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Last active June 14, 2022 11:05
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TRN API Warzone Scraper API Warzone Scraper

This was once used in Stagg but was removed for a few reasons:

  1. Data was slow to update and fetch
  2. No authentication leads to easily exceeding rate limits
  3. Match data was missing player loadouts among other things
  4. Profiles cannot be fetched until they are initialized (must visit profile URL before fetching data)


If you're still interesting in interacting with this API, transactions are simple and straightforward. The next param is a microsecond timestamp that can be pulled from the last match returned in the list. For Warzone matches, you must first fetch the match list and subsequently fetch match details for each corresponding match in the list from the previous request.

All URLs use the same platform identifiers and username constraints. All usernames must be URL encoded (eg: # = %23). Platform identifiers are listed below.

Activision = atvi = battlenet

Warzone/Multiplayer Matches URL

warzone: { version: 'v1', game: 'warzone', type: 'wz', next: null }
multiplayer: { version: 'v1', game: 'modern-warfare', type: 'mp', next: null }

Warzone Match Details URL

{ version: 'v1', game: 'warzone' }
import axios, { Method } from 'axios'
const BaseURL = ''
const getStat = (stats:any, stat:string) => stats && stats[stat] ? stats[stat].value : 0
export namespace Warzone {
export const Initialize = async (platform:string, player:string) =>
GenericRequest(Requests.Warzone.Initialize(platform, player))
export const MatchList = async (platform:string, player:string, next:number=null):Promise<Types.Warzone.Matches> =>
GenericRequest(Requests.Warzone.MatchList(platform, player, next))
export const MatchDetails = async (matchId:string|number):Promise<Types.Warzone.MatchDetails> =>
export namespace Normalize {
export const Match = (match:Types.Warzone.MatchSummary):any => ({
mapId: match.attributes.mapId,
modeId: match.attributes.modeId,
utcSecStart: new Date(match.metadata.timestamp).getSeconds(),
utcSecEnd: new Date(match.metadata.timestamp).getSeconds() + match.metadata.duration.value,
export const Teams = (matchDetails:Types.Warzone.MatchDetails) => {
const teams:any = []
for(const seg of matchDetails.segments) {
let team = teams.find((team:any) => ===
if (!team) {
placement: seg.metadata.placement.value,
time: 0,
players: [],
team = teams[teams.length-1]
team.placement = seg.metadata.placement.value
username: seg.metadata.platformUserHandle,
clantag: seg.metadata.clanTag,
platform: seg.attributes.platformSlug,
rank: null, // rank information is not available via TRN (rank is currently useless anyway - 05/26/2020)
loadouts: [], // loadout information is not available via TRN
stats: {
kills: getStat(seg.stats, 'kills'),
deaths: getStat(seg.stats, 'deaths'),
score: getStat(seg.stats, 'score'),
assists: getStat(seg.stats, 'assists'),
headshots: getStat(seg.stats, 'headshots'),
executions: getStat(seg.stats, 'executions'),
damageDone: getStat(seg.stats, 'damageDone'),
damageTaken: getStat(seg.stats, 'damageTaken'),
longestStreak: getStat(seg.stats, 'longestStreak'),
timePlayed: getStat(seg.stats, 'timePlayed'),
distanceTraveled: getStat(seg.stats, 'distanceTraveled'),
percentTimeMoving: getStat(seg.stats, 'percentTimeMoving'),
return teams
export const Performance = (match:Types.Warzone.MatchSummary, player:{ _id:string }) => {
const normalizedPerformance:any = {}
normalizedPerformance.matchId =
normalizedPerformance.player = {
_id: player._id,
username: match.segments[0].metadata.platformUserHandle,
clantag: match.segments[0].metadata.clanTag,
// Count downs
let downs = []
const downKeys = Object.keys(match.segments[0].stats).filter(key => key.includes('objectiveBrDownEnemyCircle'))
for(const key of downKeys) {
const circleIndex = Number(key.replace('objectiveBrDownEnemyCircle', ''))
downs[circleIndex] = getStat(match.segments[0].stats, key)
try {
normalizedPerformance.stats = {
kills: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'kills'),
deaths: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'deaths'),
gulagKills: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'gulagKills'),
gulagDeaths: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'gulagDeaths'),
revives: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'objectiveReviver'),
contracts: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'objectiveBrMissionPickupTablet'),
teamWipes: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'objectiveTeamWiped'),
lootCrates: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'objectiveBrCacheOpen'),
buyStations: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'objectiveBrKioskBuy'),
teamPlacement: match.segments[0].metadata.placement,
teamSurvivalTime: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'teamSurvivalTime'),
xp: {
score: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'scoreXp'),
match: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'matchXp'),
bonus: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'bonusXp'),
medal: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'medalXp'),
misc: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'miscXp'),
challenge: getStat(match.segments[0].stats, 'challengeXp'),
} catch(e) {
console.log(` Error parsing performance stats: ${e}`)
return normalizedPerformance
interface Request {
options: {
method: Method
url: string
namespace Requests {
export namespace Warzone {
export const Initialize = (platform:string, player:string):Request => ({
options: {
method: 'GET',
url: `${platform}/${encodeURIComponent(player)}/matches`
export const MatchList = (platform:string, player:string, next:number):Request => ({
options: {
method: 'GET',
url: `${BaseURL}/warzone/matches/${platform}/${encodeURIComponent(player)}?type=wz&next=${next}`
export const MatchDetails = (matchId:string|number):Request => ({
options: {
method: 'GET',
url: `${BaseURL}/warzone/matches/${matchId}`
const GenericRequest = async ({ options }:Request) => {
try {
console.log(` Requesting ${options.url}`)
const { data:res, status } = await axios({
headers: {
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'
if (status !== 200) {
throw res.errors[0].code
} catch(e) {
throw { code:[0].code, status: Number(e.message.replace('Request failed with status code ', '')) }
export namespace Types {
// Segments are basically just users
export namespace Segment {
export interface Stat {
rank: number
percentile: number
displayName: string
displayCategory: string
category: string
metdata: {}
value: number
displayValue: string
displayType: string
export interface Segment {
type: string
attributes: {
platformUserIdentifier: string
platformSlug: string // platform name
team: string
metadata: {
platformUserHandle: string // player username
clanTag: string
placement: number | any
expiryDate: Date
// Stat interfaces can differ for match details vs match summary
stats: Types.Warzone.MatchDetails.Segment.Stats | Types.Warzone.MatchSummary.Segment.Stats
export namespace Warzone {
export interface Matches {
matches: MatchSummary[]
paginationType: number
metadata: {
next: number
requestingPlayerAttributes: {
platformUserIdentifier: string
export interface MatchSummary {
attributes: {
id: string
mapId: string
modeId: string
metadata: {
duration: {
value: number
displayValue: string
displayType: string
timestamp: string
playerCount: number
teamCount: number
mapName: string
mapImageUrl: string
modeName: string
segments: Types.Warzone.MatchSummary.Segment[]
export namespace MatchSummary {
export interface Segment extends Types.Segment {
metadata: {
platformUserHandle: string // player username
clanTag: string
placement: number
stats: Types.Warzone.MatchSummary.Segment.Stats
export namespace Segment {
export interface Stats extends Types.Warzone.MatchDetails.Segment.Stats {
medalXp: Types.Segment.Stat
matchXp: Types.Segment.Stat
scoreXp: Types.Segment.Stat
totalXp: Types.Segment.Stat
miscXp: Types.Segment.Stat
bonusXp: Types.Segment.Stat
challengeXp: Types.Segment.Stat
placement: Types.Segment.Stat
teamPlacement: Types.Segment.Stat
teamSurvivalTime: Types.Segment.Stat
gulagKills?: Types.Segment.Stat
gulagDeaths?: Types.Segment.Stat
objectiveReviver?: Types.Segment.Stat
objectiveTeamWiped?: Types.Segment.Stat
objectiveBrKioskBuy?: Types.Segment.Stat
objectiveBrCacheOpen?: Types.Segment.Stat
objectiveLastStandKill?: Types.Segment.Stat
objectiveBrMissionPickupTablet?: Types.Segment.Stat
objectiveBrDownEnemyCircle1?: Types.Segment.Stat
objectiveBrDownEnemyCircle2?: Types.Segment.Stat
objectiveBrDownEnemyCircle3?: Types.Segment.Stat
objectiveBrDownEnemyCircle4?: Types.Segment.Stat
objectiveBrDownEnemyCircle5?: Types.Segment.Stat
objectiveBrDownEnemyCircle6?: Types.Segment.Stat
objectiveBrDownEnemyCircle7?: Types.Segment.Stat
objectiveBrDownEnemyCircle8?: Types.Segment.Stat
export interface MatchDetails {
attributes: {
id: string
mapId: string
modeId: string
metadata: {
duration: {
value: number
displayValue: string
displayType: string
timestamp: string
playerCount: number
teamCount: number
mapName: string
mapImageUrl: string
modeName: string
segments: Types.Warzone.MatchDetails.Segment[]
export namespace MatchDetails {
export interface Segment extends Types.Segment {
metadata: {
platformUserHandle: string // player username
clanTag: string
placement: {
value: number
displayValue: string
displayType: string
stats: Types.Warzone.MatchDetails.Segment.Stats
export namespace Segment {
export interface Stats {
kills: Types.Segment.Stat
deaths: Types.Segment.Stat
damageTaken: Types.Segment.Stat
damageDone: Types.Segment.Stat
headshots: Types.Segment.Stat
executions: Types.Segment.Stat
assists: Types.Segment.Stat
kdRatio: Types.Segment.Stat
score: Types.Segment.Stat
timePlayed: Types.Segment.Stat
longestStreak: Types.Segment.Stat
scorePerMinute: Types.Segment.Stat
damageDonePerMinute: Types.Segment.Stat
distanceTraveled: Types.Segment.Stat
percentTimeMoving: Types.Segment.Stat
import config from '../config'
import * as Mongo from '../mongo'
import * as TrackerAPI from '../api/trn'
const delay = (ms:number) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), ms))
export namespace COD {
export class Warzone {
private db:any
private next:number
private attempts:number
private complete:boolean
private logger:Function
public profile:Mongo.UserParams
public player:Mongo.Schema.Player
public platform:Mongo.Schema.Platform
public history:TrackerAPI.Types.Warzone.Matches[]
constructor(logger?:Function) {
this.logger = logger
async Run() {
this.db = await Mongo.Client()
await this.InfiniteLoop()
async InfiniteLoop() {
while(true) {
this.logger('[>] Looking for players to initialize...')
try {
await this.SelectProfile()
} catch(e) { // no players found, wait...
this.logger(` ${e}`)
this.logger(` Waiting ${config.wait}ms`)
await delay(config.wait)
this.logger(`[>] Scrape for ${this.profile.platform}<${this.profile.username}>`)
await this.DownloadMatchHistory()
await this.UpdatePlayer()
async SelectProfile() {
let uninitializedPlayer = await this.db.collection('cod.players').findOne({ 'api.trn.updated': { $exists: false } })
if (!uninitializedPlayer) {
[ uninitializedPlayer ] = await this.db.collection('cod.players').find({ 'api.trn.updated': { $gt: -1 } }).sort({ 'api.trn.updated': 1 }).toArray()
if (!uninitializedPlayer) {
throw 'No players found to initialize'
this.player = uninitializedPlayer
const [platform] = Object.keys(this.player.profiles)
const [username] = Object.values(this.player.profiles)
this.profile = { platform, username }
this.platform = await this.db.collection('cod.platforms').findOne({ tag: this.profile.platform })
// Initialize player in TRN API - without this new players will never be accessible
try {
await TrackerAPI.Warzone.Initialize(this.platform.api, this.profile.username)
} catch(e) {
async DownloadMatchHistory() { = null
this.attempts = 0
this.history = []
this.complete = false
if (this.player.api && this.player.api && { =
while(!this.complete && this.attempts <= config.api.retry) {
await this.FetchMatchHistorySegment()
try {
await this.RecordMatchHistory()
} catch(e) {
this.logger(` ${e}`)
// We reached the end or exhausted all our attempts, process the data and move on...
this.logger(` Exiting loop...`)
async FetchMatchHistorySegment() {
this.history = []
try {
const res = await TrackerAPI.Warzone.MatchList(this.platform.api, this.profile.username,
this.attempts = 0 // reset attempts on success
this.history.push(res) =
this.logger(` Found ${res.matches.length} matches...`)
// If we get less than 20 matches we know we are at the end of their match history
// Without a definitive end to their match history, we wait for attempts to trigger close
if (res.matches.length < 20) {
this.complete = true
} catch(e) {
if (e.status === 400 && e.code.toLowerCase().includes('noaccount')) {
// no records found, abort
this.logger(' Player not found')
this.complete = true
const msg = this.attempts >= config.api.retry
? 'exiting loop'
: `waiting ${config.api.delay}ms for attempt #${this.attempts + 1}`
this.logger(` ${e.status} Error \"${e.code}\"... ${msg}...`)
if (this.attempts < config.api.retry) {
await delay(config.api.delay)
async RecordMatchHistory() {
const allMatches:TrackerAPI.Types.Warzone.MatchSummary[] = [].concat.apply([], => res.matches))
if (!allMatches.length && !this.complete) {
throw 'No matches found'
for(const match of allMatches) {
// Check if performance exists, if so we can skip everything
const performanceRecord = await this.db.collection('cod.performances').findOne({ matchId:, "player._id": this.player._id })
if (performanceRecord) {
this.logger(` Performance found for ${}... skipping...`)
this.logger(` Saving performance for match ${}`)
const normalizedPerformance = TrackerAPI.Normalize.Performance(match, this.player)
// Store performance in db
await this.db.collection('cod.performances').insertOne(normalizedPerformance)
const normalizedMatch = TrackerAPI.Normalize.Match(match)
// If we don't have this match in the db fetch details to compile teams
const matchRecord = await this.db.collection('cod.matches').findOne({ matchId: normalizedMatch.matchId })
if (!matchRecord) {
this.logger(` Creating record for match ${}`)
try {
const matchDetails = await this.FetchMatchDetails(normalizedMatch.matchId)
if (!matchDetails || !matchDetails.segments) { // most likely joined and left immediately - not quite sure about these
normalizedMatch.teams = TrackerAPI.Normalize.Teams(matchDetails)
await this.db.collection('cod.matches').insertOne(normalizedMatch)
} catch(e) {
throw new Error(e)
async FetchMatchDetails(matchId:string) {
this.attempts = 0
this.logger(` Fetching match details for id ${matchId}`)
while(true) {
try {
return await TrackerAPI.Warzone.MatchDetails(matchId)
} catch(e) {
const msg = this.attempts >= config.api.retry
? 'exiting loop'
: `waiting ${config.api.delay}ms for attempt #${this.attempts + 1}`
this.logger(` ${e.status} Error \"${e.code}\"... ${msg}...`)
if (this.attempts >= config.api.retry) {
throw e
await delay(config.api.delay)
async UpdatePlayer() {
const trn = { ...this.player.api, next:, updated: Math.floor( / 1000) }
if (!this.history.length) {
trn.failures = (trn.failures || 0) + 1
if (trn.failures >= config.api.failures) { = 0
trn.failures = 0
console.log(` Resetting ${this.profile.username}...`)
await this.db.collection('cod.players').updateOne({ _id: this.player._id }, { $set: {
api: {
} })
console.log(` Updated ${this.profile.username}...`)
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