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- Heading to Nightstone (10 miles, walked 4)
- Met Kyle (Thor)
- Were travelling north, Nightstone was inland (Eastward)
- Dagerford to Waterdeep
- West of the the road (miles & miles) is Sword Coast
- We came from the West
- Met Greg (Bard)
- Greg sings to the dead
- Saw Dagon at around noon - was getting attacked
- Missing tail
- tribal tatoos and burned scales on right arm
- Can't breathe fire
- Jordan (Giant) popped out of the woods, scared away the things attacking
- Decide to head towards surrounding area of Nightstone to kill Orcs
- Get to Nightstone at around noon
- Going to get dark in 3 hours
- Approach village
- See figure when approaching Nightstone
- Moat, river encircles entire area
- Approach, can see side view?
- Bell ringing non-stop
- Destroyed bridge leads to a keep above
- Get to character in front of Village, he says something is out of the ordinary
- Steve (Techno) the wood elf is the character
- Tall & lanky
- From Ardeep forest, full of wood elves
- Elves have long time-time feud with orcs
- Problem with Nightstone but are at shaky peace now
- Apparently there are goblins in the town of Nightstone
- Do not hear anything other than the bell from the steeple
- Techno says bell usually only goes off at scheduled intervals & during scheduled meetings
- Walk towards village, see drawbridge
- Matt climbs, falls and hits every branch
- March in to the town!
- Massive boulders, 3 of them, each 3ft diameter
- A lot of the buildings have damaged roofs
- North, we see the entrance to the church (source of ringing)
- South, see the edge of a field
- Residence source of the gates (and more boulders)
- Nothing seems interesting about the boulders, all seem to have come from straight down
- Investigate church
- Door is ajar, take a peek inside
- We don't see anything, yet another bad roll
- Modest church built of wood
- Wooden pews facing north
- Wooden pulpit way at the back
- 4 stained glass windows at the north, can see into the chamber (empty)
- Steeple is attached to the western side of the building, still ringing
- Go up
- Pushes up against door, sees 2 goblins hanging off the ropes of the bell, having a time
- Don't notice us
- Boot door, it's a bedroom
- We barge in, they grab scimitars, mad!
- Goblins attack first, go after Kyle
- Miss Kyle
- Second Goblin attacks
- Misses
- Kyle attacks
- Misses
- Matt hits him over the head, daze him
- Bonus attack, daze again
- 2 goblins are now facing Kyle and Matt
- Jordan goes for a swing
- Misses
- Greg hits the goblin and murders the fuck out of him
- Remaining goblin jumps on the ropes and tries to escape
- Kyle tries to intimidate
- Runs up, yells, goblin laughs and continues
- Matt fucks up trying to climb a rope
- Jordan doesn't fuck around, rips the rope right out of the bell
- Goblin falls to the ground and takes 1 bludgeoning damage from the fall
- Jordan guards the other rope
- Greg tries to lasso him with the broken rope
- Makes a good attempt, but attaches to a coat rack instead
- Goblin hits Jordan
- Jordan takes 3 damage
- Kyle helps Matt, grab the fuck out of that Goblin
- Jordan tries to tie him up
- Hogtied him up and dumped in on the ground
- Colton runs in and smacks a bitch
- Asks him how many Goblins there are
- Many
- Why you ring bell?
- Treasure
- Where did the boulders come from?
- Sky
- What treasure are you looking for?
- Things people have!
- Who is your leader?
- No leader, no leader here
- Where is your encamptment?
- No tell you!
- Dagon gets mad, stoner bashing time - he dead
- Try to loot goblins, find a sack with his name on it (Beato)
- Contains 3 blocks of incense, a silver holy symbol of mielikki (shape of a unicorn head) and other worthless goods
- Lady Valrossa wants goblin heads
- We cut off the goblin ears, puts it in his man purse all bloody-like
- Steve heads to the house
- Door is closed
- Walks in and it appears to have been rummaged
- Rolls nat 20, scans the fuck out of the house, and finds nada
- It's starting to get dark
- Jordan, Kyle & Steve head to windmill
- Kyle heads to the house
- Matt & Colton do a quick scout (plan is to end at the windmill)
- @Windmill
- Steve opens the door
- It's really dark, filled with windmill internals
- Can hear footsteps & whispers in the rafters
- Sounds like a mix of two languages, maybe common &&|| goblin
- Steve investigates further
- Looks up, sees goblins jumping around in the rafters
- They spot Steve & start firing short bows
- Combat!
- Rolls 12 initiative, one goblin is faster
- 4+4 roll, misses
- Techno tries to leave
- Both goblins go for opportunity attacks
- First attack, nat 20!
- Hits for 10 points
- Second attack 17
- Hits for 7
- Super dead
- Jordan & Greg see Steve getting super deaded
- They don't see goblins
- Greg tries to heal Steve
- Steve feels the heals, gets 5hp (has 5hp now)
- Greg stays back-ish, Jordan goes right up to Steve
- Steve gives them the lowdown "they legit fucked me up, bing bang bow"
- Steve has managed to pick himself up, nothing is coming out of the door now
- Greg tries to lure the goblins via coin sounds
- Works, we see the head of a goblin pop through the doorway, upside down ?!
- Combat!
- Jordan tries to smash him in the head via sneak attack
- Misses, but hits the door frame and shakes the goblin off the door
- Jordan tries for second attack
- Another miss
- Second (hidden) goblin has a turn, grumbles a bit but can't attack
- Steve tries Frostbite
- Fails
- Greg hits 1 goblin for 2 damage
- Goblin swings at Jordan
- Miss!
- Jordan takes a swing
- Hits for 4 damage
- Steve attacks
- Hits for 3 damage, pokes holes through dat bitch
- Greg tries to simulate the goblin crying out for help
- Goblin suspects a trick doesn't come out
- Jordan threatens to huff & puff & burn the place down
- Goblin doesn't dare come out, so he climbs to the top of the windmill and tries to escape by jumping off the roof
- Goblin splatters onto the ground, is gasping for air
- What were you doing in the windmill?
- Playing!
- Who's in the village?
- Lots of goblins! Looking for treasure
- Did you find anything yet?
- Nothing!
- So where do we find the treasure?
- Find what?
- Find the preciouses!
- Goblin is about to die
- Who's your leader?
- The goblin king!
- Goblin dies
- Jordan finds some copper on the goblins
- Matt & Colt's scouting mission
- Find a well, boulders, and see 2 large dog like creatures feasting on corpses
- Matt does a survival check on the beasts
- Seems 10 feet long body wise?
- Looks like a wolf, might be a warg
- Colton tries to determine what's up with the body, it's super dead
- Colton jumps on boulder and throws dart
- Colton missed the sneak attack, botches the hell out of it
- Beasts don't notice it
- Matt runs the fuck away towards Kyle and gives him a sitrep
- Colton throws more daggers
- Deals 4 damage
- Matt shoots longbow, misses
- Matt takes second shot
- Hits the rib cage, pretty angry but lots of energy left
- Kyle hits for 6 damage
- Beast goes for a bite out of Kyle
- Hit!
- 10 damage
- Just manages to avoid getting knocked on his ass
- Colton spits green breath at the beasts
- 6 damage to the injured beast
- Straight shot to the kisser, takes it down
- 3 damage to the other beast
- Reinforcements come in
- Greg damaged the remaining beast for 2 damage
- Greg pops in and bards Kyle up 1 extra 1d6
- Matt hits longbow for 10 damage
- Definitely hurts, but it's still DTF
- Kyle takes a stab at the beast
- 9 damage
- The beast still ain't been deaded yet
- Kyle runs away screaming
- All the ruckus has stirred up a goblin!
- Shoots at Matt, but misses :+1:
- Jordan sprints in, isn't able to attack
- Beasty-boy time!
- Tastes a bite at Kyle, but misses
- A wild goblin appears!
- Takes a sneak attack on Kyle, miss!
- Colton barges after the goblin
- Takes a swing & a miss with his shortsword
- Uses bonus action unarmed attack
- Damages for 6
- Still standing
- Yet another goblin appears
- Shoots at Colton for 6 damage
- Steve sends some mystical healing prowess Kyle's way
- Heals Kyle for 6hp
- Greg takes his second round
- Blasts the fuck out of the beast
- 5 damage through his mouth, out of his butthole
- He dead
- Matt sends a longbow after the Goblin near Colton
- Super miss
- Kyle hits a Goblin for 9 damage for a kill
- Goblin sends an arrow at Matt
- Hits for 3 damage
- Jordan tries to retaliate but misses
- Colton attacks the remaining goblin, but misses twice
- Goblin goes after Colton
- Swings and hits for 5 damage
- Colton is knocked that fuck out
- Steve heals Colton for 7
- Greg hits for 1 damage
- Matt rolls nat 20 to insta kill one goblin
- Kyle swings & miss
- Colton swings
- Hits for 4 damage
- Misses his second pop
- Goblin misses an attempt on Colton
- Steve tries to frostbite the goblin
- Hits for 5 damage
- Something about a frosty vagina..
- Goblin dies
- Colton takes all the ears
- End of day 1
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