = doc["brython_div"]
brython_div <= canvas
score_doc = html.DIV("score") = "score"
brython_div <= score_doc
high_score_doc = html.DIV("high-score") = "high-score"
brython_div <= high_score_doc
button = html.BUTTON("Keys to control") = "instructions-btn"
brython_div <= button
# 建立 buttons
brython_div <= html.BUTTON("啟動", id="power")
score = 0
high_score = 0
# gs*tc = canvas width and height
# 每一格的 pixel 數
gs = 20
# 長寬各有 20 格
tc = 20
pre_pause = [0,0]
paused = False
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
doc.addEventListener("keydown", key_push)
instructions_btn = doc["instructions-btn"]
instructions_btn.addEventListener("click", show_instructions)
def dRect(lux, luy, w, h, s=1, c='#ff0000'):
ctx.lineWidth = s
ctx.strokeStyle = c
ctx.rect(lux, luy, w, h)
def grid():
# 利用迴圈與座標增量繪圖
for i in range(WIDTH):
for j in range(HEIGHT):
dRect(i*gs, j*gs, gs, gs, 1, "lightgrey")
# 貪食蛇運動的場地長寬
WIDTH = 20
# FIELD_SIZE 為場地長乘以寬表示格子 (CELL) 總數
# 貪食蛇頭總是位於snake數列的第一個元素
HEAD = 0
# 用來代表不同意義的數字,由於矩陣上每個格子會處理成到達食物的路徑長度,
# 因此這三個變數間需要有足夠大的間隔(>HEIGHT*WIDTH)
# 以整數 0 代表 FOOD, 意即若 board 數列中某一元素
# 將隨機取得座標後將該數列索引值設為 0 就表示該格子為 FOOD
# UNDEFINED 值之所以必須大於 HEIGHT*WIDTH, 因為該值將在 BFS 後
# 表示蛇頭距離 FOOD 的路徑步數, 而最大距離步數將會是 HEIGHT*WIDTH
# SNAKE 以整數代表, 由於必須有別於 UNDEFINED 與 FOOD 的值, 因此選擇
# 以 2 * UNDEFINED 這個數字代表該格子被 snake 身體佔住
FOOD = 0
# 由於 snake 是一維數列,所以對應元素直接加上以下數值就表示向四個方向移動
# 應該是說, 原本該以二維座標表示 board 中各格子的座標, 但在此選擇以一維
# 數列的資料結構來代表二維座標, (1, 1) 可表示為 1*WIDTH+1,
# (x, y) 則表示為 x*WIDTH+y
# 因此往上或往下的移動, 就一維數列值而言, 必須減或加上 WIDTH
LEFT = -1
# 錯誤碼
ERR = -1111
# 用一維數列來表示二維的座標, 使用此資料結構的原因是:
# 貪食蛇每行進一步, 只需要配合蛇頭移動位置新增一個方格座標,
# 且更改蛇尾對應值 (即從原先的蛇身因行進移動一步而變更設定)
# 且讓 snake[HEAD] = x*WIDTH+y, 假設蛇長 snake_size=n
# 則蛇尾 snake[HEAD+n-1] 假設位於 xn*WIDTH+yn
# board[x*WIDTH+y]=SNAKE=2 * UNDEFINED
# board[xn*WIDTH+yn] 表示為蛇尾, 蛇頭走一步後, 蛇尾從 2 * UNDEFINED
# 轉為空白可在搜尋流程中加上距離食物的總步數
# board 表示蛇運動的矩形場地
# 初始化蛇頭在(1,1)的地方,第0行,HEIGHT行,第0列,WIDTH列為圍牆,不可用
# 初始蛇長度為1
# board 與 snake 均為總元素為格點數大小的一維數列
board = [0] * FIELD_SIZE
#snake = [0] * (FIELD_SIZE+1)
# 原程式加 1
snake = [0] * (FIELD_SIZE)
# 座標 (1, 1) 在一維數列中, 表示為 1*WIDTH+1
snake[HEAD] = 1*WIDTH+1
snake_size = 1
# 與上面變量對應的臨時變量,蛇試探性地移動時使用
tmpboard = [0] * FIELD_SIZE
#tmpsnake = [0] * (FIELD_SIZE+1)
# 原程式加 1
tmpsnake = [0] * (FIELD_SIZE)
tmpsnake[HEAD] = 1*WIDTH+1
tmpsnake_size = 1
# food:食物位置(0~FIELD_SIZE-1),初始在(3, 3)
# best_move: 運動方向
food = 3 * WIDTH + 3
best_move = ERR
# 運動方向數組
# 接收到的鍵和分數
#key = KEY_RIGHT
# 初始蛇為一節
score = 1 #分數也表示蛇長
# 檢查一個 cell 有沒有被蛇身覆蓋,沒有覆蓋則為 free,返回 true
def is_cell_free(idx, psize, psnake):
return not (idx in psnake[:psize])
# 檢查某個位置idx是否可向move方向運動
# idx = x*WIDTH + y
def is_move_possible(idx, move):
flag = False
# LEFT = -1
if move == LEFT:
# idx%WIDTH is the column order number need to be > 1
# if y > 1, snake can move LEFT to -1
flag = True if idx%WIDTH > 1 else False
# RIGHT = 1
elif move == RIGHT:
# to move RIGHT, column order number need to be < WIDTH-2
flag = True if idx%WIDTH < (WIDTH-2) else False
elif move == UP:
# to move UP row order number need to be > 1
flag = True if idx > (2*WIDTH-1) else False # 即idx/WIDTH > 1
elif move == DOWN:
# to move DOWN row order number need to be < HEIGHT-2
flag = True if idx < (FIELD_SIZE-2*WIDTH) else False # 即idx//WIDTH < HEIGHT-2
return flag
# 重置 board
# board_refresh 後,UNDEFINED 值都變為了到達食物的路徑長度
# 如需要還原,則要重置它
def board_reset(psnake, psize, pboard):
# 查驗所有格點內容
for i in range(FIELD_SIZE):
if i == food:
pboard[i] = FOOD
elif is_cell_free(i, psize, psnake): # 該位置為空
pboard[i] = UNDEFINED
else: # 該位置為蛇身
pboard[i] = SNAKE
# 廣度優先搜索遍歷整個 board,
# 計算出 board 中每個非 SNAKE 元素到達食物的路徑長度
def board_refresh(pfood, psnake, pboard):
queue = []
inqueue = [0] * FIELD_SIZE
found = False
# while 循環結束後,除了蛇的身體,
# 其它每個方格中的數字代碼從它到食物的路徑長度
while len(queue)!=0:
idx = queue.pop(0)
if inqueue[idx] == 1: continue
inqueue[idx] = 1
for i in range(4):
if is_move_possible(idx, mov[i]):
if idx + mov[i] == psnake[HEAD]:
found = True
if pboard[idx+mov[i]] < SNAKE: # 如果該點不是蛇的身體
if pboard[idx+mov[i]] > pboard[idx]+1:
pboard[idx+mov[i]] = pboard[idx] + 1
if inqueue[idx+mov[i]] == 0:
return found
# 從蛇頭開始,根據 board 中元素值,
# 從蛇頭周圍 4 個領域點中選擇最短路徑
def choose_shortest_safe_move(psnake, pboard):
best_move = ERR
min = SNAKE
for i in range(4):
if is_move_possible(psnake[HEAD], mov[i]) and pboard[psnake[HEAD]+mov[i]]<min:
min = pboard[psnake[HEAD]+mov[i]]
best_move = mov[i]
return best_move
# 從蛇頭開始,根據board中元素值,
# 從蛇頭周圍 4 個領域點中選擇最遠路徑
def choose_longest_safe_move(psnake, pboard):
best_move = ERR
max = -1
for i in range(4):
if is_move_possible(psnake[HEAD], mov[i]) and pboard[psnake[HEAD]+mov[i]]<UNDEFINED and pboard[psnake[HEAD]+mov[i]]>max:
max = pboard[psnake[HEAD]+mov[i]]
best_move = mov[i]
return best_move
# 檢查是否可以追著蛇尾運動, 即蛇頭和蛇尾間是有路徑的
# 為的是避免蛇頭陷入死路
# 虛擬操作, 在 tmpboard,tmpsnake 中進行
def is_tail_inside():
global tmpboard, tmpsnake, food, tmpsnake_size
tmpboard[tmpsnake[tmpsnake_size-1]] = 0 # 虛擬地將蛇尾變為食物(因為是虛擬的,所以在tmpsnake,tmpboard中進行)
tmpboard[food] = SNAKE # 放置食物的地方,看成蛇身
result = board_refresh(tmpsnake[tmpsnake_size-1], tmpsnake, tmpboard) # 求得每個位置到蛇尾的路徑長度
for i in range(4): # 如果蛇頭和蛇尾緊挨著,則返回 False。即不能 follow_tail,追著蛇尾運動了
if is_move_possible(tmpsnake[HEAD], mov[i]) and tmpsnake[HEAD]+mov[i]==tmpsnake[tmpsnake_size-1] and tmpsnake_size>3:
result = False
return result
# 讓蛇頭朝著蛇尾運行一步
# 不管蛇身阻擋,朝蛇尾方向運行
def follow_tail():
global tmpboard, tmpsnake, food, tmpsnake_size
tmpsnake_size = snake_size
tmpsnake = snake[:]
board_reset(tmpsnake, tmpsnake_size, tmpboard) # 重置虛擬board
tmpboard[tmpsnake[tmpsnake_size-1]] = FOOD # 讓蛇尾成為食物
tmpboard[food] = SNAKE # 讓食物的地方變成蛇身
board_refresh(tmpsnake[tmpsnake_size-1], tmpsnake, tmpboard) # 求得各個位置到達蛇尾的路徑長度
tmpboard[tmpsnake[tmpsnake_size-1]] = SNAKE # 還原蛇尾
return choose_longest_safe_move(tmpsnake, tmpboard) # 返回運行方向(讓蛇頭運動 1 步)
# 在各種方案都不行時,隨便找一個可行的方向來走(1 步),
def any_possible_move():
global food , snake, snake_size, board
best_move = ERR
board_reset(snake, snake_size, board)
board_refresh(food, snake, board)
min = SNAKE
for i in range(4):
if is_move_possible(snake[HEAD], mov[i]) and board[snake[HEAD]+mov[i]]<min:
min = board[snake[HEAD]+mov[i]]
best_move = mov[i]
return best_move
def shift_array(arr, size):
for i in range(size, 0, -1):
arr[i] = arr[i-1]
def new_food():
global food, snake_size
cell_free = False
while not cell_free:
w = randint(1, WIDTH-2)
h = randint(1, HEIGHT-2)
# food coordinate
food = h * WIDTH + w
cell_free = is_cell_free(food, snake_size, snake)
#win.addch(food//WIDTH, food%WIDTH, '@')
# 畫出 food
ctx.fillStyle = "red"
ctx.fillRect((food//WIDTH)*gs, (food%WIDTH)*gs, gs-2, gs-2)
# 真正的蛇在這個函數中, 朝 pbest_move 走 1 步
def make_move(pbest_move):
global key, snake, board, snake_size, score
shift_array(snake, snake_size)
snake[HEAD] += pbest_move
# 按 esc 退出,getch 同時保證繪圖的流暢性, 沒有它只會看到最終結果
#event = win.getch()
#key = key if event == -1 else event
#if key == 27: return
p = snake[HEAD]
#win.addch(p//WIDTH, p%WIDTH, '*')
# 畫出 snake head
ctx.fillStyle = "black"
ctx.fillRect((p//WIDTH)*gs, (p%WIDTH)*gs, gs-2, gs-2)
# 如果新加入的蛇頭就是食物的位置
# 蛇長加 1,產生新的食物,重置 board (因為原來那些路徑長度已經用不上了)
# snake[HEAD] is the coordinate of the snake head
# food is the coordinate of the food
if snake[HEAD] == food:
# mark on the board where the snake head is
board[snake[HEAD]] = SNAKE # 新的蛇頭
snake_size += 1
score += 1
if snake_size < FIELD_SIZE: new_food()
else: # 如果新加入的蛇頭不是食物的位置
board[snake[HEAD]] = SNAKE # 新的蛇頭
board[snake[snake_size]] = UNDEFINED # 蛇尾變為空格
#win.addch(snake[snake_size]//WIDTH, snake[snake_size]%WIDTH, ' ')
# 去除 snake tail
ctx.fillStyle = "white"
ctx.fillRect((snake[snake_size]//WIDTH)*gs, (snake[snake_size]%WIDTH)*gs, gs-2, gs-2)
# 虛擬地運行一次,然後在調用處檢查這次運行可否可行
# 可行才真實運行。
# 虛擬運行吃到食物後,得到虛擬下蛇在 board 的位置
def virtual_shortest_move():
global snake, board, snake_size, tmpsnake, tmpboard, tmpsnake_size, food
tmpsnake_size = snake_size
tmpsnake = snake[:] # 如果直接tmpsnake=snake,則兩者指向同一處內存
tmpboard = board[:] # board中已經是各位置到達食物的路徑長度了,不用再計算
board_reset(tmpsnake, tmpsnake_size, tmpboard)
food_eated = False
while not food_eated:
board_refresh(food, tmpsnake, tmpboard)
move = choose_shortest_safe_move(tmpsnake, tmpboard)
shift_array(tmpsnake, tmpsnake_size)
tmpsnake[HEAD] += move # 在蛇頭前加入一個新的位置
# 如果新加入的蛇頭的位置正好是食物的位置
# 則長度加1,重置board,食物那個位置變為蛇的一部分(SNAKE)
if tmpsnake[HEAD] == food:
tmpsnake_size += 1
board_reset(tmpsnake, tmpsnake_size, tmpboard) # 虛擬運行後,蛇在board的位置(label101010)
tmpboard[food] = SNAKE
food_eated = True
else: # 如果蛇頭不是食物的位置,則新加入的位置為蛇頭,最後一個變為空格
tmpboard[tmpsnake[HEAD]] = SNAKE
tmpboard[tmpsnake[tmpsnake_size]] = UNDEFINED
# 如果蛇與食物間有路徑,則調用本函數
def find_safe_way():
global snake, board
safe_move = ERR
# 虛擬地運行一次, 因為已經確保蛇與食物間有路徑,所以執行有效
# 運行後得到虛擬下蛇在board中的位置, 即 tmpboard,見 label101010
virtual_shortest_move() # 該函數唯一調用處
if is_tail_inside(): # 如果虛擬運行後,蛇頭蛇尾間有通路,則選最短路運行(1步)
return choose_shortest_safe_move(snake, board)
safe_move = follow_tail() # 否則虛擬地follow_tail 1步,如果可以做到,返回 true
return safe_move
#win = curses.newwin(HEIGHT, WIDTH, 0, 0)
#win.addch(food//WIDTH, food%WIDTH, '@')
# 畫出 food
ctx.fillStyle = "red"
ctx.fillRect((food//WIDTH)*gs, (food%WIDTH)*gs, gs-2, gs-2)
def game2():
global score
ctx.fillStyle = "lime"
ctx.fillRect((snake[HEAD]//WIDTH)*gs, (snake[HEAD]%WIDTH)*gs, gs-2, gs-2)
board_reset(snake, snake_size, board)
if board_refresh(food, snake, board):
best_move = find_safe_way() # find_safe_way 的唯一調用處
best_move = follow_tail()
if best_move == ERR:
best_move = any_possible_move()
# 上面一次思考,只得出一個方向,運行一步
if best_move != ERR:
# 加入暫停機制
# 將 anim 設為 None
anim = None
def launchAnimation(ev):
global anim
# 初始啟動, anim 為 None
if anim is None:
# 每 0.08 秒執行一次 draw 函式繪圖
#anim = timer.set_interval(draw, 80)
anim = browser.timer.set_interval(game2, 100/15)
# 初始啟動後, 按鈕文字轉為"暫停"
doc['power'].text = '暫停'
elif anim == 'hold':
# 當 anim 為 'hold' 表示曾經暫停後的啟動, 因此持續以 set_interval() 持續旋轉, 且將 power 文字轉為"暫停"
#anim = timer.set_interval(draw, 80)
anim = browser.timer.set_interval(game2, 100/15)
doc['power'].text = '暫停'
# 初始啟動後, 使用者再按 power, 此時 anim 非 None 也不是 'hold', 因此會執行 clear_interval() 暫停
# 且將 anim 變數設為 'hold', 且 power 文字轉為"繼續"
anim = 'hold'
doc['power'].text = '繼續'
def reverse(ev):
global anim, direction
# 當 anim 為 hold 時, 按鈕無效
if anim != "hold":
if direction == True:
direction = False
direction = True
doc["power"].bind("click", launchAnimation)
#browser.timer.set_interval(game2, 100/15)
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