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sudo apt build-dep libinput
sudo apt install ninja-build meson doxygen graphviz libgtk-3-dev check valgrind libunwind-dev
cd Developer/
git clone
cd libinput/
git checkout wip/advanced-thumb-detection-2
meson . builddir
ninja -C builddir
sudo ninja install -C builddir
cd /etc/

MacOS Touchpad Behavior Analysis

Single Touch

On a MacBook Air with 104mm x 76mm touchpad, macOS appears to put its equivalent of upper_thumb_line 20mm from the bottom, and lower_thumb_line 10mm from the bottom. On Magic Trackpad, 130mm x 108mm active area, these seem to be the same (20mm/10mm from bottom).

In AREA, i.e. above upper_thumb_line

  • Finger: Live touch, no speed threshold, free movement
  • Thumb: Live touch, no speed threshold, free movement

Below upper_thumb_line but above lower_thumb_line

mdmayfield / default-from-live-usb.txt
Last active May 27, 2018 22:31
compiz profile from VM where top menu rollover inexplicably works
s0_toggle_key = <Super>p
s0_window_types = Toolbar | Utility | Dialog | ModalDialog | Fullscreen | Normal
s0_ononinit = true
s0_brightness = 95
s0_saturation = 100
s0_opacity = 100
s0_open_effects = animation:Glide 2;animation:Fade;animation:Fade;