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Created July 13, 2018 06:00
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Python Dijkstra
# source:
from collections import deque, namedtuple
# we'll use infinity as a default distance to nodes.
inf = float('inf')
Edge = namedtuple('Edge', 'start, end, cost')
def make_edge(start, end, cost=1):
return Edge(start, end, cost)
class Graph:
def __init__(self, edges):
# let's check that the data is right
wrong_edges = [i for i in edges if len(i) not in [2, 3]]
if wrong_edges:
raise ValueError('Wrong edges data: {}'.format(wrong_edges))
self.edges = [make_edge(*edge) for edge in edges]
def vertices(self):
return set(
([edge.start, edge.end] for edge in self.edges), []
def get_node_pairs(self, n1, n2, both_ends=True):
if both_ends:
node_pairs = [[n1, n2], [n2, n1]]
node_pairs = [[n1, n2]]
return node_pairs
def remove_edge(self, n1, n2, both_ends=True):
node_pairs = self.get_node_pairs(n1, n2, both_ends)
edges = self.edges[:]
for edge in edges:
if [edge.start, edge.end] in node_pairs:
def add_edge(self, n1, n2, cost=1, both_ends=True):
node_pairs = self.get_node_pairs(n1, n2, both_ends)
for edge in self.edges:
if [edge.start, edge.end] in node_pairs:
return ValueError('Edge {} {} already exists'.format(n1, n2))
self.edges.append(Edge(start=n1, end=n2, cost=cost))
if both_ends:
self.edges.append(Edge(start=n2, end=n1, cost=cost))
def neighbours(self):
neighbours = {vertex: set() for vertex in self.vertices}
for edge in self.edges:
neighbours[edge.start].add((edge.end, edge.cost))
return neighbours
def dijkstra(self, source, dest):
assert source in self.vertices, 'Such source node doesn\'t exist'
distances = {vertex: inf for vertex in self.vertices}
previous_vertices = {
vertex: None for vertex in self.vertices
distances[source] = 0
vertices = self.vertices.copy()
while vertices:
current_vertex = min(
vertices, key=lambda vertex: distances[vertex])
if distances[current_vertex] == inf:
for neighbour, cost in self.neighbours[current_vertex]:
alternative_route = distances[current_vertex] + cost
if alternative_route < distances[neighbour]:
distances[neighbour] = alternative_route
previous_vertices[neighbour] = current_vertex
path, current_vertex = deque(), dest
while previous_vertices[current_vertex] is not None:
current_vertex = previous_vertices[current_vertex]
if path:
return path
graph = Graph([
("a", "b", 7), ("a", "c", 9), ("a", "f", 14), ("b", "c", 10),
("b", "d", 15), ("c", "d", 11), ("c", "f", 2), ("d", "e", 6),
("e", "f", 9)])
print(graph.dijkstra("a", "e"))
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